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(This paper was created to fulfill the group assignment of ESP Course

Lecturer : Agus Hidayat, M.Pd

Created by : Group 5

Azzahra Meida Utami 2011040414

Fitri Umayah 2011040386
Mutia Nafasha Putri 2011040117






First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of HIS help, writer finished writing
the paper entitled “Teaching Media in ESP” right in the calculated time.
The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by Mr.
Agus Hidayat, M.Pd as a lecturer of ESP Course Management.
In arranging this paper, the writer truly get lots challenges and obstructions
but with help of many individuals, those obstructions could passed. Writer also
realized there are still many mistakes in process of writing this paper.
Because of that, the writer says thank you to all individuals who helps in the
process of writing this paper. Hopefully Allah replies all helps and bless you all. The
writer realized that this paper still imperfect in arrangment and the content.  Then the
writer hopes the criticism from the readers can help the writer in perfecting the next
paper. Last but not the least, hopefully, this paper can helps the readers to gain more
knowledge about ESP Course Management.

Bandar Lampung, March, 2023



TABLE OF CONTENT.................................................................................................................3
1.1 Background of the Problem......................................................................................4
1.2 Formulation of the Problem.....................................................................................5
1.3 Objective of the Paper..............................................................................................5
2.1 The Definition of Teaching Media............................................................................6
2.2 The Functions of Teaching Media.............................................................................7
2.3 When to Introduce Media........................................................................................8
2.4 The Kinds of Teaching Media In ESP.........................................................................9
3.1 Conclusion..............................................................................................................14


1.1 Background of the Problem

Existing media resources can be used within lectures to stimulate interest in
and develop knowledge of the material being taught. Under the traditional
method, the student is pushed knowledge and it is teacher-centric. By the use of
media, the instructor can help inexperienced students transmit their knowledge
from experts. Teachers frequently struggle to select the most efficient media
platform to reach their students because of the rapid pace of technological change.
In order to effectively and efficiently impart knowledge, instructors might also
produce their own material. The usage of already-available media resources can
also be used to involve students and encourage deeper learning through active
learning techniques. Media, for instance, offers a helpful setting for problem-
solving, cooperative learning, case-based instruction, and more interactive lecture
The main goal of teaching media in ESP (English for Particular Purposes) is
to get students ready to use English in their chosen career or field of study. As a
result, it's critical to pinpoint the linguistic requirements of the students, which
may involve understanding technical diagrams and charts, reading and writing
academic papers, or deciphering films and presentations. Using real-world
resources that correspond to the learners' area of study or line of work is one
strategy for teaching media in ESP. Giving students the chance to practice using
media while honing their language abilities in a relevant environment is another
crucial component of teaching media in ESP. This can entail undertaking tasks
like making a video instructional or studying a news piece pertinent to their line
of work. Task-based approaches and project-based learning can be particularly
effective in helping learners to develop their language skills in a meaningful and
engaging way.

Thus, in this paper the writer will explain more about teaching media in ESP
up to describe the various media that can be used in teaching ESP itself.
Moreover, we will also find out how important the use of media is in teaching
learning process.

1.2 Formulation of the Problem

1. What is teaching media?
2. What are the functions of teaching media?
3. When the teacher should introduce the media?
4. What are the kinds of teaching media in ESP?

1.3 Objective of the Paper

1. To find out the definition of teaching media.
2. To know the functions of teaching media.
3. To know the time to introduce/use media.
4. To find out the kinds of teaching media in ESP.


2.1 The Definition of Teaching Media

Media is every tool to convey information or messages from one place
to another place. In teaching learning process also use media to make the
process run effective and interesting. Media according to Bakri (2011:3) is
plural form of medium, which derives from Latin word medius that has
meaning “middle”. In Bahasa, medium means “between or interval”. The
meaning of media aimed at something that delivers information (massage)
between message sender and receiver. Besides, Reiser (1995) states that the
definition of media includes all traditional means of delivering instruction
(including teachers, chalkboard, textbooks, and other printed materials) and
the newer instructional media such as computers, CD-ROOM, interactive
video, and multimedia systems. From the definitions above, we can conclude
that media is instruments/tools that a teacher and student might use to achieve
certain educational goals.
Meanwhile, a teaching media, according to Jacobs et al. (2002, p.240),
is an item that the instructor utilizes or provides to the students to use in order
to achieve particular teaching and learning objectives. There are numerous
more forms of learning experiences included, not just tools or images.
Besides, Ruis (2009, p. 2) states that instructional media is a tool that teachers
utilize to make instructions, communicate with students, and motivate them to
learn. The use of teaching media can assist teachers in presenting material to
their students. So, we can sum up that the teaching media aids in students'
understanding of the content. Students' interest in classroom activities will
increase with the use of media. Another important point is that employing
media allows teachers to present material more easily and enjoyablely than
they would if they only used traditional methods.

