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09/04/16, 8:02 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: westwards

09/04/16, 8:55 am - babaOldieLnsb: In my journey westwards I see the setting sun

and rising moon.
09/04/16, 10:18 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: And the westward wind was gushing in my body:
the unholy ruins.

12/04/16, 10:27 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: audio

12/04/16, 10:50 pm - babaOldieLnsb: Audio is to help making audible throuhh a
symple system.
We talk and make speech -the purpose
may not be solved if the listerner is not able to hear due to the problem of sound
transmission or mental reception.
Mental reception we can not correct soon but by audio mechanism we can take the
words through sounds to hit the brains of audiance .
Audio helps to reach physically and easily to the Audience -'rest is the
preparation of the audience to be able to listen.
13/04/16, 7:33 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: On yesterday's word:
Audio makes the audiences' reactions. Audio shakes the obsolete definitions with
the power of voice.

14/04/16, 4:15 pm - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: activity

14/04/16, 11:12 pm - babaOldieLnsb: I have some eagerness to act on some points
which give me zeal and I consider them as my core activities.
I act on some points which is needed for my sevice organisation and I say there are
so many activities.
I act with some friends in a social group or organisation who together think for
some action points and define them 1....2...3......and we say these are our
15/04/16, 12:08 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: People are acting randomly. They think they are
driven either by their own will or God's will. But as both ideas are unproved and
'will' is not yet properly defined, each action is done with a disorder intact,
limited by all knowledge we currently have. So activity is the disorder we give to
the universe in all the well-defined phases/states/ of life and physicality...

15/04/16, 8:43 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: insensitivity

15/04/16, 1:36 pm - babaOldieLnsb: I percieve things as per the efficiency of my
senses and the sensorivity depends upon these sens organs perceptions and how the
perceptions are analysed by the brain which is again under the influence of the
personality and the background of the person.
Insensitive becomes a relative word -how much one is not sensitive to a particular
situation .
My sensitiveness to a wrtefched person in the street is far low than that of Mother
15/04/16, 6:12 pm - AATheGreatâ„¢: Insensitivity towards the universal call is an
absurd hypothesis as in the order of redefinition, we still have to re-define what
is 'universe'. Now if we can re-define 'universe', then dilemma related to
personality, related to individual perception and related to significance of mind
as a sensory organ...

16/04/16, 7:50 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: sheetrock

17/04/16, 11:39 am - babaOldieLnsb: Sheetrock is a kind of plaster board.
We need supports of such plaster boards to keep our strentgth upright whrm we feel
They may not be able to give longer help but can help for longer ride.
17/04/16, 11:41 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: I will give my response on yesterday's word.
This is today's random word: fungibility.
17/04/16, 11:51 am - babaOldieLnsb: Fungibility is interchangeability.
Inside our being, we hv several driving forces having different core set ups. If
they remain rigid there will be no real progress. If they adopt interchangiability
they can reenergise to act in the new position and new spirt. This will lead the
life to heights in greater speed.
Thanks to the creator who has made such inbuilt system.
18/04/16, 1:44 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: The fungibility of human
self/nature/consciousness is the plaster layer sandwiched between the two layers of
mind, the inner and the outer one which all together constitute the body of a

18/04/16, 8:45 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: safecracker

18/04/16, 10:02 pm - babaOldieLnsb: I think I am conscious to keep my inner being
safe. But there are many external elements who break the safety seal and enter
inside me andc steal away my core life.
U O' safecrackers !! I am not ur target -pl see other places.
18/04/16, 11:21 pm - AATheGreatâ„¢: People have safety boxes inside them. Those
boxes are full of light when the journey starts. But darkness creeps in as the box
wears down. But remember, the safecracker is inside. Inside the heart of the box,
the self. And it will break the safe of darkness from inside. Because outside,
there is only light... There is only light.

19/04/16, 8:57 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: inconclusiveness

19/04/16, 10:09 pm - babaOldieLnsb: Conclusiveness is a closed door -may be foused
for a shorter aim
Inconclusiveness has openness for a new thing. But may not be focused.
20/04/16, 11:34 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Individual Inconclusiveness is perhaps the
first towards universal acceptance.

21/04/16, 9:23 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: lawbooks

21/04/16, 7:29 pm - babaOldieLnsb: I do not understand this word -is it Law books
or lawbooks.
21/04/16, 7:41 pm - AATheGreatâ„¢: "You cannot find a law in any lawbook which
states the real truth that there is no real law....

