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Development and quality evaluation of a cereal‐based breakfast product from

yellow maize (Zea mays), sesame (Sesamum indicum) and mushroom
(Pleurotus ostreatus) flour blends

Article  in  International Journal of Food Science & Technology · March 2022

DOI: 10.1111/ijfs.15701


0 97

2 authors:

Orngu Africa Orngu Ifeoma Elizabeth Nwaoha (nee Mbaeyi)

University of Nigeria University of Nigeria


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3750 International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2022, 57, 3750–3759

Original article
Development and quality evaluation of a cereal-based breakfast
product from yellow maize (Zea mays), sesame (Sesamum
indicum) and mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) flour blends

Orngu Africa Orngu & Ifeoma Elizabeth Mbaeyi-Nwaoha

Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria
(Received 3 November 2021; Accepted in revised form 13 March 2022)

Summary Composite flours were prepared from blends of yellow maize (Zea mays), sesame seed (Sesamum indicum)
and oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) powder in the ratio of 80:20:0; 75:20:5; 70:20:10; 65:20:15 and
60:20:20, respectively to produce the cereal-based breakfast product coded as YSB, SMB, TMB, PMB
and OMB with YSB as the control. The breakfast cereals were produced by hydration and toasting of
yellow maize and sesame to 160°C for 25 min and blended together with oven-dried and packaged oyster
mushroom. The developed products were analysed for proximate, vitamins, minerals and sensory proper-
ties. The proximate composition (%) of different blends ranged as moisture (4.07–7.08), ash (3.09–2.28),
crude fat (16.04–12.83), crude fibre (4.30–8.22), protein (16.14–22.54), carbohydrate (56.34–47.04) and
energy (434.34–393.83 Kcal). Vitamin A (7.99–5.98 mg/100 g), vitamin B1 (0.08–0.42 mg/100 g), vitamin
B2 (0.06–0.15 mg/100 g), vitamin B3 (1.91–4.52 mg/100 g) and vitamin C (3.55–3.32 mg/100 g) were u
while minerals (mg/100 g) were calcium (75.31–58.02), potassium (0.65–4.01), magnesium (12.25–12.62),
iron (1.21–4.15) and zinc (0.40–1.32). Sensory scores revealed that the cereal-based breakfast product were
acceptable to the panellist with oyster mushroom supplementation up to 10%.
Keywords Cereal-based breakfast product, oyster mushroom, sesame, yellow maize.

healthy food for people with high blood pressure and

diabetics. Since maize is an essential source of both
Breakfast cereals are mostly grain formulations that energy and protein in developing countries, there is an
are ready-to-eat without further preparation. Breakfast emergent interest in the formulation of food products
is frequently referred to as the utmost essential meal of that combine it with other legumes to improve nutri-
the day, as it provides nourishment as well as energy tional quality (Oyarekua & Adeyeye, 2009).
in the form of calories for whatever activities lie Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.), as well identified as
ahead. In Nigeria, malnutrition has persisted especially beniseed, sim-sim, gingerly and till, is an essential and
in Northern Nigeria despite abundance of cereals such ancient oil seed crop from the Pedaliaceae family. It is
as maize, sorghum, millet and other legumes such as thought to be a gift from nature to mankind because
sesame, groundnut, soybeans and Bambara ground it is exceedingly nutritious, delicious and inexpensive
nuts. Ready-to-eat breakfast is therefore considered a food when compared to nuts Nwe like almond and
suitable vehicle to address malnutrition and micronu- walnut (Abbas et al., 2016). In 2020, the top world
trient deficiency due to its ease of preparation and producers of sesame were: Myanmar, India, China,
nutritional quality. Plant foods, when properly pro- Tanzania, Sudan, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Burkina Faso,
cessed and combined, have been shown to provide sig- Uganda and Niger. Sesame seeds contains significant
nificant amounts of nutrients to adults and children amount of proteins, carbohydrate, ash, fibre and oil. It
(Mbaeyi-Nwaoha et al., 2015). Maize is high in carbo- also has essential minerals and vitamins including cal-
hydrates, but it lacks the amino acids lysine, threonine cium, phosphorus and iron, as well as niacin and thia-
and tryptophan. It contains polyunsaturated fatty min (Ojiako et al., 2010). It has been widely useful for
acids, mostly linoleic acid with 24% and thus has a thousands of years as a seed of universal importance
high n-6/n-3 fatty acid ratio making it a suitable for confectionary purposes and flour due to its stable
oil composition. It is also a rich source of amino acids
*It is Correspondent: E-mail: such as methionine, tryptophan and valine. It has

