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MEDUSA (149):

First House
You’re villainized for your presence and your looks. You could encounter a lot of people that
refuse to take accountability for their own insecurities that could revolve around their
appearance or childhood wounds that they refuse to unpack and dreams that they chose not to
chase. You transform from this by giving those that are so scared and threatened of you,
something real to actually be intimidated by. This can look like empowering yourselves by
disempowering the slurs that they call you, unapologetically showcasing your taboos, and
appreciating yourself regardless amongst people who want you to hate yourself, once they
realize that the damage that they’ve done didn’t shatter you like they thought it would.
Second House
These individuals are villainized for what they’ve lost. People will this placement could have
experienced something devastating and out of your control regarding your appearance, like
maybe losing your hair or your teeth, but not limited to just these things. This can also indicate
being villainized for what you won’t give up, other people could feel entitled to your belongings
and accuse you of being selfish for things that you don’t have or need to share. You transform
from this by upholding your dignity, continuing to move forward, working with what you have,
or letting go of what’s superficial or socially acceptable. This placement allows you to recognize
that you are more than what you possess and that your beauty is something that never left.
Third House
Natives with this placement are villainized for the way that they keep to themselves. People
often mistake your introverted personality for someone that’s anti-social. You could prefer to
have a secluded lifestyle where not just anyone can be in your business and people take it very
personal to the point where they’d rather alienate you as a punishment instead of making your
privacy peaceful as you intended for it to be. What you say can easily be misinterpreted by
others and can deem you as problematic. I can see people with this placement seeking activities
where they can be anonymous, like for instance, ghost writing or being a Jane/John Doe with a
massive online platform. This transforms you in a way where you gain more confidence and
assertiveness with setting boundaries with others, maybe more likely to play the devil’s
advocate, but also not afraid to speak how you feel regardless if it will be popular or not, but in
a way, I also feel like you’ll be the person, if not already, that has the guts to say what people
want to say, but don’t because they’re afraid. 
Fourth House
Those with Medusa in the 4th house could be villainized for following their intuition and
trusting their gifts. In every single card in this spread, there’s a person with their eyes closed.
This is reminding me of the notorious and lethal gaze that Medusa has, one look, and you’re
turned into stone. People hate what these individuals pick up on about them but yet they’re
still prone to be deceptive even though it’s futile. I personally feel like this is where Medusa
exalts in, because I’m getting that they’re not people that can be bullied or swayed, especially
when it comes to their purpose. Their “villain” era is literally their birthright. Getting in their
way is inevitable because they’ve learned early to make a “home” within themselves, to be so
grounded with who they are to the point where no one can tell them otherwise.
Fifth House
This placement could indicate being villainized for how much you outgrow people. Your tastes
are always subjected to change, they never freeze in place like stone. You could have a long
history of being surrounded by people who just never seem to change, and as you drift away,
whether that be physically or just by your differences in what you do for fun now, they could
act very immature about it and that’s when it becomes problematic. In the end, you become a
person that’s eager to never peak when it comes to your creativity and passions. You’re always
going to be seeking more but at the same, not having expectations because it can be limiting,
but with the 5th house being naturally ruled by the sun, this works out in your favor by letting
your desires gravitate towards you. You’re attracted to those with high ambitions and you will
not hesitate to cut off anyone that tries to dim your light.
Sixth House
Natives with this placement are villainzed for having their own specific system. When it comes
to following your daily routines, commitments, and morals, you follow them by the book. I’m
getting that you guys could’ve been the opposite at first meaning, always people pleasing and
putting others over yourself until you’ve had enough of your kindness being taken for granted.
This transformed you by no longer being the person that sacrifices themselves anymore for
anything. You’re very crucial about your time and are not keen to those who want to waste it.
Freedom and control over your life is what you crave and will push anyone out of the way for.