22/04/16, 10:47 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: further

22/04/16, 12:11 pm - babaOldieLnsb: U see only the present and further.
When u walk u walk further.
When u write ur piece of writing is further.
U speak is meant for furthet.
Ur songs relax u further.
U live only for further
22/04/16, 12:38 pm - AATheGreatâ„¢: To go farther, further down the road,
we need all hands on sail, to sail the boat
For there will be sale of lost cause and symphony
Let's row together to dip in the sea of harmony.

23/04/16, 10:42 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: kiddingly

23/04/16, 10:58 am - babaOldieLnsb: When u were a kid i was saying go this was ,
play this way , illustate this way and play this way.
Today I am writing, "dear Munu and Gudu help me this way. - I am novice in new
technologies and I aspire to handle these -ur guiding is the kiddinly for me - my
guiding is kiddingly for u.
23/04/16, 11:08 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: What is kiddinly?
24/04/16, 9:49 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: We have grown in physical, mental and spiritual
level very kiddingly... And we have grown well.. So why to be serious...?

24/04/16, 10:57 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: kickback

24/04/16, 7:59 pm - babaOldieLnsb: U kick and get back what u want.
This is a abnormal way of business dealing-this affects the natural social fabric
and socity dies with kickbacks.
24/04/16, 10:43 pm - AATheGreatâ„¢: You get kickbacks wherever you knock. But for
this, you shouldn't stop knocking. Because, one day you won't get any kickbacks.
Then u have achieved the first step of success... Then there chance of getting
kickbacks (bribery) again. These kickbacks you have avoid. Avoid all these, and you
reach the 2nd step. Then u just need to kick the bad energy in you back to where
they come from. That's the 3rd step of success.. And then, perhaps you can stop or
perhaps search more use of the word "kickback" by redefinition and Reformation....
A world awaits you.
24/04/16, 10:43 pm - AATheGreatâ„¢: * a new world awaits you...

25/04/16, 10:20 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: holiday

25/04/16, 12:06 pm - babaOldieLnsb: Sunday is a known holiday and there are many
religious and other holidays.
Bur where are the holidays when ur mind is fully packed with works.
People say that holidays are for family and household work and socialisation. I am
blamed inside house that I hv no holidays-others take away my time in sundays. I
get relaxed when i spend my time for creativity, gardening and putting my efforts
for social works in sunday and other holidays-for me this way of spending time in
holidays are true holidaying spirit. But my perception is not a sanctioned one.
25/04/16, 1:48 pm - AATheGreatâ„¢: Holidays are about setting your priorities and
do the things which you are not able to do in the working days... It may include
anything on your priority list. So I cannot think any unsanctioned act in spending
non-family time in holidays if there are more burning and squelching matters in the
heart of the priority list. You just need to convey your priorities and understand
others' priorities. You will soon find a work around which you will never think of
as unsanctioned.
25/04/16, 2:26 pm - babaOldieLnsb: Yes -I agree.
I need to learn some internal management.
-ha ! ha! O' my weekend -relieve me from tension and relax me to live wide.
25/04/16, 8:34 pm - AATheGreatâ„¢: Learn soon... I may need your teachings..

26/04/16, 10:29 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: washing-up

26/04/16, 12:16 pm - babaOldieLnsb: We take food and some body else washes our
I remain conscious to wash my dishes but sometimes forgets and my wife washes.
This is indian male psychology and I have inherent gene of that.
To compensate my wrongs sometimes take the plates of others to wash up.
-it is really a good mental excercise to clean the inner.
27/04/16, 8:53 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: I am near the seashore
See the needles of my watch
Watch the sea goddess roar
Roarers inside ask me to to unhatch.

Unhatched me must finish the following fast.

First finess my soul and then my heart
Heart-clock ticks slow, love-oil it needs
To learn washing-up the soul - the godly art.

--On washing-up and clock...

27/04/16, 9:46 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: vindication

27/04/16, 8:06 pm - babaOldieLnsb: It is self defense.
U know u have done a wrong but u do nt want other should comment against -then u
become too much defensive.
This is the attitude of vindication.
27/04/16, 8:24 pm - AATheGreatâ„¢: We have enough vindication that we exist for
real. But do we?

