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Persona study (individual)
1. Harish Parajuli (Age 43, Architect)
Profession: Established architect renowned for residential forms inspired by Earth, Water,
Fire, and Air elements.
Background: Originally from Biratnagar, Nepal.
Education: Holds an architectural degree from the University of Kiev.
Family: Married to Anastasia, a Russian national and aspiring artist. They have two children.
Interests: Balancing work-life, spending time with family, studio practice.
Concerns: Health condition of parents, work-life balance, family well-being.

- A comfortable home-office for working on architectural projects
- Spaces that integrate his architectural style and elemental preferences(water)
- Spacious dinning area to spend proper time with everyone in family
- Bedroom closer to his grandparents so that he can attend them incase emergency
- Comfortable and quiet bedroom, standard living room space for family interactions
- Open floor layout that can be customized as per project needs

- Personal office space with natural light, ventilation, and outdoor views
o - Shared living room space for family interactions.
o - Bedroom closer to his grandparents so that he can attend them incase emergency
o – Peaceful and spacious bedroom for him and his wife

o Preferences:-
o - Harmonious integration of nature-inspired architectural elements.
o – Proper space to be able to sit and socialize with his family
o - A well-designed home office space to continue his studio practice.

2. Anastasia Parajuli (Age 38, Artist and wife)

Profession: A Russian national who studied fine arts in the University of Kiev, Ukraine
Background:- Orginally from russia
Education:- studied fine arts
Family:- Married and started a family with Harish in Kiev
Personality/interests:-Exposed to and appreciates different cultures, lifestyles, and traditions
Aspiration:- Seeking a space to express her creativity and artistic passion
- A dedicated art studio with ample natural light and storage
- A blend of traditional Nepali and modern Russian architecture to preserve her cultural
assets in her new home
- Modern open layout kitchen
- Cozy warm bedroom decorated with her art works

- Dedicated art studio with ample natural light and studio
- private space for her husband and herself
- Space to exchange cultural and traditional values and norms

- Aesthetic elements that reflect her Russian heritage.
- Space for cultural exchange and hosting events.
- Natural light and inspiring views in the art studio.
- A outdoor space with natural surroundings to foster her creativity in art

3. Sofia Parajuli (Age 15, Daughter):

- Born in Russia and raised in a multicultural environment
- Interest in music, specifically singing and playing the violin
- Adjusting to a new life in Nepal and understanding her dual culture
- creative and musical

- A bedroom with soundproofing and space for practicing music and violin
- A harmonious environment to understand her dual cultural heritage
- Dedicated music room to practice her violin and music

- Quiet study area for homework and learning.
- Soundproof room for music practice

- Privacy and personalization in her own room.
- A comfortable and inviting space for socializing with friends.
- Space for practicing violin and displaying musical instruments.

4. Boris Parajuli (Age 10, Son):

- Born in Russia and exposed to a multicultural upbringing
- Enjoys sports and physical activities
- Adapting to life in Nepal
- active energetic, sports oriented

- A spacious bedroom with storage for sports equipment
- Outdoor areas that support his passion for sports and physical activities
- Study area with good lighting and comfortable desk

- Outdoor play area for sports and activities
- Good study area with comfortable seatings

- room to complement his playful nature
- Playful and dynamic elements incorporated into his room.
- A mini playground to foster his sports and outdoor activities

5. Hari Prasad Parajuli (Age 70, Writer, Wheelchair user):

- Established literary figure in Nepalese literature(background)
- Experienced a stroke and is now wheelchair-bound(mobilites)
- Requires accessible living spaces and a quiet environment for writing and giving online
- Embraces change by moving to Kathmandu with his family, traditional

- Accessible spaces, such as ramps and wide doorways, lower counters
- barrier-free access
- Proper bathroom addressing his mobility
- A quiet and comfortable workspace for writing and giving online lectures
- A ground floor bedroom and bathroom designed with handicap-accessible features to
ensure his comfort

o - Bedroom with attached bathroom designed for accessibility in ground floor
- Accessible and comfortable study for his creative and professional needs
- Accessible outdoor orientation

