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Economics and Economy

The word economy comes from a Greek

word “Oikonomia” for "one who
manages a household."

Fundamental economic problem:

scarce resources.

Scarcity... means that society has

limited resources and therefore cannot
Why do we have to learn economics? produce all the goods and services
people wish to have.
- Our ordinary life is filled with
economic reality Economics is the study of how society
manages its scarce resources.
- Human activity is an endless web
of demand and supply, consume Definitions of Economics
and produce
- Economics is wealth getting and
- PROVIDES AN INSIGHT ON wealth using activities of man.
WELFARE SUCH AS The - Economics is the study of
problems of unemployment, people's way of earning and
inflation, population growth and, enjoying life such that it improves
especially, poverty which is societies and makes human
believed to be the root cause of civilization possible.
many social problems
- Economics is a social science
- We are all economist which deals with the production,
exchange, distribution, and
Economics is a subject that we must consumption of goods and
confront in our everyday lives. As a services.
matter of fact, we already spend a great
deal of our time thinking about economic - Economics is a social science
issues: prices, buying decisions, use of that deals with efficient allocation
our time, to be financially stable and so of scarce resources in order to
on. satisfy human wants.
Considering all the above definitions, specific firm. Microeconomics also
there are four(4)significant concepts in explains how the demand and supply of
the definition of economics: first, as a certain product determine equilibrium
science; second, as a social science as price in the market.
it involves choices; third, it deals with
the concept of scarcity of resources; and Concepts of Economics
last, it gives us an understanding of
The study of economics has its
insatiable human wants.
own language and uses specific terms.
Macroeconomics vs.
1. Wealth - refers to anything that has a
useful value; it is sometimes classified
There are two big branches in the as money, stocks, real estate, mineral
study of economics namely, deposits, resources and the like.
macroeconomics and microeconomics
2. Consumption - refers to the process
Macroeconomics is concerned with the of direct utilization of goods and
study of the aggregate economy or the services by the household sector, the
economy of one's country as a whole. business sector and the rest of the
Macroeconomics considers the world.
performance of the four sectors in the
3. Production - refers to the creation of
economy; the household, business,
utility or a process by which economic
government and foreign sectors.
goods are created.
Macroeconomics talks about Gross
Domestic Product, inflation, 4. Exchange - is the process of trading
unemployment, imports, exports, etc. goods and services for money, goods
for goods, goods for services, services
Microeconomics is concerned with the
for services. It is a mechanism by which
study of the behavior of individual firm or
workers can trade the various products
industry in the economy or it looks only
resulting from specialization and division
at specific economic units of a country.
of labor.
Microeconomics examines the factors
that influence individual economic 5. Distribution - is the process of
choices and how the choices of various allocating scarce resources to both the
decision makers (individual consumers, household and business sector and the
firm or industry, and government rest of the world.
agency) are coordinated by markets. In
this branch of economics, we deal on Classification of Resources
the price of a specific product, the
number of employees employed in a Economists call all the resources
specific firm, or the expenditures of a that are used to produce go and
services as factors of production or
simply the inputs or the me for 4. Entrepreneur is someone who
production. These resources are combines land, labor, and capital to
classified in economics as labor, capital produce goods and services. He is the
and entrepreneur. Land and capital are one who assumes the risks in the quest
non-human resources while labor and for profit. Entrepreneur is also the
entrepreneurs are human resources. manager, the supervisor, or the
These resources are scarce, their use innovator. He is also the risk-bearer.
calls for a payment. The payment for the Normal profit is the income pay for
factors of production is called cost of entrepreneurs. Normal profit is different
production. from profit or pure profit. Normal profit is
always positive while profit can be
1. Land refers to God-given resources positive, negative or even zero. Profit =
used in production. It includes all natural Total Revenue – Total Cost
resources, such as mineral deposit.
water resources, wild animals and trees How people make decisions
from the forest Payment for the use of
land is called rent. Economics deals with choices and
opportunity cost.
2. Labor refers to the physical and
mental exertions of man to produce OPPORTUNITY COST
goods and services. Wages is a general
Opportunity cost is an economics term
term used for the payment of labor.
that refers to the value of what you have
3. Capital is a man-made resource used to give up in order to choose something
to produce other goods and services. else.
These include all types of structures
- There is no such thing as a free
used in the process of production such
as buildings, equipment, machineries,
land improvements such as the site of - To get one thing, we usually have
the Mall of Asia and the PICC. Raw to give up another thing.
materials and tools are examples of
capital. Interest is the income payment - Making decisions requires trading
for capital. off one goal against another.

In economics, money is not

considered as capital. Yes money is
man-made but it cannot be used directly
to produce another good. Can you give
examples of goods that are made out of
Concept of Cost – Implicit and - Bought a franchise for a large
Explicit Cost sum of money. How much money have
been invested otherwise?
Economic (Opportunity) cost include
explicit and explicit cost. - Opportunity cost of owner’s time
above salary paid.
According to the Institute of Cost and
Work Accountants, - How much could the owner get
paid elsewhere?
“Cost implies measurement in monetary
terms of the number of resources used
for the purpose of production of goods
and rendering of services.”

In other words, the cost can be defined

as the amount of money for which any
commodity or service is generated.

Explicit and Implicit Costs

- Explicit costs
- Tangible expenses: Bills that the
- Wages, insurance, and food

- Implicit costs

- Opportunity costs of doing

Economics being a science is a
- Opportunity cost of capital. systematized body of knowledge. It uses
scientific method in gathering and The effectiveness of economic policies
analyzing data and making conclusions. can be assessed in either of two ways,
known as positive and normative
DESCRIPTIVE ECONOMICS – involves economics.
compiling or gathering of data relevant
to a particular problem. Data may come Positive economics attempts to
from primary data or secondary sources. describe how the economy and
economic policies work without resorting
The facts are then studied, arranged to value judgments. The distinguishing
and generalized upon to come up with feature of positive economics is that it
an economic theory, principle or law. can be tested and either confirmed or
rejected based on facts of positive
An economic theory is a generalization
economics because it can be tested by
based on a variety of facts about why or
referring to the statistical data of
how an economic event occurs. Theory,
principle or law is a generalization Normative economics involves the use
because it explains how economic of value judgments to assess the
variables generally behave when certain performance of the economy and
conditions exist. For example, an economic policies. For a country to
economic theory would be "if the price of attain growth, agriculture must be the
goods goes up, people will buy less of top priority over the industry. This
it." Economic theories or principles are statement belongs to the realm of
useful because they explain certain normative economics because it is
economic behavior or conditions. These based on a value judgment and
are helpful in solving economic therefore cannot be tested, confirmed,
problems and serve as a guide in or refuted.
economic planning and formulating
economic programs. Inductive or empirical method is
applied when researches are conducted
An economic theory or principle which is from facts to theory or from specific
put into action becomes an economic observations to making generalized
policy or applied economics. Policies explanations about the observed
are courses of action based on phenomenon.
economic principles and are intended to
solve a specific economic problem and Deductive method precedes from
to achieve economic goals. Economic general behavior to particular behavior
policies are typically implemented and or from theory to facts
administered by the government.


An economic system is a set of
Scarcity is a condition wherein the economic institutions that dominates a
needs and wants far exceed the given economy. An institution is a set of
available resources. It is the basic rules of conduct, established ways of
economic problem facing all men. This thinking, or ways of doing things. The
means that there were never enough principal objective of an e system is to
economic goods and services available solve the basic economic problems.
to satisfy human wants.
There are four main types of economy
Indicators of Scarcity systems: the traditional, market
economy, command economy and a
The concept of scarcity poses the mixed economy.
reason why we study economics. It is
said that the fundamental problem in 1. Traditional Economic System. In
economics is the scarcity of resources. the traditional economic system,
Take it out and there may be no need to economic decisions are made based on
study economics. Here are some customs and traditions. The economy
indicators of scarcity. generally repeats the decisions made at
an earlier time or by an earlier
1. Why do products have price? generation. The basic problems of what,
how and for whom to produce are
2. Why do resources have ownership?
decided by customs and traditions.
3. Why are there rich and poor?
2. Market Economy or Free
4. Why is there a need for man to work? Enterprise Economy or Capitalism.
The basic problems of what, how and
5. Why is there a need to conserve for whom to produce are decided by the
natural resources? market system or simply the demand
and supply condition. The factors of
production are owned and managed by
private individuals or corporations. The
essential characteristics of this
economic system are private ownership
presence of competition, economic
THE BASIC ECONOMIC PROBLEMS freedom and profit motivation.

