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In f or mat ion T e ch n o log y Doc u m en t

(For office records only)

Version Control Date Effective Approved By Amendment

Ver s ion 1 1 Au gu st ’ 20 1 4 Siddhartha Durairajan


Acceptable Application Policy

1. Overview 2

2. Objective 2

3. Scope 2

4. Types of Software/Applications 2

5. Anti Virus Process 2

6. Procedure 3

7. Responsibilities 3

8. Limitations 3

Approved By Director

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In f or mat ion T e ch n o log y Doc u m en t


1. Overview
To protect from network and data integrity, employees are required to access company systems must
adhere to acceptable applications. Define requirement proposal, procedure to purchase an
application, login maintenance, renewals, disconnecting etc.

2. Objective
The policy aims to protect company resources connected on network and define procedures to users
to run or install application and programs which deemed safe by IT department.

3. Scope
Installing and uninstalling application and software covers desktop, laptop, server, tablets and any
other storage device.

4. Types of Software/application s
Employees are allowed to use Software/Application installed in their system. A request has to be sent
by user to IT department to Install Software/Application other than the system list.
Software/Application is categorized in two parts:-
a) General Software/Application
Software/Application used by all users required at all levels. Some of the commonly used
Software/Applications are:
 Microsoft Office Suite
 Mozilla firefox, Google Chrome
 Adobe Acrobat
 Microsoft Visio
 Antivirus, firewalls, WinZip
b) Exceptions
Software/Application used by specific users at specific levels relevant to function, skills etc. Some
reasons for exception include:
 To test the new application by user.
 To test the applications developed by software Developer.
 To operate and test the new software by IT department.
Some of the commonly used software’s for developing products or application are:
 Product engineering software
 Media development software
 Simulation software
 Entertainment software etc.

5. Anti-Virus Process
Recommended processes to prevent virus problems:
a) Do’s
1) Use recommended Antivirus software and install in Systems. Use the current version and
enable auto update.
2) Scan the system or external storage devices before using.
3) Always recommended to take back-up of sensitive data on a regular basis in a safe place.
4) Avoid sharing of Hard Disk unless there is absolutely a business requirement.
b) Don’ts
1) Never download or open suspicious files, macros attached to an email from an unknown or
suspicious sources.

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In f or mat ion T e ch n o log y Doc u m en t

2) Delete spam, chain and other junk email comply with Acceptable use policy.
3) In the event system detected with viruses should be cleaned by Antivirus software and
allowed to assign to user.

6. Procedure
An inventory has to be maintained by IT department relate to use of existing software/applications
and to any new purchases made during the year.
a) Purchase of application
1) A requisition shall be made to IT department relate to purchase of new software or
2) All purchase of software or applications should have approval from the requested
b) Software/Application Keys
1) IT department shall be maintaining the record of used and unused software/ application
keys. No purchase shall be made by user without the notice of IT.
2) IT department shall be responsible to install or uninstall the software/ application from the
user system on approval.
c) Software/Application Renewals
1) Purchase of Software/Application should be made from authorized vendors has to be
decided by quality service, quotation etc.
2) Maintaining up to date information relate to renewals of Software/Applications. Informing
about the expiry date of Software/Application to relevant department.
3) Any expensive or limited addition Software/Application allowed to share among user upon
installing in server rather than client.

7. Responsibilities
a) E mp loy ee
1) Employees are prohibited to install and uninstall the software and secured with
2) Installing software shall be granted on issuing ticket to IT department and on approval from
b ) I T D ep art m en t
1) Refers to c ond it io n 3 PC’s are powered with strong password comply with Pass w ord
S ecu r it y P ol i cy
2) Department shall installing software and applications on acceptance of request sent by
employee and comply with T i cket i ng S yste m .
3) Software tools are controlled on the process of approving tickets as per co nd it ion 7( a)
4) Determine software and application fit to system requirement and reserve the right to install
and uninstall comply with this policy.
5) Department shall grant administrative rights for exceptional cases comply with this policy.
6) Department restricted to share licensed keys with employees as per co nd it ion 8 .
7) Systems will be audited once in every month to check the performance and record
unauthorized installation of software and application by cross checking with review records.

8. Limitations
 Purchase and use of genuine/licensed software and application from authorized dealers.
Installing cracked and pirated versions are prohibited.
 Renting or selling of licensed software and application to employees or third parties are
prohibited. If found disciplinary action shall be taken against employee on the grounds of
illegal dealings.

© 2014. Company shall revi ew the policies periodically & reserves the right to
amend/withdraw any guidelines that suits organization philosophy at any point of time
without assigning any reason whatsoever. Any unauthorized, misuse and printing of this
document is prohibited should take prior permission from the Author.

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In f or mat ion T e ch n o log y Doc u m en t

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