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August 19, 2021

Comparative politics is both a methodology and sub-field of political science

Used to study in traditional comparative political systems.
Comparative method
Involves systematic comparison between political systems
Exploring the patterns, processes, and regularities
Empirical phenomena
Encompasses political behavior
What the left-wing side and right-wing side
The strategy of the two countries
Can really focus on anything
Necessary study of national governments.
Objective goals of political parties.
Positions of an electoral candidate
Degrees of freedom and democracy in the world
-There may be a majority of democratic countries in the world, but NOT all democracies are the
same, and some countries are more democratic than others. (New Zealand,
Different types of authoritarian systems
Critical analysis of theoretical findings

Quite similar/different from subjects

Supposed to be exposed to knowledge and understanding of how the political system works
Develop a deeper investigation of diff political system
Main comparison
Imperative for reasons and implications aside from diff
A greater understanding of similarities of systems
Origin of development of a system
Established political systems by some factors which have essentially changed by 20th-Present
Era like Globalization its a parallel relationship of the political system
The emphasis of parliamentary and presidential systems in the manner of legislative and
executive bodies
How democratic political system model has changed politics
A parallel of study of democracy
Authoritarian and Totalitarian
Role of Leaders (Populist leaders has drastically challenged the ideologies and political
stance/ideas taken by previous leaders)

Topic: Politics
Covers broad topics
Politics is all about human interaction which emphasizes the party would influence other parties
by means of interacting
Tactical and short term
How to influence the behavior that you want
The process of making all the necessary the behavior of other
The ability to manipulate, force, and convince to give in demands
Involves power and relations
Different reactions resist
You can ask for certain conditions for compromising things.
The result of demand would define the kind of power we both share.

In this particular, we see the reaction of a person if certain things are at stake.
Either way, I can get the things that I want
Decisions based on what I desire
The application of such power/ power systems we are based on established institutions it could
be a small group, community, and society
Refer to organize institutions formal institutions (Gov’t/governmental systems)

The state for the gov can influence the behavior of political actors and actors as well
Can cover the function of human beings.
The state can change everything
In the dev’t of political ins. How to change the primitive political institutions of political authority
The state was certainly force something to not challenged
Human history-Human perspective states
That people can do things which can alter the state
The early forms of political institutions have exemplified change to the lives of the people
Change the course of their own history.
Struggled for domination and power
State Which possesses power and functions beyond the capabilities of different institutions
Control everything about the people
Characterized by conflicts, wars, and revolutions which changed the model of systems
All these functions of punishing, compelling we have to realize that the people and institutions
have not been that way
The growth of a democratic state took a lot of blood, sweat, and tears.
Essentially product of long wars and conflicts
These are considered as the factors to re-design the state as an institution
Eventually, revolve the participation of actors in political institutions
The int’l scene shows us the power of the state in different institutions as possessed power and
several factors like nationalism
Were essentially political the interest in changing the state and the character to indigent to
pursue its ecclesiastical way like church
The Roman Empire decided to make Christianity castigate the non-Christians as different types
of people.

August 24, 2021

Lecture Topics

Intro to comp. Politics and government (ideal)

The term politics encompasses the gov’t
Teach everything comparing gov’t
Not just the political system but also the ideologies that supports everything governmental
The content has been simplified and limited to specific topics
More comprehensive if f2f settings
The course is all about important major comparative analysis and different methods in
comparing diff gov’t
Studying of Political systems
It is imperative not limiting a skill
Comprehensive skill to gov’t and models of political systems
For example, we will be dealing the democracy
Dealing with a concept in the way of practice
Principles and ideas in diff gov’t in political institutions
The intention to understand democratic models with exact opposite (dictatorial type)
Does imply to oriented to authoritarian or totalitarian
The study we have understanding of reasons in adopting models
Federalism as a type of government (two types of governing)
Should look for understanding
Compelled compare such systems not with its exact same model
Look for other type of federalism to look if it is
Not all federal dynamics/practices of the German model to American Model
The ideals would justify within the institutions, justice system
Not supposed to be done by singular, the completion can be done to do comparison and
extraction from that comparison that we are doing
Comparative Politics vs. Int’l Politics
They always go back to the basics
Highly encouraged to read to understand the basics of comparative politics
Kesselman-The Basics (Readings) first 20 pages.
Thomas Hobbes and John Locke
Karl Marx and Marx Weber

