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Workbook 7.

Standard I/O and Pipes

Workbook 7. Standard I/O and Pipes
Table of Contents
1. Standard In and Standard Out ............................................................................................................4
Discussion ..........................................................................................................................................4
Three types of programs...........................................................................................................4
Standard in (stdin) and Standard out (stdout)...........................................................................5
Redirecting stdout.....................................................................................................................5
Redirecting stdin.......................................................................................................................6
Under the Hood: Open Files and File Descriptors ...................................................................7
Getting Out of sort’s ................................................................................................................9
Automated FTP Transfers ......................................................................................................10
Automating Graph Generation with gnuplot .........................................................................13
Online Exercises...............................................................................................................................15
Using Standard In and Standard Out ......................................................................................15
2. Standard Error ....................................................................................................................................20
Discussion ........................................................................................................................................20
Standard Error (stderr)............................................................................................................20
Redirecting stderr ...................................................................................................................21
Combining stdout and stderr: Old School ..............................................................................22
Combining stdout and stderr: New School.............................................................................23
Using /dev/null to filter out stderr .....................................................................................24
Online Exercises...............................................................................................................................25
Specification ...........................................................................................................................25
Deliverables ............................................................................................................................26
3. Pipes ......................................................................................................................................................30
Discussion ........................................................................................................................................30
Pipes .......................................................................................................................................30
Filtering output using grep.....................................................................................................31
Pipes and stderr.......................................................................................................................32
Commands as filters ...............................................................................................................32
Listing Processes by Name.....................................................................................................33
Searching Command History Efficiently................................................................................33
Unix philosophy: Simple Tools that Work Well Together......................................................34
Online Exercises...............................................................................................................................37
Specification ...........................................................................................................................37
Deliverables ............................................................................................................................37
Clean Up .................................................................................................................................37

Chapter 1. Standard In and Standard Out

Key Concepts
• Terminal based programs tend to read information from one source, and write information to one
• The source programs read from is referred to as Standard In (stdin), and is usually connected to a
terminal’s keyboard.
• The destination programs write to is referred to as Standard Out (stdout), and is usually connected to a
terminal’s display.
• When using the bash shell, stdout can be redirected using > or >>, and stdin can be redirected using <.

Many Linux commands read input from the keyboard and display output to the terminal. In this
Workbook, you’ll learn how you can redirect where input is read from and where output goes. The
output of one command can be used as the input for another command, allowing simple commands to be
used together to perform more complicated tasks.

Three types of programs

In Linux (and Unix), programs can generally be grouped into the following three designs.

Graphical Programs
Graphical programs are designed to run in the X graphical environment. They expect the user to be
using a mouse, and use common graphical components, such as popup menus and buttons, for user
input. The mozilla web browser is an example of a graphical program.

Screen Programs
Screen based programs expect to use a text console. They make use of the entire display, and handle
text placement and screen redraws in sophisticated ways. They do not require a mouse, and are
appropriate for terminals and virtual consoles. The vi and nano text editors, and links web browser,
are examples of screen based programs.

Terminal Programs
Terminal programs collect input and display output in a stream, seldom if ever redrawing the screen,
as if writing directly to a printer that does not allow the cursor to move back up the page. Because of
their simplicity, terminal based programs are often called simply commands. ls, grep, and useradd
are examples of terminal based programs.

Chapter 1. Standard In and Standard Out

This chapter focuses on the latter type of program. Do not let the simplicity of the way these commands
receive input and output fool you. You will find that many of these commands are very sophisticated, and
allow you to use the command line interface in powerful ways.

Standard in (stdin) and Standard out (stdout)

Terminal based programs generally read information as as stream from a single source, such as a
terminal’s keyboard. Likewise, they generally write information as a steam to a single destination, such
as a display. In Linux (and Unix), the input stream is referred to as Standard In (usually abbreviated
stdin), and the output stream is referred to as Standard Out (usually abbreviated stdout).
Usually, stdin and stdout are connected to the terminal that runs the command. Sometimes, in order to
automate commonly repeated commands, or in order to record the output of a command for later
inclusion in a report or email, people find it convenient to redirect stdin from or stdout into files.

Redirecting stdout

Writing Output to a File

When a terminal based program generates output, it generally writes that output to its stdout stream,
without knowing what is connected to the receiving end of that stream. Usually, the stdout stream is
connected to the terminal that started the process, so the output is written to the terminal’s display. The
bash shell uses > to redirect a process’s stdout stream to a file.
For example, suppose the machine elvis is using becomes very sluggish and non-responsive. In order to
diagnose the problem, elvis would like to examine the currently running processes. Because the machine
is so sluggish, however, he wants to collect the information now, but analyze it later. He can redirect the
output of the ps aux command into the file sluggish.txt, and come back to examine the file when the
machine is more responsive.

[elvis@station elvis]$ ps aux > sluggish.txt

[elvis@station elvis]$

Notice that no output is displayed to the terminal. The ps command writes to stdout, as it always does,
but stdout is redirected by the bash shell to the file sluggish.txt. The user elvis can examine the file
later, at a more convenient time.

[elvis@station elvis]$ head sluggish.txt

root 1 0.0 0.0 1380 76 ? S Jun02 0:04 init [
root 2 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SW Jun02 0:00 [keventd]
root 3 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SW Jun02 0:00 [kapmd]
root 4 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SWN Jun02 0:00 [ksoftirqd_CPU0]
root 9 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SW Jun02 0:00 [bdflush]
root 5 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SW Jun02 0:00 [kswapd]
root 6 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SW Jun02 0:00 [kscand/DMA]
root 7 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SW Jun02 0:37 [kscand/Normal]
root 8 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SW Jun02 0:00 [kscand/HighMem]

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Chapter 1. Standard In and Standard Out

Appending Output to a File

If the file sluggish.txt already existed, its original contents would be lost. This is often referred to as
clobbering a file. To append a command’s output to a file, rather than clobbering it, bash uses >>.
Suppose that elvis wanted to record a timestamp of when the sluggish behavior was happening, as well
as a list of currently running processes. He could first create (or clobber) the file with the output of the
date command, using >, and then append to it the output of the ps aux command using >>.

[elvis@station elvis]$ date > sluggish.txt

[elvis@station elvis]$ ps aux >> sluggish.txt
[elvis@station elvis]$ head sluggish.txt
Tue Jun 3 16:57:23 EDT 2003
root 1 0.0 0.0 1380 76 ? S Jun02 0:04 init [
root 2 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SW Jun02 0:00 [keventd]
root 3 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SW Jun02 0:00 [kapmd]
root 4 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SWN Jun02 0:00 [ksoftirqd_CPU0]
root 9 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SW Jun02 0:00 [bdflush]
root 5 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SW Jun02 0:00 [kswapd]
root 6 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SW Jun02 0:00 [kscand/DMA]
root 7 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? SW Jun02 0:37 [kscand/Normal]

Redirecting stdin
Just as bash uses > to coax commands into delivering their output somewhere other than the display,
bash uses < to cause them to read input from somewhere other than the keyboard. The user elvis is still
trying to figure out why his machine was acting sluggish. He talked to his local system administrator,
who thought that looking at the list of currently running processes sounded like a good idea, and asked
elvis to mail him a copy.
Using the terminal based mail command, elvis first writes an email message to the administrator
"manually", from the keyboard. The mail command expects a recipient as an argument, and the subject
line can be specified with the -s command line switch. The email body is then entered from the keyboard.
The end of the message text is signaled by a lone period on a line.

[elvis@station elvis]$ mail -s "Computer is sluggish"

Hey sysadmin...

I’m sending a list of processes that were running when the computer was running
in a separate email.

Thanks! --elvis

For his follow-up message, elvis can easily mail the output of the ps command he recorded in the file
sluggish.txt. He just redirects the mail command’s stdin stream to be read from the file.

