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Obesse people have a pretty bad diet, they usually eat al lot of fast food items that contain

a lot of
calories.If people want to get in shape they should focus on:
-busy lifestyle
First up, the diet,you know the expression,”one apple a day, keeps the doctor away”, obese people
should eat low calorie foods, like: salads, veggies, fruits etc.However, they should avoid sweets, they
should keep eating sweats because its better for your body.
Obesse people usually have don’t have a busy lifestyle, because no one wants to be friends with a pig,
I know I’m being mean, but I’m also being realistic if they thet going with that diet they will be having
friends and a happy life.
Now the most important part is the exercise, people wonder “where does fat go after you do exercise”
the answear is through breathing, sweating most of the time and the toiled work.
The obvious conclusion to be drawn is that obese people need to change their life style.

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