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Sports Med 2006; 36 (11): 977-999

REVIEW ARTICLE 0112-1642/06/0011-0977/$39.95/0

 2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

The Stretch-Shortening Cycle

A Model to Study Naturally Occurring
Neuromuscular Fatigue
Caroline Nicol,1 Janne Avela2 and Paavo V. Komi2
1 Department of Physiology of Physical Activity, UPRES-EA 3285, University of the
Mediterranean, Marseilles, France
2 Neuromuscular Research Center, Department of Biology of Physical Activity, University of
Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland

Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 977
1. The Stretch-Shortening Cycle (SSC) as a Model to Study the Interaction Between Neural,
Mechanical and Structural Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978
2. Definitions of Fatigue as They Apply to Repeated SSC Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 982
3. Bimodal Response of Neuromechanical Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 983
3.1 Basic Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 983
3.2 ‘Time-Dependent’ Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 984
3.3 ‘Testing Task-Dependent’ Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 986
4. Are Contralateral Effects Possible? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 987
5. Do All Skeletal Muscles Respond Similarly to SSC Exercise? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 988
6. Potential Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 989
6.1 Structural Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 989
6.2 Neural Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 991
6.2.1 Supraspinal Fatigue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 991
6.2.2 Alteration in the Fusimotor-Muscle Spindle Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 992
6.2.3 Reflex Adjustments of the Neural Activation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 994
7. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 995

Abstract Neuromuscular fatigue has traditionally been examined using isolated forms of
either isometric, concentric or eccentric actions. However, none of these actions
are naturally occurring in human (or animal) ground locomotion. The basic
muscle function is defined as the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC), where the
preactivated muscle is first stretched (eccentric action) and then followed by the
shortening (concentric) action. As the SSC taxes the skeletal muscles very
strongly mechanically, its influence on the reflex activation becomes apparent and
very different from the isolated forms of muscle actions mentioned above. The
ground contact phases of running, jumping and hopping etc. are examples of the
SSC for leg extensor muscles; similar phases can also be found for the upper-body
activities. Consequently, it is normal and expected that the fatigue phenomena
should be explored during SSC activities.
The fatigue responses of repeated SSC actions are very versatile and complex
because the fatigue does not depend only on the metabolic loading, which is
978 Nicol et al.

reportedly different among muscle actions. The complexity of SSC fatigue is well
reflected by the recovery patterns of many neuromechanical parameters. The basic
pattern of SSC fatigue response (e.g. when using the complete exhaustion model
of hopping or jumping) is the bimodality showing an immediate reduction in
performance during exercise, quick recovery within 1–2 hours, followed by a
secondary reduction, which may often show the lowest values on the second day
post-exercise when the symptoms of muscle soreness/damage are also greatest.
The full recovery may take 4–8 days depending on the parameter and on the
severity of exercise. Each subject may have their own time-dependent bimodality
Based on the reviewed literature, it is recommended that the fatigue protocol is
‘completely’ exhaustive to reduce the important influence of inter-subject varia-
bility in the fatigue responses. The bimodality concept is especially apparent for
stretch reflex responses, measured either in passive or active conditions. Interest-
ingly, the reflex responses follow parallel changes with some of the pure mechani-
cal parameters, such as yielding of the braking force during an initial ground
contact of running or hopping. The mechanism of SSC fatigue and especially the
bimodal response of performance deterioration and its recovery are often difficult
to explain. The immediate post-exercise reduction in most of the measured
parameters and their partial recovery 1–2 hours post-exercise can be explained
primarily to be due to metabolic fatigue induced by exercise. The secondary
reduction in these parameters takes place when the muscle soreness is highest.
The literature gives several suggestions including the possible structural dam-
age of not only the extrafusal muscle fibres, but also the intrafusal ones. Tempora-
ry changes in structural proteins and muscle-tendon interaction may be related to
the fatigue-induced force reduction. Neural adjustments in the supraspinal level
could naturally be operative, although many studies quoted in this article
emphasise more the influences of exhaustive SSC fatigue on the fusimotor-muscle
spindle system. It is, however, still puzzling why the functional recovery lasts
several days after the disappearance of muscle soreness. Unfortunately, this and
many other possible mechanisms need more thorough testing in animal models
provided that the SSC actions can be truly performed as they appear in normal
human locomotion.

1. The Stretch-Shortening Cycle (SSC) as several mechanisms have been proposed and proven
a Model to Study the Interaction to explain the various fatigue events (for an excel-
Between Neural, Mechanical and lent review, see Gandevia[1]). This information has,
Structural Events however, come primarily from studies utilising iso-
lated forms of muscle action (isometric, concentric
Before discussing stretch-shortening cycle (SSC)
fatigue, it needs to be explained why SSC fatigue or eccentric) in human and animal models. Many of
should be discussed separately from other forms of these fundamental fatigue mechanisms may not be
muscle fatigue. There is no doubt that much before transferred directly to SSC fatigue without consider-
the true SSC studies had started, muscle fatigue had ing the special features of the SSC in general and the
been widely explored for decades. These studies nature of SSC fatigue loading in particular. Al-
have introduced a vast amount of information and though SSC fatigue is a relatively young object of

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The Stretch-Shortening Cycle 979

research, it has now been explored enough so that its of muscle function is more often, if not always, a
peculiarities can be presented in a review form. SSC, and thus this model provides a good basis from
To begin our review of SSC fatigue, we would which to study neuromuscular fatigue.
like to emphasise that SSC-type muscle function is Two important aspects to characterise SSC are
not the same as eccentric muscle contraction or related to the variation of: (i) the pre-activation; and
action. The SSC includes by definition an eccentric (ii) of the subsequent braking and push-off parts of
component, but its loading mode is different from the functional phase of a given SSC movement (e.g.
traditionally accepted eccentric action. Consequent- ground contact for the leg extensor muscles during
ly, the results obtained from studies utilising these running). The neural control, including central and
two different modes of muscle function can be quite peripheral components, plays a key role in the opti-
different. The impact loads and the nature of stretch- mal muscle activation. It may naturally be related to
es involved in the active braking phase of SSC are corresponding adjustments in mechanical behaviour
usually very fast, of short duration and controlled and structural modifications of the muscle-tendon
simultaneously by reflex and central neural path- unit. This happens especially in the phase of muscle
ways. In addition, the metabolic loading of SSC damage, a common feature in intensive and exhaus-
exercise may differ considerably from those of pure tive SSC exercise. The neural adaptations are some-
concentric and eccentric exercises. Thus, we are times so dramatic that they have influence on the
dealing with a complex activity, which in itself is overall control of movement of the exercising mus-
often difficult to understand in all its features. Ex- cle. Other aspects that need to be addressed regard-
tending the thoughts to the SSC fatigue requires ing SSC fatigue are length changes in muscle versus
rearranging of the traditional thinking of the possi- tendon and the role of stretch reflexes in stiffness
ble mechanisms involved. In the following few regulation in the course and following SSC fatigue.
paragraphs we try to start with characterising the These problems then lead to the description of how
SSC action with emphasis on its natural form in muscle-tendon elasticity is adapted to the different
every day activities. Pure eccentric and pure concen- phases of SSC fatigue itself and during its recovery.
tric muscle actions are not natural forms of exercise.
The SSC of muscle function comes from the
In order to examine the functional loading of the observation that body segments are periodically
human body during exercise, the mode of exercise subjected to impact or stretch forces. Running,
or activity should be as natural as possible. Specifi- walking and hopping are typical examples in human
cally, and very importantly, this requirement applies locomotion of how external forces (e.g. gravity)
to the neuromuscular system and its important ‘mo- lengthen the muscle. In this lengthening phase, the
tor’, the skeletal muscle. If, for example, the func- muscle is acting eccentrically, thereafter a concen-
tion of the human skeletal muscle is measured under tric (shortening) action follows. The true definition
pure isometric, concentric or eccentric actions, the of eccentric action indicates that the muscles must
principle of natural conditions will not apply. This be active during stretch. This combination of eccen-
does not mean that numerous physiological and tric and concentric actions forms a natural type of
biomechanical studies performed under these isolat- muscle function called the SSC (figure 1).[2-4] The
ed conditions will have no meaning or relevance. braking (or impact) phases are naturally different
Many fundamental concepts of muscular exercise depending on the activity. Cross-country skiing is a
have been obtained with measurements of these typical form of locomotion in which the braking
isolated actions, either in human or animal studies. phase is long and relatively smooth in both free and
The same is true for many key metabolic changes traditional techniques. In the latter technique, the
observed during isometric fatigue.[1] In locomotion, vertical force (Fz) ski forces seldom exceed 1.5
however, exercise seldom involves a pure form of times bodyweight.[5] Consequently, the repeated
these types of muscle actions. The natural variation SSCs in this event will have much smaller function-