[elvis@station elvis]$ mail -s "ps output" < sluggish.txt

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Chapter 1. Standard In and Standard Out

The system administrator will receive an email from elvis, with "ps output" as it’s subject line, and the
contents of the file sluggish.txt as its body.
In the first case, the mail process’s stdin was connected to the terminal, and the message body was
provided by the keyboard. In the second case, bash arranged for the mail process’s stdin to be connected
to the file sluggish.txt, and the message body was provided by its contents. The mail command
doesn’t change its basic behavior: It reads the body of the email message from stdin. 1

Under the Hood: Open Files and File Descriptors

Open Files and File Descriptors

To fully appreciate how processes manage Standard In, Standard Out, and files, we must introduce the
concept of a file descriptor. In order to read information from or write information to a file, a process
must open the file. Linux (and Unix) processes keep track of the files they currently have open by
assigning each an integer. The integer is called a file descriptor.
The Linux kernel provides an easy way to examine the open files and file descriptors of a currently
running process, using the /proc file system. Every process has an associated subdirectory under
/proc, named after its PID (process ID). The process’s subdirectory in turn has a subdirectory called fd
(for f ile descritptor). Within the /proc/pid /fd subdirectory, a symbolic links exists for every file the
process has open. The name of the symbolic link is the open file’s integer file descriptor, and the
symbolic link resolves to the open file itself.
In the following, elvis cats the file /etc/termcap, and then almost immediately suspends the program
with a CTRL-Z.

[elvis@station elvis]$ cat /etc/termcap

[1]+ Stopped cat /etc/termcap

Using the ps command to look up the process’s PID, elvis next examines the process’s /proc/pid /fd

[elvis@station elvis]$ ps
1368 pts/1 00:00:00 bash
1910 pts/1 00:00:00 cat ➊
1911 pts/1 00:00:00 ps
[elvis@station elvis]$ ls -l /proc/1910/fd ➋
total 0
lrwx------ 1 elvis elvis 64 Sep 13 06:42 0 -> /dev/tty1
lrwx------ 1 elvis elvis 64 Sep 13 06:42 1 -> /dev/tty1
lrwx------ 1 elvis elvis 64 Sep 13 06:42 2 -> /dev/tty1
lr-x------ 1 elvis elvis 64 Sep 13 06:42 3 -> /etc/termcap

➊ elvis observes that the PID of the cat process is 1910.

➋ elvis now looks in the subdirectory which corresponds to the observed PID.

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Chapter 1. Standard In and Standard Out

Not surprisingly, the cat process has the file /etc/termcap open (it must be able to read the file to
display its contents). Perhaps a little surprising, it is not the only, or even the first, file that the process has
open. The cat command has three open files before it, or, more exactly, the same file open three times:

As a Linux (and Unix) convention, every process inherits three open files upon startup. The first, file
descriptor 0, is Standard In. The second, file descriptor 1, is Standard Out, and the third, file descriptor 2,
is Standard Error (to be discussed in the next Lesson). What open files did the cat command inherit from
the bash shell that started it? The device node /dev/tty1 for all three.

Table 1-1. Standard In, Standard Out, and Standard Error File Descriptors

Stream Descriptor Abbreviation

Standard In 0 stdin
Standard Out 1 stdout
Standard Error 2 stderr

Recall that /dev/tty1 is the device node which connects to the console serial driver within the kernel.
Whatever elvis types can be read from this file, and whatever is written to this file is displayed on elvis’s
terminal. What happens if the cat process reads from stdin? It reads input from elvis’s keyboard. What
happens if it writes to stdout? Whatever is written is displayed on elvis’s terminal.

In the next example, elvis cat’s the /etc/termcap file, but this time redirects stdout to the file
/tmp/foo. Again, elvis suspends the command in mid-stride with the CTRL-Z control sequence.

[elvis@station elvis]$ cat /etc/termcap > /tmp/foo

[1]+ Stopped cat /etc/termcap >/tmp/foo

Using the same technique as above, elvis examines the files opened by the cat command, and the file
descriptors associated with them.

[elvis@station elvis]$ ps
1368 pts/1 00:00:00 bash
1976 pts/1 00:00:00 cat
1977 pts/1 00:00:00 ps
[elvis@station elvis]$ ls -l /proc/1976/fd
total 0
lrwx------ 1 elvis elvis 64 Sep 13 07:05 0 -> /dev/pts/1
l-wx------ 1 elvis elvis 64 Sep 13 07:05 1 -> /tmp/foo ➊
lrwx------ 1 elvis elvis 64 Sep 13 07:05 2 -> /dev/pts/1
lr-x------ 1 elvis elvis 64 Sep 13 07:05 3 -> /etc/termcap

➊ Notice that file descriptor 1 (in other words, Standard Out) is no not connected to the terminal, but
instead to the file /tmp/foo.

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Chapter 1. Standard In and Standard Out

What happens when elvis redirects both Standard Out and Standard In?

[elvis@station elvis]$ cat < /etc/termcap > /tmp/foo

[1]+ Stopped cat </etc/termcap >/tmp/foo

[elvis@station elvis]$ ps
1368 pts/1 00:00:00 bash
1980 pts/1 00:00:00 cat
1988 pts/1 00:00:00 ps
[elvis@station elvis]$ ls -l /proc/1980/fd
total 0
lr-x------ 1 elvis elvis 64 Sep 13 07:07 0 -> /etc/termcap ➊
l-wx------ 1 elvis elvis 64 Sep 13 07:07 1 -> /tmp/foo
lrwx------ 1 elvis elvis 64 Sep 13 07:07 2 -> /dev/pts/1

➊ File descriptor 0 (Standard In) is not connected to the terminal, but instead to the file

When the cat command is called without arguments (i.e., without any filenames of files to display), it
displays Standard In instead. Rather than opening a specified file (using file descriptor 3, as above), the
cat command reads from stdin instead.
What is the effective difference between the following three commands?

[elvis@station elvis]$ cat < /etc/termcap > /tmp/foo

[elvis@station elvis]$ cat /etc/termcap > /tmp/foo
[elvis@station elvis]$ cp /etc/termcap /tmp/foo

There is none. In order to appreciate the real benefit of designing commands to read from Standard In in
lieu of named files, we must wait until pipes are introduced in a subsequent Lesson.

The following examples include a quick example of how new users can often get confused by commands
that read from Standard In, and a couple of more "real world" examples that use the ftp and gnuplot
programs. The ftp and gnuplot programs are both complicated programs, and these examples merely
introduce enough of their functionality to emphasize one of the main themes of this Workbook: if the
program is driven from a command line interface, it can usually be automated with a simple text script
and redirection.

Getting Out of sort’s

In the following, blondie uses the sort command to sort the animals found in the text file zoo.

[blondie@station blondie]$ cat zoo


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Chapter 1. Standard In and Standard Out

[blondie@station blondie]$ sort zoo

As the name of the command suggests, the sort command (in its simplest form) reads a file, and writes
the contents sorted line by line alphabetically. Like the cat command, the sort command, when not
provided any arguments (i.e., filenames of files to sort), the sort command will look to stdin for its input.

[blondie@station blondie]$ sort < zoo


While this behavior seems (and is) perfectly reasonable, it often confuses new users who innocently type
a command’s name, "just to see what it does". In the following, assume that blondie does not yet know
about Standard In. Exploring, she invokes the sort command. Not understanding that the sort command
is waiting to read Standard In, i.e., her keyboard, she tries to somehow exit the command she’s started.
Finally, a friend whispers to her, "CTRL-D".

[blondie@station blondie]$ sort

man sort
get me out of this
get me out of this
man sort
[blondie@station blondie]$

Upon typing CTRL-D, the conventional "End of File" control sequence (recall Workbook 1), the sort
command prints a sorted list of everything it read on Standard In.

Automated FTP Transfers

The user blondie routinely grabs a README file from the ftp server for the Linux kernel project, The ftp server allows anonymous users, that is, users who sign in using the
username "anonymous". When prompted for a password, anonymous ftp users do not need to supply
one, but conventionally give their email address in lieu of a password.

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Chapter 1. Standard In and Standard Out

[blondie@station student]$ ftp

Connected to (
220 ProFTPD []
Name ( anonymous
331 Anonymous login ok, send your complete email address as your password.
Password: (blondie types in her email address)
230 Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> ls
227 Entering Passive Mode (204,152,189,116,237,224).
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
drwxr-s--- 2 korg mirrors 4096 May 21 2001 for_mirrors_only
drwx------ 2 root root 16384 Mar 18 00:27 lost+found
drwxrwsr-x 8 korg korg 4096 Mar 24 17:46 pub
226 Transfer complete.
ftp> cd pub
250 CWD command successful.
ftp> ls
227 Entering Passive Mode (204,152,189,116,237,229).
g150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
drwxrws--- 2 korg korg 4096 Mar 18 04:05 RCS
-r--r--r-- 1 korg korg 1963 Oct 4 2001 README
-r--r--r-- 1 korg korg 578 Mar 18 04:04 README_ABOUT_BZ2_FILES
drwxrwsr-x 4 korg korg 4096 Oct 26 2000 dist
226 Transfer complete.
ftp> get README
local: README remote: README
227 Entering Passive Mode (204,152,189,116,237,237).
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for README (1963 bytes).
226 Transfer complete.
1963 bytes received in 0.000564 secs (3.4e+03 Kbytes/sec)
ftp> quit
221 Goodbye.

