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~William Shakespeare~

Iago is furious about being overlooked for promotion and plots
to take revenge against his General; Othello, the Moor of
Venice. Iago manipulates Othello into believing his wife
Desdemona is unfaithful, stirring Othello's jealousy. Othello
allows jealousy to consume him, murders Desdemona, and then
kills himself.


1-Visual and action emphasis: Films have the

The original"Othello" was ability to highlight visual elements, action
first published in 1622 and sequences, and non-verbal communication to
convey emotions and intentions that might have
the modern production was been expressed through dialogue in the original
work. This can lead to different approaches in
released in 1996. representing certain scenes or characters, with a
greater emphasis on the visual aspect.

2-Changes in historical context and setting: Film

adaptations often modify the time period and
setting of the story. While Shakespeare's original
play is set in Renaissance Venice and Cyprus, a
film adaptation may place the story in a different
The conflit of feelings in both time or location to offer a fresh perspective or
works enhance visual storytelling.

The predominant conflict of

feelings in the original "Othello"
is jealousy and suspicion, which
lead the protagonist to act
impulsively and tragically. These
feelings are explored intensely SIMILARITIES
and dramatically in
Shakespeare's original work, 1-Othello" explores jealousy and
with Othello being consumed by manipulation, present in both the play and
the idea that his wife is film adaptations. Iago manipulates
unfaithful, which leads him to Othello's jealousy towards Desdemona,
leading to tragedy, emphasizing the
commit murder and end his own
themes of betrayal and the destructive
life. power of unchecked emotions

In current cultural productions, 2-Characters in "Othello" exhibit

the predominant conflict of complexity and tragedy, explored in the
original play and film adaptations. Their
feelings is similar to the original
motivations, emotions, and tragic actions
work, however, the characters lead to impactful outcomes, maintaining
are portrayed in a more psychological depth in adaptations.
contemporary way, compatible

with the way of life of today's

society, with different
approaches and focuses that
are specific to the reality in
which we live.
The comparison between William Shakespeare's
"Othello" and a contemporary cultural production
reveals similarities and differences. While both
explore themes of love, jealousy, and betrayal,
modern adaptations incorporate today current issue
and popular culture. Overall, the story's timeless
appeal and adaptable nature make it captivating
and relevant across different eras and cultures.


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