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“Perhaps enlightenment, technology and

secularism haven't cleared Europe of the

oldest science of all - the occult.”
― Adam Nevill, Banquet For the

Special thanks go to Furcas and


Chapter 1: Psy-Mage, The Conqueror of New Worlds
Beyond Good & Evil
Chapter 2: Psy-Magickal Development
Transforming Vision
Spiritual Companions
Mana Charging
The Fourfold Breath Practice for Raising Mana
Solar and Lunar Fourfold Breath
The Microcosmic Orbit Fourfold Breath
Summoning Spirits
One-pointed concentration
The Magickal Diary
Chapter 3: Goetic Rituals
Vepar: The Drowning Ritual
Barbatos: The Forgotten Ritual
Balam: The Three Spheres Ritual
Lilith: The Black Candle Ritual
Azazel: An Incantation Ritual
Abaddon, The Angel of the Abyss
Beleth, The King of Hell
Orobas, The Shifter
The Secret Lucifer Invocation
Andromalius, The Retriever
Belial: The Red Candle Procession Ritual
Asmodeus, The King of Lust
Amon, The Manipulator
Further thoughts on these rituals
Chapter 4: Spiritual Entities
Chapter 5: Trance Induction
Brainwave entrainment
Bodily fluids
Ritual Items
Chapter 6: The Magician’s Attitude
Chapter 7: The Mental Citadel Project

To be an enthusiast of the occult is to believe that reality as we know it can
be manipulated through sheer mind power. The occult promises glory and
unimaginable fortune, prizes that a man living an ordinary existence will
never obtain. This hunch is carried by society at large, and it is mostly
correct. Why else could the wealthy and the powerful so often be linked to
this or that secret society, that the very mention of causes sheer horror among
the uninitiated masses?
The occult journey from an ordinary man to an occult powerhouse was
symbolically depicted in Polanski’s movie The Ninth Gate. The protagonist
goes through a series of magical trials whilst on the hunt for a grimoire
written by the Devil himself. In the mystically charged final scene, the cynic-
turned-believer fulfills his magical journey by entering a shining portal,
meant to symbolize the protagonist’s newly acquired, enlightened state of
This archetypal storyline is what makes so many dabblers in magic
romantically drawn to ancient manuscripts, traditions, and techniques aimed
at realizing one’s spiritual potential. But one misconception soon appears as a
stumbling block of many students’ progress. It is an underlying conviction
that the Ancients held a powerful Truth that has been lost and is yet to be
recovered by the modern man. Their journey becomes a mythical search for
The Holy Grail, an object or a testimony that is lays hidden, perhaps in a cave
or an unassuming dusty shelf of a historical archive. In this book I will argue
against the superiority of fetishized ancient manuscripts, ritual items and
traditions by presenting a contemporary magical path leading to equal, and in
some cases greater levels of power.
Magic has always been based on the same Hermetic principles, which can be
traced to the time of early Egyptian dynasties. While the form varied between
civilizations and epochs, the essence remained the same. Where the
worshippers of historical artifacts so often go wrong is in thinking that the
essence is found in a unique object, or an incantation found in a treasure
chest. This is a falsehood that needs to be eliminated from the occult circles,
since the truth of the matter is nothing more or less than the underlying
principle. This principle can be summed up in the last words of Hassan-i-
Sabbah, the leader of the Muslim quasi-mystical Order of Assassins:
“Nothing is true, everything is permitted.”
This saying can be interpreted in a moralistic manner, denying the
objectiveness of good and evil as moral categories, or any aesthetic criteria.
But its depth comes from the manifold interpretations it allows for. Could this
saying be applicable to metaphysics, the nature of reality and the Absolute
and therefore magic as well? It certainly can. That is the position that I
consider to be at the root of all successful magical operations. The Absolute
contains all opposites within itself, because it contains absolutely everything
there is, as the name implies. It even contains that which is not, in other
words, all that is invisible or that remains unmanifest. The so called objective
Truth or lack thereof is essentially a paradox that encapsulates everything.
Furthermore, this Absolute which contains possibility and impossibility and
the same time, is the operating mechanism of reality, a self-generating Spirit
at the root of human existence. Each and every one of us is imbued by this
Spirit, and is therefore a self-generating mechanism of reality. We generate
reality unconsciously in every moment, but only when we stop to think and
plan out a course of action do we consciously prefer a specific kind of reality.
Even then, our plans are often sabotaged or at the very least modified by
events that are seemingly outside of our conscious control. Even lousy
weather can destroy our well thought out afternoon plans. We are then
brought to question our creative power, and if pessimism in regards to its
limitations sets in, we may decide to kneel at the altar of some deity that
supposedly governs the Universe and demands our worship. We accept our
place in the imagined hierarchy, whether divine or secular, because we fail to
realize that the inability to act out our plans is the result of a failed
understanding of the fundamental nature of reality.
The misconception arises when we take one side of the coin as true, and the
other side as false. Whenever a person becomes discouraged in their power to
influence reality, it is only because they were using an exclusively logical,
“reasonable” approach, whilst ignoring the fact that the Absolute, the
objective Truth, the principle of Being is both logical and illogical. When we
rely on logic alone to reach an objective, we only take into consideration the
visible world that operates on a simple cause-and-effect basis. Yet a flower
pot falling from a balcony on top of our head could encroach on our logical
plan that relies on the proper functioning of cause-and-effect, rendering it
useless if not outright foolish to begin with. The takaway is not that planning
is useless or that magic is an art of delusional thinking. Au contraire, it means
that we need the invisible, the unmanifested, the spiritual, whichever term
you might prefer, to be on our side, so that our plans can come to fruition
precisely as we want them to.
Among those who agree with the generalities of what I’m saying, there are
plenty of those who hold a foolish belief that discursive or theoretical
knowledge is the only necessary requirement for wielding magical powers,
and that self development is not necessary in this regard. Their belief is that
magic either works or doesn’t, that the magician’s prowess has nothing to do
with the final result of a magical operation. A significant portion of the
appeal that the quest for this or that Holy Grail holds is in part a reluctance to
do an honest magician’s work, and it is intellectually justified through this
line of thinking. But power cannot be wielded by the weak, and when such
accidents do occur, they are at the detriment of all parties involved. Magic is
an art form, and as such it requires a steady hand and a clear vision, two
assets that need to be developed before they can be utilized to great effect.
My motivation in writing this book has been to share a unique perspective
and practical tools for developing said assets. If the reader of these pages has
an unquenched thirst for power and an inclination towards the spiritual, he or
she likely belongs among the chosen few that can reach higher degrees of
prowess in this art form. With the outlined Hermetical position as our guiding
light, allow me to share with you the keys of magic that will unlock all the
gates that stand before you.

Chapter 1: Psy-Mage, The Conqueror of New

“It is a mistake to consider any belief more liberated than another. It is
the possibility of change which is important. Every new form of
liberation is destined to eventually become another form of enslavement
for most of its adherents. There is no freedom from duality on this plane
of existence, but one may at least aspire to choice of duality.”
― Peter J. Carroll, Liber Null and Psychonaut: An Introduction to
Chaos Magic
Psy-Mage is a concept well in line with the fundamental principles of Chaos
Magick. For those unaware of this magical “tradition”, it can be summarized
as a lack of belief in a static, orderly universe. It is instead based on the belief
that there is only chaos, out of which many different truths may arise through
our creative efforts. Don’t take this to be a cheap “you create your own
reality” New Age belief, as if no effort is needed on the part of the magician.
Creative effort IS effort. There are clear natural and social limitations to our
Meditation and mysticism can make us more content about the given
situation. Magic however, is about going on the offense. The Psy-Mage
knows that both the Cartesian and the Newtonian line of thinking are faulty.
Reality is even stranger than fiction, because we are the intermediaries
between the objective and subjective reality (remember the coin analogy
mentioned earlier). In other words, we have our personal thoughts,
perceptions, dreams, ambitions and other headwork that constitutes our
subjective reality. It may or may not become manifest in the objective reality,
that which is shared with others. We could imagine ourselves as filthy rich,
but our bank accounts will not change through mere thought alone. At the
same time, it is also true that very often our bank statements are in line with
our thinking, because our actions are preceded by thoughts. If I want to fatten
up my wallet, I first need to have a desire to do so. A change in my financial
situation will happen because I want to impose my Will unto the shared
reality, and so I mould it to reflect my subjective headspace.
Since every human who has ever lived experienced this dualistic
misalignment of the Absolute, how come only a few have ever managed to
bring them into harmony? It is for only one critical reason. Because only the
select few are equipped with the adequate tools for imposing the subjective
unto the objective reality. The exact opposite happens to the vast portion of
humanity. A person may want to conquer objective reality, but it raises its
defenses. Lacking the adequate siege weapons to break its walls, what
follows is a retreat followed by a counter-attack by the enemy. Now it is the
attacker who is under siege against a world army knocking at the gates of
their mental sanctuary. The only defense is offense, the preliminary strike
done wisely. The Psy-Mage’s philosophy is that of attack and attack only.
His patron god is Ares, the god of war. But unlike cannon fodder marching
into oblivion, the Psy-Mage marches to victory in impenetrable armor,
wielding weapons of magical origin. In the following chapters I will share
with you these magical weapons. By sharpening your skills in wielding them,
insurmountable fortresses will surrender at the mere sign of your illuminated
Beyond Good & Evil
“When the Christian Crusaders in the East came into collision with that
invincible order of assassins, that order of free spirits par excellence,
whose lowest grade lives in a state of discipline such as no order of
monks has ever attained, then in some way or other they managed to get
an inkling of that symbol and tally- word, that was reserved for the
highest grade alone as their secretum, "Nothing is true, everything is
allowed," — in sooth, that was freedom of thought, thereby was taking
leave of the very belief in truth.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche, On the
Genealogy of Morals
If I could get a nickel for every person that shrugged with disapproval at my
interest in magick, I’d be on a private jet dictating this booklet to my personal
assistant. What is especially interesting is that people who consider magick as
a morally dubious practice are more than rational when it comes to religious
dogma. Yet, though they might be cultural Christians or even atheists, they
remain afraid of dark forces that are out to get them like the most primitive of
tribesmen. How come? If one doesn’t believe in God, there is no reason to
believe in good and evil either. This isn’t to say that all actions or
consequences are of equal value, rather that there is no universal moral law.
Yet, when (most) people are confronted by the puzzle of occultism, their
instinctive reaction is to dismiss it as an evil, or at the very least morally
dubious endeavor.
I believe that this reaction reveals social conditioning which stems from a
biologically approved fear of the unknown. Humans are biologically
conditioned to feel as part of a society, to contribute to the good of society
and to even sacrifice themselves for the greater good, whatever that greater
good might be. We venerate heroes, individuals who commit the greatest
personal sacrifice for the good of the collective. If we are conditioned to
believe that self-sacrifice for the benefit of others is the pinnacle of human
achievement, than it is logically follows that a lone magician working in
shadows would be looked down upon with suspicion. After all, the goal of
magick is not always to instill a self-sacrificial attitude. Au contraire, the goal
of magick can be pure self-veneration, growth of power for the sake of
personal goals, not those of a collective, at times running directly against
It’s worth mentioning that there is communal magic as well, performed by a
priestly caste with its own magical rituals and social agendas. But such magic
has a clearly established social role. A sole practitioner however is perceived
as dangerous because he could have an agenda that is harmful to the rest of
society. What people are afraid of the most is not what they know to be evil,
but the hidden motives of others. This is why Joker is a fascinating character.
He’s the bringer of chaos, and that makes him entirely unpredictable. While
the unknown can turn up to be beneficial, it is human, all too human to try
and prevent surprises when possible.
From this fear came the Inquisition and witch hunts, the Satanic panic of the
1980s and other fearful actions against minorities. My point in saying this is
not to belittle identitarianism as such. Biological instincts are there for a
reason, they’ve kept us safe since the inception of mankind. However, as
magicians we must venture beyond good and evil and all social judgments.
Our judgments and attitudes should be first and foremost based on our
personal intuitions and decisions. Those can be selfish or altruistic, the point
is mute. But we must never allow morality dictated by others to determine
our actions.
If we allow moral dilemmas coming from an external source to plague our
operations, we won’t be able to realize our maximum potential. It is for this
reason in particular that magicians have often led a secluded lifestyle.
Sometimes a ritual requires days, weeks or in the specific case of the
Abramelin ritual a year and a half to complete. magician who abides by
common social norms could never follow through with a practice as rigorous
as this one.
Sometimes a magician will receive a revelation during meditation or a ritual
to travel somewhere or perform certain actions that would be
incomprehensible to a regular observer. Gurdjieff usually refused to accept
students who didn’t have extra money to spend, not because he wanted to get
rich by offering his spiritual teachings, but because students without money
couldn’t follow through with his instructions, which in some cases involved
extensive travel. He did however accept students who, while lacking in
material resources, were highly motivated to follow his instructions despite of
monetary impediments.
So it is not enough to practice rituals and read an occasional grimoire, if you
are pursuing truly transformative results. The specific style of conduct and an
unshakeable Will have to also be present in order to overcome challenges on
this most glorious of spiritual paths.