When the ftp command pauses with the ftp> prompt, blondie types commands to navigate the ftp
server’s directories. If blondie downloaded this file often, she might be tempted to write a simple text file,
getreadme.ftp, that would reproduce the commands she typed from the keyboard. She could then run
the same command, ftp This time, however, she would use < to cause bash to redirect
stdin from the file getreadme.ftp. When the ftp command reads input from its stdin stream, the
information is provided by the file instead of the keyboard.
First, blondie uses a simple text editor to create the file getreadme.ftp containing all of the commands
that she typed interactively on the keyboard (including the password she supplied to the anonymous ftp

[blondie@station blondie]$ cat getreadme.ftp

cd pub

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Chapter 1. Standard In and Standard Out


Notice how the contents of the file match exactly what she typed when using the ftp command above.
Next, she reruns the ftp, but redirects stdin from the newly created file.

[blondie@station blondie]$ ftp < getreadme.ftp

Password:Name (
?Invalid command
drwxr-s--- 2 korg mirrors 4096 May 21 2001 for_mirrors_only
drwx------ 2 root root 16384 Mar 18 00:27 lost+found
drwxrwsr-x 8 korg korg 4096 Mar 24 17:46 pub
drwxrws--- 2 korg korg 4096 Mar 18 04:05 RCS
-r--r--r-- 1 korg korg 1963 Oct 4 2001 README
-r--r--r-- 1 korg korg 578 Mar 18 04:04 README_ABOUT_BZ2_FILES
drwxrwsr-x 4 korg korg 4096 Oct 26 2000 dist
-r--r--r-- 1 korg korg 1507 Oct 11 2001 index.html
drwxrwsr-x 8 korg korg 4096 Jan 21 2002 linux
drwxrwsr-x 3 korg korg 4096 Mar 24 17:46 scm
drwxrwsr-x 3 korg korg 4096 Oct 11 2001 site
drwxrwsr-x 11 korg korg 4096 Jan 1 2002 software
[blondie@station blondie]$ ls -l README
-rw-rw-r-- 1 blondie blondie 1963 Jun 3 17:37 README

After the command has run, blondie has a new README file in her directory, which was downloaded by
the ftp command. blondie did encounter a couple of hitches, however.

• First, the command paused, and she needed to hit RETURN once to get it to complete. For security
reasons, many commands, when reading passwords, do not read the passwords from stdin, but from
the terminal directly. (Commands do not have to rely on stdin as their sole source of input, but most
choose to do so.) When ftp attempted to read the password from the terminal, the program suspended
until blondie hit the RETURN key.
• Secondly, there is an odd line specifying ?Invalid Input. Because the password was read from the
terminal directly, it was not consumed from getreadme.ftp file. When the ftp command went to
read its next line of input, it read, which it reasonably didn’t recognize as a
• Lastly, directory listings were dumped to the terminal when the command was run. When the ftp
command ran the ls commands from getreadme.txt, it wrote the output to stdout, which is still
connected to the terminal. Since blondie knows where the file is located, and has embedded that
information into the script, she does not need to see these listings every time she runs the command.
To address these issues, she first takes advantage of a ~/.netrc file. The ftp command is designed to
look for such a file in the user’s home directory, and if it exists, use it to provide the user’s username and
password. After examining the netrc(5) man page, blondie uses a simple text editor to create the
following ~/.netrc file.

[blondie@station blondie]$ cat .netrc

default login anonymous password

Because the ~/.netrc file will now provide her username and password, she removes them from her
getreadme.ftp script. Secondly, she removes the unnecessary ls commands from the script as well.

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Chapter 1. Standard In and Standard Out

[blondie@station blondie]$ cat getreadme.ftp

cd pub

Armed with her ~/.netrc file (to provide her username and password) and her modified
getreadme.txt (to provide the commands for the ftp program), she reruns the ftp command, and the
operation runs smoothly.

[blondie@station blondie]$ head .netrc getreadme.ftp

==> .netrc <==
default login anonymous password user@site

==> getreadme.ftp <==

cd pub
[blondie@station blondie]$ ls
[blondie@station blondie]$ ftp < getreadme.ftp
[blondie@station blondie]$ ls
getreadme.ftp README

Automating Graph Generation with gnuplot

The user madonna would like to be able to easily generate plots of her machine’s CPU activity. She is
familiar with the vmstat command, which samples and tables many parameters which concern system
performance. The command can take two numeric arguments, the first which specifies the sampling
period in seconds, the last the number of samples to collect.
She is interested in the last three columns, which are the the percentage of time the CPU is spending in
the user ("us"), system ("sy"), and idle ("id") state. She collects 60 seconds worth of data from her
machine, sampling every second.

[madonna@station madonna]$ vmstat 1 60 > stats.txt

[madonna@station madonna]$ head stats.txt
procs memory swap io system cpu
r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa
2 6 0 17348 65604 277768 0 0 15 16 126 221 1 0 97 1
1 5 0 15736 66008 277788 0 0 376 6269 314 725 5 2 0 93
1 6 0 11496 67224 277392 0 0 1216 8 422 1533 15 16 0 69
0 6 0 10492 67944 277676 0 0 940 28 338 1193 7 8 0 85
0 6 0 10168 68324 277644 0 0 576 0 261 992 6 1 0 93
3 3 0 8848 69424 277864 0 0 1252 64 429 1386 10 16 0 74
3 3 0 8056 70188 277892 0 0 1068 1148 422 1215 8 16 0 76
1 6 0 12248 71084 277636 0 0 940 28 341 1275 9 4 0 87

A little frustrated that the two lines of text headers will interfere with the plotting of the data, madonna
opens the file stats.txt in a text editor and easily deletes them.

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Chapter 1. Standard In and Standard Out

To plot the data, she uses gnuplot, a sophisticated plotting package which uses commands read from a
terminal interface to generate plots of mathematical functions and numeric data. After some browsing
through the online help available within gnuplot, she develops the following commands to plot her data
as a PNG graphics file called cpu.png.

[madonna@station madonna]$ gnuplot

Version 3.7 patchlevel 3


Terminal type set to ’x11’

gnuplot> set term png
Terminal type set to ’png’
Options are ’ small color’
gnuplot> set output ’cpu.png’
gnuplot> plot ’stats.txt’ using 0:13 title "user" with lines, ’stats.txt’ using
0:14 title "system" with lines, ’stats.txt’ using 0:15 title "idle" with lines
gnuplot> quit

After quiting gnuplot, she returns to the bash shell, where she uses the eog image viewer to view her

[madonna@station madonna]$ eog cpu.png

Figure 1-1. madonna’s plot of CPU activity

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Chapter 1. Standard In and Standard Out

Because madonna thinks she will want to generate a similar plot often, and doesn’t go through the agony
of typing in gnuplot’s plot command every time, she generates a script which can be used to automate
gnuplot. Using a text editor, she creates the file cpu_plot.gnuplot, which contains all of the gnuplot
commands she entered from the keyboard, paying close attention to put one command per line.

[madonna@station madonna]$ cat cpu_plot.gnuplot

set term png
set output ’cpu.png’
plot ’stats.txt’ using 0:13 title "user" with lines, ’stats.txt’ using 0:14 titl
e "system" with lines, ’stats.txt’ using 0:15 title "idle" with lines

Now she can easily plot newly collected data by redirecting her script as gnuplot’s stdin.

[madonna@station madonna]$ gnuplot < cpu_plot.gnuplot

Online Exercises

Using Standard In and Standard Out

Lab Exercise
Objective: Use bash shell redirection to effectively control Standard In and
Standard Out.
Estimated Time: 20 mins.


