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KitKat is a well-established brand known for its chocolate wafer bars. It was introduced in the 1930s and
has since become a beloved treat enjoyed by people around the world. The brand's slogan, "Have a
Break, Have a KitKat," emphasizes the idea of taking a moment to relax and indulge in a tasty snack.
KitKat offers a variety of flavors and sizes to suit different preferences, and its distinctive red and white
packaging is instantly recognizable. Nestlé, the parent company of KitKat, is committed to sustainability
and has implemented initiatives to responsibly source cocoa and reduce environmental impact. With its
combination of crispy wafer and smooth chocolate, KitKat continues to be a go-to choice for those
seeking a delicious break.

Internal analysis
General Description:
KitKat is a globally recognized brand of chocolate wafer bars owned by Nestlé. It
offers a range of crispy wafer fingers covered in smooth milk chocolate, providing a delicious and
convenient treat for breaks. With its iconic branding and catchy slogan, KitKat has become a popular
choice for chocolate lovers worldwide.
KitKat's mission is to provide a unique and enjoyable break experience through their delicious
chocolate wafer bars, promoting relaxation and enjoyment in people's busy lives.
KitKat's vision is to be a globally recognized and trusted brand that delivers enjoyable break
experiences through its delicious chocolate wafer bars.
KitKat was introduced in the 1930s and has grown to become a globally recognized chocolate
brand. It was acquired by Nestlé in 1988 and is known for its iconic "Have a Break, Have a KitKat" slogan.
KitKat offers a variety of flavors and has become a beloved treat enjoyed by people worldwide.
KitKat operates within the structure of Nestlé, a multinational corporation, overseeing its
production, distribution, and marketing on a global scale.
Resource and Capabilities:
KitKat benefits from Nestlé's extensive resources and capabilities, including
manufacturing facilities, research and development expertise, a robust supply chain, marketing and
branding prowess, consumer insights, and financial strength. These resources and capabilities support
KitKat in maintaining quality, innovation, market expansion, and meeting consumer demands.
Nestlé, being one of the largest food and beverage companies globally, has a strong financial
position. The company generates significant revenue from its diverse portfolio of brands, which includes
KitKat. The financial performance of Nestlé is influenced by various factors such as overall consumer
demand, market conditions, and global economic trends.

Nestlé's financial reports include information on revenue, operating income, net profit, cash flow, and
other key financial metrics. These reports provide insights into the overall financial health and
performance of the company, including the contribution of brands like KitKat to Nestlé's overall results.
Producing Resource:
Nestlé, as the parent company of KitKat, manages the production of resources for
KitKat, including ingredient sourcing, operating manufacturing facilities, ensuring quality control, and
procuring packaging materials.
Marketing and Commercial Resource:
KitKat benefits from Nestlé's marketing and commercial resources,
including branding expertise, diverse marketing channels, strong distribution networks, market
research, trade promotions, and a dedicated sales force. These resources support the promotion,
distribution, and market presence of KitKat.
International Recourse:
KitKat has extensive international experience, expanding into various countries
and adapting its products to local preferences. The brand has achieved global recognition, implemented
international marketing campaigns, and leveraged cross-border collaborations to strengthen its
presence worldwide.

External Analysis:
During the analysis and market selection process, KitKat assesses market conditions,
consumer preferences, competition, and growth opportunities. Factors such as market size, cultural fit,
distribution infrastructure, and risks are considered. KitKat selects markets based on growth potential,
brand alignment, and opportunities for expansion.
Analysis and Market Selection:
To be a potential market, key characteristics sought after by companies
include size, growth potential, consumer demand, favorable economic conditions, a competitive
landscape, infrastructure, regulatory environment, cultural fit, and manageable market entry barriers.
The Characteristics Needed for a Country to be a Potential Market:
Size, growth potential, consumer demand, economic conditions,
infrastructure, regulatory environment, and cultural fit.
The Most Suitable Country for green People:
Determining the most suitable country for a company
depends on various factors, including the nature of the business, market conditions, target audience,
and strategic objectives. Without specific information about the company or its requirements, it is
challenging to determine the most suitable country. However, some countries often attract businesses
due to their favorable business environments, market size, economic stability, and infrastructure. These
countries may include the United States, China, Germany, Japan, and the United Kingdom, among
others. Ultimately, the most suitable country for a company would depend on its unique circumstances
and specific goals.
Sector Analysis:
Sector analysis involves evaluating market size, growth, competitive landscape, and
regulatory environment within a specific industry or sector.
Selection of Entry Mode:
When selecting an entry mode for exporting KitKat products, consider options
like indirect exporting, direct exporting, licensing, franchising, joint ventures, or e-commerce. Choose
the mode based on market characteristics, resources, control, costs, and growth potential.
Product Decision:
When making product decisions for exporting KitKat products, conduct market research
to understand the target market's preferences and adapt flavors, packaging, or sizes accordingly to
appeal to local consumers.
Pricing Decision:
When making pricing decisions for exporting KitKat products, consider cost analysis,
competitive analysis, market analysis, pricing objectives, currency exchange rates, and choose a pricing
strategy that aligns with your goals while ensuring profitability.
Distribution Decision:
When making distribution decisions for exporting KitKat products, analyze the
target market's distribution landscape, choose appropriate channels based on consumer preferences,
and select reliable partners that have a strong network and knowledge of the market.
Communication Decision and Promotion Strategies:
When developing a communication and promotion strategy for exporting
KitKat products, identify the target audience, establish a clear brand positioning, utilize integrated
marketing communication, adapt messages to local preferences, consider influencer marketing, offer
promotions and incentives, and measure the effectiveness of your efforts.
KitKat, owned by Nestlé, is a globally recognized chocolate brand that has expanded into
various markets. It leverages Nestlé's resources and adapts to local preferences. KitKat's success lies in
providing enjoyable break experiences and meeting consumer demand worldwide.

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