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I walk down the road and turn a corner without ever noticing where I'm going. I just
want to wander around. While I was walking, a stranger suddenly bumped into me. I felt a
pain in my shoulder but thought it no matter. But he stood in front of me again and hold a box
in hand. We looked at each other for a while, then he said a bunch of things that I didn't
understand such as "this box was destined for me". Then, he immediately gave me that box.
He turned and left before I could react. Therefore, I just received that box without any reason.
However, this box still has some weight, which could be a good thing.

When I got home, I called my bestie, Jenny after I bath. I told her what happened
and invited her to meet at park nearby my house after school next day. Therefore, we can
open it together to see what was in it. We chatted until it was almost time to have dinner, so
we hung up.

The next day, Jenny and I went to the park to open the box after school. Inside the box
was an old overcoat. Well, I was tricked. However, I still tried that overcoat. I didn't expect it
to be very suitable for me. But Jenny put on a look of surprise. “You just disappeared!”, she
said. I was full of doubts at that time and felt that Jenny was joking with me. I suppressed my
anger and asked is what she just said true again. Her eyes told me that what she said was true.
It is so absurd, I quickly put that overcoat back in the box and go home. On the way, Jenny
warned me that this is unknown thing, so don't use it.

However, human beings are greedy, and I am no exception. I am both excited and
curious about what Jenny said before. If this overcoat is so magical, that mean I can do any
things without being discovered by anyone? Therefore, I put on this overcoat and went to
school with a nervous mood. On the way, I accidentally bumped into a passerby, but he didn't
know what he bumped into. It means that this overcoat can really make me invisible! I was so
excited that I ignored everything around me. Suddenly a motorcycle coming from my
direction, and I couldn't react. I had an accident! However, my cries for help also were not
(419 words)


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