© 2022 Institute of Food Science and Technology
Instant breakfast cereal O. A. Orngu and I. E. Mbaeyi-Nwaoha 3751

nutritious protein with a savoury nutty roasted flavour Processing of yellow maize flour
due to its composition (Biswas et al., 2001). It does, The approach of Ingbian & Akpapunam (2005) was
however, contain anti-nutritional factors including used to process the maize flour. Two kilograms (2 kg)
phytate, trypsin, amylase inhibitors, lectin and tannins, of maize grains were winnowed, sorted and steeped in
which might hinder their use in the food system water for 8 h. The steeped grains were dewatered twice
(Adegnwa et al., 2012). According to Alobo (2001), to extract the steep water and drained for 10–15 min.
sesame is an important ingredient for protein supple- This was followed by roasting at temperature of 160°C
mentation in cereal-based foods. This agreed to reports for 15 min and milled to obtain the flour which was
by Ingbian & Akpapunam (2005) on the suitability of passed through a sieve with a 60-inch mesh (British
sesame to be used with maize for the formulation of a Standard Screen) and stored in high density polyethyl-
traditional breakfast cereal called ‘Mumu’. ene bag as shown in Figure 1.
Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) belongs to a
special group of macroscopic fungi in the class Basid- Processing of sesame flour
iomycetes. It was first cultivated in Germany as a Sesame seeds were processed using the procedure
means of subsistence during World War I, and it is described by Makinde & Akinoso (2014). Two kilo-
now grown commercially for food all over the world. grams of sesame seeds were sorted, drained and
Oyster mushroom is both tasty and beneficial to one’s washed with water. It was dehulled, roasted for
well-being and naturally contains lovastatin, which has 15 min at 160°C, milled into sesame flour and packed
proved to reduce cholesterol levels in-vivo (Rop et al., in a high-density polyethylene bag at room tempera-
2009). According to studies, they could contain up to ture until required for formulation and analysis as
2.8% lovastatin by dry weight. Dietary fibres, chitin, shown in Figure 1.
β-glucans, pectinous substances, phenolic compounds,
flavonoids, natural antibiotics and a variety of other Processing of oyster mushroom powder
secondary metabolites have been found in mushrooms The oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) powder
(Carbonero et al., 2006). It is considered a medicinal was processed in the laboratory from fresh mushroom
food with anti-carcinogenic, anti-cholesterolaemic and using the approach as described by Okeke et al.
antiviral properties, as well as prophylactic properties (2003). The dirt and weakened portions of the fresh
for coronary heart disease and hypertension (Mattila oyster mushroom were removed. The fresh mushroom
et al., 2001). In urban areas, convenient ready-to-eat was blanched for 3 min in hot portable water contain-
foods, especially cereal products, are becoming more ing 3% salt and 0.01% citric acid at 105°C. After that,
popular. Therefore, formulating a breakfast cereal water was drained and mushrooms were dried in an
using maize, sesame and mushroom would add value oven at 40°C for 10 h. The dried mushroom was
to research to find solution to issues of malnutrition milled in the lab with a hammer mill and sieved using
and micro-nutrient deficiency using available local a 60-inch mesh sieve (British Standard Screen) before
underutilised foods. The main aim was to produce and being packed in a high-density polyethylene bag and
evaluate the qualities of instant breakfast cereals from held in the refrigerator (4°C) until required as shown
maize, sesame and mushroom blends. in Figure 1.

Procurement of raw materials Product formulation

Three kilograms (3 kg) of yellow maize (Zea mays L.) The method described by Igbabul et al. (2015) was
were sourced from the National Cereals Research used to prepare the composite flour formulation from
Institute of Nigeria, Yandev Station and one kilogram a blend of yellow maize, sesame seed and oyster mush-
of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) purchased from room flours in the ratio of 80:20:0; 75:20:5; 70:20:10;
Daudu Market, all in Benue State. One kilogram 65:20:15 and 60:20:20 to produce the breakfast cereal.
(1 kg) of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) was Preliminary studies were done to determine the best
cultivated and harvested from the National Biotech- ratio as described by Igbabul et al. (2015) and flow
nology Development Agency, South East Center, Uni- chart for production of instant breakfast cereal shown
versity of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State. in Figure 1.

Sample preparation Methods

Yellow maize, sesame and oyster mushroom samples Proximate composition
were prepared to formulate a product with the best Moisture, ash, fat and protein were determined using
treatment identified with to impart of desirable quality AOAC (2010) procedure. Carbohydrate content was
and nutritional characteristics. determined by difference. One hundred (100) was

© 2022 Institute of Food Science and Technology International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2022
3752 Instant breakfast cereal O. A. Orngu and I. E. Mbaeyi-Nwaoha

Yellow maize grains Sesame seeds Fresh mushroom

Pre-cleaning Sorting Sorting

Steeping Washing Washing

Draining Draining Trimming

Dehulling Dehulling Blanching (for 3 minutes)