The problem in economics is to 3. Command System or the Centrally

determine the most efficient and Planned Economy or Socialism /
effective way to allocate resources. Communism. This economic system
relies on the government to decide how
the country's resources would best be ECONOMIC GOALS
allocated. The essential characteristics
of the command economy are: no
private ownerships, no free competition,
no profit-motivation and central
economic planning is present. Most
countries with a command economy
have recognized the role of competition
and the importance of international trade
for the growth of the economy and have The Millennium Development Goals
started to open up their economy to In the beginning of the 21st
eventually adapt the market system, century, leaders from both developed
hence, a transition to a mixed economy. and developing countries gathered and
agreed to achieve concrete, measurable
4. Mixed System or Mixed Economy. development objectives adoption of the
This economic system is a combination Millennium Declaration. These the
of the market economy and command Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
economy. Generally, most countries in are associated with the United Nations
the world can be categorized as mixed development agenda to be achieved for
economic system like the Philippines. 2015. These are:
There is public and private ownership of
resources and enterprises. Countries Goal 1. Eradicate extreme poverty
already recognize the advantages of a and hunger - Halve between 1990 and
market system because of competition- 2015, the proportion of people whose
competition makes the market efficient income is less than the poverty
while the command economic system threshold; the proportion of underweight
recognizes the importance of among under five-year old children; and
government intervention in directing the the proportion of families not meeting
economy. 100% energy requirement.

Comparative Characteristic of Pure Goal 2. Achieve universal primary

Capitalism and Socialism education. Ensure that by 2015,
children everywhere, boys and girls
alike, will be able to complete a primary

Goal 3. Promote gender equality and

empower women. Eliminate gender
disparity in primary and secondary
education preferably by 2005 and in all
levels of education no later than 2015.
Goal 4. Reduce child mortality. The 17 SDGs are integrated—
Reduce the mortality rate between 1990 they recognize that action in one area
and 2015. will affect outcomes in others, and that
development must balance social,
Goal 5. Improve maternal health. economic and environmental
Reduce maternal mortality ratio by three sustainability.
quarters, between 1990 and 2015.
Countries have committed to
Goal 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria prioritize progress for those who're
and other diseases - Have halted by furthest behind. The SDGs are designed
2015 and begun to reverse the spread

Goal 7. Ensure environmental

sustainability. Integrate the principle of
sustainable development into country
policies and programs and reverse the
loss of environmental resources. Goal 8.
Develop a global partnership for
development. Develop further an open, to end poverty, hunger, AIDS, and
rule-based, predictable, and non- discrimination against women and girls.
discriminatory trading and financial
system. The creativity, knowhow,
technology and financial resources from
The Sustainable Development Goals all of society is necessary to achieve the
(SDGs) SDGs in every context.

The Sustainable Development How can you contribute as a member

Goals (SDGs), also known as the of this society in solving some of our
Global Goals, were adopted by the economic problems?
United Nations in 2015 as a universal
call to action to end poverty, protect the “The ultimate resource in economic
planet, and ensure that by 2030 all development is people. It is people, not
people enjoy peace and prosperity. capital or raw materials that develop an

 Peter Drucker
Scope of Managerial Economics
From the point of view of a firm, insight you can draw about the firm is
managerial economics, may be defined that withi it resources are guided by
as economics applied to “problems of manager in a manner that achieves the
choice” or alternatives and allocation of objectives of the firm.
scarce resources by the firms. Thus,
managerial economics is the study of Inventory and Queuing Problem
allocation of resources available to a
firm or a unit of management among the Inventory problems involve
activities of that unit. Managerial decisions about holding of optimal levels
economics is concerned with the of stocks of raw materials and finished
application of economic concepts and goods over a period. These decisions
analysis to the problem of formulating are taken by considering demand and
rational managerial decisions. There are supply conditions. Queuing problems
four groups of problem in both involve decisions about installation of
decisions-making and forward planning. additional machines or hiring of extra
labour in order to balance the business
 Resource Allocation lost by not undertaking these activities.

 Inventory and Queuing Problem Pricing Problem

 Pricing Problem Fixing prices for the products of
the firm is an important decision-making
 Investment Problem
process. Pricing problems involve
decisions regarding various methods of
Resource Allocation
prices to be adopted.
Scarce resources have to be
used with utmost efficiency to get Investment Problem
optimal results. These include
Forward planning involves
production programming and problem of
investment problems. These are
transportation, etc. How does resource
problems of allocating scarce resources
allocation take place within a firm?
over time. For example, investing in new
Naturally, a manager decides how to
plants, how much to invest, sources of
allocate resources to their respective
funds, etc.
uses within the firm, while as stated
above, the resource allocation decision Why is managerial economics so
outside the firm is primarily done valuable to such a diverse group of
through the market. Thus, one important decision makers? The answer to this

Self-Instructional Material 10
question lies in the meaning of the term maximize the profits of the
managerial economics. firm that employs the
manager, the underlying
The Manager principles are valid for
virtually any decision
A manager is a person who directs process.
resources to achieve a stated goal. This
definition includes all individuals who
Prof. Evan J Douglas,
1. Direct the efforts of others,
‘Managerial economics’ is concerned
including those who
delegate tasks within an with the application of economic
organization such as a firm, principles and methodologies to the
a family, or a club; decision-making process within the firm
2. Purchase inputs to be used or organization under the conditions of
in the production of goods uncertainty. It seeks to establish rules
and services such as the and principles to facilitate the attainment
output of a firm, food for the of the desired economic goals of
needy, or shelter for the management.”
homeless; or
3. Are in charge of making The subject matter of economics
other decisions, such as compromises a number of concepts and
product price or quality. A theories.
manager generally has
responsibility for his or her The application of these concepts and
own actions as well for the theories in the process of business
actions of individuals, decision making is known as managerial
machines, and other inputs economics. In other words, managerial
under the manager’s economics undertakes the study of
control. This control may
economic tools that are used in
involve responsibilities for
business decision making.
the resources of a
multinational corporation or INTRODUCTION: ECONOMICS AND
for those of a single
household. In each
instance, however, a Managerial Economics is one of the
manager must direct
most important and useful courses in
resources and the behavior
your curriculum of studies.
of individuals for the
purpose of accomplishing
some task. While much of
this book assumes the
manager’s task is to

Self-Instructional Material 11
Economics is "the study of the behavior seeks to establish rules and principles to
of human beings in producing, facilitate the attainment of the desired
distributing and consuming material economic goals of management".
goods and services in a world of scarce
resources." Managerial Economics has to meet
the needs of a management executive
Management is the discipline of in a business organisation. A business
organizing and allocating a firm's scarce executive is called upon to make a
resources to achieve its desired choice in alternative lines of action as a
objectives. part of the process of decision-making.
He is also required to prepare a plan of
These two definitions clearly point to the action for the future. It should, therefore,
relationship between economics and be clear that managerial economics, like
managerial decision making. the parent discipline of economics has
to serve as a science of making a
Managerial Economics is the use of
choice. Similarly, like economics, it has
economic analysis to make business
to guide a business executive in making
decisions involving the best use of an
certain predictions. Besides, there are
organization's scarce resources.
other areas where managerial
Some of the popular definitions of economics draws heavily from the
managerial economics are given as science of economics.
 To D.C. Hayue : Managerial
According to Mansfield, "Managerial Economics is a "fundamental academic
economics is concerned with the subject which seeks to understand and
application of economic concepts and to analyse the problems of business
economics to the problems of decision- taking’.
formulating rational decision making."
 Savage and Small believe that
In the words of Spencer, "Managerial Managerial Economics concerns
economics is the integration of efficient direction of a business
economic theory with business practice organisation so as "to make a
for the purpose of facilitating decision productive enterprise out of human and
making and forward planning by material resources.
 To Brigham and Pappas, Managerial
According to Douglas, "Managerial Economics is "the application of theory
economics is concerned with the and methodology to business
application of economic principles and administration practice".
methodologies to the decision-making
 Malcolm McNair and Richard Meriam
process within the firm or organization. It
have defined Business Economics as

Self-Instructional Material 12
"consisting of the use of economic  Resource allocation
modes of thought to analyse business Decisions
situations.  Pricing Decisions
 Decisions Related to
 Another important definition which is Segmentation
very often quoted is the one by Milton  Expansion Decision
Spencer and Louis Siegelman.
According to them, "Managerial Use of Economic theories, laws and
Economics is the integration of methodologies
economic theory with business practice
Managerial Economics
for the purpose of facilitating decision-
making and forward planning by Application of Quantitative methods
 Statistical Tools
CONCLUSION  Mathematical Tools
 Econometric Tools
Thus, all the above definitions seem to
suggest the same thing : that
Managerial Economics is a science
dealing with the application of the
economic theory to business

In other words, Managerial Economics

can be viewed to lie between economics
on the one hand and business
management on the other. The former
consists of a theory with an accepted
methodology and an analytical rigour.
The latter, on the other hand is
concerned with the problems of
decision-making. As such, Managerial
Economics provides an insight into the
application of economics to solving
business problems. It does so by
formulating optimal solutions to a wide
range of business problems.


