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Django Assignment Instructions

Read the following instructions thoroughly.

1. The candidate needs to create a replica of the techfnatic website home page.
2. While replicating the page candidate can infuse his/her ideas to improve UI.
3. The website should be rendered via Django with the custom admin panel.
4. The website's logo, images, text, social media links, address, and phone number
should be updatable from the custom admin panel.
5. The product cards on the website's home page can be updated, a new card add option,
and delete option should be given in the custom admin panel.
6. The candidate can use his choice of database.
7. Candidates cannot use the default Django admin panel he/she must create a custom
admin panel for the assignment or need to revamp the Django admin panel according
to the website theme completely.
8. The time to complete the assignment is 48hr from when you received the email.

The candidate will be judged on the following criteria:-

1. If the candidate creates the custom admin panel.
2. All the update functions are working.
3. If an admin is able to create delete and update the product card.
4. The neatness of the code.
5. Extra features added by candidates.

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