August 26, 2021

Intro to politics and gov’t
Dealing with the introductory
Understanding political developments and disputes around the world never seemed more
important than it does today
Changes in political settings of nation/state threaten to reorient the entire international
We can start by looking at the condition at the end of Cold war
Both parties assumed that they are a powerful country
The Russians and Americans not to be in shooting war
Started the late 1940s was the major components that American and Russia made proxies to
fight their wars on their behalf
Nations were kept on their toes, looking the other side of effects with other parties
Was quite serious and exciting
We’ve seen how they thrive on their political structures and that they have the best/better
Ang tingin ng tao sa mundo that everything is all about us and russia
It implies that involves the rest of Europe
Us is the deacon
Establishes the int’l relations
The thing is cold war politics whether we like it or not they all over, policies
Like proxy war to establish and influence over other interest
The Americans factors of geography but Russia also use their political clout because of the
presence of Cuba
South American people have their own communist and revolutionary movements that result in
the panic of North America
Proximities of place.
Very much concerned about communism and their geopolitical aspects
They have to set limiting factors like the domino effect
Treated Cuba as poor
Due to Cuba revolution starts with Guevarra
Fight against communism
We’re supposed to explain such a political phenomenon
It was simply BIPOLAR!!
Everything has changed such as the turndown of the german wall
To build and established USSR is a big NO
The end of communism/socialism in the soviet union basically it has foreshadowed
We have witnessed dramatic political changes
It was not simple but complex
Originally it was created in different regions to make it a single political state
Multi-ethnic compositions
Within these regions, it was quite a pandemonium (each one for themselves)
Characterized by problems like differences within religion
With that conflict, it resulted in difficult problems like genocides/ethnic cleansing
Hutu and Tutsi genocidal wars
It was a common sight
There’s a problem in communism and socialism

The Big Issues

Political Dev’t
Refers to nation and states
Historically how and why modern nations arise
What are the factors
For example establishment of France
Qualifications of evolving the process
The cold war resulted in disorganizations that were organized during world war
Was not simply recognized
Things have changed with major parties when they tried new satellites by ideologies
Also happened in Latin America, Asia,
Efforts of Us and USSR new allies to fight for each other
It also includes the establishments of all necessary needs like economic system (modernization)
Agri-industrial countries like China was able to establish a self-sufficient state
Centered generally on addressing the needs of its own people
This will be given to the supporters of China.
Based on the proletariats, to liberate themselves from oppression
1977, after the death of mao Zedong revisionist tendency, has taken hold of communist
China-US relations intention to get profits
The political scientists are not in unison some of them has interpretations
Reversal of economic system like communist-socialist

Regime type and change

Has been popularly used by nations who considered to be authoritarian
Is a term a type of government
Types of government supposed to be a regime
A neutral term used in reference to a set of political institutions
France has been ruled for a very long time by despotic Kings
Associated with authoritarianism
Type of governance not necessarily focuses on the nation but the self-interest
The rise of ideas of democracy to end monarchical type
French Revolution
They don’t know the process of work
Abolish that regime and establish a new regime
Re-established of monarchy
The old regime has been replaced by 2nd republic
The process of which one regime is transformed from another
Semi-authoritarian regime (democratic-authoritarian) in Russia
Thrives in fear
Maybe considered as authoritarian
The revolutionary tradition of Russia
Sept. 7, 2021

