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FaTEFUL MOMENTS 20 Event 1. Your mother or father disappeared in the night, leaving behind a note and a package. The note read, “I'm sorry—there is 2 duty !am sworn to do. You rust protect yourself and fanily while | am gone.” The package was a +7. wrapped in-a quilted blanket. You have proficiency with longswords. 2 You wer ost in the wlderess when aerible storm nearly killed you, When you awoke, you were gravely Wounded, but fla strange power You have the Elemental Adept feat from the Player's Handbook and can cast a cantrip based on the type of storm you ‘were in. Constitution is your spelleasting modifier for this carrp. Aci an (acid splash, snowstorm (ray of rsh frest ne (praduce amg, grip storm (shocking grasp), thunderstorm (booming blade). 3. The fell voice of the archdevil Zariel spoke to you in a drearn. You no longer remember what that voice said, or what you promised to give it in return, but now you can east find familiar as aritual. Your familiar always takes the form of an imp. You also have a random form of indefinite madness, determined by rolling on the Indefinite Madness table in chapter 8 of the Dungeon Master's Guide. 4. You tumbled off a cliff and suffered near-fatal fal When you awoke, you saw a Blurred figure tht you believed tobe the goddess Mystrain the distance You now occasionally hear her voice in your dreams, telling you strange secrets about the Weave. You have proficiency in the Arcana and Religion skills 5. You found a massive footprint while exploring the wilderness. Looking closer, you discovered a rune stone smashed into the ground within the pin You touched it, and felt power surge in you as you grew tDiremerdous size You sunk mamente te but can stil feel the power. You can cast enlarge/reduce once per day using the enlarge option ony 6 Ahorde of terrible monsters attacked your home, giher destroying i (lage town) or doing massive damage before Being repulsed (cty/farvess). You will never forget the images of slaughter that you saw. You have the Alert feat from the Player's Handbook 7. You ventured too deep into a local hill-barrow without sufficient gear and fell through a false floor. You landed in a deep dungeon, and survived in the monster infested darkness for years before escapin You are haunted by that experience, but you learne much about surviving in such a place. You have the Dungeon Delver feat from the Player's Handbook. 8 You were captured by dow o dean ai You managed to escape slavery, but had to disguise your- De ind prctesel tolbetone otthem to surivesn the Stecsvithout being captured again. Eyentaly you eect esceceai a eainthessctor tess fromthe Player's Handbook and proficiency with disguise kit. 9 Your far unknowingly gave shelter to amember of {he Cul of the Dragon, and unwittingly eamed their favor, The cult believes you are one of thern, and gave you 1,000 gp to deliver to a secret shrine to Tiamat, along with a rap to that shrine. 10 A master horse trainer came to your home one day, seeking refuge from a warlord who had purchased his horses and then sought to kill him to keep his secret from spreading. Then, he mentored you as a horse trainer, You have proficiency in the Animal Handling skill, and a wathorse with ful tack and hamess. d20 Event 17 Red Wizard of Thay tortured your family to death fore your very eyes, and in a fit of blind rage you Killed the cruel wizard with a skewer from your fireplace. You have the Mage Slayer feat from the Player's Handbook 12. While traveling, you found an elf of Evereska at the side of the road, their chest pierced by manticore spires They begged you for help, and showed you the gestures to cast a spel of healing. You near collapsed from the exertion, but managed to cast the spell. You gain the Magic Initiate feat from the Player's Handbook, learning two bard, cleric, or druid cantrips and the cure wounds spell 13 You were trained in the art of combat by an old traveling warrior. He saved your village from bandits while you were training together, but died in the process. You inherited his weapon and his techniques. You have proficiency with a martial weapon of your choice, and you own one such weapon. It bas special features as detailed in chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master's Guide. You also have the Martial Adept feat from the Player's Handbook. 14 You were saved from a cult of the Dead Three by a mercenary of the Flaming Fist. Their sergeant was an inspiring and charismatic hal-orc, and you can still hear her words in your head. You have the Inspiring Leader feat from the Player's Handbook 15 Your village was burned to the ground by raiders. This band of marauders was led by abeing whose image has been seared into your mind forever. Roll on the Rivals and Allies Identities table to determine what type of creature their leader was. You have proficiency in the Stealth and Survival skills 16 You fell asleep in a forest and awakened in the court of the fey, where you had to serve the fickle Archfey for a decade. When you finally managed to escape, it was as if no time had passed. You have proficiency with the Deception and Performance skill 17. A majestic phoenix with wings of flame flew over your home, but when you asked other people about it, you learned that you were the only one who saw it. You started having dreams about the fiery bird, and discovered you can manifestits Tames, As a borus action, you Can ignite your fists or a weapon you're Holding n ames for 1 minute, causing tose attacks to deaf fire damage instead of ts usual Gamage. Starting at Sth level, the attacks deal an additional 1d6 fire damage. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you complete a short ot long rest. 18 A skilled dwarven armorer traveled through your home settlement one day, and held a blacksmithing Contest. You impressed him, and he taught you the secret of how to make armor from adamantine, the hardest material on Faerdin. You have a suit of ‘adamantine armorin a style of your choice. 19 You were imprisoned for a crime you didn't commit —or possibly one you did, When you got out of ison, you had a few habits from your inmates. You ave proficiency in the Intimidation or Deception skill (our choice) and you know thieves’ cant 20 You were an apprentice atthe grand library of Candlekeep, wrere you learned secrets beyond most marti owledge You gan the Sled feat rom the Player's Handbook Work with your DM to ereate a secret that could change the fate ofthe world

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