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1. Can you tell me about your self ?/ Please introduce about yourself ?
My name is Lady Diana, I’m 25 years old, I graduated from Jember University at 2018.
I.m single, I stay in Jember. I worked in Bina Sehat Hospital since 2018 till now. I have 5
years experiences inmedical ward.
2. Which department are you working ?/ Where are you working ?. Medical ward, ER,
OR, HD ( silahkan dipilih )
3. How many years experiences ? 5 years
4. What do you know about IPSG ?
International Patient Safety Goals.
1. Identify patient correctly with full name and hospital number.
2. Improve effective communication with write down, read back, confirm. When
we receive an order. And using SBAR while informing/ reporting order.
3. Improve the safety of high alert medications. Keep medicine separately and
give labels.
4. Ensure safe surgery. Should be correct patient, correct site, correct
procedure. Apply site marking.
We have to give endorsement to OT nurse ( Time in Time Out ) :
a. Patient name.
b. Patient diagnose
c. Patient procedure.
d. Last food
e. Informed consent
f. Last vital signs
g. Jewelery
h. Make up
i. Artificial denture
j. Past history.
k. Last medication
5. Reduce the risk of health care associated infections with hand hygine. Five
moment hand hygiene.
6. Reduce the risk of patient of harm resulting from the falls. Keep side rails up.
Give label for patient with high risk of fall ( children, geriatric, patient with
decreased of LOC)

5. What is your daily activity in your ward ?/ What are you doing everyday in your ward
- Do Patient asessement
- Take vital signs
- Give Comfort position ( fowler, semifowler )
- Apply oxygen
- Doing ECG
- Imobilization ( trauma case )
- Apply cervical collar ( trauma case )
- Apply splint and bandage ( trauma case )
- Administer medication ( pain medication/ nebulization/ injection as per doctor
- Inserting urine catheter or NGT
- Assisting delivery ( midwife )
- Preparing patient for C&S ( Caesarean Section )
- Preparing patient for D&C ( Dillated and Curretage )
- Give baby bath.

Nursing supervisor job description :

 Manage and coordinate nurse schedule.
 Assign patients to nurses.
 Evaluate nurses performances
 Handling complaint.
 Ensure all nurses follow policies and procedures
 Keep records of nurses files, patients, cases and procedures.

Charge nurse job description :

 Coordinating daily administrative duties, including schedules, nursing assignments and
patient care.
 Recording patient’s medical records and monitoring vital signs.
 Supervising nursing staff and overseeing their needs.
 Monitoring patient admissions, transfer and discharges.
 Mentor and train new staff.
 Record and maintain accurate reports.

6. What is the normal vital signs ?/ What is the normal value of vital signs ?
BP = 120/80
SpO2 > 96 - 100 %.
HR = 60 - 100 / minute
RR = 16-20 / minute
Temp = 36,5 - 37,5 C

