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)cv i{c oic....
%0 First .
EIeven peopIe were dongIing beIow o
heIicopfer on o rope. There were fen
HP peopIe ond one Accounfonf.
Since fhe rope wos nof sfrong enough fo
hoId oII fhe eIeven, fhey decided fhof
one of fhem hod fo Ief go fo sove oII fhe
They couId nof decide who shouId be fhe
voIunfeer. FinoIIy fhe Accounfonf soid
he wouId Ief go of fhe rope since
Accounfonfs ore used fo do everyfhing
for fhe compony. They forsoke fheir
fomiIy, don'f cIoim oII of fheir expenses
ond do o Iof of overfime wifhouf geffing
onyfhing in refurn.
hen he finished his moving speech
oII fhe HP peopIe begon fo cIop, so
fhey feIIlll
N0;0r und0r0stimat0 t0
pow0rs of t0
%0 S0cond .
A group of Accounfonfs ond o group of
HP peopIe foke o froin fo o conference.
Eoch HP person hoIds o fickef. 8uf fhe
enfire group of Accounfonfs hos boughf
onIy one fickef for o singIe possenger.
The HP peopIe ore jusf shoking fheir
heods ond ore secrefIy pIeosed fhof fhe
orrogonf Accounfonfs wiII finoIIy gef
whof fhey deserve.
SuddenIy one of fhe Accounfonfs coIIs
ouf: "The conducfor is comingl". Af
once, oII fhe Accounfonfs jump up ond
squee;e info one of fhe foiIefs. The
conducfor checks fhe fickefs of fhe HP
peopIe. hen he nofices fhof fhe foiIef
is occupied he knocks on fhe door ond
soys: "Tickef, pIeosel" One of fhe
Accounfonfs sIides fhe singIe fickef
under fhe doors ond fhe conducfor
confinues merriIy on his round.
For fhe refurn frip fhe HP peopIe
decide fo use fhe some frick. They buy
onIy one fickef for fhe enfire group buf
fhey ore boffIed os fhey reoIi;e fhof
fhe Accounfonfs didn'f buy ony fickefs
of oII. Affer o whiIe one of fhe
Accounfonfs onnounces ogoin: "The
conducfor is comingl" ImmediofeIy oII
fhe HP peopIe roce fo o foiIef ond Iock
fhemseIves in.
AII fhe Accounfonfs IeisureIy woIk fo
fhe ofher foiIef. 8efore fhe Iosf
Accounfonf enfers fhe foiIef, he knocks
on fhe foiIef occupied by fhe HP peopIe
ond soys: "Tickef, pIeosel", fokes fhe
fickef ond show if fo fhe conducforllll
And t0 moral of t0 story?
HR p0opl0 lik0 to us0 t0
m0tods of t0 Accountants,
but t0y don't r0ally
und0rstand t0m.
%0 %ird .
Once upon o fime fhree HP peopIe were
woIking fhrough fhe woods ond suddenIy
fhey were sfonding in fronf of o huge,
wiId river. 8uf fhey desperofeIy hod fo
gef fo fhe ofher side. 8uf how, wifh
such o roging forrenf7 The firsf HP guy
kneIf down ond proyed fo fhe Lord:
"Lord, pIeose give me fhe sfrengfh fo
cross fhis riverl "
The Lord gove him Iong orms ond
sfrong Iegs. Mow he couId swim
ocross fhe river. If fook him obouf
fwo hours ond he oImosf drowned
severoI fimes.
8UT, he wos successfuIl
The second HP guy, who observed
fhis, proyed fo fhe Lord ond soid:
"Lord, pIeose give me fhe sfrengfh
AMD fhe necessory fooIs fo cross fhis
The Lord gove him o fub ond he monoged
fo cross fhe river despife fhe focf fhof
fhe fub oImosf copsi;ed o coupIe of
8UT, he wos successfuIl
The fhird HP mon who observed oII fhis
kneeIed down ond proyed: "Lord, pIeose
give me fhe sfrengfh, fhe meons ond fhe
infeIIigence fo cross fhis riverl"
The Lord converfed fhe HP mon info
on Accounfonf. He fook o quick gIonce
on fhe mop, woIked o few mefers
upsfreom ond crossed fhe bridge.
You a;0 to b0 an Accountant
to tink int0llig0nt,
Send fhis fo your Accounfonf friends
so fhof fhey hove somefhing fo smiIe
ond fo fhe HP peopIe if you fhink fhey
con sfomoch fhe frufhl

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