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Declamation Piece- “AM I TO BE BLAMED?

They’re chasing me, they’re chasing, no they must not catch me, I have enough money now, yes enough
for my starving mother and brothers.

Please let me go, let me go home before you imprisoned me.

Very well, officers? Take me to your headquarters. Good morning captain! No captain, you are mistaken,
I was once a good girl, just like the rest of you here. Just like any of your daughters. But time was, when I
was reared in slums. But we lived honestly, we lived honestly in life. My, father, mother, brothers,
sisters and I. But then, poverty enters the portals of our home. My father became jobless, my mother
got ill. The small savings that my mother had kept for our expenses were spent. All for our daily needs
and her needed medicine.

One night, my father went out, telling us that he would come back in a few minutes with plenty of foods
and money, but that was the last time I saw him. He went with another woman. If only I could lay my
hands on his neck I would wring it without pain until he breaths no more. If you were in my place, you’ll
do it, won’t you Captain? What? You won’t still believe in me?. Come and I’ll show you a dilapidated
shanty by a railroad.

Mother, mother I’m home, mother? Mother?!. There Captain, see my dead mother. Captain? There are
tears in your eyes? Now pack this stolen money and return it to the owner. What good would this do to
my mother now? She’s already gone! Do you hear me? She’s already gone. Am I to be blamed for the
things I have done?


A child, aged three, in short pants was holding a balloon with his right hand and ice cream cone with his
left. He was running aimlessly while the father followed. Shouting, kicking, crying boisterously. That was
then, a few years ago, but it was just faint memory. Yes, for that boy some years back was I. Dad and I
used to be great pats ceases to be now. We are at a distance from each other. He talks, I do not listen. I
explain he does not admit. . . And this is just one phase of growing , a painful process of change.
My friends, any change is not easy at all.

“My son”, I remember Dad admonished, “you get to be different. You are a grown up child now. Don’t
be hard on your younger sister. Don’t hit her anymore,” he said, when I once hit Alice.

A grown up I mused to myself so I can now go to Disco join friends and have the real taste of life”. But
he again interrupted, “My son, remember you are still young, a little boy”.

A grown-up or a little boy. . . who am I really, an adult or a little boy?

Life is a series of surprises. What I used to enjoy when I was a kid will no longer be the same. Eventually
and gradually things will take a shift. Doing things with Dad’s assistance will slowly mean doing it on your
own. Taking a risk may mean Yes; that’s ok; or no, you should learn better, next time. Less supervision
but more reprimands. . . failure of success I am starting on my own. Discovering things, using my
discretion, deciding by myself are all parts of this painful process. I fail occasionally. I get discouraging
remarks. I learn new ways. I experiment with peer groups. These characterize a teenage life. A
bandwagon I am, I like to be equal with my members. What they have, I must also; what they do too.
And to all these Dad prones, Mom disapproves, society condemns. . .

As I feel my way to independence in the little part of my brain, I have some reservation. . . What? Will
this ever win my old’s approval?

If not them misunderstanding is possible. Human as I am go against their standards different from mine.
Inexperienced go against their standards different from mine. Inexperienced as I am I react opposite to
what they expect to me. Uncertain as I am, I refrain to conform to what they desire. As a result we end
up hostile to each one. Disobedient, recalcitrant and stubborn, they brand me. I feel short,
misunderstood and unloved, I find solace and approval with my peer. They understand, they accept me
because we have similar standard, we have the same world. They like me because we very well approve
each other.

I want to be on my own, my parents are not ready to accept this fact. A child no more, an adult neither, I
feel lost. We became alienated from each one. Growing is really painful just as advancing in years for
parent is so.

All I ask of you is continue holding me- I still need you. Open communication line. Stop filling my days
with ‘Don’t and No’. Listen to my unworded desire. You will always be part of me. Let us both put life
and love to our days as we journey together to the mystery of life.
MEMORIES (declamation)


Nothing compares to having a family, a complete, happy family. I am proud to have had one.
Unforgettable memories of a sweet childhood, growing up with pure love and affection, so many people
wanted to have. I was nourished with hope, that someday I’ll have something more than I’ve expected.

My parents gave me everything. They wanted me to have the best of endless possibilities. I owe my life
to them. I am nothing without them. They are the reason why I have a fighting spirit, to finish what I’ve
started, to give my best everytime and never give up in times of troubles.

It was my time to serve them. I am young and free, but why should I push myself to this responsibility?
Why?.....because in this life, you can never tell when your closing ceremony is about to arrive. But it was
over before I’ve started.

“God, why did you take them from me?”

“You’re so unfair!”

“Why them?”

“Take me instead!”

They were gone. I am now alone. I can honestly say, I am nothing. I don’t have them anymore.

“God, please give me a chance to embrace them for the last time.”

But I know it isn’t possible. I’ve had a lot chances. I just didn’t make the best of it. Life is really full of
surprises , not always good ones, some are worth tears. Deep inside my heart, I am longing. But I should
move on with my life. Nothing could bring them back. If the stairway to heaven is for real, I would use it
no matter how far it would take me. If that’s the only chance, then I am ready.

I salute those parents who have given their all. The most selfless people you would ever know. Nothing
compares to the love you have given. The perfect friends, there’s nothing less.

One day, we shall meet again. Excitement fills my broken heart. Only you could complete me. So, when I
see you, I know you’re holding the missing piece.


Everything starts with a dream, a dream that can be our inspiration to accomplish our goals. When we
were children, we’ve always hoped that we can serve our nation someday and be part of the
progression of our country.

I’ve always dreamt of being someone who could make a difference, many people doubted me and
thought otherwise. As time goes by, that dream faded away.

Each day was a dreadful sight, the coward side of me that didn’t dare to hold on.

I can’t do it anymore. I told myself, “Why do I have to suffer like this? It’s not fair!”

Tick….tock….tick…tock…. hearing the sound of the clock made it worst.

I had my chance, just didn’t take it.

Now, reality speaks with a familiar sound.



“Are you serious?”

“If this is the life that was planned for me, then I wouldn’t want to go on!”

“Go ahead and end it!”

“It wouldn’t even make a difference .”

Then reality strikes again….. with greater force, louder than you could imagine

You are living by choice not by chance!

“I know! That’s why I’m living an awful life!”

You made it happen!

“It’s what was given!”

You were given all those years, and this is all you could come up with? Come on!

“I’m hopeless!”

“I’m weak!”

“Are you suppose to rub it in?”

“I get it!”

Reality ended the battle

It’s not the end of the world! Time doesn’t stop when you fall. That’s why the sky is high. It’s something
to reach for.

A cold breeze suddenly surrounded me

The view seemed to change!

“Now, I get it!"

So live your life

Be yourself

And see the difference

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