Chapter 2: Psy-Magickal Development

Transforming Vision
Perceiving your goals and their conquest as an epic battle might seem
childish at first, but it’s a magical weapon in-and-of itself. In fact, it’s a
prerequisite to all other attempts at mastering reality. It is akin to
transforming a gray, boring environment into a thrilling, magical battle
between Heaven and Hell, one you’d want to be a part of in your next
incarnation. Having the ability to perceive what is plain and dull as
something altogether epic will separate you from any competitor that lacks
this fine ability of world enchantment. Max Weber, the famous German
sociologist, recognized the disenchanting effect that the modern world has
had on the human psyche. By becoming hyperrealists we’ve lost the power of
creating and believing in myths that inspired past generations. Those who can
re-enchant their worldview can reap the benefits of the mythologizing
ancients along with the cold, calculating reason of the modernists.
Due to a lack of imagination, your competitors will allow objective reality to
encroach on their mind, making them unwilling to fight with intense vigor.
They will try to escape by relying on drugs, someone else’s imagination,
which amounts to consumerist behavior, or they will outright give up before
the final round. So being able to change your perception at will and impose it
on the environment is a major step forward. Perception can be fun, dull,
neurotic, phlegmatic, easily roused, or perhaps epic in scope and vision. In
every moment we have a decision to make as to how we wish to perceive
reality. The objective reality is stretched naked before you at all times, but it
is you who picks the clothes it will wear. You fulfill the role of a self-censor
in this regard. You will never see reality bare and naked as long as you have
subjective perception, that is, as long as your individuality is alive and
kicking. So dress your reality in the garments that suit your taste, make it
beautiful and grand, for if you leave the decision to her, she will conceal
those attributes with formless indifference.
Like any power or spell, Transforming Vision can be developed to a lesser or
greater extent. I highly encourage you to work at it consistently up to the
point where you are shifting the environment unconsciously with an uplifting
vision. At this point the Transformed Vision becomes a modus Vivendi, that
is to say a way of living, rather than an occasional indulgence. One method
for developing this skill is to use it more and more often. It can also be
developed through cultural means, that is, the imagination of others. This is a
type of brainwashing that happens continuously on an unconscious level
while we consume whichever content from the outside. So don’t feel bad
about brainwashing yourself consciously if you are doing it to facilitate a
positive trajectory. If you listen to depressive songs, you are likely to feel
depressed, whereas if you listen to heavy metal, which has a propensity to
raise testosterone, you will become pumped, in spirit at least. If you listen to
classical music, you are more likely to feel like an elegant, noble soul
yearning for escape from a decadent society.
In any case, you’re conditioning your mind to perceive reality in a unique
way. The most rewarding and effective way of developing Transforming
Vision that I’ve discovered is by reading works of fiction that are properly
selected for your goals. For creating a positive mindset of a conqueror, the
ideal candidates are epic poems and novels that portray a protagonist who is
met by fierce opposition and yet prevails. Reading books is more valuable
than watching movies or playing video games, because it forces your
imaginative faculties to fill in the blanks. Visual media such as movies and
video games provide a predigested vision, without requiring the extra input.
This is why reading requires more effort but is also more rewarding.
Spiritual Companions
You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with, goes the
popular saying. Social conformity happens subconsciously, since we start to
mimic our environment to fit in. Luckily for us, a Psy-Mage can create
suitable companions through mind power alone, also known as servitors and
Servitors are spiritual entities that serve a specific function, whereas tulpas
have a more complex and independent personality and are somewhat
detached from their creator. There is definitely some overlap between these
two, but it is useful to consider the first as being under your strict command
as loyal warriors, advisors or other type of servants, while tulpas are entities
that stand on more level ground, either as friends or lovers. Let us provide
practical examples of both. If you wish to gain more motivation for
conquering your goals, you could summon servitors of Viking warriors.
These servitors can follow you as you go about your day. Their felt presence
alone could raise your motivation levels and confidence as you consider
yourself their commander and have to fulfill that dignified role with real
world actions.
On the other hand, if you want to have a spiritual friend, you could create a
tulpa with a complex storyline and a more developed personality. Imagine
your conversations, including the tulpas’ point of view. Over a period of days
or weeks the efforts will pay off as the tulpa will gradually develop a mind of
its own. While it is in essence your own mental creation and doesn’t exist in
so called objective reality since it is not physically manifest, it can begin to
resemble an objectively distinct person. After a period of time, you will no
longer need to make a conscious effort to speak on the behalf of the tulpa
since your unconscious mind will do so automatically. It will feel as if you
were speaking to a real person. Tibetan monks and some paranormal
researchers in the West have conducted experiments showing that these
entities can also create material effects in the objective reality, similar to
poltergeists, such as moving tables, opening doors, appearing in material
form to more than one person etc. How much of this is true I cannot say for
certain, as I haven’t ventured too deep down the tulpa rabbit hole. But tulpas
can fall into those murky intermediary waters where objective and subjective
reality meet and overlap.
Beyond these imaginary helpers, there are egregores. They are vibrant,
mental constructs that require a collective mind to prosper. Egregores include
religions, nations, football clubs, basically idea created by a group of people
that has taken on an independent life of its own. For example, the idea of the
Roman Empire has continues to inspire politicians and ideologues to this very
day, even though the original Roman Empire crumbled in the 5th century A.D.
Clearly, the idea of the Roman Empire was the product of the Roman people
and they have long since vanished, but it has greatly outlived its creators,
hence it is an egregore. An egregore can be a force for good or evil. People
can perform atrocities in the name of their egregores, or even subject
themselves to torture and destruction for its glory. For example, Christian
martyrs suffered for their egregore, Christianity. Terrorists commit violence
against innocent people for ideas that have little to do with their personal
welfare. An egregore feels larger than life, so an individual identifies with it
and places its successes higher on the hierarchy of values than his own
interests. Sometimes the egregore and its followers have a mutually
beneficial relationship. A religious person serves his religion which in turn
provides him with means of spiritual ascension and a community of
likeminded people.
A Psy-Mage should maintain a neutral view of all spiritual entities, for they
are all mental tools that can be used wisely or foolishly. A Psy-Mage can use
the principle of egregore to create a group of likeminded individuals that has
a greater capacity to perform a role in his ascension than his personal powers
alone would allow for. All political parties, ideologies, secret societies,
religions and lifestyles have this egregoresque quality to them. Historical
equivalents are noble families, various guilds and political factions such as
Ghibelline and Guelf of Europe, or the Blue and Green factions of the
Byzantine Empire. As a Psy-Mage, you are aware of the nature of things and
can decide which egregore to pledge your allegiance to, knowing full well its
potentials and limits.
If you’re unhappy with the existing options, create an egregore that suits your
unique goals and perspectives. However, be aware that not every idea can
become an egregore. For starters, it shouldn’t be too broad or too narrow. For
example, a community of all soccer fans in the world would make a poor
egregore. But fans of Arsenal or Barcelona make for a solid egregore if they
decide to create a fan club, since they have a mutual interest in a single club
and are pitted against others. Likewise, humanity would make a poor
egregore, but nations make successful ones, since their interests are narrower
and involve competition with other nations. If we become part of a galactic
community, humanity could become a suitable egregore, since then it might
be small enough in comparison to other forces in the universe to warrant a
global union. But for now, we ought to place focus on earth-bound horizons
and battles that await us.
Mana Charging
“My sole duty is then to make myself, body and mind, the perfect
weapon.” – Aleister Crowley, The Magical Record of the Beast 666 (p.
The concept of mana is found throughout human history. According to the
all-knowing oracle Wikipedia:
“Mana is the spiritual life force energy or healing power that permeates the
universe, in the culture of the Melanesians and Polynesians. Anyone or thing
can have Mana. It is a cultivation or possession of energy and power, rather
than being a source of power. It is an intentional force.In the 19th century,
scholars compared mana to similar concepts such as the orenda of the
Iroquois Indians and theorized that mana was a universal phenomenon that
explained the origin of religions.”
Mana is a useful term that encapsulates magical potency and life force. Many
cultures and esoteric systems have historically used words such as prana,
pneuma, chi and energy to describe a universal force which permeates all
things. All of us are steeped in this energy but only a select few are aware
that it can be manipulated to varying degrees. When this energy is
consciously employed for creative purposes, as it is often the case in magical
dealings, I propose calling it mana instead. If we aren’t conscious of this
force, it can run havoc in our lives and so it is quite useful to be aware of it
and its fluctuations.
A simple way to increase mana is to abstain from sexual activity. Sexual
energy is incredibly potent, and so by storing it in the system through
abstinence, it will build up and cause various effects. These effects can be
both positive and negative, depending on one’s level of self mastery. If a
person lacks the ability to manipulate this energy, it can run havoc over his
body and mind. Restlessness and anger are a common symptom of having
more energy in the system than one is able to control. But someone with a
greater control over their internal energy can transform it into mana. Then it
turns from a stormy sea into calm yet strong current that can be directed at
will. Once we have mastered this powerful mana current, it can be
successfully used for improving physical strength, social relations, acquiring
knowledge, creating more powerful rituals and spells, and a myriad other
aspects of daily life.
There are many pitfalls to be aware of when attempting to transmute sexual
energy into mana. Like so many things in life, it often comes down to
understanding the subtleties of your body and psyche. In recent times an
online NoFap community arose, with many of its members attesting to the
positive effects of a non-masturbatory lifestyle. The regular challenge
proposed to newcomers was to go 90 days without ejaculating (hard mode) or
just without masturbating, while resuming other sexual activities. Personally,
I don’t think that setting a number on this goal is a practical idea. Counting
days leads to an obsession with that which you are trying to prevent, which is
not very psychologically helpful. Sexual energy is incredibly powerful and
difficult to control. When there is an excess of it in the system relying on
willpower alone will lead to many disappointments.
As a magician, you ought to be cleverer than that. It’s better to use positive
distractions and focus on other goals so that you don’t have the time or
convenience to indulge in the forbidden behavior. At the start, you will come
to notice that your energy levels pick up at day 3. You will feel stronger,
more confident and outwardly expressive. It’s the exact opposite of when
you’re depleted of sexual energy, which manifests as weakness, lack of
confidence (poor eye contact and lack of wit in conversations) and a feminine
We can draw an analogy with the Sun and the Moon. When you’re full of
sexual energy you shine like the Sun. The Sun is a symbol of masculine
power. It’s a self generating source of light as it radiates outwardly,
illuminating the world and showing things as they stand. The Moon however,
boasts feminine passivity, introspection and creativity. Unlike the Sun, it
requires an external light source to shine. When you are lacking in sexual
energy, you react like the Moon, instead of acting like the Sun. It may seem
like the Sun is superior to the Moon because it imposes its light and is free of
environmental influences. However, if we have an excess of the fiery energy
of the Sun, we are indubitably lacking in the creative aspect of the Moon. It’s
not a coincidence that warriors and athletes are not the sharpest tools in the
shed, and you won’t find them writing wonderful poetry and novels or
engaging in philosophical discussions very often. That behavior comes
naturally to the scrawny, pale and sickly night owl. Both of these entirely
different creatures can have a strong spirit, but their expression will differ
like night and day. Does this mean that by conserving and increasing your
sexual energy you will become a blockhead? Not really, though it might
impact your creativity in a negative way at first, while you revel in
improvement of the warrior attributes. An energetic shift will occur and you
will notice it. But the entire point of this process done right is to elevate both
elements of your body and mind to their greatest height by transmuting the
stored sexual energy into mana, which is beneficial on both accounts.
Think of it as being on the spectrum between the Sun and the Moon at all
times. Getting closer to either one can yield different positive and negative
effects. If you get too close to the Sun you will burn out. If you get too close
to the Moon you will freeze to death because you are too far from a heat
source. So what is to be done? If you remain in the middle, it may seem like a
centrist position that leads to no significant change and you would be right to
assume that. Moderation itself is not necessarily the best position. It can be a
synonym for stagnation and mediocrity. Here we ought to recall the wisdom
of Shaolin monks: The goal of the Middle Path is not to be average, but to
master both extremes equally well. If you’re an athlete, that could mean
developing strength, speed and flexibility in equal measure, instead of
developing just one of these qualities. For a magician it might mean
developing physical as well as intellectual power. Or not jeopardizing your
creativity and exploratory nature with a rigid, lifeless routine.
You can envision your sexual energy as the fuel of a space ship that is edging
you closer to the Sun. Your goal is indeed to reach the Sun, because that it is
the source of all power. But without the ability to withstand its heat, an
ability that comes from the Moon aspect, it’s impossible to embody this
power in an autonomous manner. The practitioner will either burn out before
reaching the target or his psyche will be unable to deal with the illumination
that follows upon landing. We see here the metaphorical duality of the Sun as
a burning Hell or a shining Heaven, all depending on one’s state of
consciousness. So the idea that I propose is to retain and control sexual
energy and to transmute it into mana. By doing so the excess heat of the
original sexual energy is removed and what is left is similar to the
Philosophers Stone that was sought after by traditional alchemists. What is
left is a balanced energy that is easier to use and develop further.
"The reabsorption of semen by the blood is the strongest nourishment
and, perhaps more than any other factor, it prompts the stimulus of
power, the unrest of all forces toward the overcoming of resistances, the
thirst for contradiction and resistance." - Friedrich Nietzsche
So we arrive to the transmutation aspect of the process. Transmutation can be
performed in many different ways, depending on the system of practice one
prefers. As always, I will share one that I am more intimately familiar with,
and that is Qigong. Qigong is an energetic practice of Chinese origin. There
are various movements and practices within it. I recommend practicing 8
Brocades and Ba Duan Jin sequences every day for exceptional physical
strength and vitality, both of which become more beneficial as your mana
increases. The practice that will help you the most with transmutation is
called The Microcosmic Orbit. This exercise is used to move the stored
energy from the pelvis region up the spine, over the head and then store it in a
center just below the navel. By circling the energy through the body in this
way it will energize and balance your entire physical and mental constitution,
providing pleasant sensations as well. I will not explain the subtleties of
Qigong or this particular exercise in this book, because it can be easily found
online both in writing and video format.
I recommend practicing The Microcosmic Orbit after seven days of
abstinence, since it is necessary to build up a substantial amount of energy
before one can make use of it. Otherwise it can lead to energetic strain, as one
is forced to provide energy from bodily reserves, energy that was not
intended for this higher purpose. I will however share a simple meditation-
visualization technique in greater detail so you can begin practicing
immediately if you wish.
I’ve seen many naive followers of the Left Hand Path out of rebellion
towards Christianity or some other mainstream religion indulge in
uncontrollable amounts of sexual pleasure, drugs and other vices. What these
rebels fail to realize is that the recommendations for energy retention are
universal and are more esoteric than religious in nature. That is to say, they
are motivated by reasons of self-betterment rather than social morality.
Having said that, the practice of abstinence can and certainly has been
misused by those in power. Were sexual restrictions often used to keep
society in check, as a method of social engineering? Yes. Does that mean that
we can have as many sexual releases as we want without feeling the negative
consequences? No. You will find the same recommendations shared by
secluded monks and sages who have nothing to do with society or political
power games, as you will by a local priest. On this particular point, all sides
except for the rebels with a self-harming attitude can agree.
The Fourfold Breath Practice for Raising Mana
Fourfold breath is a well known breathing exercise in both Eastern and
Western tradition. In the East it is known as a yogic pranayama technique, in
the West it is associated with the Hermetic tradition. In both cases the mental,
physical and spiritual benefits are based on normalizing breathing and raising
energy/chi/prana. While the breathing technique is the same in all cases, there
are different visualization techniques that can be used to improve it.
This is the breathing technique that is universally used. It can be performed
sitting or lying down:
- Begin by exhaling
- Inhale to the count of four
- Hold the air in to the count of four
- Exhale to the count of four
- Hold the air out to the count of four
- Repeat for as many cycles as you feel comfortable
Doing this breathing exercise without any visualizations will provide
benefits. But the point of this exercise is to increase energy AND to circulate
it throughout the body in order to balance all bodily systems. This is where
visualization comes in handy. Here are three effective variations:
Solar and Lunar Fourfold Breath
This is the most popular visualization technique. It's recommended to
perform the solar breath in the morning and lunar breath at night.
The solar breath is useful for increasing expressive, physical, dominant and
fiery energy associated with the Masculine, Sun and Yang.
The lunar breath is useful for experiencing a more subtle, relaxing, passive
and cooling energy commonly associated with the Feminine, Moon and Yin.
Fourfold Solar/Lunar Breath Variation #1
Damien Echols has shared this particular variation in his book High Magick:
A Guide to the Spiritual Practices That Saved My Life on Death Row:
- Inhale: the Sun/Moon is rising up and shining its rays upon you.
- Hold breath in: the Sun/Moon is towering above you and shining more
of its energy into your being.
- Exhale: the Sun/Moon is descending and its rays are moving from your
head downwards until the Sun disappears
- Hold breath out: the Sun/Moon is one with the earth, making it bright
and filled with energy, which means that you are also filled with energy
since you are one with the earth regardless of whether you're sitting or
lying down. Feel and see the bright energy of the Sun/Moon
illuminating your entire body
Fourfold Solar/Lunar Breath Variation #2
This is a more body-oriented variation:
- Inhale: Visualize bright energy of Sun/Moon moving from the base of
your spine to the top of your head
- Hold breath in: You are fully illuminated with energy
