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Having a point of view of an International Business Manager of the Philippines, what could

be your solutions/ strategies to address/ alleviate the problems mentioned at number 3?

Non- Tariff Barriers are the rules and regulations which make trade more difficult in our
current situation. They have a slightly higher effect on imports than exports. Non-tariff barrier
is one of the major barriers of Philippines-Japan Trade. It has a big effect on trading, so as
an International Business Manager of the Philippines, we will minimise the export product
that trades in Japan why? Because our income will decrease due to the lower rate of export
than import product. We will be more careful in exporting products because they have
market demands or unfair competition in international trade, we don’t have demand but
Japan has market demands. If we continue exporting more than less import, our economy
will still be like this, it will affect the trading volume and also the price of imported goods
indirectly .

If the Non- tariff barrier is a difficult barrier we will be more focusing on Tariff Barrier Trading,
even though it has a tax on import. Tariff is the way to prevent unfair competition in
international trade and encourage domestic production growth. The imports raise prices and
should reduce the demand for imported goods. Also it has safety in sensitive products that
we trade in other countries such as China, US, Japan and Korea. If we will be more focused
or use the Tariff Barrier it also has benefits in our government because of generating
revenue, we can also create a friendly competitive environment for domestic companies.
Tariffs import is more expensive than other barriers but here we have a lot of advantages,
have a chance that our economy has a high rate and less hassle in time when in trading.
Tariff trading has high price of goods but its okay we can balance the the import and export
in our trading, our income will not increase.

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