Roasting (160 oC for 15 minutes) Roasting (160 oC for 15 minutes) Draining

Cooling Cooling Oven drying

Milling Milling Grinding

Sieving Sieving Sieving

Maize flour Sesame flour Mushroom powder

B len di n g
(Using ratio of 80:20:0; 75:20:5; 70:20:10; 65:20:15 and 60:20:20)

Reconstitution in 500ml of cold water

Addition of sugar and milk to taste

Figure 1 Modified flow diagram for the pro-

Ready-to-Eat Instant Breakfast duction of cereal-based breakfast product.
Source: Ingbian and Adegoke (2007).

subtracted from the other food constituents (Moisture, with AOAC (2010) method. The unstable colour at
ash, fat and protein) obtained after analysis to get per- 620 nm that results from the reaction between vitamin
centage carbohydrate. A and antimony triiodide (SbL3) was measured. Prior
Percentage carbohydrate ¼ 100  ð% protein þ % fat to saponification with 200 ml of alcoholic KOH, pyro-
gallol (an antioxidant) was added to a 2 g sample.
þ% moisture þ % ashÞ Saponification took 30 min in a water tank. The solu-
tion was transferred to a separating funnel where
The Atwater Factor Method, as defined by Osborne &
water was added. Hexane (1–2.5 ml) was used to
Voogt (1978), was used to calculate the energy value in
remove the solution. The extract was filtered through
KJ/100 g). It was estimated using the following formula:
a Whatman filter paper No. 1 containing 5 g of anhy-
E: V ¼ ½ð9  Crude fat%Þ drous Na2SO4 into a volumetric flask after being
þ ð4  Crude protein %Þ þ ð4  Carbohydrate %Þ washed with an equal volume of water. Hexane was
used to clean the filter paper and get it up to volume.
Micronutrients The hexane was removed from the solution and
Determination of pro-vitamin A replaced with a blank. To the extract and blank, 1 ml
The spectrophotometer (754N UV-Vis; Yima Optoelec of chloroform and 1 ml of SbL3 solution were applied.
Co Ltd, Mainland, China) was used in accordance The spectrophotometer was set to zero absorbance or

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Instant breakfast cereal O. A. Orngu and I. E. Mbaeyi-Nwaoha 3753

100% transmittance to get the readings for the solu- the test sample were treated for 30 min with 50 ml of
tion and blank. The standard was prepared from stock 1 M tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid and shaken. The mix-
solution of 70 mg β-carotene weighed into a 100-ml ture was filtered after three drops of ammonia solution
volumetric flask and dissolved in n-hexane and made were added. Ten millilitres of the filtrate was pipetted
up to mark. Calculation. into a 50-ml volumetric flask, followed by 5 ml of
AX potassium cyanide. The mixture was acidified with
Vitamin A ðmg=100 gÞ ¼  CS 5 ml of 0.2N tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid and absor-
AS bance measured using spectrophotometer (754N UV-
where Ax = Absorbance of sample; As = Absorbance Vis; Yima Optoelec Co Ltd, Mainland, China) at
of standard; Cs = Concentration of standard. 470 nm wavelength.
Determination of vitamin B1 (Thiamine) AX
The AOAC (2010) scalar analyser method was used to Vitamin B3 ðmg=100 gÞ ¼  CS
assess thiamine content. Each sample was homoge- AS
nised in a 5 ml solution of standard ethanoic sodium where Ax = Absorbance of sample; As = Absorbance
hydroxide. The homogenate was purified and the of standard; Cs = Concentration of standard.
extract solution was made up to 100 ml. A 10 ml of
aliquot of the extract was poured into a flask, along Determination of vitamin C
with 10 ml of potassium dichromate solution. The Kirk & Sawyer (1998) method for determination of
resulting solution was incubated for 15 min at room vitamin C was used. Five grams (5 g) of the sample
temperature (25°  1°C). A reagent blank was used to were dispersed in 50 ml of EDTA/TCA solution and
standardise the instrument at zero and absorption was homogenised. The homogenate was filtered using a
read from the blank and sample using the spectropho- Whatman filter paper No. 1. and more of the extractant
tometer (754N UV-Vis; Yima Optoelec Co Ltd, Main- was used to wash the residue in the filter paper until
land, China) at 360 nm. The following formula was 100 ml filtrate was obtained. A 20 ml portion of the fil-
used to determine the thiamine content: trate was measured into a conical flask and 10 ml of
AX 30% potassium iodide solution was added to it, mixed
Thiamineðmg=100 gÞ ¼  CS well and then followed by four drops of 1% starch
AS solution. The mixture was titrated against 0.01 M
where Ax = Absorbance of sample; As = Absorbance CuSO4 solution until a blue-black colour appeared. A
of standard; Cs = Concentration of standard. reagent blank was also titrated using 20 ml of distilled
water. The vitamin C content was calculated based on
Determination vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) the relationship that 1 ml of CuSO4 = 0.88 mg vitamin
The sample’s riboflavin content was measured using the C. The vitamin C content was calculated below:
AOAC (2010) procedure. Five grams (5 g) of the sample 100 VT
were collected in 100 ml of 50% ethanol and shaken for Vitamin C ðmg =100gÞ ¼  0:88  ðT  BÞ 
an hour. This was filtered into a 100-ml volumetric flask W VA
using Whatman filter paper No. 1. Ten millilitres of where W = weight of sample; T = titre value of sam-
30% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) solution were added ple; B = titre value of blank; VT = total extract vol-
and allowed to stand over a hot water bath for 30 min. ume; VA = volume of extract titrated.
Two millilitres of 4% sodium sulphate solution were
added; this was made up to 50 ml mark and absorbance Determination of potassium
measured at 510 nm in a spectrophotometer (754N UV- The flame photometry method as described by AOAC
Vis; Yima Optoelec Co Ltd, Mainland, China). Ribofla- (2010) was adopted. Two grams (2 g) of sample were
vin stock standard solution was prepared by dissolving digested in 20 ml of acid mixture (650 ml of Conc.
5 g of riboflavin in 5% HCl (w/w) for analysis. HNO3, 80 ml of HCl and 20 ml of Conc. H2SO4), and
Calculation: aliquots of the digested sample were taken for pho-
tometry with a Flame analyser. Absorbance for potas-
Vitamin B2 ðmg=100 gÞ ¼  CS sium was read at 589 nm. Potassium concentrations
AS were obtained from the calibration.
where Ax = Absorbance of sample; As = Absorbance Calculation:
of standard; Cs = Concentration of standard. Gf  Total volume of extract  Ab  DF
Ppm ¼
Weight of sample
Determination vitamin B3 (Niacin)
The AOAC (2010) procedure was used to assess the where DF = Dilution factor; Gf = Gram factor;
niacin content of the test sample. Five grams (5 g) of Ab = Absorbance.

