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Unit 1 Quiz Date: A € Listen to a conversation between two frien correct answers, 1. Carlos is Da. waiting for his best friend Ob. going on vacation Oe going to Mexico City 3. 2. Carlos has known Alvaro since 4, Cla. he moved to San Francisco Ob. he moved from Mexico City Oe. elementary school B Put the words in order, Sometimes, 1. stand / always / for / up / 1/ my bestfriend annem SE 2. bring / some people / out / in you / the worst dds at an airport. Then check (V) the more than one answer is possible. —/8 points (2 points each) Hariko calls her friend Cla every week Ob. once a month Oc. every day Hariko is going to LA. Ca. to work on her thesis Ob. to visit her best friend Oe. for her job —/10 points (2 points each) oo ee 3. down / you / do your friends / put 4. hung / Thave / to / my old friends / from school ee ee ee Zon TE 5. into / ran / an old classmate / yesterday I / at the mall Match the words to complete the sentences, 1. Those who are the most 2. People friends. 3.161 5. _ friendships are those where years, 6. To ___with my teammates is a good feeling. T212 toward you are your friends, from the Internet by using it to reach faraway with a friend, I wait a few days before talking again 4. Thave friends whose accomplishments I really you know people for many ee c —/6 points (1 point each) a. benefit b. admire enduring empathetic harmonize ' c a e, f. clash 1 © Cambridge University Press 2008 Photocopiable | D Circle the words that best complete each sentence. D 1. Twas expecting to hear / hearing from Suzy, but I guess she’s too busy to call —/8 points 2. Maria keeps 4o invite / inviting me to parties, but I haven't been able to go to any, (2 points each) 3 [prefer to be asked / be asking when someone borrows my things, 4. Teconsidered looking up /to look up my old friend from college, but I didn’t E Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. E rebuild reconnect rehash resurface —/8 points recall redefine rekindle reunion (1 point each) Se pavement 1. Micah quit school for a semester, but last week she __ ! 2. I saw a friend from school, but I couldn't ___ 3. Kate always his name. herself. Whenever I see her, she looks different, 4. we this disagreement again, I'm going to go crazy. 5. After our fight, it was hard for us to _— our friendship. 6. We were glad to___ our friendships after being apart so long. 7. My high school is having a class this weekend. 8. Our college friend Mutly, will with us for dinner next weekend. F Read the article. Then check (V) true or false. - 110 points ‘Americans are more socially disconnected than ever, experts say. Over the last 30 years, attendance (2 points each) at clubs and civic associations has decreased. Also, people don't visit with friends as much as their Parents and grandparents did. Tis rend has an impact on people's everyday lives in ways you ‘wouldn't expect. For example, areas where. People know their neighbors’ names have a lower crime ‘ate than areas where people don't interact with one another. But social disconnection has more obvious Consequences. People need connection with others, and their physical and mental health depend on it. According to one study, joining just one ‘group cuts your chances of dying within one year by 50 percent. A Harvard professor suggests that people engage in activities in which they interact with a diverse ‘group of people, rather than in ‘socializing with people like themselves. Find groups of people for which superficially you have something in common. For example, you might ‘have children the same age, or you play the same | ‘Sport. Joining groups like these guarantees you will meet many different types of people, even though you may only have one interest in common, l — True False 1. People are visiting friends less often than 30 years ago. a a 2. People whodon't know their neighbors suffer higher crime rates. OQ 3. Having a connection with others doesn’t affect your health. fa o 4. Joining diverse groups of people helps you connect with others. oO 5. Joining a group cuts your chance of dying by 30 percent. ele (a) Total: — out of 0 © Cambridge Universiy Press 2008 Photocopiable 213 |

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