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980 Nicol et al.

a b c
tion,[32,33] in animal experiments with natural and
Preactivation Stretch Shortening
variable muscle activation[34] and in maximal effort
conditions of human SSC actions.[33,35] Considerable
effort has been devoted to explain the mechanisms
for force and power potentiation during a SSC.
Cavagna et al.[32] were among the first to argue that
this enhancement is primarily from stored elastic
energy. Since that time, many additional alternative
explanations have been presented.[36-38] However,
no convincing evidence has been presented that
Fig. 1. In human walking, hopping and running, considerable im- negates elasticity as an important element in force
pact loads occur when contact takes place with the ground. This potentiation during a SSC.
requires preactivation from the lower-limb extensor muscles before
the ground contact to make them ready to resist the impact (a) and The schematic presentation of figure 1 takes into
the active braking phase (b). The stretch phase is followed by a
shortening (concentric) action (c) [reproduced from Komi,[3] with
consideration the common assumption that in a SSC
permission]. the contractile and tensile elements are stretched
during the eccentric phase. There are, however, ar-
al and structural (and damaging) effects on muscle guments in the literature suggesting that the contrac-
when compared with running, for example (table I). tile component may maintain a constant length[39,40]
In running, the impact peak is much higher and the or even shorten[41] during the early phase of ground
duration of the braking (‘eccentric’ phase) very contact. As will be discussed in section 5, it is
short (50–120ms). The repeated loading will conse- important to know that the fascicles and tendinous
quently have greater stretch-induced effects than in tissue components may not necessarily stretch (and
cross-country skiing. These two events represent a shorten) in phase with the entire muscle-tendon
good comparison, especially regarding the long- unit.[42] It is now well confirmed that while the
term fatiguing effects. It is not possible for a runner fascicle length changes are clearly muscle and
to repeat the marathon race in 1-week intervals due movement specific, the tendinous tissue has similar
to the typical SSC fatigue-induced structural dam- characteristics, but not necessarily in phase with the
age. In cross-country skiing, even when performed contractile tissue.[43] The observation of intensity
with the same intensity and duration as the marathon dependence of changes in these muscle-tendon unit
run race, the recovery processes from possible mus- components adds an additional problem to the com-
cle damage take place much faster and the athletes plexity of understanding the mechanism of neuro-
are usually ready to repeat the 50km race after a few muscular fatigue during SSC. In this regard, the
days only. This emphasises that the SSC, when interaction between contractile and tendinous tis-
repeated long enough and with high intensity, sues becomes critical when, for example, high-in-
causes reversible neural, structural and mechanical tensity SSC exercise is continued until complete
disturbances, severity and duration of which are exhaustion.[25]
dependent on the nature of the SSC task. The present article reviews the work of SSC
In the SSC, the sequence in muscle function fatigue performed during human experiments. Many
(stretch-shortening) also involves the important fea- of the studies come from our laboratory, but effort
tures of preactivation and variable activation. SSC has been made to also refer to work of the others.
muscle function has a well recognised purpose: en- The SSC model will be introduced for fatigue exper-
hancement of performance during the final phase iments where its unique loading characteristics can
(concentric action) when compared with the isolated be used to examine neuromuscular fatigue in a very
concentric action. This can be demonstrated in iso- comprehensive way. The article is a follow-up of
lated preparations with constant electrical stimula- our earlier reviews on the topic.[4,38,44]

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 2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

The Stretch-Shortening Cycle

Table I. Relative changes induced by fatiguing stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) exercises in the peak values of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) and electrically induced twitch
response in a passive condition (twitch)a
Study SSC fatiguing protocols MVC Twitch
after 20 sec–1h 2h 1–2d 4–8d after 20 sec–1h 2h 1–2d 4–8d
Acute recovery phase
Davies and Thompson[6] 4h treadmill run –35
Millet et al.[7]
65km ultramarathon run –30 18
Forsberg et al. [8] 97km (60-mile) XC skiing race –28
Place et al.[9] 5h treadmill run at 55% MAV –28 –30 18 0
Nicol et al.[10] Marathon run –26
Millet et al.[11] 30km running race –24 –8
Gollhofer et al.[12,13] 100 submax. intermit. arm rebounds –23
Lepers et al.[14] 2h run at 75% MAV –19
Strojnik and Komi[15] Exhaustive submax. leg rebounds –18 –12
Martin et al.[16] Downhill treadmill run –15 –15
Davies and White[17] 1h treadmill run at 80% –9 –13
Millet et al.[18] Ski skating marathon –8 8
Skurvydas et al.[19] 100 max. drop jumps 21 21
Viitasalo et al.[20] 65km XC skiing race –10

Delayed recovery phase

Pullinen et al.[21] Marathon run –38 –25
Kuitunen et al.[22] Max. and exhaustive submax. leg rebounds –30 NS –14 NS
Avela et al.[23] Marathon run –30 –17 NS NS
Kuitunen et al.[24] Max. and exhaustive submax. leg rebounds –29 NS NS NS –38 NS NS NS
Ishikawa et al.[25] Max. and exhaustive submax. leg rebounds –25 –5 –10 NS
Nicol et al.[26] 10km run –25 NS NS NS NS
Max. and exhaustive submax. leg rebounds –25 –60 –25 NS NS
Regueme et al.[27] Exhaustive intermit. submax. leg rebounds –20 –24
Dousset et al.[28] Max. and exhaustive submax. leg rebounds –20 NS –6 NS
Skurvidas et al.[29] –23 –49 –14 –70 –62 –34
Sports Med 2006; 36 (11)

100 intermit. drop jumps

100 continuous drop jumps –20 –15 –8 –48 –48 –27
Regueme et al.[30] Exhaustive intermit. submax. leg rebounds –13 –34
Martin et al.[31] One-legged downhill treadmill run –14 –14 –15 –45 NS NS
a Some of the values have been estimated from the data presented in the individual articles.

intermit. = intermittent; MAV = maximum aerobic velocity; max. = maximal; NS = not statistically significant; submax. = submaximal; XC = cross-country.
982 Nicol et al.