© 2022 Institute of Food Science and Technology International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2022
3754 Instant breakfast cereal O. A. Orngu and I. E. Mbaeyi-Nwaoha

Determination of calcium water and allowed to mature for about 30 min before
The AOAC (2010) method was adopted to determine being measured with a spetronic 21 D at a wavelength
calcium in the samples. Ten millilitres of digested of 51 nm. The obtained absorbance was interpolated
extract was pipetted into a 150-ml conical flask, a using a standard iron graph.
pinch of potassium ferrocyanide and hydroxylamine Calculation.
and hydrochloride was added. Twenty milililitres of Feðmg=LÞ ¼ Concentration  dilution factor  100 mg
buffer 10 (mixture of ammonium chloride NH4Cl) and
a pinch of solochrome black indicator was added and
titrated using 0.02 M Ethylene diamine tetra acetate Sensory evaluation
(EDTA). For calcium, the procedure was repeated
with 10% sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and solochrome The formulated product’s organoleptic properties
dark blue indicator. (mouthfeel, flavour, taste, colour, texture, aftertaste
Calculation: and overall acceptability) were evaluated by a panel of
20 semi-trained members at the Department of Food
Tv  0:4008
Caðmg=LÞ ¼  1000 Science and Technology, University of Nigeria,
Volume of sample used Nsukka. The panellists were made up of people who
were familiar with the product and scored it on a
Determination of magnesium nine-point Hedonic scale, with one representing the
The AOAC (2010) method was used. A pinch of lowest score (extreme dislike) and nine representing
potassium ferrocyanide and hydroxylamine hydrochlo- the highest score (extreme like) in accordance with Ihe-
ride was applied to 10 ml of digested extract pipetted koronye & Ngoddy (1985).
into a 150 ml conical flask. Titrated against 0.02 M
Ethylene diamine tetra acetate with 20 ml of buffer 10 Data analysis and experimental design
and a pinch of solochrome black indicator (EDTA).
The process was repeated and data obtained used to The data were analysed using a one-way analysis of
calculate for magnesium (Mg). variance (ANOVA) with a completely randomised
Calculation: design and Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test for
mean separation (Steel & Torrie, 1980). The software
Tv  0:24232  1:66  1000
Mgðmg=LÞ ¼ Statistical Package for Service Solution (SPSS) version
Volume of sample used 21 was used, with significance set at P < 0.05.
where Tv is the titre value
Where 1.66 is the (oxide factor) and 0.2432 is the Results and discussion
liberation factor of EDTA.
Proximate composition of cereal-based breakfast products
Determination of zinc
The method of AOAC (2010) was used to determine Table 1 shows that moisture, fibre and protein
the zinc content in the sample. Thirty millilitres from increased with addition of oyster mushroom powder.
the sample was pipetted in addition to 2 ml of buffer However, ash, fat, carbohydrate and energy decreased
10 (the mixture of Ammonium chloride NH3). Two (2) with addition of oyster mushroom powder.
drops of eriochrome black T indicator were added and Moisture content in the instant cereal products dif-
titrated against 0.01 m Ethylene diamine tetra Acetate fered significantly (P < 0.05) and increased with sup-
(EDTA). plementation of oyster mushroom powder from 4.07
Calculation: in the control (sample YSB) to 7.08% in sample
OMB. This was lower than findings by Shar et al.
Tv  0:4008
Znðmg=LÞ ¼  1000 (2016) of 9.3%–10.4% and Gbaa et al. (2019) of
Volume of sample used 10.70%–12.35% in a related study on traditional
where Tv is the titre value and 0.06538 is the liberation breakfast cereal. The low moisture content in the study
factor of ethylene diamine tetra acetate (EDTA). indicated a good keeping quality of the cereal-based
breakfast products.
Determination of iron Ash content in the cereal-based breakfast product
Iron content of the samples was determined using the increased from 3.09% in the control YSB to 4.17% in
method of AOAC (2010). Five millilitres of the sample sample SMB and decreased consistently to 2.28% in
were pipetted into a 50-ml volumetric flask. Five milli- product OMB. There was no significant (P > 0.05) dif-
litres of sodium acetate were added to the flask, fol- ference amongst sample PMB and SMB with the range
lowed by about 5 ml of phenolphthalein indicator, lower than 7.96% reported by Tersoo-Abiem et al.
which was then filled to the 50 ml mark with distilled (2019) for millet fortified with mushroom (Coprinellus

