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Methodology Exam

Part I : Circle the letter of the correct answer :

1- How can you tell if your research questions are good ?

a- If they force you to narrow the scope of your research
b- If they study a broad area of interest
c- If they guide your literature search
d- If they are linked together to help you construct a coherent argument.
2- When a researcher attempts to clarify why and how there is a relationship between
two aspects of a situation or phenomenon, he is carrying out ……………….. study.
a- An exploratory b- an explanatory
c- correlational d- descriptive
3- The qualitative research strategy placesa value on :
a- Focusing on a smaller population but probing deeper into a given problem.
b- Using numbers, measurements, and statistical techniques.
c- Generating theories through inductive research about social meaning.
d- Conducting researh that requires large sample sizes.
4- Which research design is most appropriate if the researcher starts from the cause and
attempts to determine in the effects.
a- Case study b- non-experimental design c

c- experimental design d- correlational study design

5- In order to examine te social behaviour of Chimpanzees, researchers spent several

years observing them in their native habitat. Which research method was used in this
example ?
a- Case study b- experimental method

c- naturalistic observation d-correlational study observation

6- Which of the following is NOT a type of non-probability sampling ?

a- Convenience sampling b- stratified random sampling

c- quota sampling d- snowball sampling

Part II : Find the term that best corresponds to the definition. Write your answer in the
space provided (8 points)

1- Such studies are carried out to measure the efficacy of a program ……………….
2- Reseach studies that take place over a long period of time are known : ………………..
3- The research which is undertaken for the sake of knowledge without any intention
to apply it in practice is referred to as …………………………………….
4- In this type of research, both the effects and the cause have already occured and are
studied by the researcher …………………………………….
5- Retrospective studies make use of ……………………………………………. data.
6- All the units under consideration in any field of enquiry constitute a ………….. or a ….
7- The process of assigning numerals or other symbols to answers so that the
responses an be put into limited number of categories and classes is known as ……….
8- When observation affects the behaviour of participants being observed, it generates
what is knows as the ……………. Effect.

Part III :

Q1 : (8points)

Can you classify the following examples as good research ? explain why or why not ?

A master student prepared a paper on «the use of computer as a teaching tool » after
reviewing literature on the subject in his library, he wrote his paper and calle dit a

Q2 : (8points)

What are the problems that might be generated by the use of rating scales? Briefly
outline the problems. Then give an example of a three directional rating scale.

Q3 : Distinguish between structured and unstructured interviews.

Technology and Language Learning and Teaching

Write an essay on ONE of the following topics :

T1 : « by using technologies in the language classroom, we can better prepare students
for the kinds of international cross-cultural interations which are increasingly required
for success in academic, vocational, or personal life ».

In the light of this quotation, account for the importance of integrating technology in the
EFL classroom.

T2 : In order to make the integration of technology in the language classroom succesful,
some conditions need to be provided ; and equally important, teachers and learners
should play new roles. Discuss. (Algerian context)
T3 : the prospective of E-learning and blended learning is gaining importance worldwide.
Account for its significance in foreign language learning, and ways of making it successful
in Algeria.

Issues in Language Learning and Teaching

Choose TWO issues from the list (excluding the topic of your own presentation). Write
a simple essay about each : learner autonomy, leaner strategies, learner motivation,
learner differences, literature in EFL departments, EFL teacher education, mission of
Algerian EFL department, classroom management, conflict resolution in the classroom,
quality assurance for university teaching, EQ, and education and corruption.

Issue 1 : 07 points

English : 06/20 (-0.5) for each mistake

Issue 2 : 07 points

Theories of Learning
Q1/ What are the major characteristics of behaviour modification theory ?

Q2/ What are the three laws of Thorndike ?

Q3/ You are given an experiment (you are already familiar with in class) and you
explain it and you comment on it.

(The experiment is about three groups of rats that run the maze).

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