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Confessions To Speak Over Your Baby in the Womb from Time of Conception

Thank You Jesus the baby in my womb is sealed, protected and sanctified in Your Precious Blood.
(Ref: Heb 13:12)
Satan has no power, no authority over the child of my womb, because I am a child of God. and I have
submitted to God in every area of my life and like Abraham I am obedient to God and His
instructions in His Word. (Ref: 1 John 4:4, 1 John 3:1, James 4:7, Gen 17:19)
Thank You Jesus because I Love You I keep all Your commandments to Love everyone and to forgive
everyone by Faith. By doing so I do not give the devil access to me or my child. (Ref: John 14:15,
Mark 11:25)
(Dad and Mum please read and mediate on 1 John chapters 1-5. Do 1 chapter a day and repeat)

Thank You Jesus, that the baby in my womb is created in the likeness and image of my God.
Thank You Jesus, that You have made my child’s brain and skull perfect and it functions perfectly.
Thank You Jesus, my baby has the mind of Christ (Ref: Phil 2:5)
Thank You Jesus, my baby’s neural tube functions perfectly to form the brain and spinal cord.
Thank You Jesus, that You have made my child's central nervous system perfect.
Thank You Jesus, that You have made my child’s DNA perfect.
Thank You Jesus, that You have made my child's respiratory system perfect.
Thank You Jesus, that You have made all organs and intestines in my child’s body perfect.
Thank You Jesus, that You have made my baby’s immune system perfect.
Thank You Jesus, because You have redeemed the baby in my womb from the curse of the law, my
baby’s chromosomes and genes are perfect.
Thank You Jesus, that You have made all bones, muscles and limbs in my baby’s body perfect.
Thank You Jesus, that You have made my baby’s lips, mouth and eyes, speech and ability to read
Thank You Jesus my baby’s hormones and neurochemical transmitters are in perfect harmony with
each other and executing their functions normally.
And I forbid any malfunction and malformation in my baby in the name of Jesus.
(Ref: Gen 1:26-27, 1 Peter 1:23, 1 Peter 2:24, Galatians 3:13)

Thank You Father that every process You had created for a perfect full term labor/delivery falls into
place at the perfect timing as You had created in Jesus name.

Thank You Jesus, that the Lord God has given the baby in my womb the tongue of a teacher, that my
baby may know how to sustain the weary with a word. Morning by morning the Lord wakens—
wakens my baby’s ear to listen as those who are taught. The Lord God has opened my baby’s ear,
and my baby is not rebellious and does not turn backward.
(Ref: Isaiah 50:4-5)

Thank You Jesus as I have spoken in Faith believing in my heart, my baby is born through the
Imperishable Seed which is the living and enduring Word of God.
(Ref: Mark 11:24, 1 Peter 1:23)

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