7. What is PPE ? What is that ?

PPE = Personal Protective Equipment ( Gloves, googles/ faceshield, face mask, hair cap,
gown, boat )
8. How do you take care patient with covid 19 ?
Keep the patient in isolation room ( negative pressure ), keep all the things separately, no
visitor allowed.
9. How do you take care patient with airborne infectioan ?Keep in isolation room with
negative pressure, limitation of visitor
10. What kind of patient that you take care in the ward ?/ What is the common case you
take care in the ward ?. HT, Stroke, CVA, anemia, MI, DM, diarhea
11. What do you know about HT ( meaning, sign & symptom, treatment )
HT is high blood pressure. BP > 160/120
Signs & symptom : high BP, headache, blurred vision, vomiting, shortness of breath,
chest pain, nausea, body weakness.
Treatment :
Take patient asessement, take vital signs, take ECG, apply oxygen, give comfort position,
give medicine ( anti hypertension ), health education ( change life style, exercise )
12. What do you know about DM ( meaning, sign & symptom, treatment, type )
Diabetes Mel is Hiperglycemia, sign & symptoms are polyuria (more urinenation,
polydipsy (more thirsty) and polyfagy (more eating), treatment are, Diabetes diet,
excersise, oral anti diabetes, insulin, observ the RBS (Random Blood Sugar)
13. What do you know about anemia ( meaning, sign & symptom, treatment )
Anemia is Haemoglobin less than 8, S/S are pale, dizziness, headache, tachycardia, the
treatmen is Blood transfusion
14. What do you know about stroke ( meaning, sign & symptom, treatment, type)
Stroke/ Cerebral Vascular attack is disruption of blood flow to the brain caused
neurovascular defect, S/S are, paralysis, trouble speaking, numbness of face, leg, arm,
headache, decrease level of consiousness, the treatmen are airway management, observ
the vital sign, elevate the head of bed 30o ,hidration, antyhipertensive drug,
anticoagulant teraphy as doctor’s advice
15. What do you know about asthma ( meaning, sign & symptom, treatment )
Asthma is condition when the ariways narrow and swell and may produce extra mucus.
Signs & Symptom : SOB, chest pain, wheezing, coughing, sneezing.
Treatment : semi fowler/ fowler position, oxygen therapy, medication ( broncodilator )
16. What do you know about COVID 19 ( meaning, sign & symptom, treatment )
COVID is a respiratory infection caused by corona viruses, S/S, difficult breathing,
fever, cough, flu like symptoms, body ache, chest pain, treatment are place the patient
in Isolation room, O2, semifowler position, medication as symptom, anti viruses as
doctor’s advice, mechanical ventilator if needed
17. What do you know about CAD ( meaning, sign & symptom, treatment )
CAD is Coronary Artery Disease
Signs & Symptoms : chest pain/ discomfort, nausea, weakness, SOB.
Treatment : rest, oxygen, medication ( MONATAS : Morphine, Oxygen, Nitroglycerin,
Aspirin, Trombolytic, Anticoagulant, Stool softener ), change lifestyle
18. What do you do if there is patient with heavy vaginal bleeding?
 Take patient asessement
 Take vital signs
 Give comfort position
 Observe bleeding ( intake and output )
 Insert IV line
 Administer medicine/ blood transfusion.
 Informed to doctor. Surgery if needed.

19. What do you do if there is patient in labour ?

 Take patient asessement
 Take vital signs
 Give comfort position
 Administer IV line
 Apply oxygen
 Monitoring the stages of labor
 Monitoring CTG
 Assisting for delivery
 Observing the bleeding

20. What do you know about labour ?

Process of giving birth to a baby.

21. How many stages of labour ?

4 stages. Stage 1 ( dilated of the cervix 0-10 cm ). Stage 2 ( delivery of baby. Stage 3
( delivery of placenta ). Stage 4 ( first two hour after birth )

22. What do you know about CS section ?

C&S is surgical procedure to deliver baby through anincision in the mother abdomen.

23. What is the preparation of CS section ?

 Take vital signs.
 Take patient asessement
 Take informed consent.
 Fasting ( last food )
 Remove all jewelery, make up, artificial dentures.
 Last medication.
 Take past history of the patient.

24. What do you know about D&C

D&C is procedure to remove tissue from inside our uterus. To trear certain uterine
condition like heavy bleeding.

25. Tell me about CPR

 CPR is Cardio Pulmonary Rescucitation.
 Cek respon
 Call for help
 Check carotid pulse
 Check airway and breathing ( look, listen, feel )
 CPR ( 30 compression, 2 ventilation for 2 minutes and 5 cycles )
 After 2 minutes check CAB. If there is pulse, no breathing. We will do rescue
breathing 10-12 times per minutes.
 Recovery position.

26. What is the preparation and procedure of inserting IV cannula ?

Equipment : IV canula, tourniquet, gloves, syringe, dressing.
Procedure :
 Take informed consent.
 Wash hand.
 Give patient orivacy.
 Wear gloves.
 Apply tourniquet.
 Clean the skin with alcohol swab.
 Insert the needlde with 10-25 degree of angle.
 Insert the IV cannula until blood flow back.
 Remove the needles.
 Secure the IV cannula
 Observe the sign of pain or phlebitis.
 Documentation