1. The hostname command reports your station’s currently assigned hostname. Run the command
(without arguments), and redirect the output to the file ~/stdoutlab.txt.
2. The uptime command reports how much time has passed since your machine was booted, and other
system utilization information. Run the uptime command (without arguments), using redirection to
append the output to the file ~/stdoutlab.txt.
3. The uname -a command lists information about your current kernel version. Run the command,
using redirection to append the output to the file ~/stdoutlab.txt.
If you have completed the previous three steps successfully, you should be able to reproduce output
similar to the following. (Do not be concerned if your actual information differs from that shown
[student@station student]$ cat stdoutlab.txt
07:09:31 up 11:30, 5 users, load average: 0.19, 0.06, 0.01
Linux station 2.4.20-20.9 #1 Mon Aug 18 11:45:58 EDT 2003 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. For use only by a student enrolled in a Red Hat Academy course taught at a Red Hat Academy. Any other
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Chapter 1. Standard In and Standard Out

4. Generate a simple text file, ~/script.gnuplot, that will act as script to drive gnuplot. When
gnuplot reads your script from stdin, it should generate a plot of a simple mathematical expression,
such as the sine of x (sin(x)), or x squared (x**2). The plot should be generated as a PNG
graphics file called "gnuplot.png".
Once completed, your script should be able to be used as in the following example.
[student@station student]$ ls
[student@station student]$ gnuplot < script.gnuplot
[student@station student]$ ls
gnuplot.png script.gnuplot
[student@station student]$ file gnuplot.png
gnuplot.png: PNG image data, 640 x 480, 8-bit colormap, non-interlaced
[student@station student]$ eog gnuplot.png


1. A file called ~/stdoutlab.txt, which contains the output of the hostname command, followed by the output
of the uptime command, followed by the output of the uname -a command.
2. A script ~/script.gnuplot, which when used as stdin for the gnuplot command, generates a PNG graphics
file titled gnuplot.png containing a plot of a simple mathematical function.

Suggested Strategy for Automating gnuplot

Using Example 3 as your guide, experiment with gnuplot interactively, until you are able to generate a
simple plot. If you are using a text terminal instead of the X graphics environment, you can generate text
plots by setting your gnuplot output terminal as "dumb":

gnuplot> set term dumb

Once you can produce graphs, set your terminal type to png (for PNG graphics), and your output file to
"gnuplot.png", using the following two commands ...

gnuplot> set term png

gnuplot> set output "gnuplot.png"

... and generate your plot again. Once you have figured out the sequence of commands to generate a plot
as a PNG file, record the commands as your gnuplot script.

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Chapter 1. Standard In and Standard Out

Use the following transcript to answer the next 3 questions.

[prince@station prince]$ who

prince tty1 Sep 22 20:02
[prince@station prince]$ cat < /etc/services >> ~/services

1. Which file is the cat command using for Standard In?

( ) a. /dev/tty1
( ) b. /etc/services
( ) c. /dev/null
( ) d. ~/services
( ) e. None of the above

2. Which file is the cat command using for Standard Out?

( ) a. ~/services
( ) b. /dev/tty1
( ) c. /etc/services
( ) d. /dev/null
( ) e. None of the above

3. Which file is the bash shell using for Standard Out?

( ) a. /dev/tty1
( ) b. ~/services
( ) c. /dev/null
( ) d. /etc/services
( ) e. None of the above

4. Which of the following command lines would append lines to the (already existing) file df.out?
( ) a. df > df.out
( ) b. df >+ df.out
( ) c. df.out << df
( ) d. df.out +< df
( ) e. None of the above

rha030-5.0-2-en-2007-10-16T13:03:19-0400 17
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Chapter 1. Standard In and Standard Out

Use the following transcript to answer the next 3 questions.

[prince@station prince]$ ps
1409 pts/0 00:00:00 bash
1542 pts/0 00:00:00 vmstat
1543 pts/0 00:00:00 ps
[prince@station prince]$ ls -l /proc/1542/fd
total 6
lrwx------ 1 prince prince 64 Sep 22 20:42 0 -> /dev/pts/0
l-wx------ 1 prince prince 64 Sep 22 20:42 1 -> /tmp/vmstat.out
lrwx------ 1 prince prince 64 Sep 22 20:42 2 -> /dev/pts/0
lr-x------ 1 prince prince 64 Sep 22 20:42 3 -> /proc/uptime
lr-x------ 1 prince prince 64 Sep 22 20:42 4 -> /proc/stat
lr-x------ 1 prince prince 64 Sep 22 20:42 5 -> /proc/meminfo

5. Which of the following files is the vmstat command using for Standard Out?
( ) a. /proc/stat
( ) b. /dev/tty1
( ) c. /dev/pts/0
( ) d. /tmp/vmstat.out
( ) e. There is not enough information provided.

6. Which of the following occurred when the vmstat command was started?
( ) a. The bash shell created a new file.
( ) b. The bash shell clobbered an already existing file.
( ) c. The bash shell appended to an already existing file.
( ) d. The vmstat command created a new file.
( ) e. There is not enough information provided.

7. Which of the following files is the vmstat command using for Standard In?
( ) a. /proc/stat
( ) b. /tmp/vmstat.out
( ) c. /dev/pts/0
( ) d. /dev/tty1
( ) e. There is not enough information provided.

Use the following transcript to answer the next 3 questions.

[prince@station prince]$ cal > cal.out

[prince@station prince]$ ls -l /dev/stdin

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Chapter 1. Standard In and Standard Out

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 Apr 1 11:13 /dev/stdin -> ../proc/self/fd/0

[prince@station prince]$ cat /dev/stdin < cal.out
September 2003
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30

8. Which of the following would best describe the file /proc/self?

( ) a. The file is a symbolic link which resolves to the current login shell.
( ) b. The file is a symbolic link which resolves to the root directory.
( ) c. The file is a symbolic link which resolves to /dev/stdout.
( ) d. The file is a symbolic link which resolves to /tmp.
( ) e. The file is a symbolic link which resolves to the /proc/pid directory corresponding to the current process.

9. For the cat process, to what file would the symbolic link /proc/self/fd/0 resolve?
( ) a. /dev/stdin
( ) b. cal.out
( ) c. /dev/tty1
( ) d. /tmp
( ) e. /proc/self

10. For the cat process, to what file would the symbolic link /proc/self/fd/1 most likely resolve?
( ) a. /proc/self
( ) b. /tmp
( ) c. cal.out
( ) d. /dev/stdin
( ) e. /dev/tty1

1. This is an oversimplification. Some commands do respond differently if stdin or stdout is a terminal
instead of a file. The mail command, for instance, prompted elvis with a Cc: prompt when stdin was
a terminal, but not when stdin was the file sluggish.txt. In general, however, commands should
be thought of reading from a file or a terminal interchangeably, with only occasional, minor changes
in behavior.

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Chapter 2. Standard Error

Key Concepts
• Unix programs commonly report error conditions to a destination called Standard Error (stderr).
• Usually, stderr is connected to a terminal’s display, and error messages are found intermixed with
standard output.
• When using the bash shell, the stderr stream can be redirected to a file using 2>.
• When using bash, the stderr stream can be combined with stdout stream using 2>&1 or >&


Standard Error (stderr)

We have discussed the standard input and output streams, stdin and stdout, and how to use > and < in the
bash command line to redirect them. We are now ready to confuse matters a little by introducing a
second output stream, commonly used for reporting error conditions, called Standard Error (often
abbreviated stderr).
In the following sequence, elvis is using the head -1 command to generate a list of the first lines of all
the files in the /etc/rc.d directory.

[elvis@station elvis]$ ls -F /etc/rc.d/

init.d/ rc0.d/ rc2.d/ rc4.d/ rc6.d/ rc.sysinit*
rc* rc1.d/ rc3.d/ rc5.d/ rc.local* rc.sysinit.rpmsave*
[elvis@station elvis]$ head -1 /etc/rc.d/*
==> /etc/rc.d/init.d <==
head: /etc/rc.d/init.d: Is a directory

==> /etc/rc.d/rc <==

#! /bin/bash

==> /etc/rc.d/rc0.d <==

head: /etc/rc.d/rc0.d: Is a directory

==> /etc/rc.d/rc1.d <==

head: /etc/rc.d/rc1.d: Is a directory

==> /etc/rc.d/rc2.d <==

head: /etc/rc.d/rc2.d: Is a directory

==> /etc/rc.d/rc3.d <==

head: /etc/rc.d/rc3.d: Is a directory

==> /etc/rc.d/rc4.d <==

Chapter 2. Standard Error

head: /etc/rc.d/rc4.d: Is a directory

==> /etc/rc.d/rc5.d <==

head: /etc/rc.d/rc5.d: Is a directory

==> /etc/rc.d/rc6.d <==

head: /etc/rc.d/rc6.d: Is a directory

==> /etc/rc.d/rc.local <==


==> /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit <==


==> /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit.rpmsave <==


The head command, when fed multiple file names as arguments, conveniently decorates the name of the
file, followed by the first specified number of lines (in this case, one). When the head command
encounters a directory, however, it merely complains. Next, elvis runs the same command, redirecting
stdout to the file rcsummary.out.