The authority of
Is always a concept associated with exercising political authority that should be seen as right by
those who obey it.
Recognizing the power of a sovereign
Being right
Understand how the political dynamics in the relation of nation
We brand dictators as have legitimacy issues by the way of violence because the rule
We also apply it to any regime
Questioning legitimacy we are simply a deep political crisis
In a parallel manner
Certain examples in a demo. Settings would tell us where democratic
Aside from the fact we choose our leaders, we are also the right to question and criticize based
on actual performance the Philippines have faced criticisms from the people and is considered a
blessing to have a democratic system. Criticism may be done at a certain point such 1986
2001 when they pressured the presidency of Estrada by resignation, we see some political crisis
Basically, it shows such issues are still present at this time, that political crisis is embedded and
became normal
If there’s an upheaval, the crisis will come to an end
But it is part of our lives.
Legitimacy should be formal, international recognition, and formally write it down.
Marcos tried to abolish one element of state but it was not recognized but he created a new
constitution to justify it. Looks to be illegitimate from the opposition and international.
Legitimacy can be a dynamic to be studied, the formality of being legitimate like legal
Anchored by the concept of democratic legitimacy would vary from other countries.
referring to institutions but not a tangible thing
Gov’t institutions, agencies, officials, officials are tangible
Political issues are things we can actually see
When we go deeper it is not supposed to talk about only tangible things like tradition
Things that we considered parts of our lives like behavior in public, relatives, and friends, and
dealing with dilemmas it considered as formal or informal
Things that we considered as political culture
Study of institutions we always refer to them as enforcing rules that are being observed strictly
or not but there are some cases that you are strict by implementing rules.
Referring to behavior (instinct)
Rules being informal simply interpret to be accepted.
Who knows what is the feeling of a person if he/she noticed unless there is a formal written law
Context of politics formal rules have to be established and shrined through documents are being
enforced from the low-high structure of government.
The informalities are simply social etiquettes
Institutions, we usually think about them as being enforced, that people should obey/follow
The enforcement of rules in recognized institutions, our involvement requires a certain degree of
Exposure with information.
Which were in our posts in soc med, there’s no set of rules, but recently the soc med put
community standards. Establishing a set of rules.
But it will not be limited
Refer to such things, understanding democracy there’s a need for us to know if such structures
and values/rules are supposed to be accepted there’s a close connection in such rules which
connected to democratic legitimacy.
Agencies and government institutions
Ensure the intentions of the state will pursue values sub-institutions of law, they may not
actually be tangible but the effect and the extent of the law we cannot deny.
Constitutionalism is a part of the democratic process in the organization
All the rules will be enforced.
Understanding it as implications will understand the rule itself.
Basically supposed to be valued and present.
Dynamics of institutions and society.
Right to do things to straighten the rules
Confrontation for the violation.
Political Culture
A third-generation dimension of analysis
Is essentially we know about politics would define outlook, ideas, concepts practices based on
things we’ve learned
Doing pol culture, due to people in a setting about democratic, they have a different experience
within their communities
There is a strong difference that can be manifested in the way they treat the government how
the people exercise democratic rights in a political setting
We can see widely different how they exercise the political way
Like Japanese they maintain honor and they are traditional, when they viewed politics with
honor and pride,
The US focuses on jobs, but if they failed they admit it and forget it, they can use arsenals to
reflect accusations
Is genuinely comparative it can be understood by the particular historical processes that
translate into different life experiences.
Allows us to understand the regional variation of politics.
Scandinavian countries, for them democracy having strong social equality ensuring people live
in the best possible way, Society usually pays for them.
Europe market democracy (needs and wants)
Culture is the totality that we have learned.
Referring about political understanding the functions, dynamics, and the manifestations of
We can quantify to respond certain actions of the people
Our understanding of how political leaders would relate to their people and tasks that they are
doing for
A very long process of involvement
The only geopolitical unit that has to function was the Sultanate of Sulu in the 13th century
Essentially functional
Not necessarily mean establish a single geopolitical unit of the archipelago
Composed of different political structures
People are living with a communal community
They live small bands have survived the way of hunting
They established centralized government all throughout
Patronage Politics
Cacique Politics
Different circumstances the idea of achieving democracy
US-Great Britain
Political rule with the hands of the monarch
Mary II and King William Orange
1772 Americans fought and find their own brand of democracy
Different alliances and enemies but has permanent interests

Comparative Politics and why do we compare?

