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Here is a dialogue between staff members. They are talking about creating a website for their company. Study the dialogue and then answer the questions. Rama: You know, I'm thinking about designing a website for our company. | think it is quite necessary for us. Budi: You're right, Although our company is not a big one, it still seems to need a website, at least, for the business purposes. But, we have no one who has got good command of webbing. Rama: That doesn't matter. We can learn it. Look, I've found an article in the internet explaining how to create a website with Yahoo! easily. Let me read the instruction, First of all, log In to Yahoo home page. Click on the ‘GeoCities' link in the navigation pane to begin. Then, click the 'Sign Up Now link. This will redirect you to the GeoCities start page, which will ask you a series of questions that Yahoo! needs to know before you can create your Website. Next, determine what you intend your Website for by pressing one ‘of the buttons next to your choice. Glick on each box that indicates how you heard about GeoCities. Enter the ‘Verification Key,’ which is the letters and numbers that appear in the displayed image. Click ‘Submit’ once you are done. After that, click the ‘Build Website Now’ button to create your site using Yahoo's Sitebuilder application. This program helps you create your Website even if you have no experience with coding or programming, Finally, click the ‘Submit’ button once you've finished making changes With Sitebuilder, and your Website will reflect the changes you've made. Budi: Wow. | think we can do it. Questions 1, What is Rama thinking about? 2. Does Budi agree with him? 3. What does Budi worry about? 4, What did Rama find from the internet? 5. Are they going to design a website for their company? 6. How does one go to Geocities start page? 7. In the form of what does the verification key appear? 8. What does Yahoo's Sitebuilder function? 9. When do you click the ‘Submit’ button? 10. When do you click the “Build Website Now’ button? = Effective Communication | Unit8 127 HOW To USE THE FACSIMILE MACHINE sty, duck the tax mec pi, Afr you hack fox sss tier nam auto eee tae wane Spenesino sens se a ec it yn. fe 8 "outgoing" fax tray. Although the machine differs, there will usually seurlon cepare dwaigite ustvrewo pace cogohg somewt itz con Sccapen len er tac tore wer onal Se See Soe ech eeeraane | Etfective Communication | Unt 8 129 "Next, dal the phone number to which you wish to send the document. In some offices, you ‘may need to dial a number such as "9" for an outside ine. You may also need to include the area or country code. ‘After thal, wail for the receiving fax machine to “answer.” You will hear a sound tke a ‘computer modem: a series of high-pitched squeals and static-ike noises. Depending on your fax ‘machine, you may have to press the “Start” button to send your tax, er your model may automatically start sending the fax by sol Later, look at the fax machine display console, It shows if pages have gone through Successfully or i you need to resend a fax due to an error. Generally, when a fax has gone through successfully the mactine wil beep or splay a "success" message “Then, stock your fax machine with plenty of paper inthe “incoming” fax tray. It you receive fax. instantly prints on the paper provided. Even it's out of paper, your fax machine will keep received faxes in its memory, and it wil print them when you finally stock the machine with paper. Finally, role whether your fax machine has its own dedicated phone line. If so it should receive faxes automaticaly. you use one phone line for both your fax machine and a regular telephone, you may need to press "Star" to process an incoming fax. You can recognize an incoming fax easily; i you pick up the phone, you will hea the same modem sounds as when you are sending a tax ‘Source wn ao com Vocabulary ‘automaticaly (KK): secara otomatis plug (kb). ‘console (kt). panel ‘cord (kb) kabel inchide (kk) mencakup jack (kb) stop kontak tray (Kb) Questions 11. What do you have todo fist when you want to use a fax machine? 2. Whore do you insert the document you want to fax? 3. What do you do after you inset the document? 4. Should you always press the START button to send your fax? 8. Which part ofthe machine shows you whether the fax is successfully sent or not? 6. What does the machine do when the document has been sent? 7. Why do you have to stock paper inthe incoming fax tay? 8. Willyou lose your received faxif the machine is out of paper? 8. Which kindof machine receives faxes automatically? 10. How do you recognize an incoming fax? ». Read the text below and answer the questions! —I 12 Steps to Becoming a Great Student | Come to class and pay attention. This one should be a no-brainer. If you m | e-mail your professor in advance and explain your situation. When youre in class, be vst attentive; let your professor know you're in the room. ‘ Learn to balance your studies and your job. Your job is not an end in itself but a mean for you to go to university. To confuse those priorities is to defeat the very purpose of being here. Be prepared in advance for all of your assignments. This is called “studying”. Get used to doing it; itwill be your primary activity for the next four years. Read sitting up (not in bed), with a pencil to mark up the text. A clean text is an unread one. Whenever the professor reads a passage out loud, mark it if you haven't done so already. It may be on the next test Find a quiet and regular place to study. This is your special sanctum, for that purpose only. Don't eat, fisten to music, or entertain your friends there. Study in sessions of no more than an hour, and then take a break. Three sessions of fifty Minutes each week is better than three hours at one sitting. A general rule is two hours of study | time for each hour of class. | 7. Finish your papers several days early so you'll have time to revise them. Go to the Writing Center if you need help. Read your paper out loud to a friend; you'll be surprised how many mistakes you catch. 8. Know your professors’ office hours and take advantage of them. Talk to these people. They have an interest in helping you succeed. 9. Go regularly to the library; knowledge is in books, not on Wikipedia. Consider your college education is a bibliography for the rest of your life 10. Find an appropriate social outlet. The best students are well-rounded. A social outlet is not, | however, a wild nighton the town. Join campus organizations or watch free on-campus movies. | ‘Check the school newspaper for events happening both on campus and in the community. | 41. Begin studying for an exam a week early. Lear proper test-taking skills, e.g. write identifications | in complete sentences; make sure your essays have thesis and topic sentences; if you have a | choice of topics, choose the one(s) that will show the breadth (not just depth) of your knowledge; | and proofread your exam papers before submitting them. } 42, Enjoy yourself. This should be, literally, the time of your life. ‘Source: \ Questions: | 4. What is the topic of the text? What is the social function of the text? | 3. What should you do if you miss the class? Why? | 4, Whatare the tips mentioned in the text which relate to writing a paper? } 6. Whatare the tips mentioned in text which relate to preparing examination? * 7. Mention the generic structure of the text! 8. Whatare the language used of the text? 5. Whatis an ideal hour to study based on text? Why? |

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