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Ana frank

Sinael Carrillo Garcia

Movie Summary:
"Anne Frank" is a biographical drama lm based on the life of Anne Frank, a
Jewish girl who went into hiding with her family during World War II to escape
persecution by the Nazis. The movie primarily focuses on Anne's experiences
while hiding in the "Secret Annex" in Amsterdam and her emotional and
intellectual growth during that time. It portrays the challenges faced by Anne
and her family as they strive to maintain their humanity and preserve their
identity while living in constant fear of discovery.
Social Phenomena:
1. Prejudice and Discrimination: The movie prominently addresses
the social phenomenon of prejudice and discrimination against Jewish people
during the Holocaust. Anne and her family are forced to go into hiding due to
the systematic persecution of Jews by the Nazis. Their experience re ects the
widespread anti-Semitism prevalent in society at that time.
2. Conformity and Peer Pressure: Within the con ned space of the
Secret Annex, the inhabitants must navigate the dynamics of living in close
quarters for an extended period. The lm explores the social pressure and need
for conformity that arises among the group. Con icts arise when individuals
have di erent opinions or desires, highlighting the tension between personal
freedom and group harmony.
3. Resistance and Solidarity: The movie also showcases social
phenomena related to resistance and solidarity. Despite the constant fear of
discovery, the inhabitants of the Secret Annex support and help one another,
displaying acts of bravery and unity. They maintain a strong bond and
demonstrate the power of collective action in the face of oppression.
4. Social Isolation: Being con ned to a small space for an extended
period creates a sense of social isolation. The movie depicts how the
inhabitants of the Secret Annex, including Anne Frank, grapple with loneliness,





boredom, and the absence of external social interactions. It highlights the
impact of isolation on individuals' mental and emotional well-being.
5. Power Dynamics: The lm explores power dynamics within the
Secret Annex, particularly between the adults and the younger members.
Anne's journey involves navigating the complexities of authority, as she strives
to express her thoughts and assert her individuality while respecting the
hierarchical structure within the hiding place.
Human Rights:
1. Right to Life: The movie addresses the violation of the basic
human right to life during the Holocaust. Anne and her family are forced into
hiding to escape the Nazis' systematic extermination of Jews. The lm portrays
the desperate struggle for survival and the constant fear of being discovered
and killed.
2. Right to Freedom and Liberty: The movie showcases the loss of
freedom and liberty endured by Anne and her family as they are forced to live
in hiding, con ned to a small annex. Their daily lives are restricted, and they
must constantly be cautious and remain hidden to avoid persecution.
3. Right to Privacy: The lm highlights the violation of the right to
privacy, as the inhabitants of the Secret Annex live in cramped quarters with
limited personal space. They must share bedrooms, bathrooms, and living
areas, compromising their privacy for the sake of survival.
4. Right to Education: Despite the challenging circumstances, Anne
strives to pursue her education. She continues to read, study, and write in her
diary, emphasizing the importance of the right to education even in times of

The movie "Anne Frank" serves as a poignant reminder of the social
phenomena and human rights issues that emerged during the Holocaust. It
sheds light on the pervasive prejudice and discrimination faced by Jewish
people during that time. Through the portrayal of Anne Frank's personal
journey, it explores the themes of




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