We are dealing to compare politics, the ultimate purpose is for us needed opportunities to
compare political systems, experiences
Its necessary we go along the need to study other political structures to better understand our
own system.
But its more our understanding
Everyday political lives we encounter problematic everything
Most of the times we do something about it
Its to look other models to establish
Lead certain answers which enlighten us
Point of comparison to understand why democracy works in our society
Why is it democracy we considered power as widely dispersed but other such powers held by
the few
Where power does not necessarily hold by few
Ideally, power should be distributed to many
If we tried ti scrutinized the system we can easily say that power is concentrated by the hands of
the few/elites
Its actually legitimizing the economic elite so that they have full swing
Looking into the legitimacy of our institutions
So in this point of comparison, democracy
In the whole process, we are able to understand the way of our analysis that there are
circumstances and draw conclusions and there is no ultimate source of information in political
When we study politics beyond our borders help placed our own system in perspective in
highlighting the alternatives to our own political order and as a result, challenging our common
assumptions that there is the right way to organize political life
Its necessary that understanding political phenomenon is not easy.
The thing of studying we will be able to experience something new that will enable to
understand more about the discipline all the principle of politics itself, he/she necessarily
exposed to other system and structures. We can say we live considered as good. If aint broke
why we don’t fix it
In our system, there is no satisfying factor
We find ways to improve our lives
Any amount of development able to reach will not give us some satisfaction
They do some things to improve by doing comparisons and try to find out trends, innovations
Addressed certain factors in their lives to fill certain gaps
If pol scholars are engaged in comparative work
Dealing all political phenomena
It is imperative that she go around and look for models can be mentioned/observed
Shee needs to go beyond because there is other factors that we need to consider
Comparativism look for certain issues that are lacking we simply develop things
All people that achieving things that are ideal
Looking for extraction of information
By way of introducing nice things and its not always positive
We able to introduce new ways to establish new structures

Comparative Method
We will take consideration to gain generalizations
We want to know things if it is right
Unnecessary that we have
It’s quite challenging if we trying to negate that there is something wrong with the system
Most of them were dominated by west scholars
This and that model why don’t adopt this

Political Thinkers
Understanding politics is not simply looking and analyzing dynamics in political processes
It is necessary to understand about particular process that he/she trying to understand
Establishing parallels analysis to understand such models, processes
Not necessarily new
The early political has also done the similar
Aristotle was responsible for setting for giving us sort of models and different types of
Understood the fact that democracy is the foundation of ancient Greeks
Democracy cannot be delivered
We have a certain table that people should choose from.
Was to study 158 constitutions
He was able to ascertain principles and ideas craft his model of gov’t the most ideal
He believed that individual is something is not challenges
Focused the number of rulers
Been with Athenians
Greek city-states
How he has arrived the democracy has mediocracy
He believed in individual fields of choices

By way of processing the politics
Philosophers ought to be kings
It is quite possible to do things by identifying the divisions of a class of a modern society
But by Plato was supposed to be ruled by philosophers
The base of its governing on number of people
Are supposed to consider as perfect
Be able to have a system to be good/perfect
Relative to the kind of leader
Was not simply to the system itself
Thar we also learn to the methodology in such system in that particular system must be based
on similar on the actual
Looking for ideal for the abilities on the actions
Highlighted his efforts by the most ideal is
By presenting their characteristics
Established the most important part actually
Was made possible by comparison of 158 different constitutions
Ironically, not to make people do what was quite necessary
Heavily criticize democratic type of government
On the traditional Greek ideas
Simply wanted to let people know what will be the ideal
They categorically their oppositions that the management of institutions that should be present
in the society
The problem where the fact that he only presents the point of view philosophy
In context in the comparative study it was quite limited
Due to comparing consti where from the same model
The only worthy with his contribution will be the models of the government
Does not refer to the socio-economic situations which may be present
The whole model based on the number of rulers
The characteristics of models which may be present by a leader would be impent such as
The ability of leaders, the ideals of statecraft
After Aristotle
They simply have copied the administration of Greeks
Aris and Plato
The ideals of both philosophers are very limited
Romans has not contributed much to comparative politics

Oct. 5, 2021
Machiavelli a political advisor/thinker
He also has presented ways by which actually politics measured based on things that he has
drawn out from the empire
Thought of ways which a particular gov’t unit by management characteristics which be adopted
by a ruler
Well-capsulated he has presented ideas the ideal of effective rulers
Was quite different from Aristotle
The works made an impact on comparative politics as emerged of comparativist approach
He did not give specifics what kind of government actually work
The banks mostly more specifically on Roman Empire
The rise of kingdoms/the nationalism
He was might practical
Reflection of his pragmatism due to system
The role of power in the conduct of politics
Emphasize The Prince would be his conclusions has no place politics at all
When a person is very idealistic all about morality
Its rudeness
Spells out the practicality
Everything politics is power
Power tends to corrupt
Having to throw blood


