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Eng :Basma Elsharkawy

 Sheet MCQ Number 1


 Sheet True or False Number 19

 Every software project has a trade off
between Sheet MCQ Number 3

 Functionality,

 cost

 time.

 More functionality adds extra costs for

development, testing, maintenance and so

 It is a four step process, which includes

 Feasibility Study
 This feasibility study is focused towards goal of the organization.
 This study analyzes whether the software product can be practically
materialized in terms of implementation, contribution of project to
organization, cost constraints and as per values(benefits) and objectives
of the organization.
 Requirement Gathering
 If the feasibility report is positive towards undertaking the project, next
phase starts with gathering requirements from the user.
 Analysts and engineers communicate with the client and end-users to
know their ideas on what the software should provide and which features
they want the software to include. Sheet MCQ Number 4

 Software Requirement Specification(SRS)

SRS defines how the intended software will interact with hardware, external
interfaces, speed of operation, response time of system, portability of software
across various platforms, maintainability, speed of recovery after crashing,
Security, Quality, Limitations etc.
 Software Requirement Validation
After requirement specifications are developed, the requirements mentioned in this
document are validated.
User might ask for illegal, impractical solution or experts may interpret the
requirements incorrectly. Requirements can be checked against following conditions :
 If they can be practically implemented
 If they are valid and as per functionality and domain of software
 If there are any ambiguities
 If they are complete

Sheet True or False Number 6


 Feasibility Study can be considered as introductory

realization that helps the management to take decision
about whether study of system should be feasible for
development or not. Sheet MCQ Number 18 and True or False
Number 14

 The main objective of a feasibility study is to acquire

problem scope instead of solving the problem.
 The output of a feasibility study is a formal system
proposal act as decision document which includes the
complete nature and scope of the proposed system.
Sheet True or False Number 10

 Economic Feasibility
 Technical Feasibility
 Operational Feasibility
 Behavioral Feasibility
 Schedule Feasibility

 It is evaluating the effectiveness of candidate system by

using cost/benefit analysis method.
 It demonstrates the net benefit from the candidate
system in terms of benefits and costs to the
 The main aim of Economic Feasibility Analysis (EFS) is to
estimate the economic requirements of candidate
system before investments funds are committed to
 How cost-effective is the project or solution?

 Cost-benefit analysis

 It analyzes and determines whether the solution can

be supported by existing technology or not.
 The analyst determines whether current technical
resources be upgraded or added it that fulfill the
new requirements.
 How practical is the technical solution?

 How available are technical resources and


 It determines whether the system is operating

effectively once it is developed and implemented.
 It ensures that the management should support the
proposed system and its working feasible in the
current organizational environment.
 It analyzes whether the users will be affected and
they accept the modified or new business methods
that affect the possible system benefits.
 How well will the solution work in the

Behavioral Feasibility
 It helps in determining if the system requires special
effort to educate, retrain, transfer, and changes in
employee’s job status on new ways of conducting
Schedule Feasibility Sheet MCQ Number 19
 It ensures that the project should be completed within
given time constraint or schedule.
 It also verifies and validates whether the deadlines of
project are reasonable or not.
Interviews with Clients

 One-on-one interviews are the most common technique for

gathering requirements, as well as one of the primary sources of
 When preparing an interview is it important to ask open-ended
questions, as well as closed-ended questions as (T/F or MCQ).
 Open-ended questions generally help in obtaining valuable
information, based on various individuals and the way the different
way they interact with, or view, the system. These types of
questions require the interviewee to explain or describe their
thoughts, and cannot be simply answered with a “yes” or “no”.
 Asking the interviewee what they like about the current system or
how they use it would be examples of open-ended questions.

 Group interviews are similar to one-on-one interview,

except there is more than one person being
 Group interviews work well when the interviewees are
at the same level or position so it gives more effective
use of time specially in hearing opinions.
 A group interview also has an advantage when there is
a time constraint.
 A major disadvantage can be scheduling the interview.
When more than one person are involved, it may be
difficult, or become time consuming, in establishing date
and time that works well for all parties.

 Questionnaires, or surveys, allow an analyst to

collect information from many people in
relatively short amount of time.
 When using questionnaires, the questions should be
focused and organized by a feature or project
 Questionnaires should be not be too long, to ensure
that users will complete them.
 When constructing the questionnaire, general
guideline to determine the questions would be to
ask “how, where, when, who, what, and why.”

 Observation is primarily useful for capturing what’s already in

existence and enables several other types of requirements tools.
 Benefit: You can figure out exactly where users are at the start of
your project, and you can use your strengths to document it.
 “The effectiveness of observation : can vary as users have a
tendency to adjust the way they perform tasks when knowingly
being watched.”
 Make sure the people you observe know that you are not there to
judge what they do, but to make their work easier in the long run.
 This will assist in uncertainty, and the consultant can focus on
the user and assist in knowing what to look for.
Understand the Requirements
Unspoken Requirements
Viewpoint Analysis
Special Studies

1. Functional requirements: services the system should

2. Non-functional requirements: constraints on the
services of functions offered by the system. e.g.
speed, time to market
3. Domain requirements: related to the application
domain of the system (may be functional or non-
functional requirements)

 Requirements, which are not related to functional aspect of

software, fall into this category.
 Non-functional requirements include :
o Security

o Logging

o Storage

o Configuration

o Performance

o Cost

o Interoperability

o Flexibility Sheet True or False Number 15

o Disaster recovery

o Accessibility


Product requirements External requirements

•Efficiency •Interoperability
•Reliability Organizational requirements •Ethics
•Portability •Delivery •Legislative
•Usability •Implementation •Privacy
•Performance •Standards •Safety
Any Question ?!!

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