- Exhale: The energy moves downwards until it dissapears into the
- Hold breath out: The ground is illuminated with the energy as are you
The Microcosmic Orbit Fourfold Breath
This is a combination of fourfold breath and a powerful QiGong visualization
technique for circulating energy within the body. Personally, I prefer this
technique because it moves the energy in a 3D fashion and makes it more
effective. It's a bit more complicated but I'll try to make it as simple as
possible to follow:
In the previous variations you are moving the energy up and down. But in
microcosmic orbit you are moving the energy up through the spine to the top
of the head and then down through the tongue, heart, solar plexus and down
to the belly just below the navel where the energy is stored. So you are
moving energy up through the back of your body, and you are moving it
down through the front of your body.
In order to connect the back and front part of the body, keep the tongue on
the upper palate. Try to say "Garry". When saying the "G" the tip of your
tongue will get in the right spot. Keep it there as you perform this meditation.
- Inhale: Move the energy of the Sun/Moon up through the back
- Hold breath in: Keep the energy in the head
- Exhale: Move the energy down to the belly and store it there
- Hold breath out: Feel the pool of energy in your belly expanding to
other parts of the body and radiating outwards with abundance
Summoning Spirits
Certainly the most controversial power that a Psy-Mage can boast of is the
ability to summon spiritual entities. That is a skill I’ve written extensively
about on It has been shrouded in mystery since the advent of
the first shamans and witches, causing fear and prejudice in some parts of the
populace and hopeful expectations among the select few. The reason for this
divided reception is reasonable enough; it is the fear of the unknown on one
side and the hope that we can master chaos for our own purposes on the
other. There is also the fear of magic rituals, and they are often depicted as
dark and wicked. The magician is an evil or at the very least dubious
character. He is preparing a gateway for demons and other warriors of Hell so
that may assist him in conquering the world. It should be mentioned as a
slight digression that angelic magic is often ignored by the fearful multitudes,
even though many magicians prefer working with angels instead of demons.
While it is true that the Will to Power, to use a Nietzschean term, is often
behind the magician’s motivations, it is also true that the quest for power is
an entirely neutral pursuit. We need power in order to perform both good and
evil acts. The darkness that shrouds magical rituals and the awkward
appearance of demonic helpers are not adequate evidence of a magician’s
wickedness. The reason for the dark overtones is entirely different to what the
fearful masses imagine. As I explained in the previous section, it is the dark,
lunar, feminine aspect of the world that provides creativity, because to create
is to bring into existence that which is not apparent. Creativity is impossible
under the illuminating gaze of the Sun, because the Sun reveals that which
already exists. It is only from darkness that new things may appear. Whether
those things are good or bad, according to some arbitrary moral standard,
depends on the magician’s motives.
Darkness and theatricality of certain rituals is not a proof of their essential
wickedness, but a necessary vessel for generating enough chaos from which
the new can emerge. Because demons exist in the immaterial, spiritual
dimension which is more subtle and chaotic than the materialized dwelling
space of humanity, they are depicted as deformed and strange. Some appear
as three headed beasts placed on spider legs or a leopard head stacked on a
humanoid body, or perhaps as a prince with duck feet and a rat tail riding a
camel. These lords and servants of Hell are strange because creativity
requires the strangeness of a poet, a rascal, a pervert, not the orderliness of an
unimaginative soldier. By reading biographies of famous occultists such as
Aleister Crowley, Julius Evola, Madame Blavatsky and countless others, one
will realize that they were utterly unconventional humans. Even the likes of
Rene Guenon and Frithjof Schuon, the supposed defenders of traditional
Order in opposition to modern decadence depended on their imaginative
faculties to create an idealized version of past kingdoms and empires. I will
repeat once more, for those who are entrenched in moralization: Spirit
summoning and all other forms of magic are fundamentally creative acts. The
theatricality and dark overtones that are part of their performance are not
necessarily there for the sake of wickedness, but in order to invigorate ones
creative faculties. To quote our good German friend of Polish descent: “One
must have chaos in oneself to give birth to a dancing star.”
In the occult worldview, human creativity is not limited to dealing with
visible objects. That would be a materialistic view that was propagated by
Enlightenment figures such as Helvetius, who believed that the Spirit is a
combination of sensory perception and memory alone. If that were the case,
the magician would work under the warming embrace of the Sun, where ones
tools and materials are easier to handle. The exact opposite is true when
dealing with magic. The Spirit creates new things out of itself, it is a self-
generating mechanism. That which is visible has already been manifested by
the Spirit and that which is commonly referred to as the invisible or spiritual
are the endless possibilities that lurk within one’s Spirit. That Spirit, being
entirely unconditioned, can manifest, or make itself visible, in any which way
it desires, as long as the individual can realize that the objective reality is
precisely that, a manifestation of the Spirit and therefore isn’t real in the
general sense of the word. It is an illusion as much as the spiritual or the
subjective reality is an illusion, because the only differentiating characteristic
is that the former has been manifested and the latter is yet to be or may not
be. This depends on the individual, what he or she is willing and capable of
If this reminds you of New Age babble about positive attraction, you are not
in the wrong. The key difference between a magician such as yours truly and
the superficial New Agers is in the approach to this principle. They are
sharing ancient occult wisdom in an easy to digest format, which is
commendable. Where they go astray is by concealing the fact that it is very
hard to become disillusioned about the solidity of objective reality, which
would allow for us to mould it like a Demiurgic deity. It is difficult to
manifest what is unmanifested consciously, without dark and theatrical rituals
that serve the purpose of reinvigorating the chaos within oneself. It is difficult
to do this without “selling one’s soul”, to use a petty, moralistic phrase. The
New Agers are doing a disservice to their readers by providing a half-truth,
one that can be easily sold to desperate housewives and newborn atheists who
still have a desire for a “spiritual” framework, but will never find a functional
use for it.
The problem is the lack of conviction, while the solution is finding the
necessary conviction through the art of magic. It is hard to convince oneself
that repeating a simple positive affirmation or listening to a trained
psychologist can generate substantial change. These are simply inadequate
tools for the majority of humans. Compare that approach with a ceremonial
magician sacrificing his blood at the altar in a trance state, whilst invoking
Belial, no less than a King of Hell to use his own flesh as a vessel of greater
things to come. Whilst both approaches are based on the same metaphysical
principles that can be traced back to Hermeticism, only the latter speaks the
magical language. To believe that spirits are a historical superstition and that
modern humanity has surpassed it through reason is nonsensical. Reason can
deal only with the illuminated, manifested part of reality. The invisible reality
is still as chaotic as ever, and things come about through illogical means.
They become logical only after they’ve become apparent and we are only
then able to trace their development through a logical trajectory. One can
choose to ignore this little inconvenience along with the seemingly irrational
intuitive belief in the power of magic, but that would be comparable to
cutting of one’s limbs because one believes them to be a superstition,
regardless of the apparent usefulness of having them.
With those demonological apologetics aside, allow me to share some
practical advice on summoning spirits. There are two types of summoning
rituals, evocation and invocation. To evoke a spirit means to summon it in an
outwardly fashion, while invoking is a self-willing possession of the spirits
attributes. To provide a practical example, we can imagine someone trying to
summon Mammon, the demon of avarice. In an evocation ritual the
summoner might ask Mammon for assistance in a business venture. In an
invocation ritual the summoner will rather draw Mammon’s energy into
himself in order to embody the demon’s qualities. We can say that invocation
is a more intense process. An evocation ritual is usually performed only once,
while invocation can be a prolonged process, such as a daily ritual, requiring
repetition in order to facilitate a substantial transformation of one’s
personality. Once complete, the magician invoking Mammon will act as a
carbon copy of the demon of avarice, and as such would become immensely
wealthy, though probably unpleasant in other ways. The downside of such
invocation is that all of the other personality traits that have graced the
magician might suffer. It’s a yin-yang situation. The same would happen if
one invoked Furcas, a demon of knowledge and studiousness. In that case the
acquiring of knowledge would take precedence over everything else in the
magician’s life.
In this sense magic is indeed an art. It’s important to notice energetic
subtleties and avoid these pitfalls, unless one is willing to plunge in with both
feet and become truly demonic. Angels are more benevolent creatures and
they can be evoked through similar rituals, but invocation of angels does not
work in the same manner as demonic invocation. The difference is that
invoking an angel doesn’t create a change in personality, instead, the energy
of the particular angel will manifest through the person more purely. Angels
are also unwilling to cause harm to either the magician or to anyone else,
which limits their usefulness to mostly benevolent actions such as healing
and spiritual ascension. Demons are more willing to get their hands dirty, and
one can find among the 72 demons of Goetia plenty of such help. For
example, Zepar and Asmodeus will help with sexual ambitions without any
moral qualms. If a magician seduces his or her lover with the aid of Zepar,
that lover may become infertile as a consequence, as is stated in Ars Goetia.
Some demons require gifts or they become deceitful, providing wrong advice
and prophecies.
We should also mention the many nameless demons of sensuality, the
succubi and incubi. When the laymen speak of summoning demons, they
usually refer to the clearly visible ones that they can interact with. Demons of
sensuality fall into this special category, unlike the helper demons who are
not as willing to reveal themselves through a visual medium, operating
through invisible means instead. After summoning a succubus it isn’t
uncommon to meet a very lustful lover, who is a real person, but has come
into one’s life seemingly out of nowhere. That person should be treated as a
manifestation of a succubus or an incubus. Another common manifestation is
erotic encounters in dreams. The controversial reports of nuns being haunted
and possessed by lustful demons are laughed at by materialists. Yet it is not
difficult imagine that such spirits would be naturally drawn to a mystically
inclined person unable to quench forbidden erotic desires. Only a materialist
brute would deny the power of the Spirit to find a way out of the situation
through a direct manifestation, the same way as a prisoner in solitary
confinement will find invisible friends to converse with. Such occurrences
can be classified with fancy psychological term, but it’s undeniable that we
are talking about a shift in consciousness and that the person is functioning
on a different wavelength.
The difference between a lunatic, a possessed nun and a magician is in the
amount of control they wield over their demons. All three have experienced
different states of consciousness, but only the magician has done so
according to his or her own Will. The lunatic is a passive recipient of spiritual
terrors. He can only interpret the spiritual realm as terrifying because he met
darkness with fear instead of realizing that it was within him all along. It’s
the difference between a regular dream and a lucid dream. In a regular dream
we are moved by our mind passively, in a lucid dream we take control of the
dream. A possessed nun visited by lustful spirits operates in a similar manner
as a lunatic, because she perceives the encounter as a terrible sin. If she
would allow herself to indulge in those arbitrarily forbidden erotic desires
without harboring any guilt, the seductive incubi could be a welcome
addition to those cold, lonesome nights in the convent.
One-pointed concentration
The so-called magician’s stare is a well known phenomenon caused by
training one’s mind to be focused at all times. It is a poetic saying that the
eyes are the gateway to the soul, but it’s true also in the sense that when one
is able to maintain a singular vision, the eyes don’t blink and they don’t shift
focus very often. This phenomenon is the result of regular meditation and
lifestyle discipline. In preparatory meditation the focus is placed on the third
eye, an internal visualization or an external object. You will know that you
are improving in concentration when you don’t have to blink as often and
when you are able to stare like a magician without being affected by what is
directly in front of you or by peripheral vision. But the question you are
probably asking yourself is why should you engage in this practice at all? I
think that the reasons are more than obvious to anyone who’s struggled with
procrastination, anxiety and laziness at some point or other.
Concentration is a prerequisite for success. Whatever your goal may be, there
will always be distractions pulling you away from its completion, slowing
down and sabotaging your progress. Concentration is the power of
maintaining focus on the thing you have set out to do. The benefit of
summoning spirits is in part an elevated state of focus on the objective. For
instance, by summoning Mammon a magician will likely become more
focused on generating wealth. You can consider this to be a shortcut of sorts,
but even with spiritual aid it is important to become more powerful through
your own efforts as well, so as not to become entirely dependent on spirits
and subservient to them. Here I will share a couple of simple but very
effective ways to improve concentration and focus:
Sexual abstinence
By preserving your sexual energy, you will become focused like a hunter in
search of prey. Even though I dislike using evolutionary psychology to
explain human behavior, in this case it is more than justified. The human
body is geared towards finding a suitable sexual partner. Through orgasm and
ejaculation, the body is sent into a state of peace and relaxation. This state is
often followed up by relative annoyance and hyperawareness of various
external stressors, precisely because the body needs to recuperate to regain
strength and vigor, and is making us hyperaware of dangers to that we may
avoid them. In this state the concentrated focus is suppressed because the
hunter’s instinct is not required, and it is replaced by a more dispersed
attention to the surroundings at large. That is, until sexual energy is regained,
at which point one-pointed concentration takes precedence again. So
whenever you require an increased ability to concentrate, make sure to
abstain from sexual activities for at least three days. The more you can
abstain without the negative side effects mentioned earlier in the book, such
as overly aggressive attitude and inability to function in polite society, the
This ancient practice is based on the same evolutionary logic as the previous
one. Along with sexual desires, our bodies also have to be taken care of with
adequate nutrition. By abstaining from food, one naturally shifts to hunter
mode, with heightened perception required to track the next meal. The other
reason why fasting helps with concentration is due to reduced energy
requirements of the digestive system. Instead of digesting a meal, this unused
energy can be utilized by the brain and other bodily systems. Similar to
sexual abstinence, fasting is a practice that can be done regularly and
intermittently, being especially valuable on those unique occasions when
increased concentration is needed the most.
Controlled exposure to cold
The cold can be a powerful ally in improving concentration because it signals
danger. When you are in a cold, freezing weather, the body feels this to be
the primary danger for survival and so all of its attention will be on
alleviating the cold. By staying in the cold instead of running back to the
embrace of warmth, you are training the mind to bend the knee to your Will,
in other words, to maintain concentration. Cold showers are the most
common way to practice cold exposure. A cryochamber might be an option
for those with extra money to spend. Swimming in the ocean during winter
time or filling up a bathtub with ice and remaining inside for a minute or so
are also valid methods. It’s important to emphasize that cold exposure must
be controlled and increased gradually in duration and intensity. Otherwise it
can lead to negative health consequences. Personally, I have noticed that
swimming for a couple of minutes in very cold water in the morning causes
heightened focus for the remainder of the day. I recommend researching the
Wim Hof Method for further guidance on how to utilize cold exposure to
your advantage properly.
Mantra meditation
Choose or create a mantra and meditate by repeating it silently. A demonic
enn, a TM mantra, a traditional Hindu or Buddhist mantra or a Christian
prayer can all be used for this purpose. Repetition is the name of the game,
and the words themselves are of secondary importance. Close your eyes and
sit comfortably, preferably on the floor and with your back straight. When
chattering thoughts arrive to break your focus, return to the mantra again and
again, until all thoughts diminish. When that happens, you can stop focusing
on the mantra and enjoy the state of perfect no-thought awareness before
ending the practice. With daily practice the chattering thoughts will dissipate
more quickly.
External focus
Draw a dot on a wall. It should be in line with your eyes when you are seated
in meditation. Relax and gaze at the dot. Try not to think about anything.
When thoughts naturally arrive, export them into the dot, so that it feels like
your mind is in front of you and you are gazing at it. By concentrating your
thoughts in this miniscule visible spot in front of you they will not be able to
wander inside your head and cause any disturbance. Since this is an open
eyed meditation it will improve your magician’s stare significantly. Begin
with ten minutes daily and slowly increase the duration by a minute or so in
order to avoid eye strain.
The Magickal Diary
“Therefore we set out diligently to explore and map these untrodden
regions of the mind.” ― James Wasserman, Aleister Crowley and the
Practice of the Magical Diary
The purpose of a magickal diary is to become centered in time. Time as we
know it, is a never ceasing current. The past moves into the future, yet this
movement can only be experienced in the present moment.
A magickal diary is a useful isolation bubble that we can step into in order to
plant our feet on the ground and reassess our position, past mistakes,
successes and hopes for the future. In truth, a magickal diary is simply a
diary. But unlike a diary of a layman, a magician’s diary serves to record
magical experiences. This can be helpful in assessing how the results of a
magickal operation manifested over a period of time. If you performed a
ritual with a demon like Clauneck to obtain wealth, has that wealth
manifested? How long did it take, in what ways did it happen? You will
notice these things as you read your diary entries at a later date and you’ll be
thankful for having recorded them.
A magickal diary is also useful for planning out the future, especially if your
mind is prone to wandering in an ADHD fashion from one idea to the next.
By writing your plans and end goals in a diary often to create a strong mental
bond, you will be more likely to stick to them and eventually accomplish
A personal example I can provide is related to finances. I was determined to
make a living without having to go to work. In fact, I never had a “job” in my
life. I wrote down this goal often in my magickal diary ever since I was a
teenager. Sometimes I did it multiple times a day, feeling the liberation from
mundane modern servitude that would surely arise from my efforts. The
desire became part of me, it became who I am, what I did, what I imagined.
Because so much visualization and mental energy was put into this desire, I
acted it out, and as I acted it out it could do nothing else but manifest.
If I was as disciplined about writing down a desire of a job promotion, acting
career or a shiny Aston Martin in my garage, I’m entirely confident these
results would have appeared instead. Energy flows where attention goes. For
even greater and faster results, combine summoning rituals, spell working
and meditative visualizations along with a magickal diary.

