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Beliefs and Practices about Astrology


Respondent 1: (7-21 years old)

1. Yes, I believe in zodiac signs. I believe that a person’s personality can be
predicted by their respective zodiac signs. For example, my zodiac sign
which is Leo, some of my traits based on my zodiac sign are confident,
ambitious, sensitive on the inside but not always portrayed on the outside,
outgoing, and many more traits. Those traits were really my personality. In
conclusion, I believe in Horoscopes which forecasts a person’s personality
based on the time of birth.
2. I think no, because even if I believe in astrology, I don’t take it as the basis in
my daily life. For me, it’s just fun to believe and know about zodiac signs but
I don’t let it affect my life.

Respondent 2: (22-36 years old)

1. Yes, I believe in sun signs, which are the bases for astrological predictions. I
believe in horoscope, which can predict about future events in a person’s
2. No, for me it’s just supports other people’s (who believe in astrology) social
life and help them understand the people surrounds them.

Respondent 3: (37-51 years old)

1. No, I don’t believe in any practices or anything about astrology. It’s only a
superstition or myths.
2. No, astrology doesn’t affect my life. For me, it’s on you to decide if you will
let astrology influence your life, and as the one who don’t believe in any
practices about the certain topic, it didn’t affect my life at all.

Respondent 4: (52-70 years old)

1. Yes, I do believe that the star can give directions which is the Polaris or the
North Star. I also believe that the star was a miraculous sign to mark the
birth of the Christ. I believe that the position of the stars were God’s way of
telling stories.
2. Yes, it affects how I think. I depend on those beliefs. It’s like it is my basis in
my daily life.

1. Yes, I do believe in horoscopes. I believe that the alignment of stars and
planets can predict individual’s mood and personality depending on when
he/she was born.
2. No, because we are the one to decide if we let these beliefs affect our life. I
believe in astrology, just for fun or for entertainment but I don’t take it as a
basis in my everyday living.

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