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I. Choose a correct answer !

1. She is a …, she helps women delivery their baby.

a. Dentist
b. Housewife
c. Nurse
d. Midwife
2. “ina” = ….
a. Er, ni, i
b. Ai, ne, ei
c. Ay, en, ei
d. I, en, a
3. … have a big ears and long ivory.
a. Elephants
b. Lions
c. Bears
d. Dogs
4. That is a w _ r _ r _ b _
a. a,d,o,e
b. u,p,a,d
c. o,d,u,p
d. a,b,u,b
The questions for number 5 – 8 !
My name is Kimmy Timothy. My friend call me Kimmy. I was born in Bandar Lampung, Mey 18 th
1993. My little sister named Hani, she is number two. And the third is my young brother Irfan. I am son of
couple Bambang Hasim and Junaida.
5. How old is Kimmy ?
a. 24 year
b. 25 year
c. 26 year
d. 27 year
6. Kimmy is … daughter.
a. First
b. Two
c. Third
d. Four
7. Who is the name Kimmy’s parents ….
a. Bambang Hasim and Junaida
b. Hani and Irfan
c. Junaida and Irfan
d. Bambang Hasim and Hani
8. Does Irfan younger than Hani ?
a. Yes, He does
b. No, He doesn’t
c. Yes
d. No
The questions for number 9 - 11
Raditya Dika
Raditya Dika is a young man from Jakarta. He was born on December 28th, 1984 in Jakarta.
Radit (familiar) is a writer, actor, comedians, models, and also a very successful director in Indonesia.
The first work that made him famous was the book titled “Kambing Jantan: Sebuah Catatan
Harian Pelajar Bodoh in 2005.” The book talked about his life when he was studying at the University of
Adelaide, Australia.
A year later, in 2006, he published his second book entitled “Cinta Brontosaurus.” This second
book was almost the same as the previous book, the stories in the book raditya were mostly from his
personal story.

9. What is the job Raditya Dika ?

a. Writer
b. Actor
c. Comedians
d. a,b,c is true
10. What is the first book title Raditya Dika ?
a. Kambing Jantan: Sebuah Catatan Harian Pelajar Bodoh in 2005
b. Cinta Brontosaurus
c. Stand up Comedy
d. Koala
11. How old Raditya Dika?
a. 32 years old
b. 33 years old
c. 34 years old
d. 35 years old
The text for number 12 and 13 !
Dina is a Junior High School student. She is in the second grade now and she is a smart student. Her
school is an Semar street. The school has twenty four classrooms and one library. It also has a wide school
Dina and her friends like to play in the school yard. It is fun to play there. Dina likes English lesson very
much. Her English teacher is Mrs. Ria. She is a good teacher.
12. What information can we get base on the text ?
a. English lesson is very fun
b. Dina likes English lesson
c. Dina has a good English teacher
d. The school library is comfortable
13. “ She is a smart student ”
The closest meaning of the underlined word is ….
a. Pretty
b. Clever
c. Carefull
d. Diligent
14. Her address is … Jl. Hayam Wuruk 33C.
a. Above
b. In
c. On
d. At
The Fox and the Graphes
One afternoon there was a fox that was walking through that forest and …(15) a bunch of grapes hanging
from over a lofty branch. “Just the thing to quench my thirst,” quoted the fox. Taking a few steps backward,
the fox …(16) but unfortunately he missed the hanging grapes. Again the fox took a few paces backward,
ran, and tried to reach them but he still failed.
Finally, giving up, the fox … (17) up his nose and said, “They’re probably sour anyway,” and proceeded to
walk away.
15. a. Spot
b. Spots
c. Spotted
d. Spotting
16. a. Jumped
b. Jump
c. Jumping
d. Jumps
17. a. Turns
b. Turned
c. Turning
d. Turn

Read the text below and answer questions number 18 – 22 !

Penguins are birds that can not fly. Their wings are flippers which they use to help them travel up to
thirty miles per hour in water. They also use their flippers for balancing as they walk.
Penguin eat fish. They spend most of their time in the water. Penguins lay their eggs and raise their
young on land. There are many different kinds of penguins. Emperor penguins are the largest species of
penguin and can grow to be about four feet tall, and weigh about one hundred pounds. Some other well
known penguins are the king penguin, the macaroni penguin and Adelie penguin.
18. A penguin can swim up to … miles per hour.
a. Twenty
b. Fifty
c. Thirty
d. Forty
19. A penguin is a bird that can not ….
a. Walk
b. Fly
c. Swim
d. Crawl
20. Penguins spend of their time in the …
a. Desert
b. Water
c. Zoo
d. Snow
21. The … penguin is the largest penguin.
a. Emperor
b. King
c. Macaroni
d. Adelia
22. Penguin like to eat ….
a. Pizza
b. Fish
c. Eggs
d. Meat
23. (-) I did not have lunch today
The positive sentence is ….
a. I had lunch today
b. I did had lunch today
c. I did have lunch today
d. I have lunch today
24. Which one is the correct statement ?
a. The picture is hanging on the wall
b. The picture is hanging at the wall
c. The picture is hanging in the wall
d. The picture is hanging to the wall
25. Which is the correct statement ?
a. The doctor works on the hospital
b. The doctor works at the hospital
c. The doctor works in the hospital
d. The doctor works to the hospital

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