Chapter 3: Goetic Rituals

In this section you will discover valuable rituals that I’ve refined through
long years of practice as a ceremonial magician. These rituals have helped me
in many difficult periods of my life. I’ve used them to go beyond my natural
capabilities in business, art and relationships. I am eternally grateful to the
spirits I’ve summoned for their friendly companionship. I ask them to extend
their favor to all the readers of this compendium.
Note: The following rituals can also be found on Since they
were originally conceived as separate articles, there is some repetition of
points and advice. Feel free to skip the parts you are already familiar with.
Vepar: The Drowning Ritual
Vepar is a very unique demon from Ars Goetia. While all of the 72 demons
appearing in this popular grimoire are invaluable allies for self development
in the most positive sense of the word, Vepar is also a valuable companion
for more sinister purposes, which we'll discuss further down in this article.
Here is Vepar's description that provides some reasons for summoning
The 42d spirit is Named Vepar, he is a great and strong duke, and appeareth
like a Mairmaid. His office is to guide the waters and ships. Ladden with
armour thereon he will at the will of the Exorcist cause the seas to be rough
and stormy, and to appeare full of ships. He causeth men to dye in 3 days by
putrifying their sores and wounds and causing wormes in them to bred. He
governeth 29 Legions of spirits.
From this description we can deduce that Vepar's two main powers are:
- controlling waters and ships
- causing physical harm to the magician's enemies
Main Reasons to Summon Vepar
It's important here to realize that waters and ships are symoblic. Waters are in
magical texts symbolic of the psyche and emotions. In that sense, Vepar can
stir one's emotions or keep them calm. Ships symbolize one's goal and the
journey one must traverse to reach it. Vepar can guide a ship safely through
difficult conditions. As far as the second power is concerned, its meaning is
more straightforward. Vepar can be summoned to cause harm to enemies,
both physical and psychological.
Remember that black magick is strictly advised against because it often
reflects back on the spellcaster. In other words, if you wish someone harm, it
will happen to you as well. Only truly powerful magicians are able to protect
themselves against the karmic laws, once they've evolved to a supra-human
form that lies beyond external contingencies. However, everyone has their
own decision to make, and I'm simply sharing information for those of you
who are interested in it. To quote Aleister Crowley: Do as you Will shall be
the whole of the Law.
Here's a Vepar summoning ritual you can perform to contact this powerful
- a paper and a pen
- a glass of salt water
- a blue candle
- a dagger
1. Create Vepar's sigil
You can either print his sigil or draw it on a piece of paper. Try to make it
resemble the original as closely as possible. Btw. Vepar is depicted as a
mermaid, but he is referred to as a masculine demon. This isn't an important
point, I just wanted to point out that the gender of this demon is rather
2. Light a blue candle
A blue candle symbolizes the psyche in its active state.
3. Drown the sigil in the glass of water
Place the sigil in water and repeat Vepar's enn 36 times: "On Ca Vepar Ag
While repeating the enn, also pour candle wax unto it. This action will serve
to calm the overactive psyche, soothing your emotional state. If you are using
this ritual for black magick purposes, visualize taking control of the enemies
emotional state as you pour the wax over the drowning sigil.
4. Pierce the sigil with the ritual dagger (optional)
This is an optional step of the ritual, only to be performed if you want Vepar
to act offensively against someone. In that case visualize your enemy and the
thing you wish to happen as you stab the sigil. It's enough to do this once.
This action acts as a release of the demon from the sigil and into the physical
5. Close the ritual
Recite the following incantation to end the ritual:
Aras margolis fornaris
Unterlos porobas ustortis
Bunor fortis orcanum
Vepar serdanu.
You may dispose of the water and the sigil after reciting.
Final Word on Vepar Summoning
Vepar can be a great emotional support, stabilizing your psychological state,
especially during troubling times in your life. He can clear emotional
obstacles as you travel to your destination, both literally and metaphorically
Since the waters are the psychological substratum that all humans share,
similar to the collective unconscious of Carl Jung, we are able to cause
psychological and physical effects on others by manipulating the waters,
causing rough seas on some part of that vast ocean where the enemy is
Hopefully you won't have to resort to such measures to resolve your
differences with others, but Vepar can certainly make a worthy ally if that is
your only option.
Barbatos: The Forgotten Ritual
Barbatos is a mighty earl and duke of Hell. He is the 8th demon described in
The Lesser Key of Solomon. This is his description:
The Eighth Spirit is Barbatos. He is a Great Duke, and appeareth when the
Sun is in Sagittary, with four noble Kings and their companies of great
troops. He giveth understanding of the singing of Birds, and of the Voices of
other creatures, such as the barking of Dogs. He breaketh the Hidden
Treasures open that have been laid by the Enchantments of Magicians. He is
of the Order of Virtues, of which some part he retaineth still; and he knoweth
all things Past, and to come, and conciliateth Friends and those that be in
Power. He ruleth over 30 Legions of Spirits.
From this description we can deduce that Barbatos can help us with:
- communicating with animals
- finding hidden treasures
- divination (past and future telling)
- resolving issues with friends and those in power
So if you wish to achieve any of these four things summoning Barbatos can
be of great use. This is a ritual that I've conducted in order to summon
Barbatos. It comes from an old grimoire in my native language that I
stumbled upon in an archive a few years ago. The ritual was a success, so I
hope it proves useful to you as well.
1. Create the magic circle and triangle
Create a magic circle on the ground with salt. Salt acts as protection and this
is the space in which you will be during the ritual. Create a triangle with the
salt (outside the circle). This is the place in which the demon will stay during
the ritual.
It's important to keep this distance with demons that are more dangerous.
Although I don't always use this precaution, I think it's actually a good thing
for most people who are afraid of getting possessed and similar risks.
2. Visualize Barbatos
Stand or sit within the circle and close your eyes. It will be of great assistance
to first visualize Barbatos in your mind's eye and to begin communication.
Drawing his sigil in your mind or physically on a piece of paper can also
being the process with greater success.This will facilitate a stronger
connection with the demon.
Imagine the demon arriving into the ritual triangle. Imagine him knocking on
the door or moving through a wall or a ceiling. You can increase the intensity
of this exercise by chanting or repeating as a mantra the following words, his
Eveta Fubin Barbatos
As you visualize and call Barbatos into the triangle you might experience
strange sensations, hear noises, voices etc. You are standing in between the
spiritual and the physical reality, and so you are experiencing new sensory
stimulation. This isn't something to be afraid of, just maintain your
3. The Incantation of Obedience
Many magicians have spoken of Barbatos being a disobedient demon. He is
not likely to help unless you are able to subdue him first. The following
incantation repeated 9 times is used for this purpose. So once you've
visualized Barbatos in the triangle, say this 9 times:
Merolas insintiris Barbatos. Ostar verzil hurak zimena.
I am unsure as to which language this is. There seems to be some latin
structure, but it remains a mystery to me. It could be a moment of inspiration
that conjured these in the mind of the author of this grimoire whilst
performing a Barbatos summoning.
4. Voice your desire with clarity and power
With Barbatos subdued and ready to heed your call, make your voice heard.
Be confident in every word you speak, completely sure of your intentions.
Ask Barbatos to assist in any of the four tasks under the command of his
If you need divination, ask for it clearly. In case you need assistance with
finding a hidden treasure ask for that as well. I will also mention that "hidden
treasures enchanted by Magicians" is a metaphorical way of describing
anything of value that is being concealed by someone else. For example, a
business idea could be a hidden treasure that is being hidden by your
5. Close the ritual
If Barbatos has communicated with you in any way, that's a clear sign your
ritual was a success. Even bodily sensations are a good indication you've
created a satisfying connection. If you've experienced nothing of the sort,
repeated the ritual the following day or for as long as necessary. At the same
time, don't place the bar too high when it comes to sensory experiences.
Following through with the steps and having the confidence that your ritual
worked and that your magic is strong is the most important factor.
When the ritual is done, ask Barbatos to vanish to its place of origin or send it
on its way to complete the resuming tasks. Remove the triangle and circle
and continue your day as normal. In the upcoming days, weeks and perhaps
months depending on the nature of your request, Barbatos will work in your
favor, making your desire manifest in reality.
Balam: The Three Spheres Ritual
Balam is a Goetic demon that I've recently summoned for help with studying
a difficult subject. He responded with great enthusiasm to my request. Before
I share this Balam summoning ritual, here's the description of the demon
from The Lesser Key of Solomon:
The Fifty-First Spirit is Balam or Balaam. He is a Terrible, Great, and
Powerful King. He appeareth with three Heads: the first is like that of a Bull;
the second is like that of a Man; the third is like that of a Ram. He hath the
Tail of a Serpent, and Flaming Eyes. He rideth upon a furious Bear, and
carrieth a Goshawk upon his Fist. He speaketh with a hoarse Voice, giving
True Answers of Things Past, Present, and to Come. He maketh men to go
Invisible, and also to be Witty.
From this description we can discern some good reasons for summoning
- Divination - to learn about things that happened, are happening or will
- Invisibility - this shouldn't be taken literally, it means rather to become
invisible to dangers
- Wit - to improve conversational skills and intellectual capabilities, or
dictionary definition if you prefer: "the capacity for inventive thought
and quick understanding; keen intelligence"
Dangers of summoning Balam
I've seen quite a few people online saying that Balam is very dangerous. My
answer is this: any spirit can be dangerous if handled poorly. Evoking a spirit
of a most saintly person can be dangerous in that sense.
The magician's attitude is very important. You need to be psychologically
strong otherwise you will begin to question your decision and that can spiral
into paranoia.
Remember that you are the creator of your own reality. If you anticipate bad
results from the get-go or you become scared, these negative emotions will
influence your rituals in a bad manner. The spirit will not respect you and it
will likely rebel against your authority, creating mischief. This is true of all
spirits, not only Balam.
Some have also wondered why should a demon want to help at all. Wouldn't
it want something terrible in return?
Well, if you are a poor negotiator that could also happen. But keep in mind
that demons want to exercise their power in the world. Allowing them to
have an impact is a gift by itself. It brings them even more power and
recognition both in the physical and in the spiritual realm. There's no need to
go beyond that unless you feel inclined to do so, perhaps as a sign of
gratitude or to improve the likelihood that you will receive the required
Balam Summoning Ritual
Now that we've settled the preliminaries, we can get to the ritual itself.
The logic behind the Three Spheres ritual is based on the three-headed nature
of Balam. We see this already in the physical description: Balam has three
heads (of a bull, a man, a ram).
Balam also has three powers. Each of his heads is dedicated to one power.
The bull provides divination, the man provides invisibility and the ram
provides wit. These are the Three Spheres of Influence. Depending on your
reasons for summoning Balam, you will need to activate one or more of
them. Here are the ritual steps:
1. Enter a trance state
As always, I have to remind my readers of the importance of trance state.
You have to alter your perception in order to communicate with a spiritual
force and to summon it. Entering a trance state provides that opportunity,
after which you conduct a series of unique ritual-steps to summon a specific
Many of you have had the best success by using a combination of silent
meditation and binaural beats. I don't recommend using Youtube videos with
binaural beats because the sound frequency is always distorted, and it's really
important that it's precise. Otherwise we're dealing with a placebo effect that
sometimes works and sometimes doesn't.
So instead of jeopardizing the success of your ritual, it's best to use premium
and very affordable binaural beats. I often use these deep concentration beats
to start my rituals and for regular meditation. Remember to use headphones.
It usually takes 10-20 to get into a light trance with this method. You will
know that you're there because of a feeling of lightness in your body and a
feeling of energy in the third eye region, sometimes accompanied by flashes
of light.
2. Activate the spheres
For this step you will need one of the following ritual items:
- Wand
- Sword
- Dagger
If you want to activate a sphere, chant the following incantation while
creating a circle in the air with your left hand holding the ritual item 33 times
and keeping three fingers of your right hand in the air (to acknowledge the
full potential of Balam):
- Bull's sphere incantation: "Arkal desifilus barkaz"
- Man's sphere incantation: "Destorez velinik dorsal"
- Ram's sphere incantation: "Untorel erstimund kolintas"
3. Communicate your desire to Balam
With the sphere(s) activated, place your ritual item to the side, stretch your
arms open and invite Balam's presence into the area. Now is the time to share
with Balam the specific reasons you summoned him for.
Ask respectfully for his assistance and await his answer. The answer may
come as a feeling, voice, touch, vision etc. Don't get overwhelmed or
discouraged by these manifestations.
Remember that demons are spirits, and when they take on physical form it is
only for symbolic purposes. It is important that you've conducted the ritual
properly and the rest will follow.
Lilith: The Black Candle Ritual
Lilith, the mother of demons is one of the most famous spirits to walk this
planet. If you're wondering how to summon Lilith this is the guide for you.
Here is the infamous Black Candle Ritual, an effective way for getting in
contact with Lilith.
Lilith's occult significance
According to mythological accounts Lilith was the first wife of Adam.
However, she wouldn't subjugate to her husband. This was the first rebellion
of the female principle against the masculine principle.
She was thrown out from the Garden of Eden and had to fend for herself. She
went into the desert where she met Samael (Satan) and with this fallen angel
had many demonic children. This is why she is known as the mother of
Lilith is also integral in the Qliphoth or the Tree of Death, a LHP initiatic
system of Kabbalah. She is believed to rule over the region Gamaliel.
To Gamaliel, Lilith is attributed and "is the grand lady of all demons. The
demons are sometimes considered to be the children of Lilith and is said to be
the woman who comes to men in their dreams.”
Why summon Lilith
- As a mother of demons, Lilith's influence can be used to contact other
spiritual entities more successfully, especially succubi and incubi.
- When invoked, Lilith can provide the magician with demonic
- Lilith can be a very potent love companion in the astral realm and the
dream state.
- Lilith must be contacted on the intiatic path of Qliphoth when
Gamaliel is reached.
If any of these reasons appeal to you, the following ritual might be of good
How to Summon Lilith
- The Black Candle ritual should be performed between 2 AM and 3
- Find a quiet and desolate outdoor space, preferably in a rural area, a
forest, old ruins etc.
- In his highly revered book Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic,
occultist Thomas Karlsson explains:
An effective way to contact the Lilith Qlipha is to go out in the wild at night
and meditate on the shadows and the darkness where objects are no longer
visible and instead blur into a dark mist. This is where Lilith can be found.
This darkness is her womb, and this is the goal of the magician’s invocations.
Countless incantations have been used in attempts to banish Lilith, but for
dark magicians in all ages invocations to contact her have also been created.
If the following formula is chanted thirteen times, Lilith is supposed to
marag ama lilith rimok samalo naamah
During contact with the Lilith Qlipha an abstract idea or a strong emotional
impulse might be received. In other instances, the magician might encounter
the demon ruler of the Qlipha or enter the Qliphotic tunnels.
I've found this incantation alone is not enough to produce the desired effect.
Additional steps are required:
- Draw a magic circle on the floow with salt and stand in the middle of it
- Light a black candle (etch Lilith's sigil on the candle beforehand)
- Hold it in your right hand while holding your left hand stretched
upward with palm facing the sky
- After chanting the incantation 13 times in this position, sit on the
- With closed eyes meditate on Lilith's black flame moving from the
root chakra through the spine up to your crown chakra
- Focus on the black flame's piercing power in the third eye region until
you see bright light and Lilith appears in her desired form
As with any demonic summoning, it's not in our power to demand how the
demon will appear. This highly depends on our magical powers along with
the free will of the spirit. Therefore, Lilith may appear as a vision, voice,
human, animal, feeling, higher intuition etc.
This ritual doesn't distinguish between invocation and evocation. It is left to
Lilith's preference to appear internally or externally to the magician.
Final Word on Lilith Summoning
Lilith, one of the great ancient demons has been a constant presence in our
culture. She represents the demonic feminine energy that would not bow
down to any man, instead producing sheer ecstasy of a more dark and
independent nature. This is the type of energy you will be dealing with when
summoning Lilith. It is both a dangerous, thrilling, dark and creative energy,
so much so that it spawned all the demons in the advent of our world.
Azazel: An Incantation Ritual
Azazel is a fallen angel that the Jewish people offered sacrifice to, most
notably in the form of a goat or a lamb. They did this to appease Azazel and
rid themselves of any harm that would befall them due to previous sins.
Azazel was considered a punisher of sins as well as someone who could wash
away sins or bad karma.
A magician can summon Azazel to get rid of his or her own karmic
impurities. This can lead to improvements in many areas of life, since the
karmic entanglements often manifest as blockages in one's physical body or
poor social dealings. He can also help a black magician to avoid the rebound
effects of black magic he previously used on others.
Reasons for summoning Azazel
- To remove karmic impurities
- To purify the astral body
- To get rid of chronic conditions
Note that all three benefits are the result of a single cause: no longer being
trapped by previous sins. When Azazel releases these blockages, the astral
body becomes brighter and more mobile, and this changes how we feel,
behave and the quality of experiences we draw into our life moving forward.
How to Summon Azazel
1. Present your sacrifice
The main part of this ritual is providing a sacrifice. Azazel demands you give
up something in return for removing sins. The Jewish people sacrificed a goat
or a lamb, and the magician should sacrifice something valuable to him
personally or objectively. That could be burning a sum of money or giving
away a prized possession. It could be sacrificing time to do something for
Azazel like building an altar or an artistic work.
2. Create a magic circle
Create a magic circle on the ground with salt. The circle is there to protect
you from evil spirits while you're performing the ritual, since during this time
you are effectively creating a gateway to the spiritual dimension. Salt is a
traditionally used substance for spiritual protection and most commonly used
for creating a magic circle.
2. Evoke Azazel using an ancient incantation
While in the circle, present your sacrifice. Then repeat the following
incantation three times:
I sacrifice to you Azazel
A symbol of my past
To rid me of sin
To remove misconducts
That have plagued me thus far
I seek purity and light in body, spirit and mind
3. The microcosmic orbit meditation
Lotus position is the simple sitting meditation pose. Sit in this way at the
center of your magic circle.
Close your eyes and imagine bright light moving from the base of your spine,
climbing up through the spine to the top of your head, then descending
through the front of your face, your tongue and all the way down to your
navel. From there it moves through the pelvic region and back to the base of
the spine. Then moves up again to the head and the circle repeats in the same
It's important to guide the light, not force it. Simply relax and imagine the
light following your intention, as it moves where it needs to go. If you force
it, it can send too much energy and overcharge or burn a particular energetic
point in the body.
Perform this purifying exercise for 5 to 10 minutes. Also, keep the tongue
attached to the roof of your mouth during this meditation. The tip of the
tongue should rest close to the upper front teeth. If you try to say "Garry",
that's where the tongue should be.
4. End the ritual
By summoning Azazel and performing the proper meditation technique you
have purified yourself of past sins. You will no longer be stiffled by negative
cosmic influences.
It is said that like attracts like, that evil attracts evil. Having rid yourself of
evil, you will no longer attract it. For this reason your life, mental and
physical condition will all improve. End the ritual by thanking Azazel for his
support and leaving the confines of the magic circle.
Abaddon, The Angel of the Abyss
Abaddon holds the key to the botomless pit, separating the lower and higher
spheres on the Tree of Death in the Kabbalistic/Qliphothic esoteric system.
Abaddon is also known as the Angel of Death. He's often depicted as a large,
tall figure in a black robe/armor, similar to Sauron or the Nazgul from LOTR.
It is very likely that Tolkien used mythological discriptions of Abaddon in
crafting these nefarious characters.

