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MY HANDS ‘Words by CAROL LYNN PEARSON Music by LEX DE AZEVEDO Gadi? A/G Pam? Bisus B? Em? Em/A AT D Gmaj7 Dmaj? Gmaj? Dmaj? Gmaj? Dmaj7 Gmaj? Unison z = ; * ee i SSH ? My hands_____ are the Lord’s hands; with - vd. Em? GIA al Bmadd? — D/FF Gmaj? AIG 4 = 2S Se ES = i=] out me, how can His work be done? Twill reach where He would reach, lov-ing a = : a, Ooh____— _ to : <4 SS = ad J oe |e ; aS DEE == +t oe # = = e =f ‘Copyright 1989 Bright Cloud Music ‘Used by Permission 27 Fem? Bisus B7 Em Em/D ‘Cada? Atsus AT kind-ness__in my touch, I'll be His heal-ing hands to ev-"ry - one. Dmaj?— Gmaj? Dmaj? —— Gmaj? GIA are the Lord’s feet; are the Lord’s feet; how can He walk with the how can He walk with the a Bmadd? D/A Gmaj7 AIG Fem? Bisus BT Solent 3 Tut ee cS Se SSS Se =i5| poor? Twill go where He would go, bless-ing oth-ers— as T'do, For te == == po a —__ poor? Ooh. Ooh — For até =€ Ee S| © z Zz saa = “seca Ss poor? Ooh Ooh For Foo z fs = Em! Em/A Al oD Fu Bm et — = _ faster = 2 z ASS SSF Him I'll walk where I’ve nev -er walked be - fore. Help me, Lord, let me faster Lire — ee _ ee = ——— SS a + ——t+—— Him T'll walk where I’ve nev -er walked be - fore. Help me, Lord, let me , A faster ; e Oa eT ee” SS Him I'll walk where I’ve nev-er walked be - fore. 29 Fén/A G AIG Fm = (pS = st He f= f give to my neigh-bor what You would give if You were here ites = —— ———+ a SS give to my neigh-bor what You would give if You were here. et eS 5 : = CaS a give __ to my neigh-bor if You were here. ra > Ly Pp r B Gm? Emi) Dmaj9/Fe ie — Se SSS Ke f = live___ so my neigh-bor will know that You are al - ways 2 - _—— — a = SS SS ee ——+t ot ? Help me, Lord, let me ive so my neighbor will know that You are al = ways fa SSS SS = Help me, Lord, oh, let me live so my neigh-bor will know that You are al - ways ps os | +3 z S35 a a 30 66/9 Em? GIA Al Bm DA Gmaj? AIG = (sas SSS out me, how can His voice be heard? Twill say what He would say, speak-ing —=_ - — SSS SS ——— | ete 3 SSS out me, how can His voice be heard? Twill say what He would say, speak-ing SS = ae 2s = say what He would say —speak-ing ——— = an, at => a> = SSS 31 Pim? Bisus BY Em? GIA AT Dmaj? Gmaj? a ea — i oF ee == —— SS love and life each day, and_ev-- ‘ry- one who’s near will hear His word. | Jove and life each day, and ev-’ry- one who’s near will hear His word. rit 7 . - love and life each day, and ev-‘ry- one who’s near will hear His Dmaj? Gmaj? Dmaj7 Gmaj? Dmaj7 |

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