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Born in the month of December, pop starlet Britney Spears' birth flower is the N arcissus, a flower that is known

by several different names, and has many meanin gs. The narcissus is most commonly known as the daffodil, but is often called th e jonquil in the Southern states. It is a consummate symbol of spring and new be ginnings, but also stands for friendship and domestic happiness. Its name, Narci ssus, when further explained, may give this flower yet another connotation. Narcissus comes from the Greek word "narkissos," derived from "narkao," which me ans to be stupefied. The decision to use the name narcissus may have been inspir ed by either of the following: * The bulb of the flower is poisonous and has a narcotic effect. * The myth of Echo and Narcissus, in which Narcissus is a handsome boy who will be immortal and beautiful as long as he never gazes upon his own reflection. Ech o was a wood nymph who fell hopelessly in love with Narcissus, but he didn't ret urn her feelings. Echo pined for him until all that was left of her was her voic e. Seeing Echo's tragic end, the goddess Nemesis lured Narcissus to a clear lake where he looked in and saw his own reflection. He fell madly in love with himse lf and stayed there looking at himself until he simply faded away. In the place where he had knelt looking at his reflection sprang up the lovely yellow daffodi l. Having different names and meanings, it should come as no surprise that the narc issus is also available in many different colors and varieties. The most commonl y grown variety is what we typically think of as the daffodil-a yellow flower wi th a long trumpet that usually blooms in March. However, the narcissus is also a vailable colors like rich gold, white, pink, and an orangey red. They also come in a variety of sizes from large ruffled doubles to miniatures, like the hoop-pe tticoat daffodil. Daffodils are suitable for many different gardening options as well. They are of ten planted around the bases of trees and make a wonderful early spring filler f or flower beds when it's too early to plant annuals. They may also be grown in p ots inside the house or on decks and patios. Their flowers can be cut to use in beautiful ornamental bouquets around the home. So, clearly the narcissus is a versatile flower, suited to many situations. It m ay stand for new beginnings and happiness, but may also stand for the vanity of Narcissus. Which best suits Britney Spears? I'll leave that opinion up to you. ZZZZZZ

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