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NIM : 22022037

KLS : 2 TK 2

Exercisen 1: Vocabulary Practice.

1. What are data? Why is properly a key word in the definition? Of what
word is
data the plural form?
Data is the plural form of the word "datum". While "datum" can refer
to a single piece of information, "data" is used to refer to multiple
pieces of information or a collection of data points.

2. What is processing?
In the context of computer science, processing refers to the
manipulation of data by a computer in order to perform a specific task
or function. This can include tasks like sorting and organizing data,
performing calculations, generating reports, and more.

3. What is a computer and what can it do?

A computer is an electronic device that is capable of receiving,

processing, and storing data in order to perform a wide variety of tasks.
Computers are capable of processing vast amounts of data at high
speeds, making them incredibly powerful tools for everything from basic
data processing and analysis to complex scientific simulations and
multimedia production.
Some of the things that a computer can do include:

 Process data: Computers can perform a wide variety of operations

on data, including mathematical calculations, sorting and
organizing information, and searching for specific data points.
 Store data: Computers can store vast amounts of data in a variety
of different formats, including text, images, audio, and video.
 Communicate: Computers can connect to other devices and
networks in order to share data and communicate with other users.

 Run software: Computers can run a wide variety of software

applications, from basic word processors and spreadsheet
programs to complex scientific simulations and multimedia
production tools.
 Access the internet: Computers can connect to the internet,
allowing users to access a wealth of information and resources
from around the world.

4. What is the difference between input and output?

Input refers to any data or information that is received by the computer

from an external source. This can include things like keyboard input,
mouse clicks, and data entered through a touch screen or other input
device. The input is then processed by the computer's CPU and other
components in order to carry out the desired function.

Output, on the other hand, refers to any data or information that is

produced by the computer and sent to an external destination. This can
include things like text displayed on a screen, sounds played through
speakers, and data transmitted to a printer or other output device. The
output is generated by the computer's CPU and other components based
on the input received and the processing that takes place.
5. What is a program? Who prepares a program? What other
derivations of the word are frequently used?

In computing, a program (also called software or application) is a set of

instructions that tells a computer what to do. Programs are created by
software developers, who write code using programming languages like
Java, Python, C++, and others. Once a program is written, it can be
compiled and executed on a computer, allowing it to perform specific
tasks or functions.

Programs can take many different forms, depending on their intended

use. Some common types of programs include:

 Operating systems: Programs that manage the basic functions of a

computer, such as managing memory, input/output, and running
other software applications.
 Applications: Programs that perform specific functions, such as
word processing, email, or web browsing.
 Games: Programs that provide entertainment and allow users to
interact with virtual environments.
 Utilities: Programs that perform system maintenance tasks, such as
disk cleanup, virus scanning, and system optimization.
 Development tools: Programs that help software developers write,
test, and debug code.

Programs can be created by individuals, teams of developers, or

organizations, depending on the complexity and scope of the project.
Derivations of the term "program" include "programmer" (a person who
writes computer programs), "programmable" (referring to devices that
can be programmed), and "programmatic" (referring to the use of
automated processes to manage tasks or functions).
6. What is a code? Give an example. Can you think of another example
beside the one given?
a code is a set of instructions that a computer can understand and
execute. The term "code" can refer to various types of programming
languages, scripting languages, markup languages, or protocols used in
computing and other fields. One example of a code is HTML (Hypertext
Markup Language). HTML is used to create and structure content on
the web, and it defines how elements such as text, images, and links
are displayed on a web page. Here is an example of HTML code for
displaying an image on a web page:

7. What can an analoq computer do?

Analog computers can perform a wide range of mathematical functions,
including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and integration.
They can also simulate complex physical systems, such as electrical
circuits or fluid dynamics, by modeling the behavior of these systems
using mathematical equations and analog circuits.

8. What is a digit?

digit refers to a single character or symbol that represents a number in a

positional numeral system. The most common positional numeral system
is the decimal system, which uses ten digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and
9) to represent all possible numbers.

In addition to the decimal system, there are many other numeral systems
that use different sets of digits to represent numbers. For example, the
binary system uses only two digits (0 and 1), while the hexadecimal
system uses sixteen digits (0-9 and A-F).
9. What is a digital computer?
A digital computer is a type of computer that uses digital signals and
discrete values (such as 0 and 1, or "on" and "off") to represent and
manipulate data. Digital computers are the most common type of
computer in use today, and they are used for a wide range of
applications, including business, scientific research, entertainment, and

10. What is a core? What special kind of material is it made of?

core typically refers to a processing unit within a computer's central

processing unit (CPU) that is responsible for executing instructions. A
CPU may have multiple cores, allowing it to execute multiple
instructions simultaneously and improve overall performance.

The cores within a CPU are typically made of silicon, a semiconductor

material that is widely used in electronics manufacturing. Silicon is a
good material for constructing CPU cores because it is able to conduct
electricity, making it useful for creating complex circuits and logic

11. What does debug mean?

debugging refers to the process of finding and fixing errors or defects in

a software program or system. These errors, commonly known as bugs,
can cause a program to behave incorrectly, crash, or produce unexpected

Debugging typically involves a combination of techniques, such as:

 Testing: This involves running the program and performing
various inputs to identify potential issues.

 Code inspection: This involves reviewing the code manually to

identify potential errors or inefficiencies.
 Debugging tools: These are software programs or utilities that can
help identify errors, such as breakpoints that pause the program's
execution at specific points, or memory profiling tools that help
identify memory-related issues.

12. What does GIGO stand for? What is the significance of the
GIGO stands for "Garbage In, Garbage Out." It is an expression used in
computer science and information technology to describe the concept
that the quality of output is directly related to the quality of input.
The significance of the expression is that it highlights the importance of
ensuring that the data and inputs provided to computer systems and
programs are accurate, consistent, and of high quality. This is
particularly important in fields such as scientific research, where even
small errors in data input can lead to significant inaccuracies or invalid
Exercise 2 : Change this statements to the negative sentences.
1.A machine is more intelligent.
( A machine is not more intelligent".)
2. Digital computers got their name.
(Digital computers did not get their name)
3. The switches and cores are in a computer similar.
(The switches and cores in a computer are not similar)
4. A computer can remove from our lives.
(A computer cannot remove from our lives)
5. A computer rarely make a mistake.
(A computer doesn't rarely make a mistake)
6. The programmer must make sure that the data that are presented to
the computer will give accurate results.
(The programmer must ensure that the data presented to the computer will not
give accurate results)

7. The computer can be used to remove the routine tasks from our
(The computer cannot be used to remove the routine tasks from our lives .)
8. Mechanical or electronic failures occur very often.
(Mechanical or electronic failures do not occur very often)
9. We would say that the machine is more intelligent than a man.
(We would not say that the machine is more intelligent than a man)
10. Computers can read our minds. (Computers cannot read our minds)

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