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2022 © 2022 Institute of Food Science and Technology
Instant breakfast cereal O. A. Orngu and I. E. Mbaeyi-Nwaoha 3755

Table 1 Proximate composition (%) of cereal-based breakfast products

Sample Moisture Ash Crude fat Crude Fibre Protein Carbohydrate Energy

YSB 4.07 a
 0.01 3.09 c
 0.00 16.04e
 0.00 4.30a
 0.00 16.14a
 0.00 56.34e
 0.01 434.34e  0.09
SMB 4.48b  0.00 4.17d  0.00 13.99d  0.01 4.50b  0.00 18.57b  0.01 54.27d  0.00 417.29d  0.09
TMB 5.10c  0.00 2.90b  0.01 13.87c  0.01 5.59c  0.00 21.06c  0.01 51.47c  0.02 414.97c  0.15
PMB 5.35d  0.01 2.29a  0.07 13.79b  0.01 7.6d  0.01 21.56d  0.00 49.36b  0.02 407.81bs  0.21
OMB 7.08e  0.01 2.28a  0.00 12.83a  0.02 8.22e  0.00 22.54e  0.01 47.04a  0.02 393.83a  0.02

Values are means  SD. Means with the same superscript in the same column are not different significantly (P > 0.05).
YSB, 80% yellow maize flour + 20% sesame flour + 0% oyster mushroom powder; SMB, 75% yellow maize flour + 20% sesame flour + 5% oyster
mushroom powder; TMB, 70% yellow maize flour + 20% sesame flour + 10% oyster mushroom powder; PMB, 65% yellow maize flour + 20% ses-
ame flour + 15% oyster mushroom powder; OMB, 60% yellow maize flour + 20% sesame flour + 20% oyster mushroom powder.