 Financial Decisions
 Product Decisions

Self-Instructional Material 13














Microeconomics is one of the big
branches of economics that deals with LABOR, CAPITAL, AND LAND USED
the study of an individual unit in the TO PRODUCE PRODUCTS, ARE
economy such as the individual EXCHANGED.
consumer and the firm.





Self-Instructional Material 14

- Payments flow in the opposite direction Markets bring together buyers and
as the physical flow of resources, sellers in the product market or resource
goods, and services (counterclockwise). market. A market exists as long as there
are buyers and sellers who agree on the
price; hence, a transaction takes place.
The agreed price is called the market
price or equilibrium price.



The circular flow model for
microeconomics is a model of an
economy showing the interaction among DEMAND
consumer and producer as they
exchange goods and services in the Demand refers to the quantity of a
product market (upper loop) and the product or service that the buyer is
exchange factors of production in the willing and able to purchase at a certain
resource market (lower loop). price. Of course, buyers want low price
rather than a high price given all other
To understand the scope of things or equal (ceteris paribus)
microeconomics is to take one particular assumptions.
industry like the shoe industry. Figure
3.1 shows that there are two groups of
people interacting in an industry, the

Self-Instructional Material 15
 The demand schedule is the
simplest form of the demand
 It is merely a list of
prices and
corresponding quantities
of a product or service
that would be demanded
over a particular time
period by some
The Law of Demand individual or group of
individuals at uniform
The Law of Demand states that "the prices
higher the price (P) of the good, the  Table 3.1 shows the
lesser the quantity demanded (Q)," or demand schedule for
alternatively stated, "the lower the price, gasoline
the higher the quantity demanded all  Note the inverse
other thing held equal or constant." relationship between
price and quantity
A buyer is a buyer if he is willing and if demanded; this is
he is able to buy the goods. Willing to referred to as the law of
buy means he really want and has the demand
interest over the goods while able to buy
if he has the ability to pay. Most people
in the field of marketing and selling may
fail to achieve their goals, if they may
not be able to detect who their buyers
are. One may be very good in sales
demonstration making people interested
and willing to buy but do these target
buyers have the money with which to
buy? Otherwise, they are not buyers. Constrained Utility Maximization &
Consumer Behavior (1 of 4)
Which of the following is the reason that
lowers the demand of car in the market?  Demand is based on the
theory of consumer choice
A.Product price increase  Each consumer must
choose among
B. Reduction in registration fee
combinations of goods &
services that maximize
C.Insulting the price of the tire
satisfaction or utility,
D. increasing accident rates subject to a constraint on

Self-Instructional Material 16
 Economists have identified BREAD INCREASES, OTHER THINGS
two basic reasons for the CONSTANT, THE DEMAND FOR
increase in quantity BUTTER DECLINES.
demanded as the result of a
price reduction: 4. BUYER'S EXPECTATIONS ABOUT
The demand curve reflects the
relationship between price and quantity
demanded, but price is not the only
variable or factor can influence the
consumer's demand. Other non-price DEMAND FUNCTION
determinants of demand or the other
factors that may affect demand are as The law of demand which shows the
follows: inverse relations between price and the
quantity can be illustrated in three
1. INCOME. HAS DIRECT RELATION different ways through a demand
FOR NORMAL GOODS BUT IF THE function, demand schedule and a
INVERSE. Demand function is s a mathematical
description of the relationship of price
2. TASTES AND PREFERENCES. and demand. the DEMAND function
HAVE DIRECT RELATION TO using the formula:
FAVOR OF THE PRODUCT, THE Demand function is expressed in terms
HIGHER WILL BE THE DEMAND FOR of a mathematical equation as follows:
Qd = 80 - 4P
SERVICES. FOR SUBSTITUTE The demand function above shows the
GOODS LIKE RICE AND BREAD, IF slope or coefficient of the price is-4
PRICE OF RICE INCREASES, which means that for every peso
DEMAND OF BREAD INCREASES, SO increase in price, quantity demanded
RELATION IS DIRECT BUT INVERSE decreases by 4 units. The constant term

Self-Instructional Material 17
80 is the maximum quantity the market A change in quantity demanded (AQ)
can absorb, and that is when the occurs when there is a change in the
product is free and has a zero price. price of the good itself.

DEMAND SCHEDULE Change in demand occurs when there

is a change in any determinants of
Demand schedule is a list or table that demand such as income, number of
shows the inverse relations between buyers, price expectations, etc.
price and quantity demanded, all other
things constant or equal. If the non-price determinants of a
demand identified above are allowed to
The demand function can be expressed vary, the entire demand curve will shift
in a tabular form called demand either to the left or the right. Such a shift
schedule. of the demand curve is called a change
in demand.

A change in demand is represented by a

shift of the demand curve to the right, if
there is an increase in demand, D1 to
D2, and a shift to the left if demand
Demand function is expressed in terms decreases from D1 to D3, of the above
of a mathematical equation as follows: figure.



Demand curve is a locus of points that

shows the inverse relations between
price and quantity demanded all other
things constant or equal.

A change in demand is represented by a

shifts of the demand curve to the right, if
there is an increase in demand, D, to D,
and a shift to the left if demand
decreases from D, to D, of the above

Change in Quantity Demanded vs

Change in Demand
Self-Instructional Material 18
SUPPLY Quantity supplied falls.

Supply shows the different quantities of All other things constant except the
good that sellers are willing and able to price, ceteris paribus
sell at any given time at various possible
prices other things equal.

Given supply function as follows:

Q=-10+5 P

Where: Q is quantity supplied P is the


The Law of Supply

The law of supply demonstrates the

quantities that will be sold at certain
prices. But unlike the law of demand,
the supply curve shows an upward
slope. This means that the higher the
price, the higher the quantity supplied.
Produces supply more at a higher price The function shows the coefficient or
because it will mean higher revenue. the slope of the price is 5 and a
constant term-10. The coefficient is
Law of Supply (direct
interpreted that for every peso increase
in price, quantity supplied will increase
Law of Supply- refers to the relationship by 5 units while the constant term -10
between price and the quantity of a implies that if price is zero, no one will
good or service that firms are willing to ever supply the good and is tantamount
produce. The higher the price of the to say that no one will supply if price is
product leads to more supplies and below P2.00.
more companies making the product.

Self-Instructional Material 19
Table 3.2 Supply Schedule determine or affect the supply of a
Price - 2, 5, 10, 15, 20 product. These are the following:
Quantity supplied - 0, 15, 40, 65, 90
1. Production costs has an inverse
The supply schedule above shows that relation to supply. High production cost
as price increases the corresponding discourages sellers hence there will be
quantity supplied also increases as a decrease in supply (has a negative
shown in Table 3.2. or inverse relation on supply)

2. Technology has a direct relation to

SUPPLY CURVE supply. An improved technology
encourages producers hence there will
Supply curve is a locus of points that be an increase in supply. (has a
shows the direct relations between positive or direct relation on supply)
price and quantity supply all other
things constant or equal. 3. The price of related goods or price
of competing products has an
Figure 3.6 Supply Curve inverse relation to supply. For farmers,
P - 20, 15, 10, 0 palay and corn are competing products,
20, 40, 60, 80 if the price of palay increases farmers
will plant palay rather than corn its
The Supply Curve is upward sloping to
competing product to take advantage of
the right as shown in Fig. 3.6.
higher price of palay. (has a negative
or inverse relation on supply)

4. Firm's expectations about future

prices has an inverse relation to
supply. If the price of rice is expected to
increase, traders tend to hoard, hence,
there will be a decrease in present
supply. (has a negative or inverse
relation on supply)

5. Number of suppliers has a direct

relation to supply. The more number of
sellers, the higher supply. (has a
positive or direct relation on supply)
Change in Quantity Supplied versus
Aside from the price of the product Change in Supply
there are non-price factors that

Self-Instructional Material 20
A change in quantity supplied occurs
when there is a change in the price of
the good itself all other things constant
or equal.

