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1. Do you think the readers will be able to relate to this poem? How?

2. What is the main theme(s) in your poem and how will it continue to speak to the readers in
the centuries to come?
3. Your poetry brings out the belief that nature is conscious and shows the influence of nature
on man. Could you please elaborate on that.
4. If you were to give any other title to your poem, what would that be?

Good Afternoon Everyone,

Welcome to the poetry podcast, today we have a special guest with us William Wordsworth to
discuss his poem Ode: Intimations of immortality

So my first question to you William is Do you think the readers can relate to your poem and how?

To the common eye it would be challenging to understand and relate to the meaning of this poem.
Although, the readers that are interested in the emotion, the tone, and the mood that I am trying to
portray will interpret the beauty and expression of my words. My poem also helps the reader
appreciate the magnanimous and utopic nature of the environment. The earth is like a mother to us
humans, it nurtures us and also provides us with shelter. Nature’s charm and glory in the modern
world is undermined by people. The points that I mentioned before can be inferred throughout the
poem but especially in these lines.

The rainbow comes and goes,

And lovely is the rose;

The moon doth with delight

Look round her when the heavens are bare;

Waters on a starry night

Are beautiful and fair;

The sunshine is a glorious birth;

But yet I know, where’re I go,

That there hath passed away a glory from the earth.

Earth fills her lap with pleasures of her own;

Yearnings she hath in her own natural kind,

And, even with something of a mother's mind,

And no unworthy aim,

The homely nurse doth all she can

To make her foster-child, her Inmate Man,

The individuals that have the ability and the desire to find this meaning can relate to this poem and
see nature through my eyes.
One of the most essential themes in my poem is that nature is an Edenic garden which displays a
serine harmony between fauna and flora. This theme and lesson should be taught to future
generations to come. Since in recent times mother earth is being abused for resources by mankind.
Because of that human interference the harmony is being disrupted. This theme is gradually
increasing in significance since recently issues such as deforestation and global warming have arised.
If we don’t start now we might not be able to preserve nature before it all diminishes.

The other theme that I included in this poem was how our life is just a small part of our soul’s
journey that we eventually forget so we should appreciate the things that we have in this life. These
are just among some the lessons that I learnt from Jesus’s sermons about the Higher Conscience.

My parents unfortunately passed away when I was an oblivious teen. I underwent a lot of trauma
during this depressing time, but to cope with this I became one with nature. As when I soaked in the
positivity that nature was exuding. I experienced a feeling of joy which was unusual when my family
and I were going through a time of despair. I observed a natural phenomenon of how the smiles and
laughs are contagious and how even a smidgen can make the whole word jolly. These lines can
evidently present how I have used my poetry skill to portray my emotions.

To me alone there came a thought of grief:

A timely utterance gave that thought relief,

And I again am strong:

The cataracts blow their trumpets from the steep

No more shall grief of mine the season wrong;

I hear the echoes through the mountains throng,

The winds come to me from the fields of sleep,

The soul’s Journey: Appreciation of life

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