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Gross investment= net private investment+ depreciation

The sum of wages and salaries, interest income, and business profits is called net domestic income at
factor cost.
The income side sums up the factor incomes and non-factor payments to calculate the GDP. The factor
payments consist of wages and salaries, interest income, and business profits. Non-factor payments
consist of depreciation (also known as capital consumption allowance)and indirect taxes less subsidies.
The net domestic income at factor cost is equal to the sum of factor payments.
The two price indices measure different things. Movements in the CPI measure the change in the average price of
consumer goods whereas movements in the GDP deflator reflect the change in the average price of goods
produced in Canada. Hence,the two rates of inflation will very likely differ.
Value added is the value of a firm'soutput minus the value of inputs purchased from oth

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