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-PRomotton 10 —— business: envitonment where communitatiag with : are cu a is Crensthing, promotion holds a very crdal place nthe marketing mtiawith co much of Competition ana“me too” b preducts a Success Fu business fc one which can cormmunicate ‘ eftectively titin its Customers and convince theme buy Fes products: _ Promotion is usuaiy thought_as advertising butt promotion ts much. More than advertictng..xt tnvolves cibove the line and below the line activities t5-communicate with ther porential. and existing customas and improve sale: -AsovE THE LENE activities. Including advertising Advert eine means communicating, with the customers tnugh a paid meclict - 1 Adverticing fe of two types: ; tater : tnformative advertiing — this 7s when the message cormmunicated Fncludes Information ateve size, quantfty, ingredients, composition, __ Configuration. or content of ‘ne _product - Wis. Tea Po.tofn fluence peppeople to. buy products Showing tne Superiority of tne product Mmterms of quality or quantity. This type. oF adverticing is usucily Common. Witla technological _products stich as mobile pnones cr Computers. Persuasive adil) apis Is When. tne mescagé Communicated —Mocuses on percuading the Customes. to buy the product through Be ee Celebnty endorsements , or Use of glamour: -— Usual aclver tisements have an element of born Ratemative and ipessuastve adver tiging -.Medfums. oF adiverticing, «| Televiston 7 rosters | billboards Radio > teatlets. [dnect raat + Newspaper 4 Magazines f " . vv tyli.l2ot9 Bel ow- THE - LINE pctivitfec fnelude ail other promotional activites encept adverticin Tei. SALES. PRomotton Tt Includec activities Hiker 2. Price teductfons + Giving out Freegitts withevens purchase +. OtgairReing Competitions _o Point of cle _clisplay 2 Demonstiations 2 After soles Service ° Giving out ree Sarmplec- = Ss Tt Includes sponsoring. sports events or cultural shows OF fashion | Shows - en Pupire RELATIONS Apu Organiaing Press. conferences ‘in gfvirn Out Tfermation aout new Products or. Canying, ut some Social Service activity. Lj where a tepresentatve from the company ‘influences the Customers tp buy the product-Ttfs common for products which __ Ore enperncive or custom designed: Salles personat a Cer shorweom is a typical encunple. for personat settfngp i yf lrorg ASALESLROMOTTON 7 ante 6 cr process of persuading cx petentin® customer to buy tne V piducts Safer promotion te designed to be used QS Short-ternp tactic to beest safes Te Te lqvely suitable 4 4 methed Of building bong-term Customer loyaity. Seme Stles promotions ave atmed ct consumers: otnerg are teugeredt Thtermediateries and at the Firnis Sales force: when under taking a sales prometion,tnere are Several Factors theit a business must takeTnto accounts s what does tne prometion Cast - will the resulting Sales boast justity the investment? + Is the sales promotion casder confstent wth the brand} 2 A promotion that heavily eliscounts et prodttet a product with a Premium price might do some long-term damage toa brand - * will the Sales promotion atiract Cllctomers who will Continue to buy the product One the promotion ends or wil Pt Simpl y attract those Customers who cre always onthe look -Out for a bargain? There Gre many metheds of sales Promotion , including , Price dealt -a eg teducti on fn price Such as 17a teduction for Ol weels BOGOF - Buy one get one Free. Money off coupons - Customers receive Coupons or Cut —foupons Gut of newspapers oF product that enablec Brem AD buy the product nent time ct a reduced prte- competitions - Buying Customer to take ‘win @ prize. + te product ii Ort fi e Part 4 Chane Ml atlow to orlo1 lee, a OPERATIONS AND PROFECT_ MANAGEMENT opentns . manage’ NATURE OF OPERATIONS fine Operations managment #s concerned wit " Potuetfon unprocessed inputs frto consumable gocds or Services by aeportmrt idding valle ‘through 4 production process: . CIitdleney Operations managment ane plannir