2. Definitions of Fatigue as They Apply to M1
Repeated SSC Loading SR
(n = 3) (n = 6)
Gandevia[1]has given an extensive discussion on (n = 5)
(n = 3)

the problems related to defining fatigue correctly. (n = 5) (n = 5)


D% Pre
Without going into the details of these problems, we (n = 8)
(n = 8)
try to keep in mind two widely used definitions: (i) (n = 5)
(n = 5)
fatigue refers to failure to maintain the required or -20
expected force;[45] or (ii) fatigue is failure to contin- (n = 5)
ue working at a given exercise intensity.[46] As early (n = 5)
as 1979, Asmussen[47] defined fatigue during the Pre Post 2h 1-2d 6-8d
course of an exercise as: “decrease in performance Testing time
capacity of muscles, when they have been active for Fig. 3. Summary data from the studies listed in table II showing the
a certain period of time, usually evidenced by a bimodality of electromyographic (EMG) activity changes during re-
covery from stretch-shortening cycle fatigue. Both acute (immedi-
failure to maintain or develop a certain expected ately after) and delayed (up to 6–8 days) decreases were observed
force or power”. In the following discussions of SSC in mean voluntary activation (EMG) in a maximal voluntary contrac-
fatigue, we will primarily rely on the definitions of tion (MVC) test, in short-latency reflex amplitude (M1) in a submax-
imal rebound test, and in stretch-reflex amplitude (SR) measured in
Gandevia,[1] although the majority of the studies to passive dorsiflexion test. The number of studies is indicated in each
be referred to have concentrated on the ‘complete measurement point (see table II) Post = post-exercise; Pre = pre-
exhaustion concept.’ exercise.

As already mentioned, in section 1 intensive and/

or unaccustomed eccentric or SSC-type exercise tion, especially in SSC-type performances.[4] These
results often in reversible muscle damage. This is fatigue-induced performance deteriorations and sub-
associated with delayed-onset muscle soreness, and sequent long-term recovery usually take place in a
with proprioceptive and neuromuscular impairments bimodal fashion (figure 2, figure 3). In this bimodal-
that may last for several days. After SSC exercises, ity, the acute metabolically induced reduction is
these neuromuscular perturbations are typically as- followed during a few hours by a short-term recov-
sociated with large acute and delayed changes in ery, which is in turn followed by a secondary reduc-
muscle mechanics and activation that result in major tion with longer lasting recovery. The bimodality
consequences on joint and muscle stiffness regula-
concept is not always valid, especially if the SSC
(n = 5) (n = 6) fatigue has not been exhaustive enough.
(n = 3) (n = 11)
0 As will be emphasised in sections 3.1 and 3.2, the
-10 fatigue response, especially that of metabolic and
D% Pre

(n = 13)
neural nature, is very individual and thus the proto-
cols using fixed exercise duration may not reveal
true effects of fatigue. It is very often possible that
because of this individual response, and in contrast
Pre Post 20 sec–1h 2h 1–2d 4–8d to the observed inhibitory neural effects after ex-
Testing time haustive SSC exercises,[4] the fixed fatigue protocol
Fig. 2. Summary graph of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC)
may cause facilitatory responses in most subjects.[48]
from the studies that followed the stretch-shortening cycle recovery
phase until 4–8 days post-exercise (Post). The number of studies Additional problems come from the choice of the
varied from 3 to 13 depending on the testing time as indicated in the ‘fatigue parameters’. Very often the submaximal
figure. To calculate the averaged changes (±SD) in MVC compared
with pre-exercise (Pre), nonsignificant data have been replaced by tests reveal facilitation of performance, whereas
zero. tests involving high-intensity maximal or near maxi-

 2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2006; 36 (11)
The Stretch-Shortening Cycle 983
Table II. Relative changes in the voluntary activation (electromyogram [EMG] during maximal voluntary contraction [MVC]) and in the short-latency stretch-reflex component (EMG

mal tests reveal performance deterioration more



amplitude measured in either passive stretch-reflex amplitude [SR] or active [M1] stretching conditions) after fatiguing stretch-shortening cycle (SSC)-type exercisesa

3. Bimodal Response of



Neuromechanical Parameters

3.1 Basic Response


Passive SR and/or M1


SSC fatigue causes considerable changes in sev-

eral neuromechanical parameters. The exact conse-
quences of these changes are often difficult to assess



because of differences in the protocols used. The


literature review (table I) shows that approximately

half of the studies have examined the acute recovery
phase (up to 2 hours post-exercise), whereas in the

other half the follow-up was extended to the delayed

recovery phase (up to 7 days).

Most of the SSC fatiguing studies (24 of 26) have




observed an immediate (22 ± 11%) drop in maximal

voluntary contraction (MVC). When re-examined 2
max. = maximal; NM = not measured; NS = not statistically significant; submax. = submaximal.
Mean voluntary EMG


hours post-exercise, i.e. when most of the metabolic

Some of the values have been estimated from the data presented in the quoted articles.

parameters had recovered, a partial or even com-

after–30 sec

plete recovery of MVC was frequently observed.

From the 12 studies that re-examined this parameter
during the subsequent days (figure 2), eight studies

demonstrated a secondary decline 1–2 days post-

Max. and exhaustive submax. leg rebounds
Max. and exhaustive submax. leg rebounds
Max. and exhaustive submax. leg rebounds
Max. and exhaustive submax. leg rebounds

10km run or exhaustive submax. rebounds

Exhaustive intermit. submax. leg rebounds
Exhaustive intermit. submax. leg rebounds

The respective analysis of an ‘electrically evoked

twitch response’ in a passive testing condition re-
Exhaustive submax. leg rebounds

Exhaustive submax. leg rebounds

vealed in 8 of 12 studies an acute 8–70% reduction

in the peak twitch torque (table I). Large immediate
increases were reported only after ultralong (5–8.5
SSC fatiguing protocols

hours) SSC performances. From the four studies that

have examined the delayed fatigue effects, three of
them showed a complete recovery already 1–2 days
Marathon run

post-exercise.[24,26,31] However, in the fourth

study,[29] the 50–70% acute reductions measured
after two different rebound protocols were not fully
recovered on day 2. With regard to the twitch poten-
tiation in ultralong SSC exercise, Place et al.[9] sug-
Regueme et al.[30]

gested that it may be related to an increase in sensi-

Kuitunen et al.[22]
Kuitunen et al.[24]

Ishikawa et al.[25]

Horita et al.[51]
Avela et al.[23]

tivity of the myosin light chain phosphorylation that

Nicol et al.[26]
Nicol et al.[52]
Regueme et
Dousset et

could also increase the rate of force production.

Whether this can be truly demonstrated to occur is

an open question, especially for SSC exercise. How-


 2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2006; 36 (11)
984 Nicol et al.

