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Short Notes and Summary

Prepared by
Annie Thomas
H.C. Auxilium School
Short notes is a phrase frequently used in educational institutes. It means a short
description on any given subject. The subject could be any kind of topic such as a
person, a thing, a happening, or an idea. As the name implies, the short note is rather
brief and is not expected to cover the subject in detail. The appropriate length of
short note will definitely depend on the subject to be covered. In addition, the time
available to write it, and marks assigned to it in an exam are also important criteria.
o The reading skill of short notes is very important in real life while listening to
lectures or studying lessons.
o Helps you make notes quickly.
o You write only what you understood.
o Helps you retain the important facts.
o There will be no need to memorise .
o Your notes are personalised and nobody can copy it.
There are two main reasons why note-taking is important: When you are reading or
listening, taking notes helps you concentrate. In order to take notes - to write
something sensible - you must understand the text. ... Notes help you to maintain a
permanent record of what you have read or listened to.
Read (First Read): Read the passage very carefully and critically. Read the
passage straight through. Do not stop to look up anything that gives you trouble at
the first reading. You should get a feel for the author’s tone, style and main idea.
Reread (Second Read): Rereading should be active reading. Divide the passage into
3-4 sections by combining or dividing paragraphs. The topic sentences of each
paragraph will be the main point. Then the paragraph can be divided into 3-4
subpoints. Do this mentally.
1. First Main Point
1.1. Sub heading
1.2. Indentation to be made
1.3. Only important words to be used
1.4. Only phrases not sentences

2. Second main point

2.1. At least 4 abbreviations to be used
2.2. Avoid articles prepositions conjunctions
2.3. Not more than 5-6 words per line
2.4. needn’t write all ideas of passage
3. Third main point
3.1. Need not write everything in passage
3.2. Only 3-4 main points needed
3.3 Not more that 3-4 sub points to be used
3.3.1. Sub- sub point not essential
3.4. No capitals or full stops

4. Fourth main point

4.1. At least 1 abbreviation per main point
4.2. Only conventional ones
4.3. Divide passage into 3-4 sections
4.4. Gist of each section to be used as main
Key to Abbreviations

1. = - equal
2. <- greater than
3. $- dollar
4. Etc- etcetera
Marking Scheme for Short Notes
o Title-1
o Numbering and indentation- 1
o Key – 1
o Notes- 2
o Total = 5 marks
o Write the Heading
o To be written by looking at your short notes not the passage.
o Write one paragraph of about 80 words.
o No abbreviation to be used.
o Only complete sentences to be used.
o Take each main point section and rewrite it into 1 or 2 sentences of around 20
words each.
o Make sure the words of your first main point is in the first line of the summary.
o Words of subpoint 4.4 must be there in the last sentence.
o Write in the present tense (preferably in active voice).
o Don’t put your opinions, ideas or interpretations into the summary.
o Correct all the errors in composition .
Marking Scheme for Summary
o Content – 1
o Expression – 1
o Format, heading, etc – 1
o Total = 3

The End

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