27. What is the preparation and procedure of inserting NGT ?

Equipment : NGT, syringe 50 cc, stetoscope, tape, gloves, gel
Procedure :
 Take informed consent.
 Wash hand.
 Give patient orivacy, keep semi fowler patient
 Wear gloves.
 Measures the NGT from earlobe to nose to processus xypoidius.
 Apply gel
 Choose the nose, insert gently untik the mark.
 Check the placement, give air flush 10-20 cc. If there is sound, correct place.
 Secure.
 Clean the area.
 Documentation.
28. What is the preparation and procedure of inserting urine catheheter ?
Equipment : Urine catheter, gloves ( sterile and non sterile ), syringe 10/20 ml, sterile
water, tape, gloves, gel, urine bag
Procedure :
 Take informed consent.
 Wash hand. Keep litotomy position
 Wear gloves ( clean gloves )
 Clean the vagina
 Removed the clean gloves and wear the sterile gloves.
 Apply gel
 Insert gently untik the urine come out
 Check the placement, inflate the baloon with sterile water. Connected with urine bag.
 Secure.
 Clean the area.
 Documentation.

29. What is the preparation and procedure of giving IM injection?

Equipment : Medicine, syringe, alcohol swab, gloves
Procedure :
 Take informed consent.
 Wash hand.
 Wear gloves
 Clean the area with alcohol swab.
 Choose the area ( gluteal muscle, vastus lateralis muscle, deltoid muscle )
 Open the syringe.
 Insert the needle 90 degree of angle, pullback, if no blood, give full injection
 Removed the syringe.
 Clean the things
 Documentation

30. What is the preparation and procedure of giving SC injection?

Equipment : Medicine, syringe, alcohol swab, gloves
Procedure :
 Take informed consent.
 Wash hand.
 Wear gloves
 Clean the area with alcohol swab.
 Choose the area ( gluteal muscle, vastus lateralis muscle, deltoid muscle )
 Open the syringe.
 Insert the needle 45 degree of angle, pullback, if no blood, give full injection
 Removed the syringe.
 Clean the things
 Documentation
 Insert the needle 10 degree of angle,0,1 ml till bulging. GIve mark, write the medicine and
 Removed the syringe.
 Clean the things
 Documentation

31. What is the preparation and procedure of giving blood transfusion?

Equipment Blood product, blood transfusion set, gloves, normal saline, Procedure :
 Take informed consent.
 Wash hand.
 Wear gloves
 Take vital signs.
 Flushed with saline 50 - 100 ml
 Administer blood product.
 Monitor vital signs after 15 minutes and every 1 hour till 4 hours.
 After that, take vital signs.
 Clean the area.
 Clean the things
 Documentation

32. What is the preparation and procedure of wound care?

Equipment : wound care equipment, gloves, gauze, antiseptic ( betadine solution )
Procedure :
 Take informed consent.
 Wash hand.
 Wear gloves
 Open the dressing.
 Evaluate the wound ( length, colour, blood , wet/ dry )
 Removed the dressing
 Clead the wound with abtiseptic solution from inside to outside in around
 Cover with gauze, secure.
 Clean the things
 Documentation

33. What do you know about triage ? ( meaning, level, case each level )
Triage is sorting of patient/ clasification of patient.
Level 1 : Rescuciation ( cardiac arrest )
Level 2 : Emergent ( GCS < 13, Acute stroke )
Level 3 : Hypertension, SOB
Level 4 : Mild haemorhhage, vomiting, diarhea )
Level 5 : minimal pain

34. How do you give medication to the patient ?

With 6 rights of medication ( right patient, right time, right dose, right route, right
medication, right documentation )

35. How do you do patient asessement ?

Asking the complaint, allergy, last history, last food, last surgery, last medication, LMP,
body weight

36. How do you apply bandage and splint ?

Splint :
 Compare with other side.
 Measure the splint
 Has to passed two joint
 Apply minimum 2 splint
 Secure.
 Check CMS ( circulation, movement and sensation )
Bandage :
 Press the wound with gauze.
 Secure with roll gauze

37. How do you handle high alert medication ?

Keep the medicine separately.
Give labels.
Handled with 2 registered nurse.

38. How do you handle patient with trauma ?

 Take patient asessement ( MOI ; Mechanism Of Injury )
 Take vital signs
 Imobilize the patient.
 Apply servical collar.
 Observe bleeding and cut wound
 Apply splint and bandage
 Insert IV line

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