[elvis@station elvis]$ head -1 /etc/rc.d/* > rcsummary.out

head: /etc/rc.d/init.d: Is a directory
head: /etc/rc.d/rc0.d: Is a directory
head: /etc/rc.d/rc1.d: Is a directory
head: /etc/rc.d/rc2.d: Is a directory
head: /etc/rc.d/rc3.d: Is a directory
head: /etc/rc.d/rc4.d: Is a directory
head: /etc/rc.d/rc5.d: Is a directory
head: /etc/rc.d/rc6.d: Is a directory

Most of the output is obediently redirected to the file rcsummary.out, but the directory complaints are
still displayed. Although not obvious at the outset, the head command is really sending output to two
independent streams. Normal output is written to Standard Out, but error message are written to a
separate stream called Standard Error (often abbreviated stderr). Usually, both streams are connected to
the terminal, and so the two are difficult to distinguish. By redirecting stdout, however, the information
written to stderr is obvious.

Redirecting stderr
Just as bash uses > to redirect stdout, bash uses 2> to redirect stderr. For example, elvis repeats the head
command from above, but instead of redirecting stdout to rcsummary.out, he redirects stderr to the file

[elvis@station elvis]$ head -1 /etc/rc.d/* 2> rcsummary.err

==> /etc/rc.d/init.d <==

==> /etc/rc.d/rc <==

#! /bin/bash

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Chapter 2. Standard Error

==> /etc/rc.d/rc0.d <==

==> /etc/rc.d/rc1.d <==

==> /etc/rc.d/rc2.d <==

==> /etc/rc.d/rc3.d <==

==> /etc/rc.d/rc4.d <==

==> /etc/rc.d/rc5.d <==

==> /etc/rc.d/rc6.d <==

==> /etc/rc.d/rc.local <==


==> /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit <==


==> /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit.rpmsave <==


The output is the complement to the previous example. We now see the normal output displayed to the
screen, but no error messages. Where did the error messages go? It shouldn’t be hard to guess.

[elvis@station elvis]$ cat rcsummary.err

head: /etc/rc.d/init.d: Is a directory
head: /etc/rc.d/rc0.d: Is a directory
head: /etc/rc.d/rc1.d: Is a directory
head: /etc/rc.d/rc2.d: Is a directory
head: /etc/rc.d/rc3.d: Is a directory
head: /etc/rc.d/rc4.d: Is a directory
head: /etc/rc.d/rc5.d: Is a directory
head: /etc/rc.d/rc6.d: Is a directory

In the following example, both > and 2> are used to redirect stdout and stderr independently.

[elvis@station elvis]$ head -1 /etc/rc.d/* > rcsummary.out 2> rcsummary.err

[elvis@station elvis]$

In this case, the standard output can be found in the file rcsummary.out, error messages can be found
in rcsummary.err, and nothing is left over to be displayed to the screen.

Combining stdout and stderr: Old School

Often, someone would like to redirect the combined stdout and stderr streams to a single file. As a first
attempt, elvis tries the following command.

[elvis@station elvis]$ head -1 /etc/rc.d/* > rcsummary.both 2> rcsummary.both

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Chapter 2. Standard Error

Upon examining the file rcsummary.both, however, elvis doesn’t find what he expects.

[elvis@station elvis]$ cat rcsummary.both

head: /etc/rc.d/init.d: I
==> /etc/rc.dhead: /etc/rc.d/rc0.d: Is a directory
head: /etc/rc.d/rc1.d: Is a direc
==> head: /etc/rc.d/rc2.
==> /etc/rc.d/rc3head: /
==> /etc/rc.d/rc4.d <==

==> /etc/rc.d/rc5.d <==

==> /etc/rc.d/rc6.d <==

==> /etc/rc.d/rc.local <==


==> /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit <==


==> /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit.rpmsave <==


The bash shell opened the file rcsummary.both twice, but treated each open file independently. When
stdout and stderr both wrote to the file, they clobbered each other’s information. What is needed instead
is some way to tell bash to effectively combine stderr and stdout into a single stream, and then redirect
that stream to a single file. As you would expect, there is such a way.

[elvis@station elvis]$ head -1 /etc/rc.d/* > rcsummary.both 2>&1

Although awkward, the last token 2>&1 should be thought of as saying "take stderr, and send it
wherever stdout is currently going". Now rcsummary.both contains the expected output.

[elvis@station elvis]$ cat rcsummary.both

==> /etc/rc.d/init.d <==
head: /etc/rc.d/init.d: Is a directory

==> /etc/rc.d/rc <==

#! /bin/bash

==> /etc/rc.d/rc0.d <==

head: /etc/rc.d/rc0.d: Is a directory

==> /etc/rc.d/rc1.d <==

head: /etc/rc.d/rc1.d: Is a directory

Much of this output was truncated, and replaced with "...".

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Chapter 2. Standard Error

Combining stdout and stderr: New School

Using 2>&1 to combine stdout and stderr was introduced in the original Unix shell, the Bourne shell (sh).
Because bash is designed to be backwards compatible with sh, it supports the syntax as well. The
syntax, however, is inconvenient. Besides being difficult to write, the order of the redirections is
important. Using ">out.txt 2>&1" and "2>&1 >out.txt" does not have the same effect!
In order to simplify things, bash uses >& to combine both stdin and stdout, as in the following example.

[elvis@station elvis]$ head -1 /etc/rc.d/* >& rcsummary.both

The following table summarizes the syntax used by the bash shell for redirecting stdin, stdout, and stderr
learned in this and the previous lesson.

Table 2-1. Redirecting stdin, stdout, and stderr in bash

syntax effect
cmd < file Redirect stdin from file
cmd > file Redirect stdout into file, overwriting (clobbering) file if it exists.
cmd >> file Redirect stdout into file, appending to file if it exists.
cmd 2> file Redirect stderr into file, overwriting (clobbering) file if it exists.
cmd 2>> file Redirect stderr into file, appending to file if it exists.
cmd > file 2>&1 Combine stdout and stderr, and redirect both into file. (Portable syntax)
cmd >& file Combine stdout and stderr, and redirect both into file. (Convenient syntax)


Using /dev/null to filter out stderr

The user elvis is has recently learned that, besides the /home/elvis and /tmp directories he’s familiar
with, he may also own files in the /var directory. These files are usually spooling files for received but
not yet viewed email, print jobs waiting to be sent to the printer, etc.
Curious, he uses the find command to find all files within the /var directory that he owns.

[elvis@station elvis]$ find /var -user elvis

find: /var/lib/slocate: Permission denied
find: /var/lib/nfs/statd: Permission denied
find: /var/lib/xdm/authdir: Permission denied
find: /var/spool/lpd/three-west: Permission denied
find: /var/spool/lpd/one-east-color: Permission denied

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Chapter 2. Standard Error

find: /var/spool/lpd/server1: Permission denied

find: /var/spool/at: Permission denied
find: /var/tux: Permission denied
find: /var/tomcat4/webapps: Permission denied

(Much of the output of this command has been truncated, and replaced with "...").
Although the find command appropriately reported the /var/spool/mail/elvis file, the output is
difficult to find among all of the "Permission denied" error messages being reported from various
subdirectories of /var. In order to help separate the wheat from the chaff, elvis redirects stderr to some
file in the /tmp directory.

[elvis@station elvis]$ find /var -user elvis 2> /tmp/foo


While this works, elvis is left with a file called /tmp/foo that he really didn’t want. In situations like
this, when a user wants to discard a stream of information, experienced Unix users usually redirect
output to a pseudo device called /dev/null.

[elvis@station elvis]$ find /var -user elvis 2> /dev/null


As the following long listing shows, /dev/null is a character device node, like those used for
conventional device drivers.

[elvis@station elvis]$ ls -l /dev/null

crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 Jan 30 05:24 /dev/null

When a user writes to /dev/null, the information is merely discarded by the kernel. When a user reads
from /dev/null, they encounter an immediate end of file. Notice that /dev/null is one of the few
files in Red Hat Enterprise Linux that has world writable permissions by default.