Pre-marathon Post-marathon
activation (measured in the maximal MVC test) as
well as the stretch-reflex EMG response (measured
** in either passive or active stretching conditions)
VL decreased immediately post-exercise, recovered
partially within the next 30 minutes to 2 hours, and
decreased again 1–2 days later (figure 3).
The inter-individual variability may deserve a
comment, however, as reflex facilitation has been
reported for a few subjects in the acute recovery
phase (immediately after to 2 hours after exercise),
in both passive and active (M1) stretch reflex re-
** sponses.[24,26] Depending on the study, this reflex
facilitation was followed either by a complete recov-
Fz ery[26] or by a secondary inhibition on day 2.[24]
Based on these observations, it is emphasised that
200ms the bimodal shape of recovery should not be gener-
Fig. 4. Parallelism of the immediate stretch-shortening cycle fatigue alised to all subjects as ‘fast-recovering’ subjects
effects (marathon run) on the short-latency stretch-reflex (M1) peak have also been observed in SSC fatigue studies.[26]
of the vastus lateralis (VL) and soleus (SOL) muscles and the
vertical force (Fz) of the force plate on the sledge jumping appara- EMG modifications in the SSC testing tasks can
tus. Please note the disappearance of the M1 response after the
be central and/or reflex in nature. In both maximal
marathon and the concomitant yielding in the force curve ex-
pressed as amplitude (arrow) of the force reduction upon impact and submaximal SSC tasks, changes have been ob-
with the force plate (reproduced from Avela et al.,[23] with permis- served in the centrally pre-programmed activation
sion). * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01.
(prior to ground impact) and in the active stretch-
reflex response (M1). In addition, significant rela-
ever, it emphasises further the importance of the task tionships have been found between the fatigue-in-
dependence as will be discussed in section 3.3. duced changes in the preactivation and in the
Changes in ‘neural activation’ of both global and postlanding stiffness.[53,54] Supporting the functional
reflex electromyographic (EMG) responses revealed role of a prolonged reduction in M1, Avela et al.[23]
varying strategies during the SSC fatigue recovery. showed a parallelism in bimodal trend of changes in
This suggests existence of both ‘fatigue-dependent’ M1 and in tolerance to high ground impact loads
(or ‘time-dependent’) and ‘testing task-dependent’ (figure 4). In the delayed phase of recovery,
neural adjustments to the contractile failure.[4] Sec- Regueme et al.[27] demonstrated highly inter-corre-
tions 3.2 and 3.3 compare the neural activation lated drops in soleus muscle preactivation and in
changes reported by different SSC studies. Special short-latency stretch reflex (M1) response. These
emphasis will be given to the most recent data. findings are in agreement with the original sugges-
tions of Asmussen[47] and it is consequently a good
3.2 ‘Time-Dependent’ Effect demonstration that changes in mechanical and neu-
The concept of ‘time-dependent’ effect has been ral parameters do occur in parallel after exhaustive
observed in several SSC fatigue studies, and the SSC exercise.
findings vary from neural compensations of the con- Neural adjustments resulting from the SSC fa-
tractile failure to protective inhibitions of the fa- tigue task may not, however, be always as straight
tigued muscles.[12,30,49,50] In the case of a longer post- forward as shown in figure 3. The neuromuscular
exercise follow-up, this effect is reinforced by the system may adjust in the recovery phase to the
general observation of a bimodal recovery (table II contractile failure in a more flexible way. For exam-
and figure 2). In particular, the mean voluntary ple, Regueme et al.[30] demonstrated in submaximal

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The Stretch-Shortening Cycle 985

SSC testing tasks varying neural changes immedi- more, the 2-day test revealed a 36% increase in
ately after and 2 days after an exhaustive SSC exer- gastrocnemius muscle preactivation. These results
cise (figure 5). Immediately after exercise, large are supported by the earlier SSC fatigue study of
increases in soleus muscle activation occurred both Horita[54] who demonstrated progressive inter-mus-
during the preactivation and the early braking phase. cular compensations for the exercise-induced con-
Differing from these observations immediately after tractile failure. Interestingly, the respective central
exercise, the increased soleus muscle preactivation
and reflex EMG components reported by Regueme
at 2 days after exercise was not associated with an
et al.[30] did not vary in a similar way along the
increased activation during the early braking phase,
but during the late push-off phase. This shift of recovery period. Differing from the increase in cen-
muscle activation may thus be considered to reflect tral activation (preactivation and 0–M1 periods) in
a neural strategy to protect the recovering muscles at both immediately after and 2 days after an exhaus-
the 2-day point from the stressful stretching phase, tive SSC exercise, the M1 reflex response showed a
while securing the rebound performance by in- trend of immediate and 2-day delayed reductions
creased work during the push-off phase. Further- (figure 5). This is in line with the bimodal decrease

Pre Preactivation
Post 0 to M1
Early braking
Late push-off


160 *
SOL EMG (D% Pre)

400 80

0 0 0
-200 0 200 400 600 800
Fz (N)

2d 1600


800 160
0.4 *
SOL EMG (D% Pre)


400 80
40 *

0 0 0
-200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Time (ms) *
Fig. 5. The left figures show group averaged records of vertical force (Fz) and soleus (SOL) electromyographic (EMG) activity compared at
three measurement points after exhaustive stretch-shortening cycle exercise: pre-exercise (Pre), immediately after (Post) and 2 days post-
exercise (2d). The figures on the right present the relative EMG changes (histograms) for the preactivation, 0–M1 and M1 periods, the early
braking (first 200ms) and late push-off (last 200ms) of the contact phase. * p < 0.05, significantly different from the Pre absolute values
(reproduced from Regueme et al.,[30] with permission).

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986 Nicol et al.

Pre 1600

SOL (mV)

Fz (N)


0.0 0
200 0 200 400 600 800
Time (ms)
Fig. 6. Group (n = 10) averaged records of vertical force (Fz) and soleus (SOL) electromyographic activity compared at two measurement
points after exhaustive stretch-shortening cycle exercise (unpublished observations).

in stretch-reflex response reported after SSC exer- opposite trend of changes recently reported in sub-
cise (see table II). maximal[30] compared with maximal[22,27,53,56,57] re-
bound tests. In maximal drop-jump performances,
3.3 ‘Testing Task-Dependent’ Effect where stretch loads are high and muscle stiffness
If the ‘time dependency’ is a factor to take into must be well regulated to meet the external
consideration in SSC fatigue studies, the ‘testing loads,[4,57] fatigue is usually associated with an over-
task-dependent’ effect should be equally considered. all decrease in activation, with major reductions
The literature shows that in the isometric testing during both preactivation and braking phases (figure
condition, for example, most of the SSC fatigue 6).[27,53,56] In most cases, the reduced soleus muscle
studies report significant declines in maximal force preactivation was associated with soleus muscle
and mean voluntary EMG activation (figures 2 and EMG reductions in the subsequent braking phase
3). From the few studies that have examined the and during the specific M1 stretch-reflex phase.
SSC fatigue effect on maximal dynamic perform- These observations support the existence of neural
ances, different effects may be observed depending attempts of protection of the fatigued muscle in
on the testing tasks. For example, when Nicol et maximal drop-jump performance. In addition, they
al.[55] used maximal SSC tests with high ground support the findings of Komi and Gollhofer[38] who
impact (drop jump, five jumps and sprint) the per- found in tasks varying from sub- to supra-maximal
formances were impaired on average by 13% in the levels of ground impacts, that protective neural
acute recovery phase. When the SSC test (counter- mechanisms (reduced short, medium and long laten-
movement jump) did not include high impact or was cy components of the stretch reflex) took place only
a pure concentric performance (squat jump), no in the most extreme testing condition (falls on the
significant changes were observed. Similar differ- floor). In that study, the SSC exercise was per-
ences have been observed in the delayed phase of formed with arms on the sledge apparatus.
recovery by Horita et al.[56] who reported larger The previous discussion refers primarily to the
performance decrements in the drop-jump than in maximal testing conditions. The situation may be
the squat-jump test. different in the submaximal SSC rebound tests. For
The hypothesis of ‘testing task-dependent’ neural example, large acute (+74%) and delayed (+79%)
adjustments to fatigue is further reinforced by the increases in soleus muscle preactivation were ob-