2.2 The Functions of Teaching Media
Media can be used to assist students in their studies, which will improve
the effectiveness and efficiency of the teaching and learning process. Using
media makes the subject matter more clear, interesting, and simple to
According to Sudjana (2001:64) the function of teaching media in
teaching and learning process as follows :
a. Using media in the teaching and learning process has its own purpose as a
tool for expressing successful teaching and learning situations rather than
adding to it.
b. Every learning scenario includes the use of instructional media. It follows
that one aspect of instructional materials that teachers should create.
c. Using educational media to speed up the teaching and learning process
and aid students in understanding teacher material is more crucial.
According to Mulyani in Dewi (2012:13), teaching media also serves the
following purposes: a. Auxiliary tool for setting up productive learning
a. A crucial component of every educational setting.
b. Integral part of all learning situation.
c. To concrete the abstract concept, so, can decrease verbal comprehension.
d. Increasing the motivation of students to learn

2.3 When to Introduce Media

Using media requires that the instructor step outside of the traditional
lecture method and facilitate learning by encouraging students to learn
through the media. This approach works best when students are primed. If
students are not enough informed about what they are expected them to learn,
they will struggle to make the connection between the learning objectives and

the media that they are exposed to. So, the teacher/instucture should know
when to introduce media.
a. Before Learning the Concept. Students can connect the subjects being
discussed to an example by watching media before the discussion. This
method enables quick access to examples that are easily recognised.
Schwartz and Bransford (1998) states that Demonstrations centered on
contrasting situations assist students achieve expert-like differentiation.
Also, according to research by Schwartz and Martin (2004), well-planned
demonstrations "help students generate the forms of information that are
likely to help them learn" from following lectures.

b. After a Brief Introduction but Before Learning the Concept. This

method provides students with a brief capsule of what the media is about
and what to look for -- helping to focus attention while watching the

c. After Learning the Concept. Showing media after describing a theory or

concept allows the instructor to use the scenes as a case study. This
approach helps students develop their analytical skills in applying what
they are learning.

d. Before and After. Repeating the media is especially helpful when trying
to develop student understanding of complex topics. Utilize the media
before the discussion to give students an anchor. Guide students through a
description or discussion of the topics. Rerun the media as a case study
and ask students to analyze what they see using the theories and concepts
just discussed. Also punctuate the rerun with an active discussion by
asking students to call out the concepts they see in the scenes. This
method helps to reinforce what they have just learned.

2.4 The Kinds of Teaching Media In ESP
The term "teaching media" describes the many resources and instruments used
to assist and improve language instruction in ESP courses. Here are some
typical ESP teaching tools.

a. Textbook
Textbooks can be a helpful teaching tool for ESP (English for Specific
Purposes) because they offer a systematic and organized way to teach the
language skills and information that are related to the learners' field of
study or career. One benefit of using textbooks as ESP teaching resources
is that they give students a thorough review of the language and material
they need to be familiar with. The language and subject matter included in
textbooks can be customized specifically for a given field of study or
career, ensuring that the material is valuable and relevant to the students.
One more benefit of studying textbooks is that they frequently offer a
clear and logical progression of language skills and content, enabling
students to develop their knowledge and skills in a structured and
systematic way. This can be especially crucial in ESP, where students
frequently need to master a certain set of linguistic abilities in a brief
period of time.
Textbooks can also offer a range of exercises and activities that aid
students in practicing and supporting the language abilities and subject
matter covered in the book. Among other things, these exercises could
involve writing, listening, and comprehension skills. So, textbooks can be
a useful teaching tool in ESP because they offer a systematic and ordered
method of delivering language and material that is relevant to learners'
needs. To give their students a comprehensive and interesting learning
experience, teachers should combine textbooks with other media and
learning methods.

The writer will give you an example of how a textbook could be used
as a teaching media in ESP. Let’s say you’re a instructor teaching English
to a group of hospitality students. To give students practice with and
reinforcement of the language and material covered in the book, the
textbook may contain a variety of activities. For instance, the book might
have reading comprehension tasks that require students to read and
analyze passages on lodging or travel and tourism, listening tasks that
require them to pay attention to lectures or presentations on hospitality-
related subjects, speaking tasks that require them to act out a conversation
between a guest and a receptionist, etc. You can give your students a
comprehensive and systematic, structured approach to learning the
language and material relevant to their field of study by using a textbook
as a teaching tool in ESP. You can also engage your students in a variety
of learning activities that will help them develop the language abilities and
subject-matter knowledge they will need to succeed in their future careers.

b. Audio and Video

Audio and video media means compact discs, digital video disks,
records, tapes, or any media for the storage or replay of music or video.
The use of audio and video resources has the benefit of exposing students
to real language and real subject in a relevant setting. Using a video
presentation on a technical subject, for instance, might make it easier for
learners to comprehend terminology and fundamental concepts. The same
is true for audio recordings of lectures or conferences, which can give
students a real-world example of spoken English relevant to their studies
or line of work. Using audio and video resources to teach students
speaking and listening skills is another benefit. In order to improve their
comprehension and fluency in the language, teachers should provide their
students the chance to listen to and speak English in a range of settings.