It causes steer Marx was able to challenge some of the ideas like his professor
Able to look deeper prevalent capitalist system and very scientific way which is basically
The power of Marxism of being universal would be applied in the politics
Marx was able to present the ideal state amidst existing ideas state itself. The idea state system
Goes through these systems by looking at history
Development of history would help state
Is something truly understanding Marxist approach
Marx philosophy, the dialect approach
Materialism approach
He was able to present the proper way of origin
Defining human struggle
All struggles in history are not verbatim
Characterize by class struggle in the system of production

Max Weber
The most important contribution could be a structure
Human associations
Character of the state that changes a lot in the world
Overall politics was the fact

Political Organizations
Raise actual development of institutions
Dealing of development
The emergence of the state
Human Organization is now considered as the most powerful institutions
It’s not just exist simply
People realize dealt established the state
They have in fact made all things possible
Dominated and dictated upon the lives of people
The ability to displace the organization has gone through diff stages and levels of struggles
It is necessary to use history
Europe has been set of it
The development about human civilization started in west
Its quite imperative based on particular perspective of human association
The Greeks to the kind of political organization were basically the introduction of philosophy and
intellectual endeavor
Natural and social phenomenon
Started to organize their political organization
During this time, the idea of the very basic ideal that people and state are inseparable
Form of human organization to complete his/her life
They were able to think about the state
Discussions pertaining to political setup
Greek notion, nag-rise din, and Greeks in establishing political centrality within Europe
The centralization power in Europe Aris was very much impressed by his own idea about city-
state but he was thinking something else,
Alexander thinks to build an empire. Aris conquered
Then eventually during the 6-5th century Romans started to build their own political organization
They have had political culture wherein how the dynamics have been utilized
They were able to have their own empire and conquer the parts of Rome
They tell the world to have their own
Practically, the contest of Rome the development in such complex political organization
The empire has proven itself and has an accomplishment
It was led to a better understanding, the Roman rulers have their independence.
The amount of centrality much empowered
The fusion of Greek and Roman resulted to be grand
The empire lasted, eventually declined brought by the multitude of things that existed before
and no melting pot, free exercise of faith, it took its toll
When Christianity become popular, the Romans observed that people have been continuously
following the faith
The Romans started to worry,
Constantine suppressed, that is why the Christians persecuted
The purpose is to prevent Christians from taking over
He partially succeeded but it did not

C.B Macpherson
We are able to establish legitimate questions about democracy
Give answers, its imperative to go in basic
Democracy is more than just, where the majority takes place
The understanding the philosophies behind it or justifies it
The practice in real society
Knowledge about democracy is quite essential
not just in politics
Truly established a part viewpoint by comparing by other ideals, structure
The necessity of democracy
Explore the school of thought to explain democracy as an experience that people have had diff
stages in history and their respective society
Democracy can only be possible if there are certain conditions
There are have been societies that grown out of the conditions that not necessarily democratic
Singapore is formed
The most prominent people led by
Were not supported by ideas, there is no reason
Dev’t of demo and the dynamics of it by Ancient Greeks Plato and Aristotle
Measures far better than the existing system
In the process of
Liberal Democracy
C.b Macpherson a thinker, most of the ideas wc he developed in the line of democracy was
patterned in the school of democracy
As can be pointed out in 3 democracy the original idea
By Bentham and Mill
Classical Liberal Democratic Theory
New type of democracy opposed by the
Major arguments:
Focused on intention to limit the political authority
That the gov’t must limit its actions, involvement in economic activities of people
They have a particular emphasis
Natural rights of man
Live, Liberty, Property
The actual condition in the latter part of 17-18th century capitalist has emerged
Created a condition that really addressed economic society
Like with any other economic system the early promising system
Progressive stage of development

Geopolitics (Jan. 24)

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