28/04/16, 8:30 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: bundling

28/04/16, 8:45 am - babaOldieLnsb: Pasts have been piled up. Unable manage the
heaps but do not want to loose one.
I bundle them and keep safe but forget -and cry-"in which bundle you are!"
29/04/16, 12:28 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Whispering child
Tear down the cheeks, mild,
Hear the man, who seeks
Save the happy moments
In the room you gave in rents,
As your thoughts keep on pile up
Till it touches the roofs and the peaks.

Wish for inside-

Cleansing by the nature, wild,
Wounded thoughts get the suture
The man keeps on seeking
As I keep on peeking
Down the hallway to find another room
For my jumbled up thoughts' future.

Dreams and thoughts

As I kept on asking mutts
To hold on to it, as it rots
While I hurt the man and cure my cuts

Bundled up in a trundling cart

Memories try to keep on with me
As I skip them, jump past, to tear the future apart
And to hurt the man, cure my cuts
I swayed. I was swayed, forgetful, by my mystic alter ego.
I forgot to hurt the man, got hurt,
Sought help but not
I am nobbut a robot with coats and....

As the bundling thread breaks

I fall apart.

29/04/16, 9:44 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: debauchery

30/04/16, 12:10 am - babaOldieLnsb: People gathered from different backgrounds to
get little excitation together but without any meaningful purpose-
They engaged in alcohol drinks -jumbled their minds ,danced with rhythm and no
rythms. They said they were enjoing life.
Were they realy enjoing the life or for getting a tensed living -they know it
It is all debouchery.
30/04/16, 12:43 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Humans are very intriguing. At one moment they
are conservative and at one moment they are open-minded. Existence loses its
significance when humans stop believing in it. Does the non-existence creates
something better or bitter experience and state of mind is another matter. Yes, we
can say that non-existence is different from existence.
Does it bring us towards God? - No idea.
Does it make us universal? - No idea.
Does it take away our existence? - True.
Is it only materialistic experience? - No idea.
Debauchery leads us to non-existent state where enjoyment, ecstacy and nearness
with God becomes somewhat mixed losing their boundaries.
Does it foul the holy ground or does it help reach it? - No idea.
Does our mind palace understands the state of non-existence? - Not when it is
existent. But then again, we have no idea.

Cruel life we lead

With indecisive decisions to drive it
Until we fall in a pit
Or rise beyond it
To a world in our mind, very well-lit.

30/04/16, 8:22 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: skydiving

30/04/16, 9:34 pm - babaOldieLnsb: When i travel in plane very high in the sky
above the clouds, I get too much enchanted while look through the window -the far
stretched sky -limitless but bounded by unwalled horizons and at the same time when
the eveing wraps over with dazzling stars -I get overwhelmed and feel to enjoy with
open body , the welkin in the void.
If the windows could be opened and the Death God allows me skydiving-I would do so
asap-the ecstasy......!! Wonderful moments ... dream only.
01/05/16, 7:33 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: As I believe, the dreams that come to our mind
bear the mere reflection of an existing truth that we have not yet found. The
ecstasy that we think of feeling is the experience of goodness at the unexpected
moments of life that are yet to happen.

Time is a capsule. We can eat it. But it's effect will reflect in us if we have
cured all of the time-independent diseases. Anything that is time-independent has
to be space-dependant as per our limited sense (but we will keep on using it as we
can only explore our new senses only through the limits). To get cured against the
space, we need to skydive. Skydiving is not a sport but it is an art to find the
senses of oneself. It is a way of meditating and healing. It is a way to understand
the diseases related to space and make cure for these.

But don't we have a less limited and me and many like us, the
thinkers? I cannot say. But I know that meditating and healing can take us beyond
time and space. Our skydiving shouldnt be limited f
In diving from the visible sky. Because this sky is not the limit for us. These
senses are not the limit for us. JUMP! JUMP! TAKE A LEAP OF FAITH INTO YOURSELF.

01/05/16, 7:47 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: carbonisation

01/05/16, 2:22 pm - babaOldieLnsb: I am from the land of coal.
Black - full of carbon- high potentially of commerce - increases the wealth as
fuel both of Govt and people .
After thousands of yrs coal becomes diamond.
Man digs the earth to pick up and pile up coals -in the modern worlds machines dig
-coals in huge quantity.