Online Exercises
Lab Exercise
Objective: Effectively manage Standard Out and Standard Error Streams
Estimated Time: 10 mins.


1. Use the following command line to display the contents of all files within the /etc/X11 directory.
[elvis@station elvis]$ cat /etc/X11/*
cat: /etc/X11/applnk: Is a directory

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Chapter 2. Standard Error

cat: /etc/X11/desktop-menus: Is a directory

cat: /etc/X11/fs: Is a directory
cat: /etc/X11/gdm: Is a directory
cat: /etc/X11/lbxproxy: Is a directory


2. Repeat the command line, but redirect stdout to a file called ~/stderrlab.out and stderr to a file
called ~/stderrlab.err.
3. Repeat the command again, but combine stdout and stderr into a single stream, and redirect the
stream to the file ~/stderrlab.both.


1. A file called ~/stderrlab.out, which contains the stdout stream from the command cat /etc/X11/*.
2. A file called ~/stderrlab.err, which contains the stderr stream from the command cat /etc/X11/*.
3. A file called ~/stderrlab.both, which contains the combined stdout and stderr streams from the command
cat /etc/X11/*.

Use the following transcript to answer the next question.

[madonna@station madonna]$ cat chmod.err

chmod: changing permissions of ‘/tmp/orbit-elvis’: Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/tmp/orbit-elvis-a8e8d915’: Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/tmp/orbit-hogan’: Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/tmp/orbit-root’: Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/tmp/orbit-student’: Operation not permitted

1. Which of the following command lines most likely created the file chmod.err?
( ) a. chmod a+r /tmp/* > chmod.err
( ) b. chmod a+r /tmp/* 2> chmod.err
( ) c. chmod a+r /tmp/* >> chmod.err
( ) d. chmod a+r /tmp/* e> chmod.err
( ) e. None of the above

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Chapter 2. Standard Error

2. Which of the following command lines would combine stdout and stderr, and redirect the combined stream to the
file /tmp/find.out?
( ) a. find /etc > /tmp/find.out 2>&1
( ) b. find /etc >> /tmp/find.out
( ) c. find /etc >& /tmp/find.out
( ) d. find /etc >>& /tmp/find.out
( ) e. Both A and C

3. Which of the following command lines would combine stdout and stderr, and redirect the combined stream to the
file /tmp/find.out, appending to the file if it already existed?
( ) a. find /etc > /tmp/find.out 2>&1
( ) b. find /etc >> /tmp/find.out
( ) c. find /etc >> /tmp/find.out 2>&1
( ) d. find /etc >>& /tmp/find.out
( ) e. Both A and C

Use the following transcript to answer the next two questions.

[madonna@station madonna]$ cat /etc/t* > /tmp/cat.out 2> /tmp/cat.err

[1]+ Stopped cat /etc/t* >/tmp/cat.out 2>/tmp/cat.err

[madonna@station madonna]$ ps
2419 pts/1 00:00:00 bash
3126 pts/1 00:00:00 cat
3127 pts/1 00:00:00 ps
[madonna@station madonna]$ ls -l /proc/3126/fd
total 4
lrwx------ 1 madonna madonna 64 Sep 23 04:15 0 -> /dev/pts/1
l-wx------ 1 madonna madonna 64 Sep 23 04:15 1 -> /tmp/cat.out
l-wx------ 1 madonna madonna 64 Sep 23 04:15 2 -> /tmp/cat.err
lr-x------ 1 madonna madonna 64 Sep 23 04:15 3 -> /etc/termcap
[madonna@station madonna]$ fg
[madonna@station madonna]$ ???????
cat: /etc/tomcat4: Is a directory

4. Which file descriptor does Linux use as Standard Error?

( ) a. 0
( ) b. 1
( ) c. 2

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Chapter 2. Standard Error

( ) d. 3
( ) e. None of the above

5. Which of the following command lines could replace the question marks as the last command line in the
( ) a. cat /dev/pts/1
( ) b. cat /tmp/cat.out
( ) c. cat /tmp/cat.err
( ) d. cat /etc/termcap
( ) e. cat /dev/null

6. To which of the following files would you expect the symbolic link /dev/stderr to resolve?
( ) a. ../proc/self/fd/2
( ) b. ../proc/self/fd/1
( ) c. ../proc/self/fd/0
( ) d. /dev/null
( ) e. None of the above

Use the following transcript to answer the next two questions.

[madonna@station madonna]$ cat


if id $1
echo "The user $1 belongs to the following groups: $(id -Gn $1) "
echo "The user $1 does not exist"
[madonna@station madonna]$ ./ elvis
uid=501(elvis) gid=501(elvis) groups=501(elvis),201(wrestle),202(physics),203(emperors),205(music)
The user elvis belongs to the following groups: elvis wrestle physics emperors music
[madonna@station madonna]$ ./ barney
id: barney: No such user
The user barney does not exist

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Chapter 2. Standard Error

7. Which of the following replacements for line number 3 of the file would cause the script to display a
single line beginning "The user", in all cases?
( ) a. if id -q $1
( ) b. if id $1 >/dev/null 2>&1
( ) c. if id $1 2> /dev/null
( ) d. if id $1 > /dev/null
( ) e. None of the above

8. Which of the following replacements for line number 7 of the file would cause the script to complain
on Standard Error if the user does not exist (instead of Standard Out)?
( ) a. echo "The user $1 does not exist" > /dev/stderr
( ) b. echo -e "The user $1 does not exist"
( ) c. echo "The user $1 does not exist" > /proc/self/fd/2
( ) d. echo -E "The user $1 does not exist"
( ) e. A and C

9. Assuming cmd is some simple command and its arguments (but no shell metacharacters), which of the following
would redirect Standard Error (only) to the file /tmp/errors, appending to the file if it already existed?
( ) a. cmd 2> /tmp/errors
( ) b. cmd >> /tmp/errors
( ) c. cmd >+ /tmp/errors
( ) d. cmd 2>+ /tmp/errors
( ) e. cmd 2>> /tmp/errors

10. Assuming cmd is some simple command and its arguments (but no shell metacharacters), which of the following
would be guaranteed to execute cmd , but generate no visible output?
( ) a. cmd 2> /dev/null
( ) b. cmd > /dev/null
( ) c. (cmd )
( ) d. cmd > /dev/null 2>&1
( ) e. silent (cmd )

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Chapter 3. Pipes

Key Concepts
• The stdout stream from one process can be connected to the stdin stream of another process, using
what Unix calls a "pipe".
• Many commands in Unix are designed to operate as a filter, reading input from stdin and sending
output to stdout.
• bash uses "|" to create a pipe between two commands.


In the previous Lessons, we have seen that a process’s output can be redirected to somewhere other than
the terminal display, or that a process can be asked to read input from some location other than the
terminal keyboard. One of the most common, and most powerful, forms of redirection is a combination
of the two, where the output (Standard Out) of one command is "piped" directly into the input (Standard
In) of another command, forming what Linux (and Unix) refers to as a pipe.
When two commands are joined by a pipe, the stdout stream of the first process is tied directly to the
stdin sequence of the second process, so that multiple processes can be combined in a sequence. In order
to create a pipe using bash, the two commands are joined with a vertical bar |. (On most keyboards, this
character is found on the same key as the backslash, above the RETURN key.) All processes that are
joined in a pipe are referred to as a process group.
As an example, consider prince, who is trying to find the largest files underneath the /etc directory. He
begins by composing a find command that will list all file with a size greater than 100Kbytes.

[prince@station prince]$ find /etc -size +100k 2>/dev/null


Observing that the find command seems to list the files in no particular order, prince decides he would
like the files to be listed alphabetically. He could redirect the output to a file, and then sort the file.
Instead, he takes advantage of the fact that the sort command, when invoked without arguments, looks to
Standard In for the data to sort. He pipes the output of his find command into sort.

[prince@station prince]$ find /etc -size +100k 2>/dev/null | sort


Chapter 3. Pipes


The files are now listed in alphabetical order.

Filtering output using grep

The traditional Unix grep command is commonly used in pipes to reduce data to only the "interesting"
parts. The grep command will be discussed in detail in a later Workbook. Here, we introduce grep in its
simplest form.
The grep command is used to search for and extract lines which contain a specified string of text. For
example, in the following, prince prints all lines that contain the text "root" from the /etc/passwd file.