Abaddon is a demonic entity that has been evoked and invoked by magicians
for centuries. Reasons for summoning this demon are many, but they fall into
the following categories:
- increased self-discipline and reduced desires
- mental equilibrium
- fulfillment of one's darkest ambitions
- increased creativity in any endeavor that is tied to one's dark ambition
Summoning Abaddon requires working with your Shadow Self, as intuited by
Carl Jung. The Shadow Self is the repressed part of one’s personality. It is
repressed because of moral and social imperatives of one’s culture.
Preparation for Abaddon Summoning Ritual
1. Cultivate dark energy
Abaddon protects the gates of the Abyss. It is as much to protect the Abyss as
it is to protect those who are not ready to step inside. The Abyss is a dark
place that can lead to one's total destruction. At the same time, it can be used
to harness the greatest power imaginable. To gain Abaddon's respect, the
magician has to cultivate his dark and negative energy instead of letting it go.
This energy is not necessarily bad, it depends on whether you allow it to exist
or try to fight it. For the purpose at hand, it is necessary to allow it to engulf
you entirely, to bathe in it, increase it further until you've become one with
the darkness, as if your entire Being were a dark mist and you had a dark aura
surrounding your body.
Visualize these changes happening from the outside of your body and
penetrating to your soul, your third eye and all parts of your body. Feel the
relaxation as you surrender to the darkness, no longer fighting your dark
ambitions for power and complete control.
2. Fasting and renunciation
To appease Abaddon further, it is important to prove that you're willing to
reduce your physical needs. Fasting for a period of time is one of the most
popular ways of proving your willpower and receiving spiritual purification
in the process. Perform a water fast for three to seven days. This means not
eating anything and only drinking water.
Of course, consult your doctor before fasting to make sure you don't have any
underlying health conditions that would be exacerbated by this practice. If
you have a medical condition that makes fasting dangerous, eliminate some
other important thing in your life, such as all sources of entertainment for a
period of time, social encounters or something else you believe is important.
3. Mindfulness meditation
The last requirement before summoning Abaddon is to clear your mind of
chatter. Mindfulness is a state of mind where there are no thoughts, just pure
emptiness. In that state of mind, when thoughts enter your head you will be
able to recognize them and easily remove them or not allow them to have any
effect on the way you feel.
This is very much like having the Abyss inside of your head, a dark and
tranquil place. Perform 20 minutes of mindfulness meditation in the morning
and 20 before going to sleep for at least seven days before attempting to
summon Abaddon.
Abaddon Summoning Ritual
If you've performed the three preparatory steps, you are ready to perform a
ceremonial magic ritual to summon Abaddon into your life for the before-
mentioned benefits. Here are the steps to follow:
You will need:
- Black robes (or all-black clothes)
- A ritual blade (dagger, sword..)
- Salt
- Myrrh incense
This ritual should be performed in a dark environment, preferably at
Ritual step-by-step:
1. Wear your black robes or clothes to symbolize your cultivation of darkness
and affiliation with Abaddon, the Gatekeeper of the Abyss.
2. Create a magic circle on the ground with salt. Salt is traditionally used as a
substance for creating magic circles. It is also used to ward off negative and
evil spirits during rituals. Remain inside this circle throughout the ritual.
3. Light up myrrh incense. Myrrh incense can be purchased. It has been used
for thousands of years in rituals. Myrrhs is also an analgesic or painkiller, and
as such the ideal incense for a dark ritual of this nature.
4. Sitting in the middle of the circle and facing North, use the ritual blade to
draw Abaddon's symbol in the air.
5. While drawing Abaddon's symbol, chant these words "Es Na Ayer
Abbadon Avage". Repeat for 13 times, even if you've completed drawing the
symbol in the meantime.
6. Now lay down on the ground in what is known as Shavasana or Corpse
Pose in yoga and close your eyes. Allow the darkness, the soothing incense
and the energies you've evoked to enter through your limbs and move to your
heart and third eye. Instead of blinding you with light, this energy will draw
you into a dark vortex.
7. As you spiral downward towards the Abyss, you will find Abaddon
waiting in the lowest region. In this visualized/dream like state/astral plane
you have the opportunity to communicate your desire to Abaddon and receive
his blessing and assistance. Say what it is you want, reveal your dark
ambition to Abaddon and he will surely reward you for your effort and
8. When you're ready to end the ritual, imagine the dark vortex bringing you
back up to the surface and open your eyes. Remove the ritual items, turn on
the lights and perform some completely unrelated activity to get back to your
ordinary senses.
Final Word: How to Summon Abaddon
This ritual has worked for me in the past so I'm confident you will at the very
least have some interesting experiences if you try it. Make sure to perform
the purification process first to get into the right mindset before performing
the ritual. Otherwise you are likely to be disturbed by arbitrary thoughts and
will experience weaker results.
Beleth, The King of Hell
Beleth (also known as Bileth, Bilet, Byleth) is described in many grimoires,
and he's one of the integral rulers of Hell.
Grimoires that mention Beleth:
- Book of Incantations
- The Discoverie of Witchcraft
- The Book of the Office of Spirits
- The Book of Oberon
- Pseudomonarchia Daemonum
- The Lesser Key of Solomon
In Ars Goetia we read that:
This Great King Beleth causeth all the love that may be, both of Men and of
Women, until the Master Exorcist hath had his desire fulfilled.
In Pseudomonarchia Daemonum we read that Ham, Noah's son, was the first
in invoking him after the flood, and wrote a book on Mathematics with his
Both love and knowledge are worthwhile reasons for summoning Beleth.
How to summon Beleth
It will be useful to read his full description from Ars Goetia as it provides
useful advice for conducting a Beleth summoning ritual:
The Thirteenth Spirit is called Beleth (or Bileth, or Bilet). He is a mighty
King and terrible. He rideth on a pale horse with trumpets and other kinds of
musical instruments playing before him. He is very furious at his first
appearance, that is, while the Exorcist layeth his courage; for to do this he
must hold a Hazel Wand in his hand, striking it out towards the South and
East Quarters, make a triangle, without the Circle, and then command him
into it by the Bonds and Charges of Spirits as hereafter followeth. And if he
doth not enter into the triangle, rehearse the Bonds and Charms before him,
and then he will yield Obedience and come into it, and do what he is
commanded by the Exorcist. Yet he must receive him courtesously because he
is a Great King, and do homage unto him, as the Kings and Princes do that
attend upon him. And thou must have always a Silver Ring in the middle
finger of the left hand held against thy face, as they do yet before
AMAYMON. This Great King Beleth causeth all the love that may be, both of
Men and of Women, until the Master Exorcist hath had his desire fulfilled. He
is of the Order of Powers, and he governeth 85 Legions of Spirits. His Noble
Seal is this, which is to be worn before thee at working.
So let's break down these instructions:
- Use a hazel wand to make a magic triangle
- Force him into it by Bonds and Charges
- Carry a silver ring on the middle finger of the left hand near your face
- His Noble Seal (sigil) should be worn/used in the ritual
According to most accounts, Beleth is indeed a dangerous demon to work
with. You will need to be prepared mentally and physically to endure an
encounter that can be overwhelming on one’s senses and psyche. But the
rewards are worth it if the magician manages to come out of this ordeal
We see similarities between Beleth and two other powerful demons, Paimon
and Astaroth. Paimon rides a camel and is also followed by trumpets and
other musical instruments. And when summoning Astaroth the magician
should also carry a silver ring and keep it close to his face to protect against
the demon's putrid breath.
That aside, here's a practical ritual for summoning Beleth that you can
perform on your own or in a group setting:
1. Have a good reason to summon Beleth
Ask yourself seriously if you want to engage in love relations at the moment
or be overwhelmed by new knowledge and desire for obtaining it. If you have
other priorities at the moment than this could be detrimental to you. If not,
carry on.
2. Prepare your items
As we mentioned previously, you will need a hazel wand, a silver ring and
Beleth's seal/sigil, preferably as a wearable item such as a necklace or a shirt.
You could even draw his sigil on your hand or other part of your body,
simply to have a mark that can be washed off later. If you want to fully
dedicate yourself to Beleth, you might even get a tattoo. But unless you're a
demonolator, a tat could be a tad too much.
3. Secure a quiet place
Perform your Beleth summoning in a quiet and isolated space where you
won't be disturbed by anyone. If you live with roommates or family, you
might have to do it in a rural area, such as a forest or an abandoned building.
Either way, make sure that no one interrupts you and Beleth escapes the
triangle before you've had time to subdue him.
4. Create a receptive mental state
In order to communicate with Beleth or any other spirit it's necessary to alter
your perception. You have to enter a dreamlike, trance state in which you will
see, hear and/or feel the more subtle, invisible and spiritual forces.
This you can do with various methods. One of them is meditation. Another is
to close your eyes and visualize Beleth or his sigil.
Yet another method is to chant or repeat as a mantra his demonic enn which
is "Lirach tasa vefa wehl Beleth." Demonic enn's are phrases that have a
specific frequency for connecting with the desired demon.
It's also advised to fast for at least a couple of hours so that digestive
processes don't ruin your concentration.
5. Bind Beleth into the triangle
Most demons are fairly benign and don't require binding into a triangle for
safety. Beleth is not one of them. It is highly advised to charge a triangle with
a wand inside the ritual space.
I also advise creating a magic circle on the ground with salt and standing in
the circle. Salt is protective against agressive spirits so in case anything goes
wrong it will protect you from Beleth's wrath.
Once you've charged the triangle (outside of the protective circle of course),
use these binding words to transport Beleth into the triangle while pointing
the wand at the triangle:
"Beleth, ruler of Hell, Minister of Powers, Lord of Legions I summon thee
into this triangle. I respectfully demand that you remain within its borders till
the end of this ritual."
After saying these words, keep the silver ring against your chin or cheek.
Then ask Beleth with a respectful tone to help you with anything related to
love or knowledge.
6. End the ritual and release Beleth from the triangle
After you've received a satisfactory answer say to Beleth that you will drain
the energy from the triangle. He should return back to his Realm and perform
the deeds you ask of him from there. Then point the wand at the triangle and
suck all the energy that you previously charged through the wand and back
into yourself.
Orobas, The Shifter
Orobas is a safe demon to summon, he is therefore recommended for
beginner magicians. Orobas is described in popular grimoires, most notably
Pseudomonarchia Daemonum and Ars Goetia. Here are two descriptions that
will be useful when summoning him:
Pseudomonarchia Daemonum:
Demon Orobas is a great prince and he appears in the form of a horse. Upon
your request Orobas will take on human shape. This spirit talks about Divine
things and gives true answers of things concerning the present, past and
Orobas is faithful and deceives none, nor tempts anyone. He gives dignities
and prelacies, and the favours of friends and enemies. This spirit rules over
20 legions of spirits.
Ars Goetia:
Orobas can discover all you want to know about the past, present and future.
He gives dignities, prelacies and the favour of friends and enemies. He is a
good natured spirit.
Reasons for Summoning Orobas
- divination (discovering past, present and future events, secrets and so
- receiving dignities (raising social status through fame, financial
success, job promotions, character improvements..)
- favor of friends and enemies (self-explanatory)
I've had success working with Orobas in all three of these spheres. Your
summoning ritual should reflect the desired outcome. So there are three
different rituals to be used in order to summon Orbas.
1. Divination
You might be seeking knowledge that will improve your life in various ways,
or simply to become more enlightened on a given topic. Orobas can reveal
new layers of perception, help you discover books and documents, as well as
give you visions of the past, future or present events through dreams or trance
To summon Orobas for divination you will need a wand and a scrying mirror
or a crystal ball. The wand is used to charge the mirror/ball so that Orobas
can use them as gateways. Draw Orobas' sigil with a pen or a similar drawing
tool on your dominant hand. Hold the wand in this hand and extend it,
pointing the wand at the mirror/ball.
Feel the energy moving from below the navel, up through the spine, to the
top of your head, then moving down to the tongue (keep the tongue on the
upper palate, try to say the word "Larry" and it will come to the right spot),
and then through the hand, the wand and into the mirror/ball. The wand
doesn't have to touch these objects, but it should be relatively close.
Charge the mirror/energy ball with your eyes close, feeling the energy
moving into the object and the object becoming brighter and brighter, more
energetic as if you were opening an energy gate.
Now gaze at the mirror/ball until certain visual or inspirational effects take
place. You might see certain shapes appear within them that you will need to
decipher. Or you will feel inspiration/direct knowledge come into your mind
about certain events you were wondering about.
Once you're done, thank Orobas for his assistance and cover the mirror or
crystal ball with a piece of cloth until further use. Store the wand in a safe
place as well.
2. Receive Dignities
Orobas is a beginner friendly demon, very safe to work with and the rituals
are safe and fairly simple as well. This summoning ritual will entice Orobas
to help with improving your social status.
All you need to do is meditate until you feel waves of energy blasting your
third eye (the part between your eyebrows) and then asking Orobas for help
with this particular task. You can accomplish the energy blasting effect by
meditating while focusing your attention on your third eye.
Inhale and exhale peacefully, but every time you exhale, imagine that you are
breathing into the third eye until you receive this effect, which is the first step
in opening the third eye chakra and receiving spiritual visions and being able
to communicate with spirits.
When you reach this stage, simply ask Orobas. "Demon Orobas, I summon
you to help me with ________" You will likely feel a surge of energy move
throughout your body as you say these words. This is the encouragement
coming from Orobas himself and it means that you will receive his assistance
in the upcoming days, weeks or however long it takes to make your desire
manifest in reality.
3. Favor of friends or enemies
If you want to improve your relationship with someone Orobas can definitely
help. He can elevate your friendship to a higher level or mend broken
relationships and make peace with your foes. However, Orobas doesn't help
with love relationships and dating. For that sort of thing it is better to
summon Zepar and Sitri.
This ritual involves sigil magick and writing a poem. Write a poem that
symbolizes the change in relationship you desire. You will recite this poem to
Orobas. Orobas is known as a poetical demon, a horse turned man, a man
turned horse.
His shapeshifting is congruent with poetical/mythical transformations that
occur in many ancient poems, from Homer's Odyssey to Milton's Paradise
Lost. It doesn't have to rhyme either, so don't worry about reaching any
genius levels of poetry if you're not capable of it at the moment.
Draw a sigil of Orobas and light a candle. Make sure it's the only source of
light in the room. Then recite the poem from a piece of paper and burn it
afterwards, along with the sigil.
It's recommended to meditate beforehand to have mental clarity and
tranquility in order to perform this and every other ritual. If you're
overwhelmed by everyday thoughts it can reduce the effects of the ritual or
make them null. So get into the right mental state before any magical
The Secret Lucifer Invocation
Lucifer, the great cosmic rebel showed the middle finger to God in pursuit of
his own destiny. By doing so he showed us humans the path to becoming
gods through our own spiritual enlightenment.
This is why Lucifer has always been the main representative of the Left Hand
Path spirituality. It runs in opposition to the Right Hand Path which is based
on following an orthodox religion and the path laid out for us by mainstream
Therefore, performing an invocation of Lucifer can be a liberating
experience, allowing you to get in touch with your own inner rebel and
venturing forth on a path of self-enlightenment. It can also allow you to
contact this great entity and ask for assistance in any worthwhile pursuit.
This ritual was revealed to me by an elder magician who discovered it in a
private occult library of his deceased father. You can imagine our shock, as
we never knew of his occult dealings. Feel free to perform this ritual on your
own or in a group setting with like-minded magicians:
Lucifer Invocation Ritual
To invoke a spiritual entity means to allow him to enter your very being. In
other words, you will take on the archetypal characteristics of that entity. It
will work through you, leading you directly to your goals.
So it's important to invoke the right entity for your goal. If your main goals
are freedom from authority and spiritual enlightenment Lucifer is the best
entity that you can invoke since these are his main powers. So once you've
established that you want to unite your essence with Lucifer's, perform the
following ritual:
1. Dress in black or white clothes
Dress in black or white robes in order to show respect to Lucifer and create a
respectable atmosphere for the ritual.
A black robe symbolizes the rebellious and potentially nefarious nature of
this spiritual archetype. A white robe symbolizes the desire for spiritual
enlightenment and the necessary purity for accomplishing that goal.
Dress in one or the other based on your primary goal for invoking Lucifer.
2. Form a pentagram with five candles
You will need an altar or at the very least a table to perform this ritual. Place
on it five candles to form a pentagram and light them. Turn off any light
source so that the only source of light are the candles.
Based on the previous description of the significance of colors, use either
white or black candles. Alternatively you can use purple candles, purple
representing the crown chakra, the point of ultimate enlightenment.
3. Draw or paint Lucifer's sigil
Sigils are a very powerful addition to any summoning ritual. A sigil is a
visual representation of a demon or a similar entity which can be used to call
him forth and bind him to your Will. Draw or paint Lucifer's sigil, then place
it on the table or on another visible place in front you.
4. Use a sword to draw an inverted pentragram and Lucifer's sigil
Lucifer is an air/spirit entity. Therefore using a sword (magical device
associated with air element) is necessary to direct the energy to a designated
spot in the room in order to summon Lucifer. Draw a pentagram in the air
with a sword while naming the elements out loud. This is the proper order:
- Earth
- Water
- Air
- Fire
- Spirit
However, make sure to invert the pentagram, so that Spirit points to the
ground. Once you've created the pentagram in the air take a few moments to
relax and balance your energy.
Next, use your sword to draw Lucifer's sigil in the same place where you
drew the inverted pentagram while chanting Lucifer's enn:
Renich Tasa Uberaca Biasa Icar Lucifer
5. Invoke Lucifer
At this point you will be in a more or less intense trance state in which
Lucifer will be able to manifest. You might see a vision, hear a voice or
simply feel a different presence in the room, as if the air around you was
flexing and becoming thicker.
It's hard to explain until you experience it for yourself, but you will know that
something intense is happening. You might also feel like a new and powerful
energy is entering your body and mind followed by a tingling sensation from
head to toes. Now is your time to call forth Lucifer in your own words and
explain your reasons for performing this invocation. I used a variant of the
Hail Lucifer, The Fallen One, The Lightbringer, The Helper of Humanity! I
seek assistance in matters of great importance. I wish to become a more
powerful magician, to develop powers that will release me from shackles of
ordinary physical and mental limitations. I invoke thee Lucifer! Grant me
unimaginable power and wisdom! I invoke thee, I invoke thee, enter my soul,
mind and body...
You can use this as a template, but it's best to use your own words to
communicate your intent most effectively.
6. End the invocation with gratitude
As you say those words and feel the spirit of Lucifer entering your very
essence and changing you from the inside out, you might fall on your knees,
start to shake, speak incoherently or in different tongues as words flow freely
through your mouth.
Another possibility is that you will feel an immense sense of control over
your self, as if nothing can shake you up because you are above all of life's
incontingencies. Different magicians that I've spoken to who've performed
this ritual all have a unique story to tell.
Lastly, what is important is to not be afraid. Welcome the transformation with
open arms. After all, you asked for it and performed the ritual diligently.
Finish the invocation by thanking Lord Lucifer for merging his essence with
yours and setting you on a new path of power and glory.
Final Thoughts: Lucifer Invocation
As with any invocation or evocation, make sure you know what you're
getting yourself into. You will be calling forth one of the most powerful
entities to ever exist.
The mental and spiritual shift some have experienced was indeed life
changing and hard to deal with. After all, most people are afraid of even the
slightest changes to their routine.
Invoking Lucifer might set you on a dangerous path that will surprise and
challenge yourself and people who are close to you. After all, ultimate power
is given only to those who are willing to sacrifice everything to obtain it.
Andromalius, The Retriever
Demon Andromalius is the 72nd demon described in The Lesser Key of
Solomon. He's also mentioned in Michael Ford's Luciferian Goetia. This
demon has many purposes, as explained in the Goetia description:
From “The Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon the King” (1904) Written by
S.L. MacGregor Mathers:
The Seventy-second Spirit in Order is named Andromalius. He is an Earl,
Great and Mighty, appearing in the Form of a Man holding a Great Serpent
in his Hand. His Office is to bring back both a Thief, and the Goods which be
stolen; and to discover all Wickedness, and Underhand Dealing; and to
punish all Thieves and other Wicked People and also to discover Treasures
that be Hid. He ruleth over 36 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, the which
wear thou as aforesaid, etc.
From the Luciferian Goetia ( 2007 ) – Written by Michael Ford
Andromalius is the Seventy-second Spirit who is a Might Earl. He appears in
the form of a man holding a large and hissing serpent in his hand.
Andromalius may reveal those who have stolen from you, and those who seek
to be as a predator against you. This spirit may reveal trickery and those who
are wicked against you. He is able to punish and harm those who have
harmed you or seek to. Andromalius governs 36 Legions of Spirits.
Reasons for summoning Andromalius
Based on the Ars Goetia description, Andromalius can help a magician with
numerous tasks:
- retrieving stolen goods
- punishing thieves and wicked people
- discovering unjust and wicked deals
- discovering hidden treasures
It's quite obvious that Andromalius could be helpful to an ordinary person
who was damaged by the actions of another person or an entire community
and is seeking revenge.
Andromalius can also be very helpful to businessmen and lawyers during
negotiations or in everyday relationships where the other person can't be
On top of that, discovering hidden treasures is something that everyone will
find useful. Especially if you're looking for ways to earn more money, reach a
spiritual discovery or a valuable idea.
As a picturesque example, I like to imagine Andromalius leading Daniel
Plainview to oil fields in "There Will Be Blood" or the likes of Christopher
Columbus and Vasco da Gama to new shores. In other words, if you want to
summon Andromalius be prepared for an adventure.
How to Summon Andromalius
Since Andromalius is an Earl, he isn't as difficult to summon as Kings of Hell
(Paimon, Asmodeus...) or Presidents of Hell like Mammon. Earls control a
lesser number of spirits and thereby require a smaller energy expenditure on
the part of the magician.
Therefore, Andromalius can be summoned with greater success even by
beginner magicians. However, you still need to follow certain steps that any
effective ritual contains:
1. Have a clear reason for summoning Andromalius
Only summon a demon if your goals are in line with his attributes. There's no
reason to summon Andromalius if you require help with learning a specific