Indiscriminate use of coal for fuel creates envirionmental pollution- Affects the
air -chokes the respiration.
People suffer from coal miners lungs.
Needs carbonisation to save population.
01/05/16, 2:47 pm - AATheGreatâ„¢: Note: I am not a racist.
But we are black, all humans. The darkness in us will take us nowhere. There is one
way to get rid of it. Lets burn and distillate ourselves. It will be a hard choice
because we don't see the diamond in a coal unless we polish it or the coal-
potential from raw coal unless we carbonise it. Similarly, we also have that carbon
part which causes the darkness inside us and we need to get rid of it.

Carbonisation is the process where we exert the darkness in us.

02/05/16, 10:37 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: distinct

02/05/16, 10:45 pm - babaOldieLnsb: If u are clear in ur heart, ur mind will flow
with a distinct direction.
If the heart is cloudy mind will natually indistinct and without direction.
Heart lines distictness.
03/05/16, 1:05 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Each distinct flower that blooms in our heart
bears a happy moment as its scent. Their essence, if we can reflect it outside our
heart, can heal any pain with their grace. So let's reflect our happy moment, our
happiness to the world. Then our flower will never die and more flowers will bloom
in each and everyone's garden...

03/05/16, 9:33 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: cockatrice

03/05/16, 11:59 pm - babaOldieLnsb: Long long its body -sharp tongue and wide
U enter in the darkness -u are in ignorance - u got encircled and was supposed to
be eaten away but got saved.
U learnt and gained skills-u tamed the furious reptile sprouted from the egg to be
ur carrier- others were in fear.
04/05/16, 7:02 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: A cockatrice's quack
With a dragon's back
Is a fiery noise full of fury.
Trying to poise itself as the jury
The reptile to destroy the humanity
Is on lose bearing darkness in its mouth
Until it was tamed and soothed.
And peace prevailed again.

04/05/16, 7:07 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: lauding

04/05/16, 8:43 pm - babaOldieLnsb: Things with true spirit are heard even without
little sound.
Many are not heard even with top of audible sounds.
Some try to transmit their message by louding-the communication halts, if spirit
is low.
Louding has least meaning in message transmission
05/05/16, 12:10 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Lauding the goodness of a fact or hypothesis is
not a good idea. From nature's history, we learn that nature unfolds itself petal
by petal. Staying at a particular petal, we shouldn't be too brave to talk about
how the lower petals behave. It's the connection between the petals, the known and
the unknown, the receptacle of the flower, which needs to be observed and reached.
Then only one can give an approximate idea of each petal. But until there are at
least some petals, which are unknown, the state when you are content with the
'known' and content with the ancient approach of petal-by-petal exploration, you
will never get the urge to reach the receptacle and to unfold the folded truth.
Partially may be, but it would be a better state of existence.
We won't need to laud then.

05/05/16, 10:38 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: gibberellic

05/05/16, 10:53 am - babaOldieLnsb: Where to start when u are fatigue and do not
see any growth.
There may be substance in the lower strata which can boost u being at higher place.
Fungus sits at the lowest rung of plant kingdom.
The gibberlic acid extracted from fungus boost the growth of plants of higher
strata -all is wonder!
U get energy from them whom u say lower.
The blood and organs
of a so called low caste can save a Brahmin of highest Social Ego.
05/05/16, 11:53 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Does it become very gibberish then, if no one
is there to create the gibberellic acid?
If no one remains to be called as lower, if equality prevails everywhere, does it
mean that everyone will die out of dried out energy?

08/05/16, 12:17 pm - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: revival

08/05/16, 11:13 pm - AATheGreatâ„¢: A heart's beating heard from miles
In the colors of life's so many tiles:
Patterns only understood by the entropy,
The randomness that's a miracle trophy
For humanity.
The past unheard is ringing ding dong
The future unthought is screaming all along,
Ready get uncovered
Ready get discovered
In this hour of God.
Revival of the certainty,
The only certain fact in the universal university,
Caused by the scarcity of reason and simultaneously the excess of it,
The paradox that is clear when we stop ignoring it.
The paradox solvable by the revival,
The come back of the dissolute unity
And becoming its real self, the universal entity.
Yes, there is lie.
But only when we think of it so.
The revival shows
The lie is only the other truth that we cannot gauge.
It's not a mojo magic stuff
Science can have find that it is not a bluff.
Expanding itself towards acceptance
Is the leap forward towards the more real truth,
Accepting that all lies are truth,
That all bads are goods
That all sins are boons
That all wrongs are rights
We will reach the ultimate boundary
Where there is no boundary between truth and lie,
No limited definition of happiness and sorrow...
It's the revival of a open heart,
That existed a long long years ago...
Before the humanity and earth,
The oneness is what covered the universe's girth,
That heart will beat again to create a new game and a new beginning...
08/05/16, 11:14 pm - AATheGreatâ„¢: *Ready to get uncovered/ discovered

