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By :
Group 6

1. Ni Putu Ika Vina Marsini (202210121028)

2. Kadek Diah Wulandari (202210121038)
3. Kadek Nova Santi Lestari (202210121055)
4. Mirah Ari Gemilang (202210121059)
5. Ni Made Rani Melianitha Modesta (202210121060)


A. Research background in the journal

Tourism is a sector that plays an important role in efforts to increase income. Indonesia is a
country that has natural beauty and cultural diversity, so it is necessary to increase the tourism sector.
This paper focuses on the study of legal protection arrangements for tourists according to Indonesian
national laws and regulations. The research in relation to this paper is normative in nature, which relies
on secondary data (library data). The results of the study show that although it is still brief and requires
agreement in more detail, the issue of legal protection for tourists has been regulated, both in Law No. 10
of 2009 concerning Tourism and in Law No. 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. This is because
tourism is a sector that is considered profitable and has the potential to be developed as an asset that is
used as a source of income for the nation and state.

B. The benefits of journal writing

The benefits of this research are as follows:
 Theoretically
It is expected to contribute thoughts and understanding and
new views in the civil field, especially in tourism.
 Practical Benefits
Providing information to the public about their rights in traveling
in the event of loss of goods caused by the fault of the parties
manager tourisme
 Avoiding Conflicts of Interest, Providing guidelines, Maintaining harmony,
Providing legal certainty, Providing benefits, Providing justice.

C. The resulting solution

Efforts Made by the Bangli Regional Tourism Office to Overcome Obstacles in Providing Legal
Protection for Rights Tourist Convenience in Penelokan Kintamani Bangli. In the opinion of A.A. Adi
Budiawan, Civil Service Officer and Bangli Reency Tourism, the efforts made are with guidance and
counseling, providing protection by respecting the rights of tourists in accordance with Article 20 of the
Tourism Law, forming officers tourism that participates in providing a sense of security and comfort to
tourists by establishing information posts that handle tourist complaints, Apart from that, to feel
comfortable and safe, the Bangli Regency Government is also working together with related regional
heads so that they continue to participate in providing a sense of security and comfortable for tourists
because if something or other happens in the area This also has a direct impact on the image of tourism
and the area so that it can also have a negative impact on economic development which most traders
selling in the Penelokan area also come from the area Kintamani. Furthermore, he also argued that the
Tourism Culture Office Bangli routinely conducts socialization three times a year. (based on the results
D. Group legal opinion
Opinion regarding legal protection related to the rights of tourists with the convenience of tourists
in tourism areas is a right that must be obtained by tourists in tourism areas such as in Kintamani, Bangli.
Tourists may have the right to travel anywhere and have the right to enjoy the trip without being disturbed
by acts of violence or discomfort in the places visited. Because as we know, there are very significant
differences regarding the collection of funds between local and foreign tourists. then there are extortion
activities carried out by unscrupulous persons who usually ask for additional fees that are not clear which
make tourists uncomfortable.
From the problem above efforts from Local Government Bangli Regency in particular is
responsible for tourism management including: guidance and counseling, providing protection, namely by
respect the rights of tourists in accordance with Article 20 of the Act Tourism, forming tourism officers
who participate in giving a sense safe and comfortable for tourists with the establishment of information
posts handle tourist complaints, and routinely carry out outreach every three times in a year

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