skill for example. Demons like Furcas and Astaroth are more suited for that
Summon this demon if you need help with punishing someone who caused
you harm, or you're in middle of negotiations or you want to discover or
retrieve something of value.
2. Prepare your ritual items
The most important part of a ritual is getting into a trance state in which you
can communicate with a spirit. Ritualistic items can help you get into this
state more easily. A demonic sigil/seal printed or drawn on a piece of paper is
a very common ritual item.
You may also include candles, magic robes, incense, music, a dark and
secluded room or forest environment etc. All of these will enhance the
atmosphere and make your trance state more powerful and effective.
3. Perform the ritual
While summoning rituals can look very different based on the magician's
preferences, the items being used or the specific formula for a particular
demon, there are almost always 4 stages that are performed in this order:
- prepare the ritual items
- enter the trance state by using these items and methods such as
meditation, chanting, repeating a mantra etc.
- communicate your question and/or desire to the spirit
- end the ritual by sending the spirit on its way and storing away the
ritual items
4. Return to regular consciousness
What you experience during the ritual might have an effect on your future
actions. Sometimes a demon will reveal secret knowledge that you can then
use to change your destiny through your own actions. At other times you
won't receive direct answers but things will happen on their own.
In the first example, Andromalius might reveal to you a powerful idea that
you can put into action and make a lot of money. In the second examples, he
might lead you to this idea over the upcoming days, weeks or months.
Either way, it's important to be confident that the ritual worked and that
things are going according to plan. Doubt or lack of confidence is the most
common self-imposed obstacle to receiving magical results. Be confident in
your powers and they will manifest in reality.
Andromalius Summoning Ritual
This is a powerful ritual formula that I've used to summon Andromalius. Feel
free to use it in your own practice:
You will need a red candle if you're seeking revenge against someone. You
will need a yellow candle if you're seeking a discovery. The red candle
symbolizes aggression and thirst for blood. The yellow candle symbolizes
illumination, the casting away of shadows and the unknown.
Draw the Andromalius sigil on a piece of parchment or paper.
Wear the finest garments you have available. If you have magic robes even
better. Of course, take care of your hygiene beforehand, as if you were going
on a business meeting and want to look your absolute best. Spirits will
appreciate your manners and respect and treat your request better if you make
the effort.
Light the candle of your choice and place the sigil before it, so that the sigil is
illuminated by the candle. It goes without saying that you should be
performing this ritual in a darkened and isolated environment. Limit
distractions as much as possible. However, you can perform it both during
the night or during the day, as Andromalius is not an exclusively daytime or
nighttime demon.
While gazing at the sigil illuminated by the correct candle, repeat
Andromalius' enn: Tasa Fubin Andromalius On Ca
Repeat the enn while gazing at the sigil until you feel your mind sinking into
a trance. Perhaps you will feel the desire to close your eyes while repeating
the enn. Feel free to do so.
When you've entered the trance, ask Andromalius for assistance. Ask him to
take revenge on your enemies, expose their weaknesses, retrieve something
that was stolen from you (perhaps a love interest, perhaps an item..), or
discover a new, hidden treasure. Communicate with Andromalius who might
appear as a vision, a voice, a feeling of inspiration..
If you feel the need to strike a pact with Andromalius and offer something in
return for his service, feel free to do so. Andromalius is quite benevolent and
often seeks recognition in the form of dedication for a certain number of
days. For example, providing offerings in your temple in the form of incense
or meditation.
When you're finished communicating with Andromalius you can end the
ritual by sending him to do the tasks you agreed upon, storing away the items
in a safe location (including the sigil) and going about your day.
Final Word on Summoning Andromalius
Andromalius is a very externally oriented spirit, who can help with solving
real life situations. He's also easier to summon then most Goetic spirits,
making him a good starting position for those who are new to summoning
Keep in mind that this summoning ritual is just one that I've used with
success. You can modify it by adding more ritual items such as incense or
perhaps a dagger or a wand, which are pointed items that can be used to
charge the sigil with more energy. Another suggestions is to use a crystal ball
or a scrying mirror in order to improve the chance of a visual encounter with
Andromalius or to receive the answers as a vision through these magic
Belial: The Red Candle Procession Ritual
Belial is mentioned across multiple grimoires, including “the good book”
itself. The most notable grimoires of the Dark Side that contain Belial's name
are Ars Goetia, The Book of Abramelin and The Complete Book of
If you want to summon Belial or any other demon for that matter it's good to
immerse yourself in magic literature beforehand. In the Goetia, Belial is
described as:
The Sixty-eighth Spirit is Belial. He is a Mighty and a Powerful King, and
was created next after LUCIFER. He appeareth in the Form of Two Beautiful
Angels sitting in a Chariot of Fire. He speaketh with a Comely Voice, and
declareth that he fell first from among the worthier sort, that were before
Michael, and other Heavenly Angels. His Office is to distribute Presentations
and Senatorships, etc.; and to cause favour of Friends and of Foes. He giveth
excellent Familiars, and governeth 50 Legions of Spirits. Note well that this
King Belial must have Offerings, Sacrifices and Gifts presented unto him by
the Exorcist, or else he will not give True Answers unto his Demands. But
then he tarrieth not one hour in the Truth, unless he be constrained by Divine
This is a good starting point for getting to know Belial, but just remember
that every grimoire is different, and every magician's experience with
summoning a demon is also different. The above-quoted passage was the
experience of the magician who wrote the Ars Goetia or of which he heard
from other magicians.
So when you're reading about summoning demons keep in mind that you're
getting one version and that your experience and what works or what doesn't
within the ritual space can be quite different for every practitioner.
However, this doesn't mean that ceremonial magick is entirely random. Any
effective demon summoning ritual must contain these fundamental elements:
- Desire or need that the magician wants to fulfill by summoning the
- The correct demon to summon according to one’s requirements
- Trance-induction (reaching theta mind frequency)
- Communicating the desire to the demon and receiving feedback
- Closing the ritual
If you follow this fundamental blueprint, you will have a much easier time
understanding how rituals are created and how to summon any spirit you
want. So let's break this down for a specifically Belial summoning ritual:
1. Identify your true desire or need
Before you even attempt to summon Belial make sure you have the right
reason. Belial is symbolized by the color red, by the earth element, by
passion, anger, motivation, worldly achievements. So the best reason to
summon Belial is to become more powerful, physically, mentally and
emotionally, and to crush any obstacles in your life.
Belial is the demon you'd want to summon if you want to be motivated like
David Goggins or other top performers because he will push you to achieve
anything in life. On the other hand, if you want to reach spiritual
enlightenment or some other more "airy" feat, Belial would not be the best
choice. In that case Lucifer or Paimon would be a better choice.
2. Find the right demon to summon
Finding the correct demon is easy if you have the correct literature. There are
many grimoires that you can use to find demons. The Lesser Key of Solomon
(Ars Goetia), Grimorium Verum, The Complete Book of Demonolatry, The
Book of Abramelin and many other sources are available online. In this case
I'm guessing you've already pinpointed Belial as the correct demon for
helping you with a specific goal.
3. Trance-induction
Before you can summon Belial, you have to change your brain frequency.
This is where the intricacies of magic rituals come into play. You must
change your mind before you can see a spirit from another dimension
because our everyday mind is not attuned for such purposes. Using
meditation, chants, ritual items such as candles and sigils play a big role in
making this happen.
4. Communicate with Belial
Once you've reached the trance state (you will just know it intuitively when
you've reached that point) it's time to call Belial. Do this in a respectable
manner, but not subserviently. Even though Belial is one of the four Kings of
Hell, you are not a servant but a powerful magician. You are here to make a
pact, not to crawl on the floor in blind obedience.
Once Belial appears, have a conversation, explaining why you need his help.
He might ask you for a favor in return. This is the meaning of a demonic
pact. For example, Belial might ask you to spread word of his power if he
helps you achieve your goal. Or he might ask for your soul after you die like
Mephistopheles supposedly demanded from Faustus. It's for you to decide if
you want to make a particular deal or not.
Make sure to bargain a bit before signing any papers. But once you've sealed
a pact, follow through, otherwise grave consequences can befall you. That
can be unlucky accidents or a loss of magical potential, since other demons
will refuse to work with you in the future. In magic, your word is everything.
5. Close the ritual
Once you've received a satisfactory answer, close the ritual by allowing
Belial to leave and do your bidding. Store away the ritual items and open the
windows to clear the air in case you were performing the ritual indoors.
Leave the room for a while and take your mind off the ritual.
So those are some preliminaries to keep in mind when summoning Belial and
I'm sure you'll find them useful when summoning other spirits as well. You
can use these elements to design your own rituals and experiment a bit. But
now I want to share a very poewrful step-by-step Belial summoning ritual.
I've used it on a number of occasions with great results. The prerequisite for
conducting the ritual is a quite place where you won't be disturbed. It can be
indoors or outdoors. Turn off all electronic devices and focus completely on
the task at hand.
The Red Candle Procession Ritual
- Dress in your best clothes. If you have a magician's robe even better.
- Close all the windows and create a quiet atmosphere.
- Create a magic circle on the floor. I prefer to use chalk or salt for the
sake of convenience.
- Draw Belial's sigil on parchment or a piece of paper. You don't have to
draw the circle around the sigil with Belial's name on it, since you'll
place the paper inside the magic circle. Simply draw the sign.
- Place the paper in the middle of the circle.
- Light a red candle and place it on top of the paper.
- Light a large black (or other dark color) candle and hold it in your
- Shut the lights off and make the room completely dark except for the
two candles.
- Stand outside the magic circle and slowly circle around it counter-
clockwise 9 times while holding the candle.
- While you're walking around the circle chant Belial's enn: Lirach tasa
vefa welhc Belial
- At this point you no longer need the black candle. Stand on the edge of
the circle and place your left hand inside the circle above the sigil and
the candle and call forth Belial: "Mighty Belial, I summon thee into this
reality. Come forth King of Hell!" - This is only an example of
something you could say. You will probably be inspired to construe
your words in a different way in the moment.
- Close your eyes. Envision your stretched hand summoning a powerful
red and green energy of Belial, which is manifesting from the sigil and
moving higher and higher from the candle, encapsulating the entire
magical circle. You may chant Belial's enn during this part of the ritual
- At this point Belial should appear to you, either as a physical
manifestation, an inner vision or he might talk through you. Perhaps he
will force you to write something. It really depends on the magician
and the type of connection he can make with spirits. Everyone is unique
in this matter.
- Once you've communicated to Belial what you require assistance with
and he's agreed to help you or not, send Belial on his way and close the
ritual by storing away the ritual items, allowing light into the room and
going outside for a while to reflect on the ritual or perform unrelated
Final Word: How to Summon Belial
Belial can be a very helpful companion for overcoming obstacles in our
hyper-competitive society. If you're looking for a mental or physical edge for
improving your career, relationships or removing any weaknesses such as
lack of confidence and anxiety, Belial is the right spirit to contact.
Asmodeus, The King of Lust
Asmodeus is mentioned in the Bible, the Talmud and the Lesser Key of
Solomon, among many other grimoires. Asmodeus is also known from The
Testament of Solomon as one of the chief demons that King Solomon
ordered to build the Temple of Jerusalem.
He is the demon of lust and the king of the earthly spirits. Since I will be
explaining how to summon Asmodeus, his description from Ars Goetia is
more important than those in other texts:
The Thirty-second Spirit is Asmoday, or Asmodai. He is a Great King,
Strong, and Powerful. He appeareth with Three Heads, whereof the first is
like a Bull, the second like a Man, and the third like a Ram; he hath also the
tail of a Serpent, and from his mouth issue Flames of Fire. His Feet are
webbed like those of a Goose. He sitteth upon an Infernal Dragon, and
beareth in his hand a Lance with a Banner. He is first and choicest under the
Power of AMAYMON, he goeth before all other. When the Exorcist hath a
mind to call him, let it be abroad, and let him stand on his feet all the time of
action, with his Cap or Headdress off; for if it be on, AMAYMON will deceive
him and call all his actions to be bewrayed. But as soon as the Exorcist seeth
Asmoday in the shape aforesaid, he shall call him by his Name, saying: “Art
thou Asmoday?” and he will not deny it, and by-and-by he will bow down
unto the ground. He giveth the Ring of Virtues; he teacheth the Arts of
Arithmetic, Astronomy, Geometry, and all handicrafts absolutely. He giveth
true and full answers unto thy demands. He maketh one Invincible. He
showeth the place where Treasures lie, and guardeth it. He, amongst the
Legions of AMAYMON governeth 72 Legions of Spirits Inferior. His Seal is
this which thou must wear as a Lamen upon thy breast, etc.
According to this grimoire, Asmoday should be summoned by those who
- to learn arithmetic, astronomy, geometry and handicrafts
- full answers on demand (presumably on any question the magician
- invincibility
- finding treasures and preserving them
So these are the reasons to summon Asmodeus according to Ars Goetia. But
we also know that this is chiefly the demon of lust. Many magicians who've
made pacts with Asmodeus have done so for favors in the realm of sexual
gratification. Since this is a king demon commanding many legions (72)
summoning him does involve some extra ritual steps. Don't worry, I will
mention all you will need to muster in order to summon him successfully.
How to summon Asmodeus
1. Have a good reason
Before you begin a summoning ritual, always have a good reason for calling
upon a particular demon. I've listed the ways in which Asmodeus can help. If
any of these things seem appealing to you then go right ahead.
2. Prepare the ritual items
Asmodeus, being the demon of lust prefers colors that excite passion. Red is
the preferred color of this demon. Bring 3 average or large red candles.
Also wear a red magician robe. If you don't have it and/or can't get it for
some reason, an alternative is to wear regular, red clothes. Also grab a piece
of paper and a red pen. The last thing you will need is salt and a wand. If you
don't have a wand, use a freshly cut stick from a tree. Make sure that it
resembles a wand in size and overall appearance.
3. Focus your mind, then create a magical circle and triangle
Find a quiet and isolated place to perform the ritual. It can be out in the open
or in a room.
I recommend starting every ritual with 30 minutes of meditation to center the
mind and clear away mental chatter. While meditating, listen to the Brain
Power binaural beats on headphones to get into a higher mental state faster. I
recommend using these specific binaurals for ritual and whenever you need
significant mental clarity and focus in general.
Create a magical circle and a triangle fairly close to each other by pouring the
salt on the floor.
Next, draw Asmodeus' sigil on a piece of paper or parchment with a red
pen/ink. As you're drawing the sigil channel your energy into the sigil. This is
your primary connection to the demon. Once you're done, place the paper in
the magic triangle.
Next, place one red candle on each point of the triangle and light them. Then
get inside the magic circle. The circle is there to protect you from the demon,
while the triangle is the place in which the demon will appear and stay until
the ritual is finished. Get the three red
4. Channel Asmodeus into the magic triangle
With the sigil and the candles in their place, and you in the magic circle
protected from the fury of Asmodeus, point your wand on the triangle/sigil
and call forth Asmodeus by commanding 10 times out loud:
Ayer avage aloren Asmoday aken.
This is Asmodeus' demonic enn, words that can be used to channel his
presence in meditation or in this case a summoning ritual.
5. Communicate your request
Once you've called Asmodeus and he's trapped in the triangle, make your
request. Throughout this process keep the wand pointed at the triangle. The
wand is necessary to keep the demon in place and charge his energy from the
astral plane.
Say exactly what you need assistance with. Be polite and respectful, but
never bow down to the demon. You are now in the same place that King
Solomon was when he ordered the demons to build the Temple of Jerusalem.
It is time to be firm and act like a king/queen would act in presence of a loyal
knight that stands before him/her.
Asmodeus might ask you to seal a pact, by offering to help you in exchange
for a favor. Make sure to evaluate that proposal carefully. If he's asking for
too much, reject his offer and propose something different until you reach an
agreement that is satisfying to both sides.
For example, Asmodeus might ask that you build him a temple in your home
and worship him, or that you spread his word by writing a dedicating a book
to him. Or he might ask that you perform some immoral acts.
Don't agree to anything that you're not comfortable with. When you agree
and make a pact however, always follow through because your word is
everything in magic. By not following through, your future magic rituals will
be less effective because the spirits will no longer trust you to follow through
on your promises.
6. Close the ritual
Once you've received satisfactory answers from Asmodeus, close the ritual
by no longer pointing the wand at the triangle. As you release the channeling
of energy through the wand, say out loud: "I release you Asmodeus. Go now
and do my bidding."
You can now remove all the ritualistic items and store them away. However,
don't destroy the paper/parchment with the sigil. Store the sigil in a safe
location until your wishes have been fulfilled. When that is finished, destroy
the sigil by burning it or using some other method that makes it clear that you
no longer need Asmodeus' assistance.
Final Word: How to summon Asmodeus
Asmodeus is a very powerful demon and his passionate energy can
sometimes be overwhelming. He can excite passions in the magician, and that
can be either good or bad depending on one's character and life situation.
Keep this in mind before summoning Asmodeus.
Having said that, Asmodeus can be of great service when it comes to learning
a new skill, becoming a more powerful individual, receiving answers on
various inquiries and becoming rich by "finding treasures". In most cases that
translates to business ideas and opportunities that come out of nowhere to the
summoner. Hope this helps!
Amon, The Manipulator
Many have attempted to summon Amon and many have failed. Read the
Goetia description of this demon and see if you ACTUALLY need his
assistance or not. Summoning a demon just for the fun of it is foolish at best,
and it seems that Amon is attracting such unwanted attention more than other
demons, for whatever reason. As stated in the infamous grimoire:
The Seventh Spirit is Amon. He is a Marquis great in power, and most stern.
He appeareth like a Wolf with a Serpent's tail, vomiting out of his mouth
flames of fire; but at the command of the Magician he putteth on the shape of
a Man with Dog's teeth beset in a head like a Raven; or else like a Man with
a Raven's head (simply). He telleth all things Past and to Come. He
procureth feuds and reconcileth controversies between friends. He governeth
40 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this which is to be worn as aforesaid, etc.
As we can deduce from the text, Amon can assist with:
- Divination
- Reconciling with friends and others you have an issue with
- According to some demonolators and practicing magicians who do not
wish to be named, Amon can also assist in romantic dealings, to the
point of hypnotizing a love interest.
There are two valid ways to summon Amon:
1. The Night Offering
Amon may appear during day or night, but nighttime is the preferred setting
for this ritual. Place an offering of raw meat next to the door of your bedroom
before going to sleep. Make this the finest piece of meat you can procure.
Then as you're preparing to sleep repeat Amon's Enn (words used to meditate
upon a demon and call him for assistance): Avage secore Amon ninan.
You will very likely meet Amon in one or more of your dreams that night. If
you have a habit of keeping a dream journal, your chances of recollecting this
experience upon waking up will be greater. If you don't have a habit of
recollecting dreams, you might not remember the experience although it
might have happened. In either case, this is one of the simplest way of
summoning Amon.
As far as the meat is concerned, don't throw it away in the morning. Keep it
in the fridge or somewhere else until Amon has helped you deal with the
issue or you no longer need his assistance. This offering is also the
connection with the demon, "who feasts until satisfied". When you dispose of
the meat, the ritual is complete and Amon can go back to roaming freely in
the astral plane.
2. Amon Sigil Evocation
Sigil magic is simple and powerful way of connecting with any demon. But
unlike the night offering, it depends a lot on the magician's ability to let go of
other thoughts and focus solely on his goal and the sigil during the evocation.
These are the steps:
- Sit comfortably in a chair
- Draw Amon's sigil on a piece of paper (the process of writing is
already part of the evocation)
- Once you've drawn the sigil, meditate in the chair until you've reached
a state of calmness and are no longer disturbed by daily worries. In
other words, reach the state of mindfulness
- Once you're present in the moment, start to gaze at Amon's sigil in
front of you. Either hold it in your hand or keep it on the table. Some
magicians prefer to hold the paper in their hand so they can keep it
closer to their head while sitting in nice posture. But it can get
physically tiring and ruin concentration for others. Experiment and find
the most comfortable method for yourself.
- As you gaze into Amon's sigil, channel your deepest wishes and
desires into the sigil, making it an energetic vortex that will attract
Amon into your life. Gaze at the sigil for as long as you think is
necessary. The usual length of time is five to twenty minutes, but it can
take much longer in some cases.
- When you're done, store the sigil in a safe place. A small wooden box
dedicated to magical operations is the best place. Another option is an
isolated drawer or a good hiding place. It's important that no one
touches the sigil until you've received the results you're after. Another
person's energy can cause confusion and seriously impact the results.
When you no longer need Amon's help, burn the paper or dispose of it
in some other way.
Further thoughts on these rituals
You will notice that these rituals follow the same pattern and are in many
ways alike. As an individual, you might prefer a different approach, either the
use of different ritualistic objects or different actionable sequences. The vital
aspect of rituals is to know why you are performing a certain action or using
a given object. What type of mental state are you attempting to create, how
does it align with the characteristics of the spirit and the ultimate goal of the
Much of this insight comes from pure intuition. A magician is an artist and a
poet as much as he is a scientist. The blend of the creative and logical
faculties facilitates a venturing beyond the two opposites into an arcane realm
of magic. For such reasons I am against all magical dogmas that mimic
religion and science. Your magical operations are your own, and they are
bound to be unique even if you follow someone else’s instructions.
The rituals shared in this book are meant to serve as inspiration and guidance.
Regardless of how well you implement them, you will have to carve your
own path if you wish to become a powerful mage on your own.
The following two chapters, Spiritual Entities and Trance Induction were
originally published in The Warrior-Magician Manual. I have decided to
include them due to the universal importance of this knowledge for
performing any magical operation.