09/05/16, 1:02 pm - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: researching

09/05/16, 4:58 pm - babaOldieLnsb: Lost my enthusiasm in innovative social
I was searching for new roads and new mthods and appropriating some existing. I was
getting the results of
my searches.
Wonderful gifts from the unknown.
I will now research those to get my persuits with a new vigour and new life
10/05/16, 8:42 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: God is researching for his best creation. He
doesn't know that he can't recreate Himself. His best creation will be worst for
him. And the same case is applicable for humans perhaps.

10/05/16, 10:17 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: thine heart

10/05/16, 9:02 pm - babaOldieLnsb: All ur creation is wonderous ..beyond
In each creature there is heart and emotion.
All hearts together rest in ur heart, but still there 100percent space remains
Thine heart is vaster than the universe seen and unseen.
11/05/16, 10:37 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Infinity is a concept of things which are not
observable with all the limitation we have. Thine heart is infinite but because our
knowledge is limited. It will not remain infinite//vaster when we will gain more
knowledge, understand what we haven't understand. Because in the end, thy and me
will be no different. Then, I would be conscious of my whole existence. Because I
would be confirmed about my whole existence, I won't call myself infinite... I
won't be vaster than anything because I would be the only entity. This realisation
is important. "Thine heart is me/my heart"
12/05/16, 10:08 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: world-class
12/05/16, 9:28 pm - babaOldieLnsb: There are classes in the world.
There are clashes in the world.
Both class and clash crush the world.
In the meanwhile some want to show world class to kill the averages.
The number of average is largest in this world.
13/05/16, 3:46 pm - AATheGreatâ„¢: World-class level of quality is limited and
causes fatality.
Take instance of Einstien or Alexander or Gandhi
They performed as the best in world at what they did.
But Einstien, God of science in earth
Created atom bomb which shook the earth from girth.
But Alexander, earth's greatest King
Killed thousands with his blade's single swing.
But Gandhi, the world-class peace-warrior
Created an India, where people don't fight for change anymore.
World-class is limited
Grow larger,bigger, brighter; light will be emitted...

13/05/16, 4:12 pm - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: receipt

13/05/16, 8:44 pm - babaOldieLnsb: When u recieve u give a reciept.
My parents recieved me from the Him.
They have given Him the reciept through their prayer.
We received our children and submitted the reciept through gratitude.
He sanctions and we recieve - phenomena forever.
13/05/16, 11:26 pm - AATheGreatâ„¢: The receipt that we get, when our approach
towards the one and only Unity is acknowledged, propels us fast forward towards
that Unity. We just need to take the baby steps ...
Openness and acceptance perhaps will be the key towards this oneness...

14/05/16, 11:09 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: empty space

14/05/16, 11:26 am - babaOldieLnsb: There is a huge space in our mind..but we do
not find a space for us ..
We feel as if there is no empty space.
But we hv used only a very miniscule space.

We do not see the space as smoke covers all blank space and we do nt know how to
carbonise the smoke.
If we know how to carbonise the smoke, we will see such a huge space blank that all
problems can be easily crushed there.. the problems after being processed will come
out as love. .. the love to the beloved, the love to mom and love to all near ones.
14/05/16, 2:23 pm - AATheGreatâ„¢: Knowing the theory of a process in the sense of
physics and chemistry is very easy. But practical knowledge is a must if we need to
perform it. And I don't know much about carbonising smoke neither in terms of
theory nor in terms of practical .. Empty spaces are always there even in a full
glass of water as per physics. But we are not aware of the space on any normal
day... We always think of emptying what we have in case of a full glass of water..
Need to change my mindset
15/05/16, 9:25 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: delve
15/05/16, 9:35 am - babaOldieLnsb: Mind was over occupied.
The crust of the soil masked the dimond rays.
I was eager to search as I had already glmpsed the rays.
I delved into and the soil was upturned.
The huge gush of bright rays flashed out.
I fainted but got to consciousness soon.
Delve the formula i got.