a. Finding the equilibrium price (Pe)

and equilibrium quantity (Q)

A Change in supply occurs whenever Consider the demand function. Q, 8 80-

any of the non-price determinants of 4P and supply function Q = -10+ 5P.
supply changes. An increase in supply The equilibrium price can be
is represented by a shift of the supply determined as follows:
curve to the right. Alternatively, a
decrease in a supply is represented by Condition:
a shift of the supply curve to the left. Q = Qs, substituting the equation P =
In Fig. 3.8, a shift to the right of the 804P-10 + 5P
supply curve (S, to S,) represents an 80+10= 5P + 4P
increase in supply, while a shift to the 90= 9P
left (5, to S,) means a decrease in P = 90/9
Is the equilibrium price really P10? To
MARKET EQUILIBRIUM find if it so, substitute
P=10 and check. Is QQ, if so then P, =
The term EQUILIBRIUM means that all 10
forces in the market are in balance. Substituting
MARKET EQUILIBRIUM is attained Q 80-4(10)=40Q-10+5(10) = 40
where quantity demanded is equal to
quantity supplied: Qd= Qs Then we can conclude that P, = 10 and
Q = 40 units

Self-Instructional Material 21
Surplus and Shortage Defined

What is a surplus?
A surplus is the amount by which the
quantity supplied of a product exceeds
the quantity demanded at a specific
- A surplus may only occur above the
equilibrium price.
Figure 3.9 is the result of combining
What is a shortage?
demand curve in Fig. 3.3 and supply
A shortage is the amount by which the
curve in Fig. 3.6. The intersection of the
quantity demanded of a product
demand curve D and Supply curve S is
exceeds the quantity supplied at a
at point E indicates that the equilibrium
specific price.
price is P10 and equilibrium quantity is
- A shortage may only occur below the
40 units.
equilibrium price.
A surplus is the excess of the quantity TABULAR ANALYSIS
supplied over quantity demanded.
Example, at P15, the buyers would be Modified True or False: True if
wiling to purchase 20 units, but statement is correct. If false, provide
producers would have produced and correct answer.
offered 65 units.

A surplus brings the market price down

to equilibrium price, sellers would kept
to reduce the price than to incur
additional storage cost or experience
spoilage of perishable products that
can cause or great loss.

1. At P = P2.00, shortage is 90 units

2. At P = P5.00, surplus is 50 units

3. At P=12.00, surplus is 20 units

4. At P = P10, surplus is 10 units

5. Pe= 45.00,

6. Qe= 10 units
Self-Instructional Material 22
Modified True or False: True if product is a normal good, and if
statement is correct. If false, provide consumers change their taste in favor
correct answer. of a certain goods etc.

1. At P = P2.00, shortage is 90 units - F Income to Normal Goods = Positive

2. At P = P5.00, surplus is 50 units -F
Demand curve shifted to the right
3. At P P12.00, surplus is 20 units - T
4. At P = P10, surplus is 10 units -F DECRESE IN DEMAND and SUPPLY

5. Pe = P45.00 - F

6. Qe = 10 units - F


A decrease in demand as in Figure 3.11

is shown by a leftward shift of the
demand curve from D1 to D2 supply is
unchanged. This causes change in
equilibrium point from E to B resulting to
An increase in the demand for the good a decrease in both the equilibrium price
is shown by a rightward shift of the and the equilibrium quantity from P10.00
demand curve, D1 to D2 in Figure 3.10 to P7.50 and from 40 to 30 units
holding supply unchanged. Effect is respectively.
change in equilibrium from point E to
point A said shift of the demand curve EFFECT OF AN INCREASE –
gives rise to new equilibrium price DECREASE IN DEMAND and SUPPLY
P12.50 from P10.00 and equilibrium
quantity of 50 units from 40 units.

Demand curve may shift to the right

with increase in consumers income if

Self-Instructional Material 23
S1 to S2 in Fig. 3.13. The equilibrium
point changes from E to D. This causes
an increase in the equilibrium price from
P10.00 to P12.50 and a decrease in the
equilibrium quantity from 40 to 30 units.


An improvement in technology
increases supply for the commodity,
hence, a rightward shift of the supply
curve from S1 to S2 in Figure 3.12. The
equilibrium point changes from point E
to C results to a decrease in the
equilibrium price from P10 to P7.50 and
an increase in the equilibrium quantity to
50 units from the original 40 units. Supply curve shifts to the right as well
as the demand curve. Equilibrium point
EFFECT OF AN INCREASE – at E, changes to point A as in Figure
DECREASE IN DEMAND and SUPPLY 3.14. These changes result to an
increase in equilibrium quantity from 40
to 60 units the price remaining
unchanged (i.e. there is an equal
increase in demand and supply).


An increase in taxes discourage sellers,

so supply for the commodity decreases,
hence supply curve shifts to the left from

Self-Instructional Material 24
Fig. 3.15 shows that supply curve shifts EFFECT OF SIMULTANEOUS
to the right and demand curve shifts to CHANGES IN THE DEMAND AND
the left with the equilibrium point shifting SUPPLY
from E to B. These changes lead to a
decrease in the equilibrium price from
P10.00 to P5.00 while quantity does not
change (i.e. the decrease in demand is
exactly the same as the increase in
supply. The effect on equilibrium
quantity depends on whether the
decrease in demand is larger than the
increase in supply.


Fig. 3.17 depicts the supply curve and a

demand curve shifting to the left with the
equilibrium point changing from point E
to point D. These changes result to a
decline in equilibrium quantity from 40 to
20 units with no change in equilibrium
price at P10.00. (i.e. there 15 an equal
decrease in demand and supply).
Therefore, a decrease in demand and
supply leads to a decrease in the
equilibrium quantity while the equilibrium
price of the product remains constant or
Fig. 3.16 shows that supply curve shifts equal.
to the left and demand curve to the right
causing a change in equilibrium point
from E to C These changes cause an
increase in equiliorium price from P 10
to 15 while equilibrium quantity is
constant at 40 units (i.e. the increase in
demand is offset by an equal decrease
in supply).

Self-Instructional Material 25
For most purpose economics can be economic terminology used with
divided into two broad categories, increasing regularity. For a manager,
microeconomics and macroeconomics. some of these economic terms are of
Macroeconomics as the name suggests direct relevance and, therefore, it is
is the study of the overall economy and essential to not only understand them
its aggregates such as Gross National but also apply them in relevant
Product, Inflation, Unemployment, situations. For example, GDP growth
Exports, Imports, and Taxation Policy, rate could impact the product a manager
etc. is marketing, change in money supply
by the RBI could impact inflation and
Macroeconomics addresses affect the demand for your product,
questions about changes in investment, fiscal deficit could affect interest rates
government spending, employment, and, therefore, investment spending by
prices, and exchange rate of the rupee a manager, etc. The focus of managerial
and so on. Importantly, only aggregate economics is on how the firm reacts to
levels of these variables are considered changes in the economic environment in
in the study of macroeconomics. But which it operates and how it predicts
hidden in the aggregate data are these changes and devises the best
changes in output of a number of possible strategies to achieve the
individual firms, the consumption objectives that underlie its existence.
decision of consumers like you, and the
changes in the prices of goods and The economy is the institutional
services. Although macroeconomic structure through which individuals and
issues are important and occupy the firms in a society coordinate their
time of media and command the desires. Economics is the study of how
attention of the newspapers, micro human beings in a society go about
aspects of the economy are also achieving their wants and desires. It is
important and often are of more direct also defined as the study of allocation of
application to the day to day problems scarce resources to satisfy individual
facing a manager. Microeconomics wants or desires. The latter is perhaps
deals with individual actors in the the best way to broadly define the study
economy such as firms and individuals. of economics in general. The emphasis
Managerial economics can be thought is on allocation of scarce resources
of as applied microeconomics and its across competing ends. You should
focus is on the interaction of firms and recognize that human wants are
individuals in markets. unlimited and, therefore, choice is
When you read a newspaper or
switch on a television, you hear