- A peaceful and inspiring writing space.
- Easy accessibility within the home for his wheelchair.
- Convenient access to necessary resources and technology for his online lectures
- Traditional Nepalese aesthetics in the design of the building

6. Sita Devi Parajuli (Age 65, Retired Nurse, Wife of hari

- Well-versed in caring for her husband due to her nursing background (background)
- Devotes much of her time to religious stuffs (interests)
- Adapts to a new living environment while supporting her husband and family

- A designated prayer or meditation space that supports her religious pursuits
- Functional spaces to comfortably care for her husband and family
- Functional well designed kitchen to prepare breakfast/cook
- Enviroments for relaxation and connection with nature

- Easy access to all parts of the house to take care of her husband and household.
- Functional kitchen to prepare meals
- Dedicated space for her to perform her religious activites

- Quiet spaces for religious activities and meditation
- Accessibility features within the home to assist in caregiving.
- a storage area to keep her medical equipments
- Spaces designed closed to her husband

Lifestyle mapping
1. Mr. Harish Parajuli:
• Wake-up Time: 7:00 AM
• Morning Routine: Takes care of his personal hygiene, has breakfast, and checks
emails and schedules in his home office.
• Daytime Activities: Manages architectural projects, conducts virtual meetings, and
spends time with family.
• Evening Activities: Engages in discussions about design concepts with Anastasia,
enjoys family time indoors.
• Cultural Activities: Participates in Nepali cultural events and celebrations,
occasionally visits local temples.
• Bedtime: 11:00 PM

2. Mrs. Anastasia Parajuli:

• Wake-up Time: 6:30 AM
• Morning Routine: Starts her day with family, probably in common dinning area
• Daytime Activities: Works on her art projects, explores local art galleries, and
occasionally gives art lessons.
• Evening Activities: Spends time with family, helps with dinner preparation.
• Cultural Activities: Explores Nepali art and music, learns about traditional Nepali
customs and rituals.
• Bedtime: 10:30 PM
3. Sofia Parajuli:
• Wake-up Time: 6/7 pm
• Morning Routine: Likely starts her day with breakfast with the family before going to
• Afternoon:- Studies and does her homework in her room
• Daytime Activities: Attends school, participates in music classes, and spends time
with friends.
• Evening Activities:Practices her music in a dedicated music room and helps her
mom/grandmom in kitchen
• Cultural Activities: Learns Nepali songs and dances, celebrates Nepali festivals with
• Bedtime: 9:30 PM

4. Boris Parajuli:
• Wake-up Time: 6/ 7:00 AM
• Morning Routine: Breakfast with family, then off to school.
• Daytime Activities: Attends school, participates in sports activities, and practices his
favorite sports.
• Afternoon: Plays outdoor sports in the designated sports area, spends time with
• Evening Activities: Time for homework, ideally in a study area with good lighting and
a sturdy desk.
• Cultural Activities: Learns about Nepali sports and traditional games, participates in
cultural exchanges.
• Bedtime: 9:00 PM

5. Hari prasad parajuli

• Wake-up Time: 5:00 AM
• Morning Routine: Takes medications, enjoys a peaceful morning in his writing space,
takes online lectures on creative writing.
• Daytime Activities: Continues his writing projects, engages in literary discussions
with his friends
• Evening Activities: Enjoys quiet time with Sita Devi, listens to music, or watches
Nepali literature-related videos.
• Cultural Activities: Shares Nepali literature and folklore with the family, discusses
Nepali traditions.
• Bedtime: 10:00 PM

6. Sita Devi parajuli:

• Wake-up Time: 6:00 AM
• Morning Routine: Engages in religious activities, meditation, and takes care of
household chores and breakfast
• Daytime Activities: Spends time taking care of her husband
• Evening Activities: Spends time in her relaxation area, gardens, and engages in family
• Cultural Activities: Preserves and shares Nepali cultural practices and values, cooks
traditional Nepali dishes.
• Bedtime: 9:30 PM

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