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In a way to manage the medecines system, we consider this Relational model as mentioned :

Patient(RefPatient, Name, Tel, Email, Age, Address)

Medecine(IdMed, DateOfProduction, DateOfExpiry, Price)

Dose(Quantity, DurationOfTreatment, #RefPatient, #IdMed)

1. Draw the Relational Schema (as in Access DBMS)

With SQL language, determine these quries :

a. Insert data into table Patient

b. Insert data into table Medecine
c. Insert data into table Dose
d. Display the table Patient (All Data)
e. Display the Sum of Prices’ Medecines
f. Display the Average of Patient’s Age
g. Display all Patients living in Tunis
h. Display all Patients living in Tunis sorted by name
i. Display all Patients living in Tunis whom name begins by ‘A’
j. Display all Patients living in Tunis whom email end by ‘’
k. Display all Patients living in Tunis or Bizerte
l. Display all Patients living in Tunis and Sfax
m. Display all Medecines producted before 2019
n. Display all Medecines producted between 2016 and 2019
o. Display all Medecines that have a 1 year validity

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