17/05/16, 8:53 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: despotisms

18/05/16, 4:47 am - babaOldieLnsb: Rules are made to keep the society under a
common discipline.
If rules are made democratically and accepted to practice by majority then rules
bear great value for a society.
But the rules should have flexibility to be changed with consensus.
Sometimes in the name of social norms autocratic rules are made by the dictactors.
This creates a smoke hidden fire and sometime it burst - dethrowns the dictator
and at the same time make the soicial life poisonous.
18/05/16, 10:12 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Despotism causes despair and distress. The
stringent rules of society causes despotism. Is it a good start of mind? No. But
then why do we fall for it? Why are we so desperate without doing any action..? I
have no idea..

18/05/16, 9:54 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: earthshaker

18/05/16, 5:04 pm - babaOldieLnsb: Nature's furry shakes the earth where it shows
its Anger.
Whole earth can be shaked if the furry is gigantic -called as Shiva's Tandab.
Now if the highly intelligent human beings go mad and think to destroy -the atomic
explosion will be larger than the human imagination of Nature's furry in the
It will be the real Earthshaker

19/05/16, 12:08 pm - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: bimodal

19/05/16, 9:39 pm - babaOldieLnsb: Sometimes u prefer to be at two sites at the
Two modes of life...
This keeps u static ...
But the life's urge puts u like this and u can learn from this. ......if u have a
will to learn.
19/05/16, 10:22 pm - AATheGreatâ„¢: The fast running dogs are never told not run on
roads because they may crash. I want to be a dog. But I will bow at my wish. I
don't want to be tamed. I want to be a lion. Then I want to think. I want to stay
close to my origin: humanity. Has life brought me what I want and have I learnt? I
don't know and yes, I haven't learnt. In this state, I want to learn but then I
find comfort in my current state: non-human and non-lion and non-dog state. And I
don't want to learn. And there, I become a bimodal. My wish to unlearn and learn
vs. My wish not to learn keep fighting with each other. I will be unimodal one day,
when one of my wishes wins. Till then, let peace reign.
21/05/16, 1:08 pm - AATheGreatâ„¢: today's random word: using the same time
21/05/16, 1:34 pm - babaOldieLnsb: I work in my office full.
In the lunch time i become a fool.
I work in full and fool using same office time.
22/05/16, 10:30 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Using the same time used for complex
manipulation, if we try to deduce the simplicity of nature, we are always dumb-

24/05/16, 9:52 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: wildflowers

24/05/16, 10:56 am - babaOldieLnsb: Flowers are the beuty spots of Nature.

Flowers vibrate your inner colours..

..wonder of the creator.
Man has tamed some flowers , given them lovely names.

Flowers unknown attract you whem you are alone.

We may call them wild flowers.

But you enjoy the vergin forest in decoration with wild flowers.
You feel nostalgic and love the wild Lily.
24/05/16, 12:58 pm - AATheGreatâ„¢: The wildflowers are like the women in disarray.
They are beautiful but not in accord with the general human perception. They give
you the feeling of freedom but they seem to you too unapproachable and hence,
untouchable. They don't like rules, take shape of whatever they are comfortable
with. They don't hurt anyone until you let them do their business.. let them keep
giving away the never-seen-before beauty.. Let them be unstoppable.. let yourself
be lost in love and nostalgia... The virginity of wilderness will take u into their
arms and re-define 'sangam'.

25/05/16, 8:17 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: oxidation

25/05/16, 9:37 am - babaOldieLnsb: I ran breathless.
Blood rushed to all nook and corners.
Oxygen stored percolated to cells.
How much much...... !!
Prayers were rising from cells, more oxygen, more oxygen. Blood flow cries again
and again- oxygen, oxygen, oxygen.Heart, the pump house, got the pressure of
cries.. .and got confused.
The heart prayed.... brain responded ... himself was out of gear.
Brain prayed the mind.
Mind rushed soon..
..forest road with green shined.
Air full with oxygen poured to the nostrils..
Cells smiled - filled with life.
Trees and plants with folded branches prayed -O' human minds restrain from ur
cruelity..our presence is meant for ur oxydation ..Oxydation turns mournings to
good mornings.
25/05/16, 1:42 pm - AATheGreatâ„¢: Oxidation in the wild
I breath, but in mild
I cannot keep them as pet
Till the trees remain for me as bait.
I seek their help and kindness
To get rid of sadness and death-princess.
Less I am, I know, but why so baseless?
More I am, I know, but why not be ever more?
Truth remain in a burkha with paradoxical hijab as the only visible indivisibe

