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Lecture 5 Assignment: Writing a narrative essay (Due 2 May)

Write a narrative essay regarding your first day as an STBA LIA student joining a speaking, listening,
grammar, writing, or reading class (choose one). The essay has to consist of five paragraphs. Do not
forget to apply a method (we’ve discussed this already) in writing an introductory and concluding


This was my first day as an STBA LIA student, I’m so excited because today I had a speaking class. I
couldn’t believe that finally I can be a part of stba lia student. Where is the class? Where is TU room?
I had no idea because I don’t have a friends yet. I began a little panicked because the class started at
9.30 a.m. I couldn’t be late.

I tried to ask mrs sarah in front office and she direct me to go to third floor TU’s room, after that mrs.
Wanda direct me to go to class of speaking on second room. Finally I could go to the at the right
time. The class is about to began and we also introduce our selves.

now I had a few friends that I can share how happy I am as a student at stba lia. we study together
and practice for speaking class, we also corrected each other our accent. I also study all by myself to
study speaking, so I can improve my speaking skills to be better.

the lecture let us practice in front of the class so we can learn together where is the prounounciation
error. a lot from us had prounounciation error, so the lecture gives us a tips how to speak like a pro.

after the lecture gives us a tips, most of the student in the class slowly can speak like a pro. we really
happy that today we can have a new experience and also a knowledge.

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