Self-Instructional Material 26
Choices necessarily involve in our economy. A market is not
trade-offs. For example, if you wish to necessarily a physical location, but a
acquire an MBA degree, you must take description of any state that involves
time-off to devote to study. Your time exchange. The exchange could be
has many uses and when you devote instantaneous or it could be over time,
more time to study you are allocating it i.e., exchange which is agreed today but
to a particular use in order to achieve where the transaction takes place, say
your goal. Economics would be a most after 3 months. You will learn in this
uninteresting subject if resources were course the myriad functions that
unlimited and no trade-offs was involved markets perform, most significantly
in decision-making. There are many bringing buyers and sellers together.
general insights economists have Markets could be competitive or
gained into how the economy functions. monopolistic, with a large number of
Economic theory ties together firms or a small number of firms, with
economists’ terminology and knowledge free entry and exit or government
about economic institutions. An licensing restricting entry of firms and so
economic institution is a physical or on. The major point is that firms operate
mental structure that significantly in different types of markets and use the
influences economic decisions. well- established principles of
Corporations, Governments, markets managerial economics to improve
are all economic institutions. Similarly, profitability. Managerial economics
cultural norms are the standards people draws on economic analysis for such
use when they determine whether a concepts as cost, demand, profit and
particular activity or behaviour is competition.
acceptable. For example, Hindus avoid
meat and fish on Tuesdays. This has an - attempts to bridge the gap
economic dimension as it has a direct between the purely analytical
problems that intrigue many
impact on the sale of these items on
economic theorists and the day-
Tuesdays. Further, economic policy is
to-day decisions that managers
the action usually taken by the
must face.
government, to influence economic - offers powerful tools and
events. And finally, economic reasoning approaches for managerial
helps in thinking like an economist. policy-making.
Economists analyze questions and
issues on the basis of trade-offs, i.e., It will be relevant to present here
they compare the cost and the benefits several examples illustrating the
of every issue and make decisions problems that managerial economics
based on those costs and benefits. can help to address. These also
explain how managerial economics
The market is perhaps the single is an integral part of business.
most important and complex institution Demand, supply, cost, production,
Self-Instructional Material 27
market, competition, price, etc. are important concepts in real business

1.2. Appropriate Definitions

Managerial economics can be decisions to maximize the firm’s

defined as the study of how to direct objectives, often in an environment of
scarce resources in the way that most uncertainty. It is important to recognize
efficiently achieves a managerial goal. that decisions taken while employing a
framework of analysis are likely to be
- McNair and Merriam, more successful than decisions that are
“Managerial economics is the use of knee jerk or gut feel decisions.
economic modes of thought to analyze
business situations.” It is a very broad discipline in the
sense that it describes useful methods
- Prof. Evan J Douglas, for directing everything from the
‘Managerial economics’ is concerned resources of a household to maximize
with the application of economic household welfare to the resources of
principles and methodologies to the the firm to maximize profits. To
decision-making process within the firm understand the nature of decisions that
or organization under the conditions of confronts managers of firms, imagine
uncertainty.” that you are the manager of a company
that makes computers. You must make
- Spencer and Siegel man define
a host of decisions to succeed as a
it as “The integration of economic theory
manager. Should you purchase
with business practices for the purpose
components such as disk drive and
of facilitating decision-making and
chips from the other manufacturers or
forward planning by management.”
produce them within your firm? Should
- Hailstones and Rothwel, you specialize in making of one type of
“Managerial economics is the computers or produce several types?
application of economic theory and How many computers should you
analysis to practice of business firms produce and at what price should you
and other institutions.” sell them? How many employees should
you hire, and how should you
A common thread runs through compensate them? How can you ensure
all these descriptions of managerial that employee work hard? And produce
economics which is using a framework quality products? How can the actions of
of analysis to arrive at informed

Self-Instructional Material 28
the rival computer firms affect your can provide tax advise and basic cost
decisions? data; your marketing department can
provide you with the data on the
The key to making sound characteristics of the market for your
decisions is to know what information is product; and your firm’s financial
needed to make an informed decision analysts can provide summary data for
and then to collect and process the alternative methods of obtaining
data. If you work for a large firm, your financial capital. Ultimately, however,
legal department can provide data about the manager must integrate all of this
the legal ramifications of alternative information, process it, and arrive at a
decisions; your accounting department decision.

1.3. Fundamental Nature of Managerial Economics

A close relationship between On the other hand, economics as stated

management and economics has led to above is engaged in analyzing and
the development of managerial providing answers to manifestations of
economics. Management is the the most fundamental problem of
guidance, leadership and control of the scarcity. Scarcity of resources results
efforts of a group of people towards from two fundamental facts of life:
some common objectives. While this
description does inform about the  Human wants are virtually unlimited
purpose or function of management, it and insatiable, and
 Economic resources to satisfy these
tells us little about the nature of the
human demands are limited.
management process. Koontz and
O’Donnell define management as the Thus, we cannot have everything
creation and maintenance of an internal we want; we must make choices broadly
environment in an enterprise where in regard to the following:
individuals, working together in groups,
can perform efficiently and effectively  What to produce?
towards the attainment of group goals.  How to produce? and
Thus, management is:  For whom to produce?

 Coordination These three choice problems have

 An activity or an ongoing process become the three central issues of an
 A purposive process economy as shown in Fig. 1.1.
Economics has developed several
An art of getting things done by concepts and analytical tools to deal
other people.
Self-Instructional Material 29
with the question of allocation of scarce force this to happen, it will happen on its
resources among competing ends. The own through the market mechanism.
non-trivial problem that needs to be The government, if anything, could
addressed is how an economy through provide a regulatory function to ensure
its various institutions solves or answers quality and consumer protection.
the three crucial questions posed above. According to the central deduction of
There are three ways by which this can economic theory, under certain
be achieved. conditions, markets allocate resources
efficiently. ‘Efficiency’ has a special
- entirely by the market meaning in this context. The theory says
mechanism that markets will produce an outcome
- entirely by the government or
such that, given the economy’s scarce
finally, and
resources, it is impossible to make
- more reasonably, by a
anybody better-off without making
combination of the first two
approaches. somebody else worse-off.

Realistically all economies

employ the last option, but the relative
roles of the market and government vary
across countries. For example, in India
the market has started playing a more
important role in the economy while the
government has begun to withdraw from
certain activities. Thus, the market
mechanism is gaining importance. A Fig. 1.1. Problem of choice.
similar change is happening all over the
world, including in China. But there are
economies such as Myanmar and Cuba
where the government still plays an In rich countries, markets are too
overwhelming part in solving the familiar to attract attention. Yet, a certain
resource allocation problem. Essentially, awe is appropriate. Let us take an
the market is supposed to guide incident where Soviet planners visited a
resources to their most efficient use. For vegetable market in London during the
example, if the salaries earned by MBA early days of perestroika, they were
degree holders continue to rise, there impressed to find no queues, shortages,
will be more and more students wanting or mountains of spoiled and unwanted
to earn the degree and more and more vegetables. They took their hosts aside
institutes wanting to provide such and said: “We understand, you have to
degrees to take advantage of this say it’s all done by supply and demand.
opportunity. The government may not But can’t you tell us what’s really going