Seventh House
People with Medusa in their seventh house are villainized for their dualism, the dark and
intimate parts about themselves that are ironically not accepted by those that they’re close
with. I’m getting that on the outside you could be seen as the person that has it all together.
People love to depend on you because they see you as this strong person to be around until
you’re the person that needs a hand or a shoulder to cry on too. It’s like Natives with this
placement are dehumanized and seen as frauds when they’re not this noble hero 24/7. They
transform from this by re-evaluating their roles in relationships. They’re not a codependent
hotline center or Jesus Christ, they’re in a relationship which is supposed to be a mutual
partnership, and if the other person isn’t doing their half, understanding and accepting that one
side of a person doesn’t cancel out the other, and acknowledging them as someone who
deserves empathy too, then they don’t meet the criteria as someone who deserves these
people at their best.
Eighth House
Kind of like the 3rd house placement, Medusa in the eighth house Natives are villainized for
having their own personal space. This could placement could attract domineering and intrusive
individuals who feel like they have the right to know your secrets or in general, what you’re
doing. You have an amazing way of transforming from this. You constantly regenerate yourself
to where it’s hard for others to keep up with you. You’re always going to be multiple steps
ahead of others, regardless of how much that they think they know. What makes this
placement different from the 3rd house is that you may not prefer to have a private lifestyle,
it’s just that people are weirdly offended about you having anything private at all. Moreover, I
feel like these individuals have a unique way of storing information, they may not want to save
anything in writing at all for a particular reason. I’m getting a scenario where this placement
could indicate growing up with a parent that would go through their diaries and dictated what
they wrote about.
Ninth House
Natives with Medusa in the Ninth House are villainzed for beliefs and teachings. It’s possible
that you rile up a bunch of controversy in most people that you meet or haven’t even met at all
but they know about you. Those with this placement are very protected, spiritually. Because of
this, you have the most accurate perception of how deities and the laws of the universe work,
but ironically, your views are heavily misconstrued. I’m getting that you’re not going to be
understood by many because you’re meant to be leaders that point people in the right
direction when it comes to their purpose and getting them acquainted to a higher level of
consciousness. People could try to weaponize your (or their) religion against you. Whichever
title it is, medium, shaman, healer, a lot of you are meant to be in that field.
Tenth House
Medusa in the Tenth House individuals can be villainzed for two things or both.  The first
reason, is your career. You could have a profession in something that’s not favorable by society,
I feel like this could be sex work, rootwork, an eccentric creative, etc. The second reason relates
to the feminine side of yourself being really recognizable and also the most demonized. People
hate or strongly abhor you for what they cannot control about you. People never tell the full
story about you because they know that they cannot take any credit for what you have and
who you are. You could be a prominent figure in a community that’s either loved and adored or
despised for transmuting your feminine energy into something that isn’t submissive. You
represent the dark feminine archetype. 
Eleventh House
You are villainized in your community and in your friend groups, I’m getting that the reasons for
this vary, but it seems like all ties back to other people’s greed. I’m seeing that this placement
had to endure many painful realizations that they aren’t supported by the people that they
needed most or that the people that they cared for deeply were not real friends. Like the
number 11, I feel as if you guys are mirrors that expose the malicious traits in people who are
put on a pedestal in a community, like activists, political figures, celebrities, and even people
who have some sort of royalty. I feel like this gave you an advanced level of discernment. I see
you guys as underrated heroes. Your betrayals may have inspired you to be huge but private
humanitarians that demonstrate that you don’t need an audience to do charity work and you
don’t need an audience to decide what your character is.
Twelfth House
This placement can indicate being villainized for what you did in a past life. Even though you’re
in a new life, you could have started off with a streak of unfortunate events in the beginning
that seemed too much of a coincidence, but it’s a repeat of different scenarios in your past
lifetimes where you’re on the other end of the stick. This placement predicts that you have
successfully transformed your negative karma into positive karma by not letting your hurdles
keep you in a never ending cycle by learning from them instead of retaliating.

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