[prince@station prince]$ grep root /etc/passwd


The first argument to the grep command is the string of text to be searched for, and any remaining
arguments are files to be searched for the text. If the grep command is called with only one argument (a
string to be searched for, but no files to search), it looks to Standard In as its source of data on which to
In the following, prince has so many files in his home directory that he is having trouble keeping track of
them. He’s trying to find a directory called templates that he created a few months ago. He uses the
locate command to help him find it.

[prince@station prince]$ locate templates


Unfortunately for prince, there are many files which contain the text templates in their name on the
system, and prince becomes overwhelmed with lines and lines of output. In order to reduce the
information to more relevant files, prince next takes stdout from the locate command, and creates a pipe
to stdin of the grep command, "grepping" for the word "prince".

[prince@station 010_section_discussion]$ locate templates | grep prince


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Chapter 3. Pipes

Because the grep command is not given a file to search, it looks to stdin, where it finds the stdout stream
of the locate command. Filtering the stream, grep only duplicates to its stdout lines that matched the
specified text, "prince". The rest were discarded. The user prince easily finds his directory under
~/proj, as well as another directory created by the application quanta.

Pipes and stderr

In the next example, prince is curious to see where he shows up in the system’s configuration files, and
"greps" for his name in the /etc directory.

[prince@station prince]$ grep prince /etc/*

grep: /etc/aliases.db: Permission denied
grep: /etc/at.deny: Permission denied
grep: /etc/default: Permission denied
grep: /etc/group-: Permission denied
grep: /etc/group.lock: Permission denied
grep: /etc/lvmtab: Permission denied
grep: /etc/passwd-: Permission denied
grep: /etc/passwd.lock: Permission denied
grep: /etc/sudoers: Permission denied
/etc/termcap:# From: John Doe <>
grep: /etc/vsftpd.conf.rpmsave: Permission denied

Again, prince is overwhelmed by the amount of output from this command. He tries the same trick,
"grepping" it down for all lines that contain the word "passwd".

[prince@station prince]$ grep prince /etc/* | grep passwd

grep: /etc/aliases.db: Permission denied
grep: /etc/at.deny: Permission denied
grep: /etc/default: Permission denied
grep: /etc/group-: Permission denied
grep: /etc/group.lock: Permission denied
grep: /etc/lvmtab: Permission denied
grep: /etc/passwd-: Permission denied
grep: /etc/passwd.lock: Permission denied

While stdout from the first grep command was appropriately filtered, stderr is unaffected, and still gets
displayed to the screen. How would prince go about suppressing stderr as well?

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Chapter 3. Pipes

Commands as filters
The concept of a pipe extends naturally, so that multiple commands can be used together, each reading
information from stdin, somehow modifying or filtering the information, and passing the result to stdout.
In a subsequent Workbook, you will find that there are many standard Linux (and Unix) commands that
are designed for this purpose, including some that you are already familiar with: grep, head, tail, cut,
sort, sed, and awk, to name a few.


Listing Processes by Name

Often, one would like to list information about processes which are running a specific command. While
ps aux tables a lot of information about currently running processes, the number of processes running on
the machine can make the output overwhelming. The grep command can help simplify the output.
In the following, prince would like to list information about the processes which are implementing his
web server, the httpd command. He lists all processes, but then reduces the output to only those lines
which contain the text httpd.

[prince@station prince]$ ps aux | grep httpd

root 889 0.0 0.0 18248 100 ? S Sep22 0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache 907 0.0 0.5 18436 1320 ? S Sep22 0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache 913 0.0 0.7 18436 1952 ? S Sep22 0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache 914 0.0 0.5 18436 1332 ? S Sep22 0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache 1979 0.0 0.5 18360 1524 ? S Sep22 0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache 1980 0.0 0.8 18388 2140 ? S Sep22 0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache 1981 0.0 0.5 18360 1524 ? S Sep22 0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
prince 4905 0.0 0.2 3572 640 pts/1 S 06:19 0:00 grep httpd

Searching Command History Efficiently

The user prince recently spent some time constructing a find command line which listed all large files
underneath the /etc directory, including size. Rather than repeating his efforts, he would like to see if
the command is still in his history. Because his history contains hundreds of lines, he uses the grep
command to help reduce the output.

[prince@station prince]$ history | grep find

102 find /var -user elvis
175 find -exec file {} \;
434 find /etc -name *.conf | head
675 find /etc -size +100k
680 find /etc -size +100k -exec ls -s {} \; 2>/dev/null
682 find -size +100k /etc
683 find /etc -size +100k
690 history | grep find

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Chapter 3. Pipes

He now locates the command line he wanted, and uses history substitution to easily repeat the command.

[prince@station prince]$ !680

find /etc -size +100k -exec ls -s {} \; 2>/dev/null
728 /etc/termcap
132 /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/schemas/desktop/gnome/interface/%gconf.xml
304 /etc/gconf/schemas/gedit.schemas

Unix philosophy: Simple Tools that Work Well Together

Linux, like Unix, is fundamentally based on the philosophy that complex systems should be created out
of simple, specialized components that inter-operate easily. Following this philosophy, many standard
Linux programs are designed to work as filters, reading data from a standard source, manipulating the
data, and delivering the result to a standard destination.
This philosophy is important enough to be illustrated using a long, detailed example. The example will
use commands you’re probably not yet familiar with. Don’t worry about the details of how to use the
commands, but instead focus on how the commands work together, each command performing a small
part, to produce the desired result.
Suppose a system administrator is examining DHCP lease messages in a well known log file,
/var/log/messages. If you are not familiar with DHCP, it is a protocol by which IP addresses can be
assigned to machines based on the hardware (MAC) address that is built into a machine’s Ethernet card.
In the following lines extracted from /var/log/messages, focus on the line containing the word
DHCPOFFER. Note that the IP address is being offered to the Ethernet card with a
hardware address of 00:08:74:37:c5:c3.

May 27 12:18:21 server1 dhcpd: DHCPACK on to 00:09:6b:d0:ce:8f via eth0
May 27 12:18:27 server1 login(pam_unix)[1981]: session closed for user root
May 27 12:19:15 server1 named[24350]: listening on IPv4 interface eth1,
May 27 12:19:21 server1 vsftpd: warning: can’t get client address: Bad file descriptor
May 27 12:19:21 server1 last message repeated 3 times
May 27 12:20:27 server1 dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 00:08:74:37:c5:c3 via eth0
May 27 12:20:27 server1 dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 00:08:74:37:c5:c3 via eth0
May 27 12:20:27 server1 dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for ( from 00:08:74:37

Without worrying about the details of the DHCP protocol, suppose the administrator wanted to extract a
list of IP addresses and the hardware addresses they were offered to from the log file. An experienced
administrator might take the following approach.
Realizing that the /var/log/message file is a very large file, in this case over 1000 lines in length, the
administrator first uses the grep command to reduce the information to only the relevant lines.

[root@station log]# grep DHCPOFFER messages

May 27 11:46:22 server1 dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 00:08:74:d9:41:9e via eth0
May 27 11:46:22 server1 dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 00:08:74:d9:41:9e via eth0
May 27 11:46:30 server1 dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 00:08:74:d9:41:9e via eth0
May 27 11:46:30 server1 dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 00:08:74:d9:41:9e via eth0

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Chapter 3. Pipes

May 27 11:48:40 server1 dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 00:08:74:d9:41:32 via eth0


This is a start, but the administrator is still dealing with too much information (the above screenshot only
lists the first 5 of 90 lines produced by this command). In order to extract just the relevant information,
namely the IP address and hardware address, the administrator takes the output of the grep command,
and pipes it to a command called sed, which strips the first few words from each line.

[root@station log]# grep DHCPOFFER messages | sed "s/^.*on //" to 00:08:74:d9:41:9e via eth0 to 00:08:74:d9:41:9e via eth0 to 00:08:74:d9:41:9e via eth0 to 00:08:74:d9:41:9e via eth0 to 00:08:74:d9:41:32 via eth0 to 00:08:74:d9:41:32 via eth0 to 00:08:74:d9:41:32 via eth0 to 00:08:74:d9:41:32 via eth0 to 00:08:74:d9:40:a4 via eth0

If you are not familiar with the sed command (and you probably aren’t), don’t worry about the details.
Just note that sed’s argument had the effect of removing the leading text from each line, up to the word
"on". There’s still too much extra text, however, so the administrator takes the output of this grep-sed
combination, and pipes it to a command called awk.