Self-Instructional Material 30
on? Where are your planners and what It comes in four main varieties:
are their methods?”
a) Monopoly: By reducing his sales, a
The essence of the market monopolist can drive up the price of
mechanism is indeed captured by the his good his sales will fall but his
supply and demand diagram. At the profits will rise. Consumption and
place where the curves intersect, a price production are less than the efficient
is set such that demand equals supply. amount, causing a deadweight loss
in welfare.
There, and only there, the benefit from
b) Public Goods: Some goods cannot
consuming one more unit exactly
be supplied by markets. If you
matches the cost of producing it. If refuse to pay for a new coat, the
output were less, the benefit from seller will refuse to supply you. If
consuming more would exceed the cost you refuse to pay for national
of producing it. If output were higher, the defense, the “good” cannot easily be
cost of producing the extra units would withheld. You might be tempted to
exceed the extra benefits. So the point let others pay. The same reasoning
where supply equals demand is applies to other “nonexcludable”
“efficient”. goods such as law and order, clean
air, and so on. Since private sellers
However, the conditions for cannot expect to recover the costs of
market efficiency are extremely producing such goods, they will fail
demanding— far too demanding ever to supply them.
to be met in the real world. The theory c) Externalities: Making some goods
requires “perfect competition”: causes pollution: the cost is borne
by people with no say in deciding
- there must be many buyers and how much to produce. Consuming
sellers; some goods (education, anti-lock
- goods from competing suppliers brakes) spreads benefits beyond the
must be indistinguishable; buyer, again, this will be ignored
- buyers and sellers must be fully when the market decides how much
informed; and to produce. In the case of “good”
- markets must be complete— externalities, markets will supply
that is, there must be markets too little; in the case of “bads” too
not just for bread here and now, much.
but for bread in any state of the d) Information: In some ways a
world. special kind of externality, this
deserves to be mentioned separately
(What is the price today for a loaf to because of the emphasis placed
be delivered in Timbuktu on the second upon it in recent economic theory.
Tuesday in December 2014 if it rains?) To see why information matters,
In other words, market failure is consider the market for used cars. A
pervasive. buyer, lacking reliable information,
may see the price as providing clues
Self-Instructional Material 31
about a car’s condition. This puts though it were a competitive firm.
sellers in a quandary: if they cut Many economists would accept that
prices, they may only convince Microsoft, for instance, is a near-
people that their cars are rubbish. monopolist in some parts of the
The labour market, many personal- computer software
economists believe, is another such business yet would argue that the
‘market for lemons’. This may help firm is doing no harm to consumers
to explain why it is so difficult for because its markets remain highly
the unemployed to price themselves contestable. Because of that
into work. When markets fail, there persistent threat of competition, the
is a case for intervention. But two company prices its products keenly.
questions need to be answered first. In this and in other ways it behaves
- How much does market failure as though it were a smaller firm in a
matter in practice? And competitive market.
- can governments put the failure,
right? Even on economic grounds
Markets often correct their own (never mind other considerations), there
failures. In other cases, an apparent is no tidy answer to the question of
failure does nobody any harm. In where the boundary between state, i.e.,
general, market failure matters less governments and market should lie.
in practice than is often supposed. Markets do fail because of monopoly,
Monopoly, for instance, may seem to public goods, externalities, lack of
preclude an efficient market. This is information and for other reasons. But,
wrong. The mere fact of monopoly more than critics allow, markets find
does not establish that any economic ways to mitigate the harm and that is a
harm is being done. If a monopoly is task at which governments have often
protected from would be competitors been strikingly unsuccessful. All in all, a
by high barriers to entry, it can raise strong presumption in favour of markets
its prices and earn excessive profits. seems wise. This is not because
If that happens, the monopoly is classical economic theory says so, but
undeniably harmful. But if barriers to because experience seems to agree.
entry are low, lack of actual (as And as stated above, the real world
opposed to potential) competitors seems to be moving in the direction of
does not prove that the monopoly is placing more reliance on markets than
damaging: the threat of competition on governments.
may be enough to make it behave as

1.4. Scope of Managerial Economics

From the point of view of a firm, as economics applied to “problems of

managerial economics, may be defined choice” or alternatives and allocation of

Self-Instructional Material 32
scarce resources by the firms. Thus, Inventory and Queuing Problem
managerial economics is the study of
allocation of resources available to a Inventory problems involve
firm or a unit of management among the decisions about holding of optimal levels
activities of that unit. Managerial of stocks of raw materials and finished
economics is concerned with the goods over a period. These decisions
application of economic concepts and are taken by considering demand and
analysis to the problem of formulating supply conditions. Queuing problems
rational managerial decisions. There are involve decisions about installation of
four groups of problem in both additional machines or hiring of extra
decisions-making and forward planning. labour in order to balance the business
lost by not undertaking these activities.
Resource Allocation
Pricing Problem
Scarce resources have to be
used with utmost efficiency to get Fixing prices for the products of
optimal results. These include the firm is an important decision-making
production programming and problem of process. Pricing problems involve
transportation, etc. How does resource decisions regarding various methods of
allocation take place within a firm? prices to be adopted.
Naturally, a manager decides how to
allocate resources to their respective Investment Problem
uses within the firm, while as stated
Forward planning involves
above, the resource allocation decision
investment problems. These are
outside the firm is primarily done
problems of allocating scarce resources
through the market. Thus, one important
over time. For example, investing in new
insight you can draw about the firm is
plants, how much to invest, sources of
that within it resources are guided by the
funds, etc.
manager in a manner that achieves the
objectives of the firm.

1.5. Study of Managerial Economics

Study of managerial economics (a) Demand Analysis, Estimation and

essentially involves the analysis of Forecasting
certain major aspects like:
A business firm is an economic
organization, which is engaged in

Self-Instructional Material 33
transforming productive resources into (d) Profits Management
goods that are to be sold in the market.
A major part of managerial decisions Business firms are generally
depend upon accurate estimates of organized for the purpose of making
demand. A forecast of sales in future profits and in the long run, profits
aids the management in preparing provides the chief measure of success.
production schedules and employing In this connection, an important point
resources. It will help the management worth considering is the element of
to strengthen its market position and uncertainty existing about profits
profit base. It includes demand because of variations in costs and
determinants, demand forecasting, etc. revenues which in turn are caused by
factors both internal and external to the
(b) Cost and Production Analysis firm. If knowledge about the future is
perfect, profit analysis would have been
Cost estimates are very important a very easy task. However, in the world
while taking decisions. The different of uncertainty, expectations are not
factors that cause variations in the cost always realized so that profit planning
should be considered while planning. and measurement constitute the difficult
The chief topics included under cost and area of managerial economics. The
production analysis are cost concepts main topics dealt with are: cost of
and classifications, cost output capital, Rate of return and selection of
relationship, economies and projects, important aspects covered
diseconomies of scale, production under this area are: Nature and
functions and cost control. Measurement of Profit, Profit Policies
and techniques of Profit Planning like
(c) Pricing Decisions, Policies and Break-even Analysis.
(e) Capital Management
Pricing is very important area of
managerial economics. In fact, price is Of the various types and classes
the genesis of the revenue of a firm and of business problems, the most complex
as such the success of the firm largely and troublesome for the business
depends upon the correctness of the manager are likely to be those relating
price decisions taken by the firm. The to the firm’s capital investments.
important aspects dealt with under this Relatively large sums are involved, and
area are: Price determination in various the problems are so complex that their
market forms, Pricing methods, disposal not only requires considerable
Differential pricing, Product-line pricing time and labour but is a matter for top
and Price forecasting. level decision. Briefly capital
management implies planning and
control of capital expenditure.

Self-Instructional Material 34
Conclusion maximum profits depend upon accurate
price decisions. Theories regarding
Demand analysis and forecasting price determination under various
help a manager at the earliest stage for market conditions enable the firm to
choosing the product and planning solve the price fixation problems.
output levels. A study of demand Control of costs, proper pricing policies,
elasticity goes a long way in helping the break-even analysis, alternative profit
firm to fix prices for its products. The policies are some of the important
theory of cost also forms an essential techniques in profit planning for the firm
part of this subject. Estimation is which has to work under conditions of
necessary for making output variations uncertainty. Thus, managerial
with fixed plants or for the purpose of economics tries to find out which course
new investments in the same line of is likely to be the best for the firm under
production or in a different venture. The a given set of conditions.
firm works for profits and optimal or near

1.6. Managerial Economics and Other Disciplines

Managerial economics is linked forecasting. The latter could be an

with various other fields of study like: important aid to business condition
analysis, which in turn could be a
(a) Microeconomic Theory valuable input for forecasting the
demand for specific product groups.
As stated in the introduction, the
roots of managerial economics spring (c) Operations Research
from microeconomic theory. Price
theory, demand concepts and theories This field is used in managerial
of market structure are few elements of economics to find out the best of all
microeconomics used by managerial possibilities. Linear programming is a
economists. It has an applied bias as it great aid in decision-making in business
applies economic theories in order to and industry as it can help in solving
solve real world problems of enterprises. problems like determination of facilities
on machine scheduling, distribution of
(b) Macroeconomic Theory commodities and optimum product mix,
This field has little relevance for
managerial economics but at least one (d) Theory of Decision-Making
part of it is incorporated in managerial
economics, i.e., national income

Self-Instructional Material 35
Decision theory has been estimating various economic
developed to deal with problems of relationship, predicting relevant
choice or decision- making under economic quantities and using them in
uncertainty, where the applicability of decision-making and forward planning.
figures required for the utility calculus A knowledge of geometry, trigonometry
are not available. Economic theory is and algebra is not only essential but
based on assumptions of a single goal certain mathematical tools and concepts
whereas decision theory breaks new such as logarithms and exponentials,
grounds by recognizing multiplicity of vectors, determinants and matrix
goals and persuasiveness of uncertainty algebra and above all calculus
in the real world of management. differentials are the hand-maids.