Fnvolves mais dectiong, meas Qbout the use Of tecoures , Inthe nght quantity ard quediny Prandlog and timely available goods ‘in the market envactiynin uantts ugigProduction , operation cine! planning conteined with, iieenctonvswoptch resouices are needed £0 beemployed fr te productiz, reine + How te process te organiaed and scbee! Sebeduled etieetve » WHO Will perform the Work: meane tre upc OBIECTIVES OF OPERATTONC AND MANAGEMENT OLthe AimTO design, create and produce gece and series for an ghsshowld Organization and fis concumec effectively - | prsuce «To dhect and tianelovmation procecs to acd value - a “oliieattyesTO procure appropriate Tnputs ina Cost effective manner. | Highlights To effectively manage an appropriate Fnventony level. |-pye3. «To focus on quality , speed ot responce, flenibility and cest Tmareduce tied in tne production process. : oMpsinte vugove cin ettective, labourfcapttal production mint. Fis «10 Incorporate latest technoleqy Into production process | snout use | capita! an Labour "0, secant? FON ioht Lapae angi, . - yaed Opecatione foc transfornfir re EPRECTIVENESS VS EFFECTENCY sPtidency Tk %¢ defined ac deing the tings eights tt recives the production of Cutput at the iighest ra ot output to Mput EF Gency Ts measured by + Prductivtty of facters oF production trot labour productivity = aval Total workers employed 3 Capital productivity: Output _ 5 Capital empteyedl - Effec tiyese mis can te defined ac doing the right ¢ nvawes meeting tusiness aime of ar ty using ‘Inpuis approprately te Meeds.For any business the relationship tet ro Efficiency and effectiveness depends en te. marvel oct Segment te is aiming: Costs of latour are a higher prpction of ictal Costs Han —.losts of Capital -eg2- hand worked farm. Benefits +.Canprduce one~Oft unique prducts _t well. Suited to deHever deliver pescnyal senices- slower productions costs especially when. lateur is Cheaper fn that area. Eo lows start-up Cests - _...Relatively easy to. vary labour force Ctecnitt /retrench ) “ Ufenttations = ~ = cannot produce leuge-Scedle Output quicrly + Unitteel economies oF Scale * Employees Can dicrupt production easily due to ee or absence Y Jol * Legal constraine may. make tt difficutt to vary (oteu: tery . Traiving Costs may be very Wigh . CAPITAL TATEMSTVE Costs of capital area higher propotion oF totes costs +, Costs of labour. eg3-an_cfl leffnery « | Benefits 2 A, we { + Mass production requires lage Scale Output wing repecns, t tack. Machine Can delivér te#c Much mere guievly thor 4 4 + Enables ‘the bustneces to enjoy econorrigs ot Stele ¢ + Increased labour Prichuctivity. le * SKI level may. be lower So costs are lest and te 7s ender lL, Tecruit employees. e 2 y Cimstatfons pot difficult: to produce atarge. of varied one-ott pres it: + Dikcultto deliver . perctonal services. + Hign Start-up costs. Cost o capital. be tiohigh tors businesces to buy fachinery. ms ann * Machine bieak-dewn ¢an bea big Challeng, te the bude + Employees usig machines Can be bored. a oe —— ENCIORS NAT Coup ayy = FLUENCE A DECISION ‘To chAnan 10 MORE CAPKVAL TINTENGL UE Pry ODvcrLON MEIOD + Relative prices Of two .% GigniFicandiy ‘Increase. Cost OF Capital machinery may reduce - technologicad development May allow production process Cor pants ott) be mechariced Buciness Moy become laiger enougn | profitable enough to purchase Capital Machinery. Ppute May change ~ labour Costs 1 BENEFITS OF OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT operatfons management is concerned with orchestrating AN tesources 10 produce a final Product ov service Gnd as such it Is Constantly seeving to make the transformation i process OF Inputs ‘into outputs more efficient - feclucing cost ‘Reducing wasteage "Increasing productive Taking out activities that do not add value: Smproving design Tmproving quality Designing rove etticlent workmethods « fetter product development More eHfient inventory management

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