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The Stretch-Shortening Cycle 987

served in a submaximal SSC rebound task after a In summary, our analysis of the relevant litera-
similar fatiguing protocol (see figure 5). It is well ture emphasises the flexibility of the neural adjust-
known that a link exists between the increases in ments within and across homonymous muscles to
preactivation and impact peak.[12,13,58] In the SSC meet the functional requirement of the peripheral
fatiguing condition, a loss of tolerance to ground system. Central and peripheral activation changes
impact occurs frequently.[12,13,23,55] In such a case, an may be opposite in a given task (central facilitation
increased preactivation should be functionally detri- vs peripheral inhibition). They may also vary de-
mental in maximal rebound jumps, but useful in pending on the task intensity (maximal vs submax-
submaximal rebound conditions. In this line, the imal) and recover at different pace (acute vs
only SSC fatigue study that reported post-fatigue delayed).
increases in muscle preactivation in maximal drop-
jumps was characterised by large decreases in per- 4. Are Contralateral Effects Possible?
formance.[57] Deviating slightly from this ‘general
rule’ of testing task dependency, Avela and Komi[53] The preceding paragraphs have included material
revealed large, but similar fatigue-induced reduc- with the assumption that the SSC fatigue effects are
tions in preactivation in SSC performances per- primarily unilateral in case the exercise has been
formed from submaximal (70%) and supramaximal performed with one limb only. There is, however,
(130%) dropping heights, but in both cases with information in the literature that could also imply
maximal rebound effort. This would suggest that contralateral effects. Unilateral perturbations such
SSC fatigue exercise allows greater variations in as musculoskeletal disorders, inflammation or mus-
neural adjustment when the rebound performance is cle pain have been reported to affect the contralater-
varied (sub-maximal vs maximal rebound height) al side in pathological conditions in humans[62] and
compared with the condition of varying stretch in- in various experimental conditions in animals.[63,64]
Contralateral changes in humans are usually ob-
tensity (sub- vs supra-maximal dropping height).
served in the case of chronic (>3 weeks) musculo-
Importantly, however, although EMG analysis of skeletal disorders, suggesting the progressive devel-
submaximal SSC tasks can reveal the existence of a opment of compensations along time. These obser-
contractile failure, this may not necessarily be ob- vations raise the question as to whether contralateral
servable in the kinematic and kinetic analysis of the changes result from long-term adaptations in the
movement. For example, Kyröläinen et al.[59] and human behaviour, or whether short-term and/or re-
Finni et al.[60] observed no measurable kinetic and versible musculoskeletal disorders may affect the
kinematic changes at submaximal running speed contralateral side. Leading to short-term muscle dis-
after a fatiguing 10km running exercise. It is very orders, with reversible muscle damage, inflamma-
likely that in order to observe true changes in these tion and pain, exhaustive SSC exercises are thus of
parameters one may need to fatigue the subjects particular interest.
more exhaustively, as was the case in the marathon For this purpose, Regueme et al.[27] have recently
study of Nicol et al.[61] In their study, only those with examined the possibility of contralateral effects of
>40% reduction in the knee extensor MVC demon- unilateral SSC fatigue of the triceps surae muscle
strated clear modifications of the running pattern. group in unilateral as well as in bilateral testing
Despite no change in the group averaged running conditions. Ipsilateral versus contralateral fatigue
pattern, significant EMG increases were observed in effects were compared in a single-joint task of maxi-
the leg extensor muscles during both braking and mal isometric plantarflexion (MVC), and in multi-
push-off phases of the ground contact. In the sub- joint SSC tasks that included either ten intermittent
maximal running tasks, the higher the testing veloc- maximal drop-jumps or a continuous series of 15
ity, the larger was the increase in neural activation submaximal rebounds. These tests were carried out
after the marathon run.[61] before and after the fatiguing exercise and were

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988 Nicol et al.

repeated 2 days later, at the time of expected peak of (fascicle length changes) during walking or run-
damage and pain in the exercising muscles, as well ning.[41]
as 8 days later. In all testing conditions, both in In human studies, medium to high speed ultraso-
MVC and drop-jump tests, the overall fatigue ef- nography has been mostly used to describe and
fects occurred at day 2 only, and were restricted to measure these attributes. For example, Fukunaga et
the exercised leg in both uni- and bilateral tests. al.[69] showed that in normal human walking, which
These observations are in line with the minimal is also an example of SSC activity, the gastrocnemi-
contralateral changes in force previously reported us fascicles usually shortened or remained isometric
after maximal, but isometric contraction.[65-67] in a similar manner as Griffiths[41] and Roberts[70]
Rattey et al.[67] reported a significant contralateral reported for animal walking or slow running. Our
reduction in voluntary muscle activation, and sug- group has done extensive work by trying to utilise
gested that the crossover effect is greater for the methods to measure simultaneously at least two
lower body than that previously described for the muscles, and apply SSC activities that differ in the
upper limbs.[65,66] According to Zijdewind et type and intensity.[42] The ultrasonography probe(s)
al.,[32,33,68] central crossover effects would also be can be successfully fastened on the muscle during
likely to occur in a motor task performed at a high natural movements that can be quite explosive.[71]
level of effort and for a prolonged time. Supporting
this hypothesis, the continuous testing rebound task The results of these human studies confirm the
used by Regueme et al.[27] revealed positive correla- possibility that the contractile tissue does not always
tions between the fatigue-induced changes in mus- follow the basic concept of SSC of the whole mus-
cle activity of the exercised and non-exercised legs. cle-tendon unit.[42] The general observation was that
This task lasted 15 seconds with high visual atten- the gastrocnemius muscle usually demonstrates fas-
tion (to remain within the rebound targets), and cicle shortening during the braking phase at low-
required anticipatory neural strategies at each im- impact conditions of the drop jumps. With very high
pact. These factors may have favoured the occur- dropping heights, the fascicles may become dramat-
rence of contralateral neural adjustments. Finally, ically lengthened during the braking phase. This was
the observation of restricted contralateral effects at interpreted to indicate reduced resistance to stretch
day 2 is likely to support the involvement of central through possible detachment of crossbridges. The
structures associated with pain. Based on these re- soleus and vastus lateralis muscles, on the other
sults, it seems that acute muscle disorders do not hand, showed usual stretch-shortening type beha-
lead to contralateral changes in performance in ei- viour in the fascicles. Thus, in the present state of
ther single or intermittent maximal motor tasks. these studies in progress, one can only conclude that
Some evidence of cross-over of central fatigue ex- care should be exercised to generalise how the fasci-
ists, however,[67] thus emphasising the need for fur- cles of the leg extensor muscles change their lengths
ther exploration. during the braking phase (or push-off phase as well)
of SSC. The tendinous tissue (aponeurosis and outer
5. Do All Skeletal Muscles Respond tendon) may behave even more differently from the
Similarly to SSC Exercise? basic muscle-tendon unit SSC concept. Future stud-
ies should definitely continue to explore these
In section 1, it was suggested that the interaction problems so that the fascicle-tendon interaction be-
between contractile tissue (fascicles) and tendinous comes better known, as it determines so importantly
tissue may be a complex one. In fact, several studies the stiffness regulation of the human skeletal muscle
have shown results – usually for one muscle only – during locomotion, especially during the SSC. At
that cannot be generalised. Animal studies have present, the following problems have already been
usually utilised sonomicrometers implanted surgi- addressed:[43,71] (i) fascicle-tendon interaction is
cally into the muscle to observe contractile tissue muscle-specific in a given SSC task; (ii) the impact