(e) Statistics (g) Management Theory and

Statistics helps in empirical
testing of theory. With its help, better Maximization of profit has been
decisions relating to demand and cost regarded as a central concept in the
functions, production, sales or theory of the firm in microeconomics. In
distribution are taken. Managerial recent years, organization theorists
economics is heavily dependent on have talked about “satisfying” instead of
statistical methods. “maximizing” as an objective of the
enterprise. Accounting data and
(f) Mathematics statements constitute the language of
business. In fact, the link is so close that
Mathematics is yet another tool- “managerial accounting” has developed
subject closely related to managerial as a separate and specialized field in
economics. This is because managerial itself.
economics is metrical in character

1.7. Economic Analysis

Economic activity is the constant priorities. Decision-making by

effort to match ends to means because management is truly economic in nature
of scarcity of resources. The optimal because it involves choices among a set
economic activity is to maximize the of alternatives—alternative courses of
attainment of ends, the means and their action. The optimal decision-making is
scarcities or to minimize the use of an act of optimal economic choice,
resources, given the ends and their considering objectives and constraints.
Self-Instructional Material 36
This justifies an evaluation of (c) Static, Comparative Static and
managerial decisions through concepts, Dynamic Analysis
precepts, tools and techniques of
economic analysis of the following This is in reference to time
types: dimension. A problem may be analyzed
—allowing no change at a point of time
(static)—allowing once for all change at
(a) Micro- and Macro-analysis
a point of time (comparative static)—
allowing successive changes over a
In micro-analysis the problem of
period of time (dynamic).
choice is focused on single individual
entities like a consumer, a producer, a
market, etc. Macro-analysis deals with (d) Positive and Normative Analysis
the problem in totality like national
In positive economic analysis, the
income, general price level, etc.
problem is analyzed in objective terms
(b) Partial and General Equilibrium based on principles and theories. In
Analysis normative economic analysis, the
problem is analyzed based on value
To attain the state of stable judgment (norms). In simple terms,
equilibrium, the economic problem may positive analysis is ‘what it is’ and
be analyzed part by part—one at a time normative analysis is ‘what it should be.’
—assuming “other things remaining the For example, CEOs in private Indian
same.” This is partial equilibrium enterprises earn 15 times as much as
analysis. In general equilibrium analysis the lowest paid employee is a positive
the assumption of “given” or “other statement, a description of what is. A
things remaining equal” may be relaxed normative statement would be that
and interdependence or interactions CEOs should be paid 4–5 times the
among variables may be allowed. lowest paid employee.

1.8. Basic Characteristics: Decision-Making

Managerial economics serves as Tata’s Vision 2000

‘a link between traditional economics
and the decision-making sciences’ for Presently there are about 87
business decision-making. The best way firms in the Tata empire. Of them, about
to get acquainted with managerial 16 recorded losses in 1995–96. The
economics and decision-making is to Tata’s companies that are in the
come face to face with real world limelight are TISCO, TELCO, ACC, Tata
decision problems. Exports and Tata Chemicals.

Self-Instructional Material 37
Contribution of bottom companies The basic characteristics of
— In terms of turn-over: 35% of total of managerial economics can now be
group. enumerated as follows:

20 companies— In terms of net  It is concerned with “decision-making

profit: 0.2% of total sales of group of an economic nature.”
 It is “microeconomic” in character.
— In terms of assets and net This is because the unit of study is a
worth <1% of total sales of group. firm. Managerial economics does not
deal with entire economy as a unit of
The question is—Do such non- study.
performers warrant an existence or will  It largely uses that body of economic
the group be better off if it could hive off concepts and principles, which is
the divisions, or else amalgamate them known as “theory of the firm” or
with other existing units? “economics of firm.” In addition, it
also seeks to apply profit theory
On the three basics—Last two which forms part of distribution
companies are way below the group theories in economics.
providing 4.2% return on shareholders;  It is “goal oriented and prescriptive.”
1.9% returns on capital employed.  Managerial economics is both
“conceptual and metrical.” It includes
Keeping these figures in mind, theory with measurement.
Tatas planned refocusing exercises like  Managerial economics belong to
normative economics rather than
 Divestment-mergers positive economics.
 Amalgamations-takeovers.  Macroeconomics is also useful to
 To create a learner and suggestive managerial economics since it
group with an estimated turnover of provides an intelligent understanding
1,10,000 crores by 2000. of the environment in which business
 From being production-led to must operate. This understanding
being consumer and market-led; enables a business executive to adjust
being up in top three in every in the best possible manner with
segment. external forces over which he has no
control but which plays a crucial role
Tata’s “Vision 2000” is a group. Why
in the well-being of his concern. The
not give someone else a chance to run important topics are: business cycles,
your business more efficiently if you national income accounting and
cannot do so? It makes better economic economic policies of the government
as well as business sense. But then, the like those relating to taxation, foreign
ball is in the court of Tata’s. The what trade antimonopoly measures, labour
and how to do is their prerogative. relations, etc.

Self-Instructional Material 38
management of business. Decision-
making is a process and decision is the
product of that process. Managerial
economics is an evolutionary science; it
is a journey with continuing
understanding and application of
economic knowledge—theories, models,
concepts and categories in dealing with
the emerging business/managerial
Fig. 1.2. Significance of managerial economics. situations and problems in a dynamic
Managerial economics should be economy. It serves as a link between
traditional economics and the decision-
thought of as applied microeconomics,
which focuses on the behaviour of the making sciences for business decision-
individual actors on the economic stage;
firms and individuals.
Managerial economics
accomplishes several objectives. First, it
presents those aspects of traditional
economics which are relevant for
business decision-making in real life.
For this purpose, it calls from economic
theory the concepts, principles and
techniques of analysis which have a
bearing on the decision-making process.
These are, therefore, adapted or
modified with a view to enable the
manager to take better decisions. Thus,
managerial economics accomplishes
Fig. 1.3. Significance of managerial economics the objectives of building a suitable kit
in decision-making. from traditional economics.
A decision is simply a selection Secondly, it also incorporates
from two or more courses of action. The useful ideas from other disciplines such
essence of economic decision is the as psychology, sociology, etc. if they are
solution to the economic problem. Once found relevant for decision-making. In
one of the available alternative actions fact, managerial economics take the aid
is chosen, the economic problem is of other academic disciplines having a
solved. The act of choice signifying bearing upon the business decisions of
solution of an economic problem is managers in view of various explicit and
economic decision- making. A manager implicit constraints subject to which
has to take several decisions in the resource allocation is to be optimized.

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Thirdly, managerial economics specialist the implication pertaining to
help in reaching a variety of business other functional areas. It thus enables
decisions in a complicated environment. business decision-making not in water
A few examples are: tight compartments but in an integrated
perspective, the significance of which
What products and services lies in the fact that the functional
should be produced? departments or specialists often enjoy
considerable autonomy and achieve
What inputs and production
conflicting goals.
techniques should be used?
Finally, managerial economics
How much output should be
take cognizance of the interaction
produced and at what prices should it be
between the firm and society and
accomplishes the key role of business
What are the best sizes and as an agent in the attainment of social
locations of new plants? and economic welfare. It has been
realized that business apart from its
When equipment should be obligations to shareholders, has certain
replaced? social obligations/constraints subject to
which business decisions are to be
Fourthly, managerial economics taken. In doing so, it serves as an
makes a manager more competent instrument in further economic welfare
model builder. Thus, he can capture the of the society through socially oriented
essential relationship which business.
characterizes a situation while leaving
out the cluttering details and peripheral To conclude, the usefulness of
relationships. managerial economics lies in borrowing
and adopting the tool kit from economic
Fifthly, at the level of the firm theory, incorporating relevant ideas from
where for various functional areas, other disciplines to achieve better
functional specialists or functional business decisions, serving as a
department exists, e.g. finance, catalytic agent in the course of decision-
marketing personnel, production, etc. making by different functional
managerial economics serve as departments/specialists at the firm level
integrating agent by coordinating the and finally accomplishing a social
different areas and bringing to bear on purpose through orienting business
the decisions of each department or decisions towards social obligations.

