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 Hello, welcome to my Video CV

 First of all, I’d like to introduce myself
My name is Reno Saputra. (you can call me Reno). I am 18 years old. I graduated
from high school 1 abab. Now, I am an active student at Sriwijaya State Polytechnic,
Department of D4 Chemical Industry Technology, semester 2

I have knowledge in the field of chemical industry processes, such as the process of
making ammonia, and operating laboratory scale production equipment
(Saya memiliki pengetahuan dalam bidang proses industri kimia, seperti proses pembuatan
amonia, dan pengoprasian alat-alat produksi skala laboratorium)

I am able to be a leader in a team, have a discipline nature, and a hard worker.

(Saya mampu menjadi pemimpin dalam tim, mempunyai sifat disiplin, dan seorang pekerja
I have good organizational skills, while I was in school I was very active in
organizations, I was vice chairman of the OSIS and spiritual leader, so I am used to
working in teams, and now, I am part of the MARS student activity unit as a member of
the Department. Business, and joined in the regional student association as the

Coordinator of the Social Religion Division ,

( Saya memiliki keterampilan organisasi yang baik, selama di bangkuh sekolah saya sangat
aktif dalam keorganisasian, saya pernah menjadi wakil ketua OSIS dan menjadi ketua rohis,
sehingga saya sudah terbiasa bekerja dalam tim, dan sekarang, saya tergabung dalam unit
kegiatan mahasiswa MARS sebagai anggota dari Departement Bisnis, dan tergabung dalam
himpunanan mahasiswa daerah sebagai Kordinator Devisi Sosial Agama,)

(Ok) That's all about my Video CV. Thank you for watching. If you have any further
question, please don't hesitate to contact me

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