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In our society, education is a key social institution. Within and outside of the educational
system, education serves a variety of purposes. It serves the purpose of preparing the person for a
range of social roles and personality development.
Socialization: Socialization is the main purpose of education. The populace is ignorant of their
society's culture. They need to understand them, as well as how their society operates.
Development of Personality: When it comes to personality development, education is crucial.
According to Durkheim, the goal of education is to "awaken and develop in the child those
physical intellectual and moral states which are required of him both by his society as a whole
and by the milieu for which he is specially designed." A person's physical, mental, and emotional
makeup, as well as his temperament and character, can all be developed with the aid of
Social Control: Through the transmission of a way of life and the dissemination of ideas and
values to the next generation, education plays a crucial role in regulating individual behavior.
Social Integration: Education also helps people become a part of the larger society by instilling
values in them. The school's curriculum, "extracurricular" activities, and the informal
interactions between students and teachers all work to spread certain values and social skills like
cooperation, teamwork, obedience, and fair play.
Determination of Status: Education plays a significant role in determining a person's status.
From the lower working class to the upper class, education leads to economic opportunity, so
education level is a good indicator of socioeconomic status. Young people acquire higher status
jobs than their parents do thanks to their education, and as a result of their higher incomes and
associations with people of higher status, education serves as a pathway to socioeconomic

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