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November 21, 2018 DARKNESS FOLLOWS

Dearest Evie,

It’s funny the shit life throws at



I went from rebuilding from

fragments to starting at
scratch. Sure didn’t last long.

But what are you gonna do? Lick

your wounds and start again.
I’m actually envious of you
now. Things were ironically so
much simpler on the inside. I
guess it’s all about the greater
lesson in the end; just wish it
wasn’t so redundant
sometimes! People are just
fucked for the greater part, and
once in a while, you get a break. So, I’m back being out of a home again. I wasn’t able to
get a visit with you again which is stressing me the fuck out!!!!

I keep going from concrete plans to spanners in the works. So be it. Least I’m alive.

HOW ARE YOU GOING ANYWAYS? DID YOU GET MY LETTER YET ? I hope so. It freaks me out that
good things take so damn long to eventuate. Like who the fuck is even controlling the
universe lol. I’m spending the night sleeping under a stairwell FFS. Least jail teaches you
to appreciate the small wins. Could be worse right?!? I have music and a laptop… Plus the
clothes on my back!

Ergh, I hate being a moody cunt. Sorry 


Been thinking about you all week and hope you’re all good. How are the classes going? Not
gonna lie, I still feel pain when I think back to the day we decided to improvise a cardio
session. Fucker. Hahahahahaha, I was so sore for so many days afterwards and so thankful.
Was such a good session. And you kept fucking going dude. Like why?!? Hahahahaha

I legit thought I was gonna die halfway thru, but you kept going… So like dayum…

No wonder you have legs for days mutherfucker hahahaha

So thankful every day for memories. Like what the hell would we as humans do if it wasn’t
for that shit… Good or bad, they definitely make things more bearable!

November 21, 2018 DARKNESS FOLLOWS

Least the prison pounds are slowly starting to come off hahahahaha. So I figured I’d be a
smart ass and decided to send a “special someone” a fitting pic before updating my bail
conditions and packing my shit to leave. Pretty sure I got the message across because
within 15mins, my phone went nuts and he ended up calling about 30 times jumping
between remorse and abuse. Fuck that shit for a joke.

So needless to say, Im now on my way back to Sydney. Which presents its own special
considerations… Like where the fuck am I going to live? Especially considering I literally
don’t trust a soul atm.

But then again, I never was one to just throw in the towel, so I guess I’ll be at the mercy
of the universe for a little while till I can get back on top. So between survival and
accomplishment, I guess my days will be spent with a few knocks and a win here and

Anyways, I’m being a moody asshole which I hate, so here we go with some light-hearted
facts for you to ponder xox

Figure 1: There’s only 1 way to swipe…

November 21, 2018 DARKNESS FOLLOWS

Fun facts

 Chainsaws were originally invented for aid in childbirth

 Wombat poop is actually cube shaped
 Lego is the largest tire manufacturer in the world
 People who give opinions on topics they know nothing about are called
ultracrepidarian or ‘fuckwits’
 Coca-Cola would be green if colouring wasn’t added to it
 You cannot dream and snore at the same time
 Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories and hour’95% of people text things
they could never say in person
 About 150 people a year are killed by coconuts
 Honey never spoils
 The chance of you dying on the way to get lottery tickets is greater than your chance
of winning.

Well then… Lesson learnt bahahahahahaha

Classic moments

Figure 1: From feeling butthurt to free as a bear


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