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Dear Mike,

Thanks for your reply. I’ll try to help you to improve your English language because I had to learn
French and I Know some methods.

First of all, try to improve your English by watching movies (in English) without subtitles. It will
help to improve your vocabulary. When I was watching movies in French, I used to translate the words
in my mind to know what it happens in movie. Try this method. Also you can talk with your pen-friends
in English when you chat on Instagram or TikTok.

Another method you can try, it’s to learn books in English. You can try books that are easier to
read at first. Try to translate the words in your mind and if you don’t know what does it means you can
search in the dictionary or on the internet.

If none of those methods work you can try to pay an teacher to help to improve your language.
He know very well how to teach or to help to improve your English language.

I hope I helped you with my ideas. Try to apply all my methods if you want and see with one
helps you mostly.

Your friend,


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