26/05/16, 5:40 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: virus-free

26/05/16, 6:52 pm - babaOldieLnsb: Virus is free if Antivirus is strongly imbedded.
Virus enters if u are casual and take it as easy.
If virus enters u get bizarre -difficult to function even raise ur eyes.
Virus is shapeless -difficult to trace.
Better to remain conscious to be virus free.
26/05/16, 6:58 pm - AATheGreatâ„¢: Searching for the idea of how to install

27/05/16, 5:25 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: aurochs

27/05/16, 10:59 am - babaOldieLnsb: We are at the present form of homosepian...far
different than past past past homosepians.
Living changed -mind changed -gene changed and shape changed -but remnants of
extincts is trailing ..old beastly behaviour surfacing often behind man's
Aurochs, the
European long horned Ox is said to be the ancestor of domestic cattle. Similar
phenomena have occured in many aspects of the biological evolution.
Once this shape of man will change...and this man will be the ancestor of future
supraman and will be extincted.
27/05/16, 10:36 pm - AATheGreatâ„¢: Aurochs are the symbol of strength.. Let's be
strong. Let's be humane but towards superhumanity... let growth be unstoppable...
let's not let down our strength... be alive. Love and try to be each and every
animal and being.

31/05/16, 9:34 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: awning

31/05/16, 10:10 am - babaOldieLnsb: Life faces jolts..breaks and breakdowns.
Tears roles from inside.
Some drop down
Some dry before dropping down.
Mind absorbs shock
Tears only mock.
Mind shades
Jolts get masked -awning phenomena.
01/06/16, 10:47 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Rain of tears, unstoppable,
Cat is hiding, under the table.
She sees the play of force,
And the calm awning's unfathomable lush.

04/06/16, 9:55 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: sonication

04/06/16, 11:17 am - babaOldieLnsb: We listen a sound and understand from its
Very low sound -we call whisper and very high sound disturbs our ears and brains.
We like a sound in the normal decibel range -we feel comfortable.
Below whisper is no sound for us -beyond the highest sound of man's upper range
sound is not heard.

Beyond both extremes - sounds exist but we do not hear - the area of sonication.
04/06/16, 8:35 pm - AATheGreatâ„¢: People are immiscible in this society. People
prefer to stay differentiated from ach other than to get united. So we need those
people, who believe in acceptance, togetherness and oneness, to raise voice, to
practice acceptance and to use sonication to mix the humanity solution..

10/06/16, 8:29 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: SBI card

10/06/16, 8:44 am - babaOldieLnsb: We love the SBI card as we think SBI is of
Govt..which is not is one of the Nationalised Bank.
We hv credit cards and we hv debit cards.
Many a times I go to SBI ATM counter and when i insert my card -i get a response
Money is not available. .
SBI -straight bounce indication..
Lost my time and enthusiasm.
10/06/16, 10:30 pm - AATheGreatâ„¢: SBI cards have become lifeline in terms of
money like bsnl has become in terms of conversation in India... both are not from
government, both work like government(slow) and both seem to be dependable to
everyone... Are we not exhausting ourselves on choosing the right or wrong one for
us when we just say to accept everything? Out thinking needs to change if we want
calmness to conquer over unfathomable force...

11/06/16, 4:34 pm - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: subluxation

11/06/16, 9:12 pm - babaOldieLnsb: Subluxation is partial disjointedness.
This can be applied to physical joints and also mental coherence.
If there is no coherence in different level of mind the functioning of mind
becomes disjointed-difficult to lead a normal life.

20/06/16, 2:07 am - AATheGreatâ„¢: Today's random word: Daystar

20/06/16, 7:15 pm - babaOldieLnsb: Stars are seen in the night.
Night is not seen by human but stars are seen by the human .
Day star is visble before the day breaks.
Means when night dispels itself and allows the day to take the sit.
Twinkles the venus at this time and men who wake up early see it on eastern sky and
it is the day star.
20/06/16, 8:40 pm - AATheGreatâ„¢: The godly miracle blankets the worldly
sentiments to fulfill the need for thoughts of human beings. These miracles, which
are so natural and factful, never stop to amaze human beings. Humans: they like to
get amazed. The day star could be looking at these humans in the dark night
smirking and laughing at the ignorance, smiling at our cuteness. Then again, it
shows itself at dawn... to amaze us. Indeed, it's an amazing web of existence.

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