Instructors should carefully choose materials that are relevant and
appropriate for the needs and language ability of the learners if they are to
use audio and video materials in ESP effectively. Resources should
introduce students to a diversity of accents and speaking styles and should
be authentic and interesting. Also, instructors need to provide students
assignments and activities that encourage meaningful interaction with the
audio and video content. For instance, instructors may require students to
summarize lectures or presentations, take notes on important terms or
topics, or take part in discussions about the material.
The writer will give you an example of how a textbook could be used
as a teaching media in ESP. Let's say you are teaching a group of aviation
students who need to improve their English language skills for their
studies and future careers. You could select an audio recording of a
technical lecture on a topic such as pre-flight, and a video presentation on
a related topic such as pre-flight practices. After playing the audio and
video materials, you could have the students complete activities related to
the content, such as :
1) Listen to the audio recording and take notes on key concepts
and terminology.
2) Discuss the main ideas presented in the audio recording with a
partner or in a small group.
3) Watch the video presentation and identify the pre-flight
practices presented.
4) Discuss the potential benefits and challenges of implementing
pre-flight practices in their field of study or profession.
5) Write a summary of the key points presented in the audio and
video materials.

c. Online Resources

Online resources are generally referred to as web pages and papers on
the internet that offer helpful information. Online resources can provide a
variety of content, including text, photos, audio, video, and interactive
activities, that is related to the learners' field of study or career. The
benefit of using online resources is that students can access them
whenever and wherever they are. Due to their ability to engage with the
materials at their own pace and convenience, learners can better meet their
own learning needs and interests. Also, using internet resources can
expose students to a diversity of dialects and speaking styles.
Teachers should carefully choose resources that are appropriate for the
requirements and linguistic proficiency of their students if they want to
use internet resources in ESP classes effectively. Materials should be
intriguing and enticing, and they should give students the chance to
advance their language and subject expertise.
The writer will give you an example of how a textbook could be used
as a teaching media in ESP. Let's say you are teaching a group of business
students who need to improve their English language skills for their
studies and future careers. The first step, you have to select the appropriate
online resources, such as website (Forbes, The Economist, etc), or even
business simulation games like Virtonomics or Marketplace. After
selecting the online resources, you have to design activities or assignments
that require learners to engage with the materials in a meaningful way. For
example, learners might :
1) Read an item from a business news website and summarize its
key points in a paper or take part in a class discussion.
2) Participate in an online business simulation game and then
reflect on the choices you made and the results.
3) Complete the language exercises on a website for corporate
English and take part in a role-playing game with a partner.

4) Go through a manual on sending an effective email and edit a
draft email to a prospective business contact.

d. Authentic Materials
Authentic material is a material which is used by the purpose to
replicate the real-world situations. In addition, the use of authentic
material is expected to bring the learners into direct contact with a reality
so the students will interest during the learning process. Using authentic
materials in an ESP lesson has many advantages. First of all, using
authentic resources exposes students to the language and subject matter
they will actually use, which helps them become more fluent in both
languages and subject matter. Also, because they can understand the
significance and goal of the resources they are using, they give students a
more interesting and fulfilling learning experience. The use of real
materials can also contribute to the improvement of learners' critical
thinking abilities as they interact with more challenging and various
There are so many forms of authentic materials, such as articles from
academic and professional journals, advertisement, brochures, or even
recording of real-life interview that related to the learners’ field of study
or profession.
The writer will give you an example of how a textbook could be used
as a teaching media in ESP. We are an instructor of ESP for Hospitality
students. The first thing that we should do is choose the form of authentic
materials. For example, we use an article from a travel magazine about the
impact of COVID-19 on the hospitality industry, which provides learners
with a current and relevant perspective on the industry. After that, we
could design the activities or assignment for the learners to comprehend
the material. Then, we ask them to read an article from a travel magazine

and complete a comprehension exercise or participate in a group
discussion about the impacts of COVID-19 on the hospitality industry.


3.1 Conclusion
Teaching media in ESP is any tools or instruments that can assist or
increase learners’ language ability while in ESP class. The media should
relate to their field of study or profession. The importance of using media for
teaching ESP is a media that can be used to help the students in their study, in
order to make the teaching learning process more effective and efficient. By
using media, the material is more interesting concrete and easier to
understand. Moreover, there are some teaching media in ESP, such as
textbook, audio and video, online resources and authentic materials. Certainly,
the instructor or teacher should select media that is interesting and appropriate
for learners’ needs and language levels.


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