micaceus). Ash is important for analysis of mineral ele- YSB) to 47.04% in the sample OMB. The reported
ments in foods. range in this study was related to findings of 53.50%
Fat content in the products decreased with increase by Tersoo-Abiem et al. (2019) in millet porridge forti-
in oyster mushroom powder supplementation and all fied with mushroom (Coprinellus micaceus). The
products differed significantly (P < 0.05). Adeoye et decrease in carbohydrate content observed in this
al. (2019) recorded similar result in the range of study agreed with findings that adding legumes to
14.73%–15.90% in wheat bread enriched with mush- maize-based traditional foods reduced carbohydrate
room powder. The relatively high content of fat in the content (Sefa-Dedeh et al., 2001; Mbata et al., 2009).
cereal-based product could probably be attributed to Energy value for the cereal-based breakfast products
sesame seed flour, which is rich in healthy fatty acids. differed significantly (P < 0.05). and decreased with
Sesame seed oil contains gamma tocopherols, as well supplementation of oyster mushroom powder from
as sesaminol and sesamin, all of which have vitamin E 434.34 Kcal/100 g in sample YSB to 393.83 Kcal/
properties that protect the body from harmful oxidis- 100 g in sample OMB. The energy values in the for-
ing compounds (Kamal-Eldin et al., 1992). mulated product were higher than that of 362.59–
Fibre content in the cereal-based breakfast products 371.50 Kcal/100 g (Edima-Nyah et al., 2020) and
increased with increase in oyster mushroom powder 344.67–352.72 Kcal/100 g (Okafor et al., 2012).
supplementation from 4.30% in the control (YSB) to
8.22% in sample OMB with significant (P < 0.05) dif-
Vitamin composition of cereal-based breakfast products
ferences. Tersoo-Abiem et al. (2019) reported a slightly
higher fibre content of 9.46% while Edima-Nyah et al. Vitamin composition of cereal-based breakfast product
(2020) had a range of 2.11%–4.25% for fibre. Accord- is presented in Table 2. Pro-vitamin A in the cereal-
ing to Anderson et al. (2009), fibre is essential for based breakfast products had no differences signifi-
digestion and the well-being of the gastro-intestinal cantly (P > 0.05) product SMB and TMB and
tract; reduce blood cholesterol levels and inhibiting the decreased with increase in mushroom powder supple-
absorption of glucose, thus assisting in blood glucose mentation. The result of the study were higher than
regulation. Protein content in the cereal-based break- 2.0 mg/100 g to 4.3 mg/100 g found by Shar et al.
fast product differed significantly (P < 0.05) and (2016) for pro-vitamin A in Soy-mumu fortified with
increased from 16.14% in the control YSB to 22.54% moringa leaf powder. According to Sheng et al.
in sample OMB. The result was higher than 8.9%– (2018), processing techniques like mechanical homoge-
13.29% recorded by Ajala & Taiwo (2018) and nisation and thermal processing might increase carot-
9.25%–14.47% reported by Edima-Nyah et al. (2020) enoid bioavailability, a precursor to vitamin A.
for breakfast cereals developed from yellow maize, Vitamin A is essential for cellular repair and mainte-
soybeans and unripe banana flour blends. The result nance, immune response and neuron growth. Vitamin
of the study agrees to reports that the contribution of B1 Thiamine increased drastically in the developed
lysine by legumes and methionine by cereals improves products on supplementation with mushroom powder
protein quality in cereal-legume blends synergistically from 0.08 mg/100 g in sample YSB to 0.43 mg/100 g
(Wakil & Kazeem, 2012). in sample PMB with no differences significantly
Carbohydrate content of the cereal-based breakfast (P > 0.05) except in sample YSB. Vitamin B1 (thia-
products differed significantly (P < 0.05). and mine) is important for biological function and respon-
decreased with increase in oyster mushroom powder sible for macronutrient metabolism and neuronal
supplementation from 56.34% in the control (sample function.

© 2022 Institute of Food Science and Technology International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2022
3756 Instant breakfast cereal O. A. Orngu and I. E. Mbaeyi-Nwaoha

Table 2 Vitamin composition of cereal-based breakfast products

Sample Pro vitamin A (mg/100g) Vitamin B1 (mg/100) Vitamin B2 (mg/100) Vitamin B3 (mg/100) Vitamin C (mg/100)

YSB 7.99d
 0.04 0.08a
 0.00 0.06a
 0.00 1.91a
 0.08 3.32a  0.00
SMB 6.48cd  0.00 0.36b  0.03 0.07b  0.00 2.48b  0.02 3.36a  0.03
TMB 6.47c  0.01 0.37ab  0.00 0.10c  0.00 3.89c  0.13 3.55b  0.76
PMB 6.30b  0.01 0.43cd  0.00 0.14d  0.01 4.04cd  0.14 3.39a  0.37
OMB 5.98a  0.00 0.42c  0.02 0.15de  0.00 4.52d  0.02 3.34a  0.02