Chapter 4: Spiritual Entities

First of all, what are spiritual entities? The answer can vary greatly depending
on who you ask this question. Some occultists consider them to be forces that
exist either in the external universe, or within our minds or perhaps both.
They can also be thought of as vessels through which the magician can
manipulate the otherwise shapeless energy into a more concrete expression.
If we follow the last interpretation, these forces don't actually have any free
will, but they do possess a certain potential that distinguishes them from one
another. Since these forces don't exist in the physical universe, they don't
have a physical appearance of their own. But in order to communicate our
intention more effectively, we have a tendency to create a physical
appearance for them. Having said that, this appearance generating process is
not entirely arbitrary. These vessels for energy conform to universal
archetypes just like the summoner conforms to his own character traits. So it's
typical for angels to embody white and glowing colors and have a beautiful
appearance, and for demons to be awkward creatures you'd stumble upon in a
nightmare. A demon that grants wisdom and knowledge such as Furbas is
depicted as a hermit with a long beard, Mammon the demon of avarice as a
slightly obese monster covered in golden clothing, while the archangel
Raphael has a pleasant angelic appearance, wears a white tunic and often
boasts large glowing wings.
These descriptions are found in grimoires, written by magicians who've either
summoned these forces or got inspired to depict them as such. Descriptions
vary in details from one grimoire to the next, since not any two magicians
will see the exact same thing when performing an evocation. The spiritual
entity will always take on an appearance that is most relevant to the
summoner, since it is his own mind that is creating reality. For example, the
same entity could present itself somewhat differently to a magician with a
Hindu or a Christian background. But it would always have symbolic
similarities that reveal to a trained eye that we are dealing with the same
entity. This is why we can cross-reference between different religions and
spiritual paths throughout history and find astonishing similarities.
Keep in mind that universal archetypes can manifest only after they've been
filtered by our subjective perception. Even when it comes to solid objects that
possess a physical appearance, it's impossible to say if two people are seeing
the exact same thing. This is even more true in the spiritual realm than it is in
the physical, where objects are more objectively apparent. We can argue if a
chair is too big or too small or if a person is beautiful or not, but we probably
won't argue about whether a chair has three or four legs or if a person has
ears or not. But since the appearance of spiritual entities is entirely the result
of the summoner's perception and isn't linked to the perception of others, it's
bound to be unique even when two people share the same cultural
The only exception to this rule are group rituals, during which multiple
magicians channel their powers to summon an entity together. Their
combined efforts may indeed merge into a single creation that is seen equally
by all who participate since the conjuring was a joint effort. Psychodelics are
sometimes used along with guidance from a leader of the group whose job is
to keep their collective energies flowing in unison towards the same
Since everything in the universe flows from the mind, everything exists as an
archetype in the mind first, and only then in physical reality to a lesser
degree. Things appear physical after they've been filtered by our subjective
perception. In that sense, even fictional characters and historic heroes can be
considered as vessels of energy in the same way as demons and angels are by
more conservative magicians. Isn't it true that Alexander the Great represents
the mental archetype of a conqueror on the physical plane, and that he's
inspired countless conquerors throughout history who've wished to embody
this archetype themselves? Even comic book characters like Joker and
Batman represent archetypes of chaos and order respectively, and can be of
use for the summoner. Let's not forget that Christians evoke Jesus during
Mass, and Jesus was not a purely spiritual entity according to most
If these historical and fictional characters weren't representative of a powerful
archetype, no one would be inspired by them and they couldn't reach any
significant level of popularity. All the more reason to consider demons such
as Lucifer, Paimon, Astaroth and others whose memory has been preserved
by occultists for centuries as immensely powerful. Some occultists believe
that the more a certain entity is worked with over time, the stronger it
becomes. Lucifer has a powerful spiritual impact on the summoner because
he's been evoked and invoked by countless occultists throughout history,
even before the main figures of mainstream religions came into the scene.
Lucifer obviously comes very close to being the perfect representation of the
archetype of rebellion through knowledge and spiritual enlightenment.
We've explained only one theory about the nature of these entities: they are
thought-creations, more real than the physical universe itself, stars from
which rays of light fall into the physical realm carrying their inner
significance but never themselves in their entirety. No ideal can ever be
completely actualized in reality. This concept is very similar to Plato's
Eternal Ideas. But there are other theories that carry a more fundamentalist
approach to this question. Some occultists believe in the actual existence of
demons, angels and other entities not only as archetypal figures or ideas but
as physical creatures from otherworldly dimensions. These dimensions can
be as physical as the one we currently occupy or more similar to the dreamy
state of the astral plane, the dimension between the realm of pure thought and
the fully physically manifested reality. In either case, they are considered as
beings that have full-fledged desires and ambitions. Summoning them is very
dangerous and requires a lot of preparation. A protective circle must be made,
a bronze dagger used in order to kill a black cock exactly at noon, otherwise
things will go terribly wrong or the ritual will outright fail.
This more fundamentalist approach was very popular throughout the Middle
Ages, when many people believed in the literal existence of all the creatures
mentioned in their holy books and folk tales. With the rise of modern
skepticism from Renaissance onwards, this literalist outlook was slowly
replaced by an attitude that's more philosophical and based on scientific
discoveries. We are particularly interested in this moment by discovers made
in quantum physics. Experiments have shown that the way things appear is
directly linked to the observer, thus altering the Newtonian model of physics
which considered phenomena to always exist in the same way, regardless of
our perception. So instead of treating spiritual entities as crude matter that has
to either exist or not exist in a specific form, modern occultists have taken a
more subjective approach, by which these entities can in fact appear
differently based on the individual's perception.
Occultism is susceptible to cultural shifts and is in fact often the field of
study where they first happen. It's because the most prominent philosophers,
artists and scientists are the ones with the greatest interest in spirituality. It
suffices to mention Hegel's interest in Hermeticism and Newton's alchemical
endeavors, which are rarely mentioned by our contemporaries. And on those
rare occasions when they are mentioned in mainstream outlets, it's only to
showcase their interest in these matters as a "strange hobby", rather than an
integral part of an inquisitive worldview, which it actually is.
Of these two most relevant theories, I am a proponent of the subjectivist
interpretation. If a universal mind has created everything, and we are
connected to this mind by our consciousness, it means that our thoughts have
a significant creative potential. Any thought will create something, because
creation is its entire purpose. Since we are conditioned by our physical
environment to desire certain things and not others, there are established
archetypes that we are especially drawn towards manifesting. But it is we that
create them. Without us, they would have no reason to exist in any shape or
Those entities that have been around for centuries or perhaps thousands of
years are usually the ones that occultists prefer to work with because their
qualities have been proven by the experience of other magicians and because
creating new ones is a difficult task. There is a great, but almost invisible link
of occultists from ancient to present time that can be traced by exploring
grimoires and other testaments of their efforts in calling upon these primal
This tradition of magick wielders and the works they've created are most
precious. Otherwise we'd have to constantly create and experiment with new
entities, something that most summoners, let alone ordinary people are ill-
equipped for. Explore the imagery and description of the 72 demons
presented in the Goetia and compare them with contemporary archetypal
representations found in contemporary culture. You'll notice that the
symbolism in the former remains unmatched despite of the latter being more
visually appealing and culturally relevant. So there's ample reason to stick to
these established entities in our own summoning practice.

