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Understanding the Target Audience

In today’s competitive marketplace, understanding your target audience is

crucial for the success of any business or brand. A company’s target audience is the
sector of the population who are most likely to purchase the products or services.
This is the group that businesses want to focus on reaching with their marketing

There are 3 main objectives of advertising: to inform about the brand, to

people to persuade to buy and to remind the brand’s message. Firstly,
advertisements are used to increase brand awareness in the target market. Next,
persuading customers to perform a particular task is an important objective of
advertising. It could be a huge financial boost for the company. Lastly, advertising
helps the brand to maintain connect to their customers and might avoid competitors
stealing theirs.

Knowing the target audience is never an easy task. It requires businesses to

analyze the needs and preferences of target audience. If businesses want to find out
more about their target audience, they should start with their current customers.
They could give customers the option to take part in a survey by questionnaires or
interviews. Besides, market segmentation allows businesses to get more
information about their targeted audience by dividing large markets into clear
identifiable segments. For instance, the global brand- Nike, the key to its success is
through targeting and dividing its audience into three key areas: men, women and
children. Nike has also successfully targeted millennials and Gen Z.

In summary, by understanding target audience and creating targeted

marketing campaigns, businesses can build a successful career in the marketing

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