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Comment on the following statement giving examples.

- “Through culture people express their deepest feeling and thoughts”.

The statement that culture is a means through which people express their
deepest feelings and thoughts is true and can be illustrated through various
examples from the domains of music, literature, and painting. Here are some
examples to highlight this point:

Music is an incredibly powerful

medium for expressing emotions, and many musicians use their songs to convey
their deepest feelings and thoughts. For instance, the song "Don't worry be
happy" by Bobby McFerrin. This song highlights the idea that worrying only
makes things worse and that it's better to be happy. And the song "Chandelier"
by Sia focused on her struggle with alcoholism and addiction. Her boyfriend was
hit by a taxi, and she started to consume alcohol and drugs to cope with the
loss. She poured her emotions into this song.

Another way to express your feelings is with literature which allows people to
express their deepest feelings and thoughts through the written word. For
example, the book "The Bell Jar" by Sylvia Plath is a semi-autobiographical work
that explores the author's experiences with mental illness and her struggle to
find her place in the world. Similarly, the poem "Do Not Go Gentle Into That
Good Night" by Dylan Thomas expresses the poet's deep feelings about mortality
and the inevitability of death.
And lastly, painting is a visual art form that has been used for centuries to
express human emotions and experiences. For instance, the painting "The
Scream" by Edvard Munch is a powerful representation of the artist's own
feelings of anxiety and despair. Similarly, the painting "Guernica" by Pablo
Picasso is a powerful anti-war statement that reflects the artist's own deeply
held convictions about the horrors of war.
In summary, whether it is through music, literature, painting, or other
forms of cultural expression, people have long used the arts to express their
deepest feelings and thoughts about the world around them. These forms of
cultural expression allow us to explore complex emotions and ideas in ways that
are often difficult to articulate through words alone.

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