Chapter 5: Trance Induction

In order to perform any magickal operation, the magician must get into a
trance state in which his or her consciousness is able to expand and
encapsulate contents of the unconscious mind and from there communicate
with otherworldly planes of reality. Entering the trance state is accomplished
by changing one's brainwave frequency from the usual beta or alpha to a
deeper theta frequency.
All of us are already familiar with the theta frequency: it's the state we reach
as we're about to fall asleep. There are many methods for getting into the
theta state without falling asleep. Some magicians can get into this state more
easily than others. You will know that you've entered a trance state when you
feel more receptive to your own suggestions (self-hypnosis) or external
influences. It's hard to describe this state with words because it can't be
compared with anything but the moment that precedes a dream, when our
internal world is about to fully envelope the external. The difference being
that in a trance state we are fully awake and aware of what is happening.
Depending on the difficulty one experiences in getting into a trance, more
complex and greater variety of tools can be used. Those who are naturally
gifted might only need one simple method or perhaps none at all other than
their desire to change their brainwave frequency. Experienced yogis and
meditators can change their frequency at will without using any external aids.
But if you're not at that stage of your spiritual journey yet, try some of the
following methods:
Chant or repeat a mantra silently. It can be any word that resonates with you
personally. You can't go wrong with using "OM", often touted as the "sound
of the universe". If you're summoning a respectable demon use that particular
demon's enn instead. Enns are sentences (in unknown, demonic language) of
invitation, admiration or requests for protection from particular demons.
You'll notice that repeating these enns produces a distinguishable mental
effect, even more so when you know what forces a demon stands for.
Enns can also be used to strengthen your connection with a demon during
meditation or any moment during the day.
Example: Leviathan is a water elemental. Water is the symbol of the psyche.
If you're feeling stressed out or anxious, repeating Leviathan's enn can have a
calming effect, leading to inner peace and tranquility. Working with
Leviathan in general will direct your focus away from stressful activities into
a more self-carrying lifestyle. In comparison, Mammon is an earth elemental
that represents worldly success, especially wealth. Repeating Mammon's enn
(Mammon tasa on calirach) can be helpful in pushing through obstacles in
this area of life.
Enns are very helpful if you're sound oriented. Chanting one can be very
helpful in entering a trance state. They can also be used in conjunction with
visual aids like sigils of the same demon for an even stronger effect.
Sigil is a powerful visual aid for summoning rituals. It's a symbol of the
particular entity you're trying to summon. Not all entities have a sigil, but
many do, especially the most well known demons and angels. If you want to
connect with a historical figure or a "fictional" character, their symbol can be
used instead.
Again, what is important is getting into the trance state where you can
communicate your intent more effectively. The way you reach this trance
state is irrelevant. Having said that, sigils, just like enns, have been used with
great success for centuries.
Just like demonic enns, you can find sigils online by typing in the entities
name + sigil. A more condensed source for sigils is Goetia (The Lesser Key
of Solomon), a grimoire that contains the most vital information on 72
demons. The Complete Book of Demonolatry by S. Connolly mentions these
and other demons and demonic hierarchies. I recommend getting both of
these books if you want to specifically focus on evoking demons.
While I could list hundreds of sigils, there's no point in doing so if you're not
already familiar with the attributes of these entities and reasons to call upon
them. The primary objective of this chapter is to show you the fundamentals
of summoning rituals. The available information on any entity that you're
actually interested in summoning is already at the tip of your fingertips if you
have a basic Internet connection or the two before-mentioned books.
Leaving that aside, there are different forms in which you can use a sigil as
part of the summoning ritual:
- Print it out
- Draw it on a piece of paper
- Carry a pendant or a piece of clothing with the sigil
From personal experience, drawing a sigil has been the most effective
technique because the drawing process connects you with the energy of that
sigil more effectively. Then stare at the sigil while repeating an enn or
evoking the entity in your own words, depending on ritual instructions.
Brainwave entrainment
Brainwave entrainment is a method of stimulating the brain into entering a
specific state by using a pulsing sound, light, or electromagnetic field. The
pulses elicit the brain’s ‘frequency following’ response, encouraging the
brainwaves to align to the frequency of a given beat.
Binaural beats and isochronic tones are the easiest of brainwave entrainment
forms to use at home. These sounds can be found online both in free and
premium format. Find the ones designed for producing theta brainwave
frequency. Also keep in mind that binaural beats only work with headphones,
while isochronic tones work with headphones and without them.
Focus meditation is often used to enter a trance state. Focusing on a sound
(mantra, chant, enn) and/or an external image such as a sigil or another
symbol for long enough will transfer one's consciousness into the theta state
and align the mind with the contents represented by the sound or image that
one is concentrating upon.
Even if you don't meditate during the ritual, relying instead on a more active
approach, you should meditate at least for a couple of minutes beforehand in
order to purify your mind of unnecessary thoughts. Simply sit for a few
minutes and observe your thoughts as they come into your mind.
Acknowledge them and let go, until you reach the state of mindfulness.
The state of mindfulness is achieved when the mind is completely empty of
thoughts during meditation. At that point you can easily identify any thought
that pops into your consciousness, and let go of it without any effort.
Bodily fluids
Bodily fluids can be introduced in order to amplify the magician's intent
during the ritual. Menstrual blood, semen, making a small cut on the flesh
and draining the blood on the sigil or in a cup, even ritualistic killing of an
animal - these are some methods that are found in popular grimoires.
The main purpose is to perform an action that requires our full attention. The
more complex and emotional the ritual is, the greater of an imprint it will
have on the mind of the magician. Someone conducting a ritual for the first
time usually doesn't require any of these extra incentives because a sigil or an
enn recitation will already be enough to make them shudder with excitement.
Where bodily fluids come into play as sacrifice or sexual magick are
primarily group rituals. Group rituals require something extraordinary to bind
all the participants together, otherwise their attentions will wander off into
separate directions. For this reason sexual orgies and intoxicants such as
psylobicin and plain old wine are often used during group rituals and
initiatory processes.
Whether you should experiment with any of these tools is ultimately your
personal choice. But I'm obliged to caution against unsanitary and dangerous
extractions of any bodily fluids, especially blood. Make sure you're able to
conduct a safe procedure before using any sharp objects on yourself or others.
Ritual Items
The most commonly used ritual items are: incense, candles, dagger, sword,
wand, pentacle, chalice, book, amulets and talismans, a crystal ball, ordinary
mirror, scrying mirror, magician's robe.
Incense is an affordable, safe and simple addition for creating a more
atmospheric ritual. You'll notice that the soothing effects of the smoke and
the pleasant smell make trance induction much easier. Candles can be used
instead of artificial lighting to create an even better atmosphere.
A book or some other reading device may come in handy in order to read a
recitation of a spell or perhaps a hymn to the entity you're trying to summon,
or to simply have the step-by-step instructions for the ritual at hand.
Some ceremonial magicians prefer to use a dagger, others a sword. Daggers
have been traditionally used for banishing rituals, and they represent the fire
element. Swords represent the air element, and are commonly used to create
protective circles, either by encircling oneself by moving the tip of the sword
on the ground or by moving it across air. They can also be used to mark a
pentagram, a sigil or any other symbol in the air that is relevant for the
Mirrors can provide an interesting experience when summoning otherworldly
entities. A scrying mirror is especially valuable for summoning rituals, as it is
through the mirror that the entity can more easily appear in a physical shape.
Talismans and amulets that are relevant for the ritual based on their described
natural powers or past enchantments performed can also be used to amplify
the ritual.
Lastly, take care of your personal appearance. Dressing well for public
ceremonies and your private rituals adds dignity to the process and elevates it
in your own mind and in the minds of others.
Once you've entered a trance state it's time to summon the entity and to
communicate the question you have. It can be a question about past, present
or future events or a task such as help in health, finances, knowledge,
protection, love and much more. It all depends on the entity you've decided to
summon, so make sure you've read its description or that you’re attracted to
the spirit through higher intuition.

Chapter 6: The Magician’s Attitude

“It is only by working the rituals, that any significant degree of
understanding can develop. If you wait until you are positive you
understand all aspects of the ceremony before beginning to work, you
will never begin to work.” ― Lon Milo DuQuette, TheMagick of Aleister
Crowley: A Handbook of the Rituals of Thelema
Whenever we speak of visible forms, animate or inanimate, it’s useful to
reduce them in our minds to a collection of that single, universal substance
they all share, which is energy. Energy, while being the same when reduced
to its basic particle, is shaped by the vessels that contain it, just as clay can be
shaped into any form the artist envisions.
Therefore, when we speak of summoning a demon, an angel, a servitor or an
egregore, let us first acknowledge that this entity is merely a vessel of energy.
By following this sensible line of reasoning, we won’t fall into the trap of
superstitious fears or adoration of any god, totem or abstract ideal. We will
use all vessels of energy as tools with clear intent, instead of being used by
them through emotional manipulation. We can thus act as kings, in a practical
and detached manner, an attitude necessary for keeping the borders of our
mind safe from mental parasites.
For what is the purpose of bowing down to any god, let alone a demon if not
to gain something beneficial from our relationship? When we no longer
require the assistance of a spirit or idea (the two acting in almost the same
way, as all visible manifestations emanate from Ideas if we follow Platonic
reasoning), we may as well dispense with them, instead of running ourselves
unto a tragic path. Ideas have a life of their own, they can become parasites of
the mind. Nations, while useful for social organization, can become idealized
to a point where one is willing to sacrifice life to a nation’s cause. The same
is true of religions, philosophies, even football clubs. Have there not been
many bruises and heads smashed with bottles due to events as stupid as a
football match gone wrong? We are the ones who dictate the importance of
ideas, events, gods and demons. We can build them up into giants or lower
them to invisible specs. Their true power in the external universe is highly
dependent on the status we grantthem.
When it comes to the application of this detached outlook in magickal
operations, we can mention it through the prism of summoning rituals.
Sometimes a magician will feel an attraction to a particular entity without any
clear reason. This can lead to a fall in senseless demonolatry, as the magician
becomes a servant of the entity instead of using a mutually beneficial
relationship for personal gain. While often a harmless devotion, demonolatry
is quite degrading and pointless. Why serve and worship demons if you can
employ them to fulfill your own ends through ritual magic? Why should you
be a servant instead of a king? In equal fashion, why worship God or Allah
and follow their rules when time and time again they’ve proven to be
unreliable masters, willing to sacrifice their own believers out of sheer
cruelty? One is better off being his own god, and having part-time
relationships with spiritual entities, based on the requirements of one’s
This detached attitude can protect us from harmful and fickle spirits, since
they are, as mentioned in the beginning of this chapter, nothing more than
vessels of energy, deriving their form and meaning only through a universal
archetype they’re attached to and by our mind that can grasp the connection.
If any of those two go missing, the spirit no longer has power to do either
good or harm. We don’t have access to universal archetypes, but we have
access to that second crucial factor, which is our own mind, our own
If a magician requires warrior-like attributes to move past an obstacle it can
be useful to devote his or her energy to Mars, Belial or a similar warrior
spirit. If health is an issue, the archangel Raphael or demon Buer can be
mightily useful companions. But after the issue has been resolved and our
priorities change, there’s no longer any real need to stick to these same
entities. How much misfortune could the Jewish people have prevented if
they dispensed with their ungrateful god Yahweh? If they had only accepted
the dominant religion of their host countries, would their history be one of
persecution or peace and prosperity? Haven’t they proven that they are more
than capable in science, finances and a myriad of other endeavors, but they
slaved away for centuries out of a misplaced sense of loyalty to Yahweh?
Hasn’t their god been the true sadist if he refused to come to their rescue for
centuries despite of their fanatical devotion? In the same vein, how many
Christian martyrs suffered to spread Christianity, which shortly after
becoming the official religion of the Roman Empire transformed into a
washed down version of the pagan beliefs it so vehemently opposed?
Egregores (collective spirits) don’t care about their servants. An egregore
views its followers as replaceable components, hypnotized to sacrifice
themselves for its survival and growth. What is the point of fighting for the
future of an egregore exactly? What does it matter if an idea prospers in a
time when we are no longer alive to witness it and enjoy the fruits of our
torment? Before devising any plan and performing any ritual let us remind
ourselves that our personal gain is of utmost importance. Self-sacrifice for a
just cause can be an act of beauty and through beautyjustified, but it should
not be a result of ideological possession, as in that case the warrioris akin to
a sleep walker heading into a fire.

Chapter 7: The Mental Citadel Project

“Esoterically, the Hanged Man is the human spirit which is suspended
from heaven by a single thread. Wisdom, not death, is the reward for
this voluntary sacrifice during which the human soul, suspended above
the world of illusion, and meditating upon its unreality, is rewarded by
the achievement of self-realization.” ― Manly P. Hall, The Secret
Teachings of All Ages
Thoughts are imagination in the abstract. Imagination also includes visual
and auditory inner experience. In other words, one can see images, hear
voices and music… there’s a thin veil separating the so called objective
reality that we share with other individuals and our own inner world. Yet, the
Western man has a tendency to treat thoughts as the only valuable aspect of
inner life, as seen by our education system, by the dominant religions of our
world culture, by the prosecution and belittling of magic. It’s as if only the
formally skilled artists have an abundance of spirit, while the rest of
humanity should be satisfied with consuming their prechewed creations,
having no teeth of their own.
This development can be attributed to the venomous influence of
Christianity, as the clergymen have always been afraid of doubt and rebellion
towards their God, even if these naughty imaginations weren’t acted out in
reality at all. The history of witch hunts and the Inquisition has more to do
with stifling imagination of the increasingly rebellious populace than finding
any true acts of devilry (since there were hardly any to be found). For this
reason the Church was also against mnemonics, the highly effective method
of memorization used by renaissance occultists such as Giordano Bruno and
Marsilio Ficino.
Magick is highly dependent on imagination, as the magician requires strong
visualization skills in order to manifest invisible spirits and to feel the effects
of his rituals. Instead of equating imagination with falsehood as the old
religious and today’s scientism worshipping clergy would have us do only
because it’s inherently a subjective experience, we should treat it as a
powerful tool, different, but on par in importance with our reasoning
faculties. Tibetan Buddhist monks were known to spend years in solitude
creating their own tuplas in order to come to terms with the illusory nature of
reality. After this long ritualistic process the monk would realize that his
mind and the world outside of the mind are one and the same. If it weren’t so,
he couldn’t be able to create a spiritual being by meditation and visualization
techniques alone. And yet, he is able to do so, thus merging two supposedly
separate and wholly different parts of human experience into a single
Unless we accept this relativistic position in regards to reality, our magick
can amount to no more than psychological influence, self-hypnosis and such.
However, as the contemporary theoretical physicists ought to agree, reality is
highly dependent on the observer. Experiments of quantum physics have
demonstrated that a particle behaves differently depending on the observer’s
presence or lack thereof. This discovery at least partially validates what
occultists of all cultures have known for thousands of years, namely that the
mind or Spirit, depending on which philosopher you read, creates reality.
Scientists still have some catching up to do on the wisdom of ancient masters,
but there’s no reason to be pessimistic about them getting there eventually.
It is up to us, practicing magicians, to put theory into practice, as we have
done for centuries. For that reason, I will share a very beneficial visualization
method called Building a Citadel. The purpose of this visualization is to
improve imaginative capabilities, which will improve one’s power in
manifesting desires in the (so called) objective reality.
Sit in a meditative posture on the floor or on a chair. Alternatively, lay down
on a firm mattress or a yoga mat. Meditate by focusing on your breathing, a
mantra or pure nothingness until your mind is clear of thoughts. Then, use
your imagination to create your Citadel, your magical palace. This edifice can
contain any people, demons, angels, fairies, servants, warriors, statues,
decorations or other things you can imagine. Create your Citadel with utmost
care and pleasure.
Imagine yourself as a king of a magical land where all your dreams can come
true. How would your home, your royal palace look like? Imagine yourself
walking through the rooms you’ve decorated to the finest detail, having
conversations with the courtiers and servants, shooting a bow, having sexual
encounters with whichever entities you like, participating in various events
and inviting other royals over for dinner.
The real power of this technique is in its regular repetition. Perform this
visualization technique every day, and stick to the same Citadel. Treat it like
a world-generating project. After a period of persistent practice, you will
have an elaborate system of relationships, court intrigues and events
happening in a large palace that you’ve designed in your head and can easily
transport yourself into at any given moment, living a sort of double life that
becomes similar to lucid dreaming.
Just like the Buddhist monk creating a spiritual entity for years, you can
create an inner world (and after some time move further, creating an entire
landscape) that will become more vivid the more time you spend within it.
This project is similar to world-building methods used by fantasy writers,
except for the fact that they end up placing their imagination on paper. I
recommend against doing that, as manifesting releases the energy of the
creation in its pre-manifested state. Build your citadel, refine its inner
workings and expand beyond its borders to create a more intense inner world.
The same is true of sexual energy. It’s never more powerful than while
restrained. Sexual imagination is the greatest when there is pent up tension
within. We can attribute the criminal perversions of clergymen to this fact
alone. As soon as we’ve released the tension, a sense of disinterest for the
object of sexual gratification is bound to overcome us.
For the skeptics who will say that this is after all only a dream and shouldn’t
be taken as seriously, let us recall the Hindu belief that the material world is
nothing more than a dream of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord
Vishnu. The Vedanta Sutra describes it as such:
In that place there are neither chariots nor animals yoked to chariots. He
creates the chariots and animals yoked to chariots. In that place there are
neither happiness, nor pleasures, nor bliss. He creates the pleasures there. In
that place there are neither streams nor ponds nor lotus flowers. He creates
them. He is the creator.

“Know that the philosopher has power over the stars, and not the stars
over him.” ― Paracelsus
We live in an age that allows for fast communication, abundant knowledge
and easy to obtain material resources. We live in an age of meritocracy,
despite of social concerns about wealth inequality, censorship and somewhat
worrying political developments.
Compared to any other time, ours is the one that provides true potential for
greatness to those who know how to put magickal principles into action. If
reality is a manifestation of thoughts, and thoughts are a manifestation of
attitudes, the first task of an ambitious magician is to transform his attitude
into one that will allow the desired vision of the future to unfold. It is vital to
think of yourself as a god, a demi-god, a powerful magician, a conqueror, as
from that position all tasks will be easier to accomplish.
Magick is also a way to liberate oneself from a biologically and socially
designated persona. This was a known fact in traditional societies, wherein
initiatory rites were performed to transform boys into men, and girls into
women. Our contemporary society lacks official initiatory rites, for better or
worse. It’s a clear lack as far as social cohesion is concerned, but it can also
be seen as a beneficial development, since it allows the individual to take on
any persona that he or she desires instead of being given one by others.
Unfortunately, most denizens are under the influence of scientism and narrow
materialism, which limits their potential in this and many other endeavors.
They fail to realize that all things are muddled by human perceptions, and
social relations especially. Even biology can be manipulated to a larger and
larger extent. Sex change operations, cosmetic surgeries, performance
enhancing drugs, perverse as they may seem, are philosophically speaking
nothing more than materialistic methods of modifying reality to suit one’s
attitudes and preferences. In other words, they are magick, albeit of a crude
and barbaric kind.
We can thus conclude that a magickal lifestyle bears fruit only when a radical
approach is taken both in attitude and practice. The minute details are of
secondary importance, as they are birthed from the proper attitude of the
magician and can thus take on an endless variety of forms. If you forget
everything you’ve read in this book, but take away, internalize and act on this
final point, I will consider it a job well done.

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