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Name: Kriezelle C.

Roque Course/Year: ABEL 1A Date Submitted: May 08, 2023

GECC 105 Science, Technology, and Society

Reflection Paper

Global Warming

Global warming is an alarming issue that has garnered significant attention in recent years. The
Earth's temperature is rising due to human activities that release greenhouse gases into the
atmosphere, leading to significant environmental, social, and economic impacts. The effects of
global warming are multifaceted, ranging from rising sea levels to powerful storms, to habitat loss
and food insecurity.

The impacts of global warming are felt worldwide and threaten our planet's resilience and
stability. This warming is also creating changes in ocean circulation, affecting the ocean's
chemistry and marine life. At the same time, melting ice caps result in rising sea levels,
threatening many coastline communities, and disrupting our ecosystem.

The issue of global warming requires immediate action from governments, businesses, and
individuals. Addressing climate change's root causes will require a shift towards cleaner energy
sources, green technology, and sustainable practices. This shift is essential to reduce carbon
footprints, prevent further escalation of global warming, and secure a better future for ourselves
and future generations.

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