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God Expresses His Unconditional Love to His People Through the Beatitudes:

-I can describe what the Eight Commandment obliges people to do
and to avoid.
-I can point out the importance of truthfulness and honesty.

-I can explain how to value truthfulness in thoughts, words, and
-I can make an honest self-evaluation of how one practices and
values truthfulness in day-to-day life.
-I can make a concrete plan on how to participate in the promotion
of truthfulness.

-I can praise and glorify the Lord through a prayer service.
-I can pray reflectively the prayer for truth.

Dishonesty and untruthfulness are included in the leading problems in our country
today. Truthfulness and honesty are important values that must be taught at an
early age and constantly practiced daily, specifically in dealing with others. They
must be taught not only in theory but also in personal witnessing.

-His Word is truth.

-His Law is truth.
-We are called to live in the TRUTH.
-In Jesus Christ, the whole of God’s truth has n been made manifest. For he came as
light to the world.
-Man tends by nature toward the truth. He is obliged to honor and bear witness to
-The duty of Christians to take part in the life of the Church impels them to act
as witnesses of the Gospel. For to be a Christian witness impel a person to
live the truth.

-Martydom according to the Catechism is “the supreme witness given to the truth
of the faith: it means bearing witness even unto death” (#2473). Rather than
renounce his faith,the martyr bears witness with extraodinary fortitude to the belief
that Christ suffered,died, and rose from the dead for our salvation,the to the truths
of our Catholic Faith. (The word martyr itself means “witness”)

Professionals are not allowed to share confidential information their clients discuss
with them. Professional secrecy protects the client, but not the professional.
In general, a professional cannot be forced to talk about protected information
that concerns a client.
What is the role of Media?

Mass Media:
-play is very important role in our everyday life.
-bring the newest information from the whole word.
-are source of entertainment and relaxation,
-are source of knowledge and education,
-are means of promotion (advertisment)
-influence the way people look at the word.

-The right to communication of truth is unconditional. Serving truth is always first

of all is serving others.
-The role of the media is to serve the common good. Because society has the right
to information based on truth, freedom, justice, and solidarity.

Jesus proclaim the liberating truth

-The liberating power of truth intensifies the universal need to seek truth. The
inescapable human need for truth is grounded on the dignity of every man and
-Lord denounces lying as the work of the devil. A lie in speaking does not necessary
intent to deceive.
-As Christians, we are called to witness to the truth. The very pursuit of truth has an
essentially social dimension.

By “putting away falsehood,” they are to “put away all malice and all guile and
insincerity and envy and all slander.”

Offenses Against TRUTH

-False witness and purjery
-Rush judgment:assuming as true the moral faulth of a neighbor
-Detraction: disclosing another’s faulth and failings

Another are is DETRACTION

Detraction is when,without good reason,we make known the hidden faults of
another person.
-they might be true faults,but we still should not know talk about them.
-Not to speak about what everybody already knows,for example, what’s already
appeared in the newspapers would not be detraction.
-Detration is revealing the true faults or sins of another person.

-a false and malicious statement designed to injure the reputation of someone or
-the act of uttering slander

-To say something about yourself in an overly proud way
-To brag
-To express to much pride in yourself

-Deliberate attempt to mislead another
Noble lie?
-Alternative definition; delibrerately misleading someone who has a right to know

Beatitude comes from the Latin word beatus means “abundant happines” or

The blessings of the kindom

-are promised to the poor and the powerless.
-to the gentle and the afflicted.
-to those who seek eagerly for a righteousness beyond external observance.

The blessings of the kindom

-to the compassionate the the pure-hearted;
-to those who turn from violence and seek reconciliation.

The Promises
Jesus promises a unique type of happiness
-to inherit God’s Kingdom,
-to posses the earth,to be a child of God,
-to receive mercy,
-to see God,

First Beatitude;
-Blessed are the poor in spirit,for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
-”poor in spirit”- not identified with the materially poor
-rich or poor who put their confidence only in God
-they can be poor but even the rich could live in total dependence on God

-To be “poor in spirit” means to realize that salvation is not achieved by our own
efforts or by what we have
-It is realizing our utter powerlessness apart from God

Second Beatitude;
-Blessed are they who mourn,for they shall be comforted.

-refers to those who are sincere and who have the compassion for those who suffer
such as the lowly,the bereaved,the the victim of injustice, the oppressed the ones
who experience poverty,loneliness,rejection,

Third Beatitude;
-Blessed are the meek,for they shall inherit the earth

-Meek are those who have surrendered themselves completely to God.
-Meekness is not passive resignation or servile conformism.
-Rather it is the openness to the future which God wants to realize through us. It
means being non-vilent.
-It means being non-violent.
The meek are not easily provoked to anger,they have a heart that is
tranquil,calm,serene and peaceful.
They also have the heart of correcting the wrong.

Fourt Beatitude;
-Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be

-Hunger and thirst refer to an ardent desire of God,
-It is a longing for what is upright,virtous, and morally right,
-A desire for what is true and just.

Fifth Beatitude;
-Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.

Meaning of Mercy
-Mercy is not merely a feeling or emotion,rather an action.
-The merciful are those whose heart is tender and who truly feel in the deepest
parts of their being,the pain and suffering of those who need help.
-More importantly,they are merciful to individuals and make go out of their way and
make the effort to help the needy.
-Not isolated,occasional acts of charity but living out the daily experience of

Sixth Beatitude;
-Blessed are the pure/clean of heart,for they shall see God.

Clean of Heart
-This beatitudes speaks of those whose motivates are undivided,those who are
sincere and single minded.
-”Clean of Hearth” refers to those who put God at the center of their lives.
-It also means total commitment to God’s will and plan.
Seventh Beatitude;
-Blessed are the peacemakers,for they will be called children of God.

-The ones who are blessed are not those having peaceful lives,not the ones who are
quiet,neither those who are peacekeepers.
-The Beatitude is directed to those who commit themselves to social justice.
-They are those who make efforts to share and bring peace to everyone.

Eight Beatitude;
-Blessed are they who are persecuted for righteousnesss,for theirs is the kingdom
of heaven.

-It does not merely refer to any other kind of persecution but the persecution for
righteousness- for Christ
-It is following Christ even amidst strong oppositions.
-They are persecuted because of doing what is good.

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