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The Stretch-Shortening Cycle 989

load determines the fascicle behaviour in a specific number and they may be discussed in terms of short-
muscle; and (iii) the effort intensity after the braking and long-term consequences. As is the case in the
phase has some influence on this interaction by isolated forms of muscle action, we are, however,
affecting the tendon recoil in the final push-off. dealing with both central and peripheral fatigue
If the questions raised above deal with the non- mechanisms. We could first begin with the peripher-
fatigue situation, the understanding of the changes al fatigue, that has been traditionally defined as a
in fascicle length and orientation during exhaustive ‘transient decrease in the muscle group’s capacity
SSC fatigue is even more open. In our recent for exercise’[47] and can be located distally to the
study,[25] the bimodality could not be observed in the motoneurones in the transmission and/or contractile
fascicle parameters, although the fascicles were mechanisms. From the bimodal nature of the SSC
lengthened in a passive (resting) situation immedi- fatigue recovery curve (figure 2), it is obvious that
ately after the exercise, and remained lengthened the immediate reduction of performance deals most-
until 2 days post-exercise (figure 7). During maxi- ly with the metabolic fatigue. As this type of fatigue
mal isometric action, the final fascicle length mea- has been discussed extensively as a basic fatigue
sured at peak force increased on day 2 post-exercise concept for isolated forms of muscle function (usu-
and recovered completely to the original length on ally either isometric or concentric)[1] we would like
day 8 post-exercise. It is too early to interpret these to emphasise that, in addition to metabolic influ-
findings in terms of functional mechanisms. More ences, SSC fatigue effects are more versatile and
studies are needed with the ultrasound method that include special features of structural and/or neural
should also take into consideration the entire fasci- origins.
cle-tendon interaction.
6.1 Structural Changes
6. Potential Mechanisms
Supporting the mechanical source of peripheral
As has been discussed in sections 1 and 3, SSC fatigue, intense or long-lasting SSC exercise is typi-
muscle action loads the neuromuscular system in a cally associated with delayed-onset muscle sore-
more complex way than any isolated forms of mus- ness. This soreness was suggested as early as in
cle action. Consequently, the possible mechanisms 1902[72] to be due to exercise-induced muscle injury.
involved in SSC-type fatiguing exercise are great in In a classical paper of Asmussen,[73] the possible
Passive mechanisms of exercise-induced muscle soreness/
* Active damage were outlined more thoroughly. Since then,
5 long-lasting but reversible ultrastructural muscle
Fascicle length (cm)

damage has been frequently reported after exercises
involving eccentric muscle action.[74] This obviously
also includes SSC muscle action. Damage has been
* evidenced directly from histological analysis and
# indirectly from reductions in strength and range of
motion as well as from increases in blood concentra-
Cntrl Pre Post 2h 2d 8d
tion of muscle proteins.[75,76] It is known that there is
Testing time
a shift in active length-tension relation after eccen-
Fig. 7. Fascicle length changes (mean ± SD) of the soleus muscle
during and after an exhaustive stretch-shortening cycle exercise
tric fatigue,[77,78] and this phenomenon is now con-
performed on a sledge apparatus. The fascicle length was mea- sidered as one of the most reliable indicators of
sured with high speed (94Hz) ultrasonography at different intervals damage.[79] It is also well documented that cytos-
in the passive (resting) and active (maximal isometric plantarflex-
ion) situations (reproduced from Ishikawa et al.,[25] with permission).
keletal and myofibrillar abnormalities observed af-
Ctrl = control day; Post = immediately after exercise; Pre = pre- ter eccentric muscle actions reach a peak 2–3 days
exercise. * p < 0.05; # p < 0.0001. after the exercise with normal muscle architecture

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990 Nicol et al.

being lost from the areas adjacent to the damaged tissue strain. Independently on the exact mecha-
sarcomeres and fibres.[80,81] nism, an increased compliance of the muscle-tendon
Armstrong et al.[82,83] differentiated four subse- unit could then result in impaired force transfer from
quent phases for exercise-induced muscle damage the muscle fibres via the tendon to the bone.[93] In
and ensuing inflammation: the initial-, the autoge- addition, there is some evidence that it could lead to
netic-, the phagocytic- and the regenerative phase. a downward and rightward shift in the force-length
These phases include the whole process from initial relationship of the muscle tendon unit.[94] On the
damage to repair. Even though the purpose of this other hand, it has been demonstrated that the early
article is not to give a detailed description of the phase (2 hours) of the post-SSC exercise recovery
processes related to muscle damage, it is rather may be associated with an increased stiffness of the
obvious that the different phases mentioned above muscle-tendon unit (unpublished data).[23,25]
can have some short- and long-term consequences Increased stiffness could be expected to result in
directly on the contractile properties of the muscle increased response to stretch of the muscle spindle
itself and, on the other hand, on its neural control and, thus, to lead to facilitation of the stretch reflex
mechanisms. It must be noted, however, that not all response. This could explain why some authors[24]
researchers agree with the traditional concept of demonstrated in the early recovery phase reflex am-
muscle damage and recovery. Some of them believe plitudes that in some subjects were higher than in the
strongly in the concept of remodelling,[84] even before-fatigue measurements. However, this possi-
without any parallel inflammatory process.[85,86] ble effect of increased stiffness would not last long
In addition to possible muscle damage, repeated because, in contrast, several experiments have
SSC muscle action can be expected to modify the shown that a secondary reduction in reflex response
mechanical properties of the muscle tendon unit. begins within a few hours after the initial recovery
This modification and its direct effects on the con- period.[23,52,57] These latter observations could indi-
tractile machinery are difficult to identify in active cate the possibility of direct mechanical damage in
fatigue conditions. Therefore, passive stretching the intrafusal fibres themselves, leading to reduced
protocols have frequently been used for this pur- muscle spindle sensitivity.[95] However, this hypoth-
pose. Several experiments have demonstrated with a esis has been recently challenged by Gregory et
variety of protocols that passive dynamic or static al.[96] They showed that in an anaesthetised cat the
stretching of a human skeletal muscle can impair its responses of muscle spindles to stretch and fusimo-
force-generating capacity.[23,87,88] The cause of this tor stimulation were not altered by a series of eccen-
contractile impairment has often been attributed to tric contractions. Therefore, Gregory et al.[96] con-
the increased compliance of the muscle tendon unit cluded that the intrafusal fibres of muscle spindles
induced by the stretch. According to Taylor et al.[89] are not prone to damage of the kind seen in ex-
the mechanical changes of the muscle-tendon unit trafusal fibres after a series of eccentric contrac-
are time- and history-dependent because of the vis- tions.
coelastic nature of the tissue. Two different re-
sponses in this regard have been suggested. The first Trappe et al.[97] were able to show disruption of
one is stress relaxation,[90,91] which is purely titin and nebulin structures in extrafusal fibres after
mechanical in nature and is mainly responsible for eccentric fatigue. Yu et al.[85] produced convincing
the reduced passive tension of the muscle-tendon evidence for a remodelling model that would ex-
unit over time. The second one is called ‘plastic plain, in the early recovery phase from eccentric
deformation’, which means reorientation of the sup- exercise, the release of alpha-actinin, titin and nebu-
porting connective and soft tissue-supporting tissue lin and most likely also some Z-disk and I-band
into more parallel arrays.[92] This response is sug- associated proteins. Provided that the mechanical
gested to be more time-dependent of the maintained coupling truly exists between extra- and intrafusal