Values are means  SD. Means with the same superscript in the same column are not different significantly (P > 0.05).
YSB, 80% yellow maize flour + 20% sesame flour + 0% oyster mushroom powder; SMB, 75% yellow maize flour + 20% sesame flour + 5% oyster
mushroom powder; TMB, 70% yellow maize flour + 20% sesame flour + 10% oyster mushroom powder; PMB, 65% yellow maize flour + 20% ses-
ame flour + 15% oyster mushroom powder; OMB, 60% yellow maize flour + 20% sesame flour + 20% oyster mushroom powder.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) content increased from blends-fortified bread (Azeez et al., 2018). Calcium is
0.06 mg/100 g in sample YSB to 0.15 mg/100 g in essential for the formation of bones and teeth, as well
sample OMB with no significant (P > 0.05) differences as the activation of enzymes in the body and the regu-
between sample PMB and OMB. The increase in vita- lation of blood pressure.
min B2 (Riboflavin) in the products indicated that ses- Potassium content in the cereal-based breakfast
ame and mushroom supplementation to yellow maize products increased with supplementation of mushroom
improved the riboflavin content and therefore, suited powder (sample MRP) from 0.65 mg/100 g in sample
for product formulation. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) helps YSB to 4.01 mg/100 g in sample OMB with significant
with energy metabolism, ocular activity, mucosal (P < 0.05) differences. Supplementation of oyster
maintenance, antibody production and the formation mushroom increased the low amount of potassium
of red blood cells. and was within the range reported by Abioye & Aka
Supplementation of sample YSB with mushroom (2015) of 21.67–233.35 mg/100 g for maize ogi fortified
powder significantly (P < 0.05) increased niacin com- with moringa. Potassium helps to sustain a steady
position in the cereal-based breakfast product. Oyster heartbeat and contract muscles by balancing fluids in
mushroom is abundant in niacin and can be used as a the body.
suitable vehicle for fortification to increase niacin con- The flour samples are rich in magnesium but blend-
tent in foods. Vitamin B3 (niacin) is required for mac- ing enriched the instant breakfast cereal which differed
ronutrient metabolism, the development of sex significantly (P < 0.05). Magnesium aids in blood
hormones and the synthesis of glycogen. Vitamin C pressure and sugar regulation. Muscles could contract,
increases with supplementation of oyster mushroom nerves send signals, blood clot and enzymes function
powder with no significant (P > 0.05) differences in because of this. Magnesium is also useful in teeth and
some of the samples. Similar studies by Gbaa et al. bones formation. Supplementation of yellow maize
(2019) on sorghum-based mumu fortified with water- and sesame flour with oyster mushroom differed signif-
melon rind had vitamin C ranging from 5.97 mg/100 g icantly (P < 0.05) and led to increased amount of iron,
to 8.12 mg/100 g. Oyster mushroom supplementation which is important in nutrition for activation of some
which is the source of vitamin C in the cereal-based enzymes and for synthesis of amino acids, collagen,
breakfast product can only be limited at 10% and fur- neurotransmitters and hormones. Azeez et al. (2018)
ther addition lead to decrease in vitamin C content. reported a comparable range of 3.22–7.73 mg/100 g
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) serves as a coenzyme for but lower than 4.67–12.77 mg/100 g (Abioye & Aka,
iron absorption and is beneficial to wound healing. 2015). Zinc content increased to 1.32 mg/100 g in sam-
ple SMB upon addition of 5% of mushroom powder
and further decreased to 1.25 mg/100 g with no signifi-
Mineral composition of cereal-based breakfast product
cant differences (P > 0.05). This could be attributed to
Mineral elements in cereal-based breakfast products dilution effect in the cereal-based breakfast product
are shown in Table 3. with oyster mushroom supplementation. The other
Calcium content in the cereal-based breakfast prod- cereal-based breakfast product had significant
uct differed significantly (P < 0.05) and increased from (P < 0.05) differences. Supplementation with sesame
75.31 mg/100 g in the control (sample YSB) to and mushroom to yellow maize gives a product with
143.34 mg/100 g in sample SMB. It then decreased significant amount of zinc, which is lost during maize
consecutively to 58.02 mg/100 g in sample OMB. The processing. Zinc is important to the body and part of
range in the research was above 42.33–53.41 mg/100 g enzymes needed to make proteins and deoxyribonu-
reported for calcium in cassava and mushroom flour cleic acid (DNA).

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2022 © 2022 Institute of Food Science and Technology
Instant breakfast cereal O. A. Orngu and I. E. Mbaeyi-Nwaoha 3757

Table 3 Mineral composition (mg/100 g) of cereal-based breakfast product

Calcium Potassium Magnesium Iron Zinc

Sample mg/100 g mg/100 mg/100 mg/100 mg/100

YSB 75.31d  0.02 0.65a  0.04 12.25b  0.01 1.21a  0.00 0.40a  0.01
SMB 143.34e  0.01 1.03b  0.02 11.27a  0.00 2.44b  0.00 1.32d  0.00
TMB 68.68c  0.02 1.39c  0.00 12.29c  0.00 2.58c  0.02 1.25c  0.01
PMB 62.00b  0.00 2.43d  0.02 12.32d  0.01 2.80d  0.00 1.19b  0.01
OMB 58.02a  0.00 4.01e  0.01 12.62e  0.00 4.15e  0.01 1.19b  0.00

Values are means  SD. Means with the same superscript in the same column are not different significantly(P > 0.05).
YSB, 80% yellow maize flour + 20% sesame flour + 0% oyster mushroom powder; SMB, 75% yellow maize flour + 20% sesame flour + 5% oyster
mushroom powder; TMB, 70% yellow maize flour + 20% sesame flour + 10% oyster mushroom powder; PMB, 65% yellow maize flour + 20% ses-
ame flour + 15% oyster mushroom powder; OMB, 60% yellow maize flour + 20% sesame flour + 20% oyster mushroom powder.