1.9. Role of a Managerial Economist in Business

Self-Instructional Material 40
Making decisions and processing conducting a survey it has been found
that managerial economist perform the
information are the two primary tasks of
following functions:
managers. While we separate these two
tasks for analytical purposes, in reality  Production scheduling
they are practically inseparable. That is  Demand forecasting
in order to make intelligent decisions,  Market research
managers must be able to obtain  Economic analysis of the industry
process and use information. The  Investment appraisal
purpose of the economic theory is to  Security management analysis
help managers know what information  Advice on foreign exchange
should be obtained and how to process management
and use the information. Managerial  Advice on trade
economist has, therefore, gained an  Pricing and the related decisions
increasing importance in business in  Analyzing and forecasting
recent times. He can be very useful for environmental factors
successful management.
General Tasks
The task of organizing and
processing information and the basic Economic theory helps decision
theory can take two general forms. makers know what information is
necessary to make intelligent decisions
 Task of making special decisions by to find the correct solutions to a problem
managers and and to learn how to process and use
 General task of managers is to use that information. After obtaining the
readily available information to information or as much information as is
make a decision or carry out a economically feasible to obtain, the
course of action that furthers the manager must analyze this information
goals of the organization.
and use it in correspondence with the
theoretical and statistical tools available
Specific Decisions
to make the best decision possible
There are several specific decisions under the prevailing circumstances. We
that managers have to take, e.g., find that business is influenced by two
whether or not to close down a branch sets of decision factors:
of a firm that has recently been
(a) External factors (b) Internal
unprofitable; whether or not a store stay
open more hours a day; or whether to
pay for computing services rather than Business is influenced not only by
install an in house computer. After what decisions are taken within the firm

Self-Instructional Material 41
but also by the general business for different operations? What about the
environment. The role of the managerial credit conditions in the market? Is there
economist is to understand these going to be some changes in the
external factors and to suggest policies government credit policy? How different
which the firm should follow to make the inputs can be combined to minimize the
best use of these external and internal cost of production? And so on….
factors.  The market conditions of raw material
and finished product is also a subject of
External Factors study by the managerial economist. He
has to understand the nature of the
 The most important external factor is market from which the firm is buying its
the general economic condition of the raw material and of the market where it
economy, such as level and rate of is selling its output. This understanding
growth of national income, regional helps the managerial economist to
income distribution, influence of recommend a pricing policy for
international factors on the domestic successful management of the firm.
economy, the business cycle, etc. The  Managerial economist can also help in
managerial economist must obtain and the expansion of the firm’s share in the
process information with regards to market. He is to find out the
these changes, advise the management opportunities and the policies which help
regarding their likely effects on the in the expansion of the firm’s share in
operations of the firm and suggest local and internal markets. This he can
possible ways to further the do by understanding the nature and trend
organization’s goals. of demand.
 Prospects of demand for the product:  Managerial economics has to keep in
Is there a change occurring in the touch with the government’s economic
purchasing power of the public in policies and the central bank’s monetary
general or in some particular regions? Is policies, annual budgets of the
the change in purchasing power a result government, etc.
of changes in population and migration
or is it due to changes in real income of Internal Factors
the people as a result of price level
changes? Are fashions, taste and The role of managerial economist
preferences undergoing any changes and in internal management is as important
thus affecting the demand for the as his contribution towards the
product? A managerial economist tries
management of external factors. He
to find out their answers and advises the
helps in deciding about the production,
firm accordingly.
sales and inventory schedules of the
 Input cost: The managerial economist
firm. He not only provides information
also tries to find out if there is anything
which is influencing the input cost of regarding their present level but also
the firm. For example, what about the forecasts their future trend.
cost of labour in different regions and

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Perhaps a managerial economist out a course of action that furthers the
is used best to provide the pricing and goals of organization. Successful
profit policies. As the present day firms managers know how to pick out the
are often multi-product firms, a useful information from the vast amount
successful managerial economist tries of information they receive. In all these
to find for the firm the most profitable roles of a manager, the knowledge of
output mix and the best price for its managerial economics is extremely
various outputs, given the market helpful.
Though at one point of time or
The firm also needs the help of other, managerial economist has to take
managerial economist for its investment each one of the specific decisions
decisions. For this, he needs to forecast mentioned above, the decisions most
the return on the investment and the commonly undertaken are the analysis
cost that the firm incurs by taking up the of competing firms, sales forecasting
investment. and market research. This is done in
order to keep the firm in a competitive
Thus, we find that managerial position vis-â-vis other firms in the
economist has a very significant role to market. In addition, the managerial
play. He not only helps in the internal economist also undertakes the job of
management but also analyses the economic intelligence, which involves
external factors and also advises the obtaining and processing information
firm regarding their likely effects. regarding the likely effects of changes in
government policies, tax rate structure,
In short, the first role of a
exchange and tariff rates, etc. Though
manager is to recognize a problem or to
the managerial economists in general
see a possible way to further the goal of
perform the above-mentioned functions,
the organization and then to obtain and
the degree to which they participate in
process information in order to make a
overall management and the extent to
decision or to reach a solution. His
which they pursue these functions vary
second task is to use readily available
from firm to firm.
information to make a decision or carry

1.10. Responsibility of a Managerial Economist

As mentioned above managerial find out what are his responsibilities

economist has a role to play. Let us now towards his job?

Self-Instructional Material 43
The most important obligation of at the required time, he is bound to be a
a managerial economist is that his successful executive.
objectives coincide with that of the
business. Since in most of the cases the Here a couple of important points need
firms try to maximize profits on their be mentioned.
invested capital, the managerial
First, if the managerial economist
economist should also help in achieving
finds that due to some sudden and
this goal. So long as he maintains the
unaccounted factors, the presented
conviction and helps in enhancing the
forecast has undergone a change, it is
ability of the firm to maximize profits he
his duty to work out the new forecast
will be a successful managerial
and present it at the earliest possible
time. By drawing timely and prompt
The other most important attention to changes in forecasts he
responsibility of a managerial economist serves well both the management and
is to make forecasts as accurate as his own interest.
possible. We know that every decision,
Secondly, a managerial
a management takes normally has
economist’s caliber is generally judged
implications beyond the present, while;
by his ability to obtain necessary
future is rather uncertain. It is, therefore,
information quickly by personal contacts
necessary and obligatory for a
rather than by lengthy research from
managerial economist to make future
either the readily available sources or
forecast in such a manner that the risks
obscure reference sources. Though
involved in the uncertainties of future
thorough familiarity with reference
are minimized for the firm. He will have
sources and material is essential, yet it
to make these forecasts on the basis of
is even more important that he knows
data on the market conditions, the
from where to get the additional
general economic environment, the
information quickly. He must, therefore,
government policies, etc. For
personally know those individuals who
forecasting, he uses the techniques of
are specialists in the area of his
probability. A managerial economist is
concern. For this he needs to join
supposed to forecast the trends and
professional associations and take
shifts in the activities of importance to
active interest in them.
the firm be it sales, profits, demand,
cost, etc. Once such a forecast along Finally, the contribution of a
with its possible implications for the managerial economist will be adequate
firms is available, the management can only when he is a member of full status
follow a more orderly course of business in the business team. He must be ready
planning. If a managerial economist can to take up challenging tasks. Whenever
keep on providing successful forecasts some special assignments come to him,

Self-Instructional Material 44
he should be ready to undertake them most sophisticated ideas in the easiest
with full seriousness. It is for the form in common language and in a
managerial economist himself that he convincing manner.
makes his services indispensable and
most sought after, both with the help of In short, there is a growing
his ability, training and experience as realization that they can significantly
well as his capacity to win continuing contribute to the working and growth of
support for himself and his professional firms. However, a lot depend upon
ideas. For the latter, a necessary managerial economists themselves as
condition is that he can put even the to how they project themselves.

1.11. Summary

 For most purposes, economics can be the development of managerial

divided into two broad categories, economics. Management is the guidance,
microeconomics and macroeconomics. leadership and control of the efforts of a
Macroeconomics as the name suggests is group of people towards some common
the study of the overall economy and its objectives.
aggregates such as Gross National  By reducing his sales, a monopolist can
Product, Inflation, Unemployment, drive up the price of his good his sales
Exports, Imports, and Taxation Policy, will fall but his profits will rise.
etc.  A business firm is an economic
 Microeconomics deals with individual organization, which is engaged in
actors in the economy such as firms and transforming productive resources into
individuals. Managerial economics can goods that are to be sold in the market. A
be thought of as applied microeconomics major part of managerial decisions
and its depend upon accurate estimates of
 Managerial economics can be defined as demand. A forecast of sales in future
the study of how to direct scarce aids the management in preparing
resources in the way that most efficiently production employing resources. It will
achieves a managerial goal. help the management to strengthen its
 A close relationship between market position and profit base
management and economics has led to

 Economic activity is the constant effort priorities. Decision-making by

to match ends to means because the management is truly economic in nature
attainment of ends, the means and their because it involves choices among a set
scarcities or to minimize the use of of alternatives—alternative courses of
resources, given the ends and their action.

Self-Instructional Material 45
 A decision is simply a selection from correct solutions to a problem and to
two or more courses of action. The learn how to process and use that
essence of economic decision is the information.
solution to the economic problem.  The most important obligation of a
 Economic theory helps decision makers managerial economist is that his
know what information is necessary to objectives coincide with that of the
make intelligent decisions to find the business.

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