[root@station log]$ grep DHCPOFFER messages | sed "s/^.*on //

" | awk ’{print $1,$3}’
... 00:08:74:34:fe:bc 00:08:74:34:fd:36 00:08:74:37:c8:eb 00:08:74:37:c8:eb 00:08:74:d9:41:a3 00:08:74:d9:41:ac 00:08:74:d9:41:53 00:08:74:d9:41:ac 00:08:74:35:00:e3

Again, not worrying about the details of the awk command, note that the result was to extract just the
first and third column from the previous output. In order to sort the data, and remove duplicate lines, the
administrator now takes the output from the chain, and pipes it in turn through the commands sort and

[root@station log]$ grep DHCPOFFER messages | sed "s/^.*on //

" | awk ’{print $1,$3}’ | sort | uniq 00:08:74:d9:40:95 00:08:74:d9:41:9e 00:09:6b:d0:ce:8f 00:08:74:37:c5:c3 00:08:74:d9:41:dd 00:08:74:35:00:d0 00:08:74:34:fe:bc

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Chapter 3. Pipes 00:08:74:37:c8:eb 00:08:74:d9:41:ac 00:08:74:35:00:e3 00:08:74:d9:41:32 00:08:74:d9:40:a4 00:08:74:d9:3f:7f 00:08:74:34:fd:36 00:08:74:d9:41:a3 00:08:74:d9:41:53 00:08:74:d9:41:7b 00:08:74:35:00:1f

This is almost the list that the administrator wants, but the sort command didn’t work quite right. The
information is sorted, but it’s sorted alphabetically, not by IP address. The administrator modifies the
sort command with a couple of command line switches, specifying to sort numerically, keying on the
fourth field, where fields are separated by a period:

[root@station log]$ grep DHCPOFFER messages | sed "s/^.*on //" | awk ’{print $1,
$3}’ | sort -n -k4 -t. | uniq 00:08:74:d9:41:9e 00:08:74:d9:41:32 00:08:74:d9:40:a4 00:08:74:d9:3f:7f 00:08:74:34:fd:36 00:08:74:d9:41:a3 00:08:74:d9:41:53 00:08:74:d9:41:7b 00:08:74:35:00:1f 00:08:74:d9:40:95 00:08:74:37:c5:c3 00:08:74:d9:41:dd 00:08:74:35:00:d0 00:08:74:34:fe:bc 00:08:74:37:c8:eb 00:08:74:d9:41:ac 00:08:74:35:00:e3 00:09:6b:d0:ce:8f

This is the list that the administrator wanted, in the order that she wanted. She redirects all of this output
to a file in her home directory.

[root@station log]$ grep DHCPOFFER messages | sed "s/^.*on //" | awk ’{print $1
,$3}’ | sort -n -k4 -t. | uniq > ~/ip_dhcp.txt

In this example, an (admittedly experienced) administrator browsing a log file was able to spend a few
minutes and develop a chain of commands that filtered the original information down to exactly the
information that she wanted. She did this with a handful of tools that are in most Unix administrator’s
mental toolkit: grep, sed, awk, sort, and uniq.
If the administrator were using an operating system that wasn’t designed around the philosophy "small
tools that work together", she would have needed to rely on some programmer to develop the
ip_mac_extractor utility, and possibly rely on that programmer to create a graphical user interface for

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Chapter 3. Pipes

the utility as well. Instead, because she was able to use the flexibility of the command line, she was able
to handle the information herself.

Online Exercises
Lab Exercise
Objective: Use pipes to effectively filter information.
Estimated Time: 10 mins.


1. You would like to create a sorted list of all TCP services found in the file /etc/services. Pipe the
output of the command grep tcp /etc/services into the command sort. Redirect the output of this
pipe into the file ~/pipelab.txt.
2. Using the less pager, you would like to browse the output of the ls -R / command, viewing only files
that contain the letter s. Compose a command line using two pipes to chain the commands ls -R /,
grep s, and less. Leave the less pager in the foreground while you grade your exercise.


1. A file called ~/pipelab.txt, which contains the output of the command grep tcp /etc/services piped
through the command sort.
2. An active less pager, which is browsing the output of the command ls -R /, piped through the command grep s.

Clean Up
After your Exercise has been graded, you may quit the less pager.


1. Which of the following command lines would reduce the output of the locate conf command to only files whose

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Chapter 3. Pipes

name or path contains the text python?

( ) a. locate conf >> grep python
( ) b. locate conf | grep python
( ) c. locate conf < grep python
( ) d. locate conf | grep < python
( ) e. None of the above

2. Which of the following command lines would produce a sorted list of all processes which contain the text sshd?
( ) a. ps aux | sort | grep sshd
( ) b. ps aux | grep sshd | sort
( ) c. grep sshd | ps aux | sort
( ) d. sort | ps aux | grep sshd
( ) e. A or B

Use the following transcript to answer the next 6 questions.

[elvis@station elvis]$ ls -R / 2> /dev/null | grep etc | less

[1]+ Stopped ls --color=tty -R / 2>/dev/null | grep etc | less

[elvis@station elvis]$ ps
1603 pts/2 00:00:01 bash
2391 pts/2 00:00:00 ls
2392 pts/2 00:00:00 grep
2393 pts/2 00:00:00 less
2394 pts/2 00:00:00 ps
[elvis@station elvis]$ ls -l /proc/2391/fd
total 0
lrwx------ 1 elvis elvis 64 Sep 23 09:49 0 -> /dev/pts/2
l-wx------ 1 elvis elvis 64 Sep 23 09:49 1 -> pipe:[20966]
l-wx------ 1 elvis elvis 64 Sep 23 09:49 2 -> /dev/null

3. Which file (or pipe) is tied to stderr of the ls process?

( ) a. A pipe to the grep process
( ) b. /dev/null
( ) c. /dev/pts/2
( ) d. A pipe to the less process
( ) e. None of the above

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Chapter 3. Pipes

4. Which file (or pipe) is tied to stderr of the grep process?

( ) a. /dev/null
( ) b. /dev/pts/2
( ) c. A pipe to the ls process
( ) d. A pipe to the less process
( ) e. None of the above

5. Which file (or pipe) is tied to stdin of the grep process?

( ) a. A pipe to the less process
( ) b. A pipe to the ls process
( ) c. /dev/pts/2
( ) d. /dev/null
( ) e. None of the above

6. Which file (or pipe) is tied to stdin of the less process?

( ) a. A pipe to the ls process
( ) b. /dev/pts/2
( ) c. /dev/null
( ) d. A pipe to the grep process
( ) e. None of the above

7. To what expression would the symbolic link /proc/2392/fd/0 resolve?

( ) a. /dev/pts/2
( ) b. pipe:[20966]
( ) c. /dev/null
( ) d. /tmp
( ) e. /dev/tty2

8. When bash reports the stopped process group, the ls alias has been expanded to ls --color=tty. The --color=tty
option tells the ls command to generate color control sequences only if its stdout is tied to a terminal. Which of the
following is true?
( ) a. The ls command generates color control sequences, which can be observed by the less pager.
( ) b. The ls command does not generate color control sequences.
( ) c. The ls command generates color control sequences, but they are filtered out by the grep command.

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Chapter 3. Pipes

( ) d. The ls command never generates color control sequences (the --color=tty is only included for purposes of
backwards compatibility).
( ) e. None of the above apply.

9. Which of the following command lines would allow the less pager to browse grep’s error messages, as well as
( ) a. grep root /etc/* 2>&1 | less
( ) b. grep root /etc/* | less 2>&1
( ) c. grep root /etc/* >>| less
( ) d. grep root /etc/* 2| less
( ) e. None of the above

The -j command line switch causes the ps command to generate "job control oriented" output. Use the following
transcript to answer the next question.

[elvis@station elvis]$ ls -R / | grep etc | less

[1]+ Stopped ls --color=tty -R / | grep etc | less

[elvis@station elvis]$ ps -j
1215 1215 1215 pts/0 00:00:00 bash
3242 3242 1215 pts/0 00:00:00 ls
3243 3242 1215 pts/0 00:00:00 grep
3244 3242 1215 pts/0 00:00:00 less
3246 3246 1215 pts/0 00:00:00 ps

10. Which of the following would be the most reasonable expansion of the second column header, PGID?
( ) a. Process Group ID
( ) b. Parent Generation ID
( ) c. Process Gender ID
( ) d. Powder Gondola ID
( ) e. None of the above

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