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The Stretch-Shortening Cycle 991

fibres, this finding may provide evidence to keep the in muscle force. Brasil-Neto et al.[103,104] and partly
hypothesis of intrafusal fibre damage alive. Kalmar and Cafarelli[106] found this association and,
therefore, suggested that fatigue can also result from
6.2 Neural Adjustments reduced efficiency in the generation of the motor
During and after fatiguing SSC exercises, neural command possibly as a consequence of cortical
failure and/or adjustments may also be expected to neurotransmitter depletion. This is in contradiction,
take place and to affect the activation pathways at however, with the absence of changes in motor
different levels. Modified from Bigland-Ritchie[98] cortex excitability reported, especially during
and Löscher et al.,[99] these potential sites include: lengthening actions, by Löscher and Nordlund.[105]
(i) excitatory input to supraspinal motor centres; (ii) To the best of our knowledge, TMS has not been
excitatory drive to α-motoneurones; (iii) modulation used to study supraspinal factors in SSC fatigue. On
of interneuronal circuits; (iv) motoneurone excita- the other hand, despite its limitations, the twitch
bility; (v) peripheral reflex activity from small diam- interpolation technique has been used and it has
eter afferents; and (vi) muscle spindle activity. As revealed inadequate voluntary activation after pro-
previously discussed in section 3.3, the manifesta- longed running exercises.[9,107] Interestingly, this
tion and the contribution of the central and reflex was not the case after a freestyle ski skating mara-
neural adjustments to SSC fatigue may vary depend- thon.[11] However, the concept of supraspinal fatigue
ing on the testing task. This variation in neural
cannot be ruled out when considering the large
adjustments has been addressed by the following
reductions in maximal neural activation reported
mechanisms to: (i) compensate for the contractile
immediately after prolonged SSC exercises, where
failure;[12] (ii) optimise the neural drive in propor-
eccentric loads exceed the ones of cross-country
tion to the contractile failure (also known as ‘muscle
wisdom’);[100] and (iii) induce contractile failure skiing.[10,21,53] During the delayed phase of recovery,
with inadequate neural drive.[101] It is not very well this possibility is reinforced further by the potential
known why neural drive itself should be a limiting effect of muscle pain. Qerama et al.[108] suggested
factor for the force output of the muscle. However, that stimulation (capsaicin and hypertonic saline) of
in a fatiguing exercise where muscle damage takes muscle nociceptors induced a reduction in motoneu-
place, inadequate neural drive can be an attempt of rone firing rates. Using TMS, Le Pera et al.[109]
the neuromuscular system to protect the muscle- demonstrated that tonic muscle pain can inhibit the
tendon unit from additional damage.[15,30,50,54] If the motor system. During the peak pain, the absence of
result of these neural adjustments is reduced neural effects on the H-reflex response suggested that the
drive, regardless of the mechanism, development of observed reduction in the size of the motor-evoked
central fatigue exists. potentials was probably due to decreased excitabili-
6.2.1 Supraspinal Fatigue
ty of the motor cortex. Twenty minutes after pain,
The most common protocol to reveal the changes the motor-evoked potential amplitude was found to
in neural drive to motoneurones is the twitch inter- be further depressed and the H-reflex amplitude
polation technique.[102] The problem with this tech- reduced, suggesting an inhibition of the spinal
nique is that it is not able to identify exactly which motoneurones, possibly overlapping the cortical in-
mechanism would be responsible for such changes. hibitory processes. This observation of a delayed
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) over the depression of the H-reflex response has been clearly
motor cortex has been recently used to assess possi- demonstrated for H-reflex peak-to-peak amplitude
ble changes in cortical excitability during fa- after exhaustive rebound exercise on the sledge[110]
tigue.[101-106] According to Gandevia et al.[101] as well as after 75 minutes of electrical stimulation
supraspinal fatigue has developed if an association combined with mechanically induced stretches (un-
can be found between cortical inhibition and decline published observations).

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992 Nicol et al.

These results are in contrast with the absence of trates on the most obvious ones. They include altera-
change reported by Svensson et al.[111] and Matre et tion of the fusimotor-muscle spindle system and
al.[112] It should be mentioned, however, that Matre reflex adjustments of the neural activity, namely via
et al.[112] observed in some of the H-reflex record- activation of group III and IV muscle afferents.
ings a delayed depression (lasting for >40 minutes
after the end of pain), which was then attributed to 6.2.2 Alteration in the Fusimotor-Muscle
the potential inhibitory effect originating from Spindle Function
group III muscle afferents. The same hypothesis was The monosynaptic reflex loop originating from
also suggested by Nicol et al.[110] when the H-reflex muscle spindle is well known to be under fusimotor
response did not recover until 5 days after each SSC control (γ-loop).[113] In the case of muscle fatigue,
exercise (figure 8a). After prolonged SSC simula- various spinal and/or peripheral feedback mecha-
tion in an ankle ergometer, H-reflex has also been nisms may be suggested to occur.[1] In general, these
shown to decrease in parallel with increased interpo- mechanisms can be related to either presynaptic or
lated twitch torque.[88] Consequently, this reduction postsynaptic inhibitory effects coming from differ-
in H-reflex amplitude may include the possibility of ent feedback sources or decreased net facilitation
supraspinal modulation of the α-motoneurone pool (disfacilitation) of the Ia-afferents coming from the
during SSC fatigue. It further emphasises the com- muscle spindle. Some direct evidence comes from
plexity of SSC fatigue and the possible interaction microneurographic recordings that reflex facilitato-
with other mechanisms in neural adjustment to fa- ry influence provided by muscle afferents indeed
tigue and to the testing task. This article concen-
declines as fatigue develops.[114] Even though the
a hypothesis of Ia-afferent supported reduction in mo-
20 tor unit firing rates have been recently challenged,[1]
H/M-wave amplitude (D%)

it is very likely that especially since the eccentric
part of the SSC muscle action induces a powerful
-20 loading of the muscle spindles, continuous SSC
loading can modify the γ-loop system. Unfortunate-
ly, because of technical difficulties, no direct
-60 microneurographic recordings have so far been
made from human muscle afferents during SSC
d0b d0a d2 d5b d5a d7 d10b d10a d12 d15 fatigue.
Although the exact mechanism inducing the re-
duced Ia-afferent activity has not yet been thorough-
H-reflex amplitude (D%)

20 ly explained, three major possibilities have been

-20 presented: (i) withdrawal of the fusimotor support to
-40 the muscle spindles;[115,116] and/or (ii) intrafusal fi-
-60 bre fatigue itself;[117] and/or (iii) mechanical unload-
*** ing of the muscle spindle.[87,118] Methodologically, it
d0b d0a 2h d2 d7 is very difficult to separate the effect of fusimotor
Testing sessions support to muscle spindles from the effects of the
Fig. 8. Relative changes (mean ± SD) in the H/M-wave ratio (a) in
muscle spindles themselves in fatigue. In some SSC
the course of a 15-day follow-up during which an exhaustive short-
term stretch-shortening cycle exercise was repeated on days 0, 5 fatigue experiments listed in table II[23,52] large acute
and 10[110] and in H-reflex (b) after 75 minutes of electrical stimula- and delayed reductions in stretch-reflex responses
tion combined with mechanically induced stretches (unpublished
have been measured in both passive and active con-
observations). In both studies, the changes are expressed as a
percentage of the pre-fatigue value. dxa = day x after exercise; dxb ditions.[23,24,27,30,52] At present, however, it can only
= day x before exercise; *** p < 0.001. be hypothesised that both direct and indirect fatigue

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The Stretch-Shortening Cycle 993

effects on the fusimotor-muscle spindle system ex- End
ist. a Ankle displacement
Direct influences include both metabolic and 90

Ankle displacement (o)