Table 4 Sensory scores of cereal-based breakfast product

Sample Colour Texture Taste Flavour Mouthfeel Aftertaste Overall acceptability

YSB 6.80a  1.19 6.20ab  1.60 5.85b  1.80 5.90b  1.80 5.80ab  1.70 6.15b  2.10 7.10b  1.16
SMB 6.65a  1.46 6.55b  1.45 5.65b  1.90 5.95b  1.90 6.10b  1.51 5.85b  1.84 7.00b  1.02
TMB 6.40a  0.10 6.40b  1.39 6.10b  1.41 6.25b  1.16 5.60ab  1.63 6.15b  1.75 6.25ab  1.44
PMB 6.45a  1.09 5.60ab  1.81 5.00ab  1.65 5.75ab  1.51 5.50ab  1.39 5.35ab  1.98 5.80ab  1.67
OMB 6.15a  1.72 5.35a  1.38 4.60a  1.90 4.75a  1.86 4.95a  1.66 4.55a  1.87 5.25a  2.07

Values are mean  SD. Means with the same superscript in the same column are not significantly (P > 0.05) different.
YSB, 80% yellow maize flour + 20% sesame flour + 0% oyster mushroom powder; SMB, 75% yellow maize flour + 20% sesame flour + 5% oyster
mushroom powder; TMB, 70% yellow maize flour + 20% sesame flour + 10% oyster mushroom powder; PMB, 65% yellow maize flour + 20% ses-
ame flour + 15% oyster mushroom powder; OMB, 60% yellow maize flour + 20% sesame flour + 20% oyster mushroom powder.

4.80–6.90 recorded by Adeoye et al. (2019) for bread

Sensory Evaluation of Cereal-based breakfast product
enriched with mushroom powder but lower than the
The sensory scores of the cereal-based breakfast prod- range score of 6.55–7.30 in findings by Mbaeyi-
uct are presented in Table 4. Colour sensory scores Nwaoha & Uchendu (2016) for breakfast cereal for-
ranged from 6.15 to 6.80 with no differences signifi- mulated from acha and fermented okara blends.
cantly (P > 0.05) in the instant breakfast cereal. The Flavour had highest sensory mean score of 6.25 in
sensory scores for the formulated products were sample TMB with the least mean score in sample
greater than the range of 4.40–6.53 recorded by OMB with 4.75. The sensory scores for the developed
Usman (2012) for colour in African yam bean, maize products varied significantly (P < 0.05) with the range
and coconut breakfast cereal. scores of 3.11–4.22 reported by Azeez et al.(2018) for
The sensory scores for texture in the formulated cassava bread fortified with mushroom powder but
instant breakfast cereals was significantly (P > 0.05) was similar to findings by Edima-Nyah et al. (2020) in
different and higher than the score of 2.75–4.25 the range of 5.80–7.20 for breakfast cereal formulated
reported by Ajala & Taiwo (2018) for ogi supplemen- from yellow maize, soybeans and unripe banana. Sam-
ted with oyster mushroom. Panellist showed preference ple SMB had the peak mean score of 6.10 for mouth-
for samples SMB and TMB, which were supplemented feel and differed (P < 0.05) significantly from the
with 5% and 10% mushroom powder. It could be developed control (sample YSB), which had 5.80.
deduced that oyster mushroom supplementation had Usman (2012) reported sensory score range of 4.60–
effect on panellist’s preference for textural attribute of 6.47 for mouthfeel in African yam bean, maize and
product. The sensory mean scores for taste were not defatted coconut flour blends for breakfast cereal,
differences (P > 0.05) significantly from 6.10 to 5.00. which was similar to the result for these studies.
Sample TMB had the highest mean score of 6.10 and The mean scores for aftertaste ranged from 6.15 in
the least in sample OMB with 4.60. Panelist showed sample SMB and TMB, which had the same mean
preference for sample TMB that was supplemented scores with the least 4.55 in sample OMB. The after-
with 10% mushroom powder, which enhance taste. taste scores of the cereal-based breakfast products
These scores were comparable to the range of were similar to findings of 5.20–6.60 by Edima-Nyah

© 2022 Institute of Food Science and Technology International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2022
3758 Instant breakfast cereal O. A. Orngu and I. E. Mbaeyi-Nwaoha

et al. (2020). The result in this study showed declined Data availability statement
aftertaste with increase in mushroom supplementation.
Sample OMB had the least acceptability among The data for this study are openly available.
panellist with 5.25 and had distinct differences signifi-
cantly (P < 0.05) with the other developed products. References
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remarkable values of minerals such as calcium, magne- with this study on the interaction of maize product with oyster
sium and iron. Sensory scores by the panellist showed mushroom. The research was useful to understand the impact of the
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Competing interest teristics of product processed with mushroom especially with signifi-
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Author contributions digestibility, glycemic index, nutritional and sensory properties of
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sweet potato flours. American Journal of Food Science and Technol-
ogy, 2, 109–115.
Peer review The formulation in the study was useful to modify and adopt to
develop a cereal based breakfast product that will aid nutrition in
The peer review history for this article is available at Nigerian rural communities using local materials. The article was very important to as a reference material in the product formulation.

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© 2022 Institute of Food Science and Technology International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2022

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