Fascicle length (cm)

mechanical factors. Bongiovanni and Hagbarth[116] 6

were able to show that metabolic fatigue can influ- 86

ence the fusimotor support to the muscle spindles. In

addition, they also suggested that there is a possibili- 4

ty for some more direct fatigue effects on the in- 78

trafusal fibres themselves. The theory of intrafusal
fatigue relies on a fatigue-induced decline in in- 74 2

trafusal contraction force, which could then reduce 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time (ms)
the afferent discharge. However, direct fatigue ef-
fects on the intrafusal fibres are scarce. Some signs 0
of metabolic fatigue in intrafusal fibres have been
Fascicle length (D%)

observed following prolonged stimulation of static -2

γ-axons in the cat[119] through the effect of NH3 and
CO2 on the sensory ending of cat muscle spin-
dles[120] or during prolonged swimming of mice.[121] -6
With regard to the possibility of mechanical
changes in the intrafusal fibres, one can assume that -8
the SSC fatigue can potentially influence the in- 0 200 400 600
trafusal fibre force. This could take place without Time (ms)
direct damage to the fibres. Some signs of this Fig. 9. Mean data from eight subjects illustrating the behaviour of
possibility have been reported by Avela et al.[88] in the fascicle length changes (p < 0.05 to p < 0.01) during one
passive stretch cycle (average of ten cycles) at the beginning and
an experiment where long-lasting SSC fatigue re- end of a passive stretching protocol, in both absolute (a) and rela-
sulted in an acute 14% reduction in stretch-resisting tive (b) scales.[118] The shaded area in graph b represents + stan-
force of the triceps surae muscle group. This was dard deviation above the mean.

taken as an evidence for increased muscle-tendon

compliance immediately after fatigue, which could stretching protocol. This measurement showed that
then modify the mechanical response of the muscle during the stretching protocol H-reflex was reduced
spindle. Since investigation of this hypothesis again from 3.6 to 1.9mV. Results from the reflex measure-
meets the problem of isolating each possible mecha- ments were then taken as a clear indication of some
nism, continuous passive stretches have been used neural modification induced by the passive stretch-
as an exercise task. ing. Interestingly, ultrasound measurements re-
Avela et al.[118] demonstrated a clear reduction vealed simultaneously a significant reduction in fas-
(41% and 27.5% for medial gastrocnemius and cicle length of the medial gastrocnemius muscle
soleus muscles, respectively) in stretch-reflex peak- (figure 9). Therefore, the authors suggested that the
to-peak amplitude measured immediately after re- increased compliance of the muscle-tendon unit
peated passive muscle stretching of 1-hour duration. takes place somewhere in the aponeurosis-tendon
In that experiment, the parameters for muscle system. Thus, their final interpretation was that the
stretching simulated those of normal endurance run- increased compliance of the muscle results in a
ning. Avela et al.[118] also measured H-reflexes reduced mechanical response of the muscle spindle
(stimuli at 25% of maximal M-wave) during ten leading to reduced Ia-afferent activity and, finally,
stretching ramps for the beginning and the end of the to disfacilitation of the α-motoneurone pool.

 2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2006; 36 (11)
994 Nicol et al.

6.2.3 Reflex Adjustments of the Neural Activation the functional effect of small muscle afferents be-
It was originally suggested by Asmussen and comes more complicated, since it is known from the
Mazin[122] and later supported by Bigland-Ritchie et animal studies[136] that these small muscle afferents
al.[123] that reduction in the neural activation could make a powerful input to inhibitory interneurones,
depend on some reflex response from the con- which could inhibit the Ia-afferent terminals.[137]
tracting muscle itself. This hypothesis has been later
Some convincing, although indirect, evidence
challenged by Löscher et al.[124] for sustained iso-
metric contractions. The nature of SSC fatigue exists in favour of a presynaptic inhibitory effect on
could, however, favour the intervention of such α-motoneurones.[138,139] For example, Garland and
mechanisms. It is of interest for the present discus- McComas[138] showed that the H-reflex was signifi-
sion on the functional effects of SSC-induced mus- cantly depressed after electrically induced fatigue of
cle damage that small diameter, group III and IV, human ankle plantarflexors under ischaemia. How-
muscle afferents could be likely candidates for such ever, they failed to observe similar reduction in H-
influences. reflex with ischaemia alone and with electrical stim-
Briefly, these muscle afferents are known to be ulation without ischaemia. Support for the involve-
mostly polymodal, being sensitive to several param- ment of group III and IV muscle afferents comes
eters associated with either metabolic fatigue or from the finding that selective damage of these
muscle injury.[125,126] In the acute phase of SSC afferents (by application of capsaicin) abolishes the
fatigue, extracellular increases in potassium, depression of the monosynaptic reflex induced by
phosphate and lactic acid may constitute stimuli of muscle fatigue.[140] In addition, Duchateau and Hai-
the muscle metaboceptors.[127] In the case of muscle naut[137] discovered that the decrement in H-reflex
damage, biochemical substances, such as does not recover as long as the fatigue-induced
bradykinin[128] and prostaglandin, are known to be metabolic accumulation is maintained by ischaemia.
released, which may also increase the spontaneous Avela et al.[88] were able to show the same phe-
discharge of both group III and IV mechanorecep- nomenon after long-lasting SSC fatigue. Similarly,
tors and nociceptors. Once activated, the nocicep- the secondary decline of performance in SSC fa-
tors also release neuropeptides, which cause vasodi-
tigue, which usually lasts for a few days after the
latation, oedema and release of histamine. These
exercise, supports the hypothesis of a potential ef-
processes lead then to a further and long-lasting
fect of prolonged activation of group III and IV
activation of some of the sensory endings.[129] In
muscle afferents by the exercise-induced inflam-
terms of their influence on the neural activation,
matory process. This is well in line with the recent
both facilitatory and inhibitory influences have been
reported. findings of Dousset et al. (unpublished data) that the
Group III and IV muscle afferents may have a delayed changes in reflexes and isometric force oc-
facilitatory effect (‘vicious circle’[130]) on the γ- curred concomitantly with an increase in muscle
motoneurones. Several experiments have shown thickness, C-reactive protein and substance P con-
that, especially in the cat, the activity of the group III centration, as well as in serum creatine kinase activi-
and IV muscle afferents can result in a reflexively ty. With regard to the slow conducting velocity of
induced increase of fusimotor discharge[131,132] and small muscle afferents (2.5–3 m/sec), their continu-
increase spindle discharge during long lasting iso- ous activation by these polymodal stimuli gives
metric contraction.[133,134] Some signs of similar be- support to their potential role in the delayed and
haviour have also been found in humans.[135] In the prolonged SSC recovery phase. Thus, it is very
case of SSC fatigue, this mechanism has been sug- likely that the presynaptic inhibition is triggered by
gested to play a role in the large stretch reflex the group III and IV muscle afferents and may then
facilitation observed in a passive resistance to contribute to the bimodal pattern observed along the
stretch.[23] Understanding of this facilitation and of recovery period.

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The Stretch-Shortening Cycle 995

7. Conclusions many other possible mechanisms need more thor-

ough testing in animal models provided that the SSC
This article has attempted to demonstrate that actions can be truly performed as they appear in
naturally occurring, but exhaustive, SSC exercise normal human locomotion.
often induces a dramatic reduction in force and
power production. Although these effects are in Acknowledgements
some cases somewhat similar to those occurring
Professor Komi was supported by grant 88/627/2005 from
after intensive eccentric exercise, the SSC fatigue is the Ministry of Education (Finland). The authors have no
much more complex because of its more compre- conflicts of interest that are directly relevant to the content of
hensive way of loading the neuromuscular system this review.
mechanically, metabolically and neurally. Thus, it
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