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By David Wu

Spycraft, Living Spycraft, and all related marks are ® ™ © 2006 and used with permission from
Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
All text, as well as all characters, names, and places herein are copyrighted by Crafty Games, LLC.
Reproduction without Crafty Games’ written permission is expressly forbidden.
This mission has several plotlines going on simultaneously, but one central one involving the Shahada
terrorist group. The characters are flown into Washington D.C. and tasked with protecting United States Senator
Willam Sullivan, a UNITAS asset and recipient of a Shahada death threat. However, the terrorists are not
Sullivan’s only worry, nor is he merely an asset to be protected. Everyone has an agenda in this mission.

The three principal players are:

• Cassandra Sullivan — Younger twin daughter of William Sullivan

• William Sullivan — United States Senator, Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee
• Anas Al-Liby — Shahada cell leader

Cassandra Sullivan
Cassandra is a troubled girl, though you can’t tell from the outside. She and her older twin Katherine are
basically inseparable. They enjoy typical vacuous things that girls of privilege enjoy, and having just graduated
with their Bachelor’s degrees, they’re out to take a year off and have fun.
However, Cassandra has always been jealous of Katherine’s status as “favorite.” Cassandra’s political tastes
are more right wing and they developed early in life, which is the only difference between herself and Katherine.
However, it completely alienated her father long ago.
Consequently, Katherine’s been anointed to be the family’s success story. William Sullivan’s been pulling
strings for Katherine so she could start a private business as a lobbyist, and Cassandra saw Katherine’s social
popularity soar as a consequence. Cassandra feels she’s been relegated to “tag-along” status, especially since
Katherine gave her a job at “her” lobbying firm. Without the family’s backing, it seems like she’ll have to build
her own future from scratch — an utter embarrassment, and completely unacceptable.
With the loss of her mother last year, Cassandra’s lost her only true friend in life. Her father had also started
seeing a younger woman, less than a year after the funeral. To top it off, Cassandra’s dealings with the lobbying
firm’s finances had uncovered evidence her father may have paid someone to kill her mother.
Cassandra’s decided to end it all, and take as many people as she can with her.

Cassandra’s Plans to Date

She snuck into her father’s computer at home, having knowledge of where he keeps his password, and found
contact information for local militant Islamic groups under low-level suspicion.
Using disposable cell phones, she managed to work through layers of security in the Shahada group to gain a
conversation with Anas Al-Liby, a local sleeper cell leader.
Cassandra expressed sympathy at his goals, and suggested that a good plan might be to take out a US
Senator and his daughters. In Cassandra’s mind, if the plan’s successful, not only will she die, but it will also be a
booster shot to the nation’s resolve against terrorism. It would be her final gesture of defiance towards her
Al-Liby was skeptical, and he demanded a demonstration of what intelligence Cassandra could provide.
In return, Cassandra offered her father’s schedule for one day, which included a last minute change of plan
to his girlfriend’s apartment.
Al-Liby agreed, and he had a minion shadow the Senator for that day to see if it was a trap. Al-Liby also
arranged for a business card to be left on the Senator’s car, to spring any possible traps. Things went smoothly.
Once his cooperation was secured, Cassandra then gave Al-Liby her own and her father’s schedule, on the
day the PCs arrive on scene.
Cassandra also helped convince Katherine and her father that the Secret Service presence was “cramping
their style.” They were too obvious. She wanted more “discreet” people, who will hopefully be too far away to
save them.
William Sullivan
A politician in every sense of the word, William Sullivan was profoundly disturbed one day to find a business
card on the windshield of his personal car, declaring he was marked for death. He summoned Secret Service
security for himself and his daughters like a good Senator would, then allowed the information to “leak” to his
constituents, like a good Senator would.
The reason that Katherine was the favorite of the family wasn’t because of her political views. It was, in fact,
her naiveté. Sullivan had set Katherine up as a private lobbyist in order to conveniently launder money from
shady campaign contributions.
After feeling UNITAS’ strings tugging on his financial records via a blackmailer, he’s been trying to get out
from under their control. With the terrorist threat at hand, he’s started a secondary play.
Unbeknownst to anyone, he had arranged his wife’s death last year, using a disavowed CIA agent (Poacher)
to stage a car accident. Deborah Sullivan had been thinking about divorce, which would have smeared his
political image as a family man. Having enjoyed his work, Sullivan’s hired the ex-CIA agent again in order to hit
Katherine. Once she’s out of the picture, he would be set to destroy all incriminating records, and reap the
political capital of being a grieving father.

William’s Plans to Date

He made contact with Poacher and gave him his daughters’ schedule for the day when the characters arrive.
The plan is to make it look like a terrorist “hit.”
The payment was half in advance ($250,000), using money from Katherine’s lobbying accounts, and half
after delivery.
His daughters’ request for more “covert” Secret Service was like a godsend. Agreeing after a reasonable
amount of grousing, Sullivan’s hoping the new security won’t be as effective.
Once his daughter Katherine is out of the way, he’s ready to crash and burn all incriminating financial records
and accounts. Then, he’ll turn around and extort money from his UNITAS blackmailer. If they still want his
influence, he’s ready to make them pay for it.

Anas Al-Liby
This is a patient man, and a True Believer. Shahada is a splinter group, formed from the disillusioned
members of several other, larger, extremist organizations. Shahada derides these other organizations as having
lost the True Way.
Having established himself in the United States as a legitimate “Treasures of the East” importer/exporter for
several years now, Al-Liby was waiting for the chance to activate his sleeper cell.
This chance to hit an American Senator, coming from literally nowhere, seemed like Divine Providence. He
was certain he could shake the American confidence once again. If not, his minions would undoubtedly sacrifice
themselves to cover his escape. He is not intending to cover up his tracks at endgame.

Anas’ Plans to Date

After receiving Cassandra’s call, he started plans of his own. The test run with the Senator’s shadow seemed
to go off without a hitch. No security was spotted in the area.
Despite the risk, he wasn’t content with simply taking out the daughters of a Senator. He wanted a full US
Senator on his record, even if it meant assaulting his own home.
Having obtained the Senator’s home address from the shadow, Al-Liby prepared a suicide truck bombing.
This would take place concurrently with the attempt on the daughters to assure at least one success.
Al-Liby made all the necessary purchases for these attacks under his own name, in order to claim full credit
for the acts later. He then prepared his boat for a rendezvous with the Egyptian freighter Hazim, which is altering
course to meet him in Chesapeake Bay.
Triple Play follows the standard Living Spycraft mission format, and is divided into an introduction and 4

Intel Phase. Control (Firefox) introduces the characters to a two-pronged escort/intelligence mission, gives
some background on Senator William Sullivan, and tells them why he’s important to UNITAS operations.

Scene 1: Just Us Honest Folks. The mission briefing leads into an actual meeting with the Senator and his
two daughters, where the characters are given a complication in the form of having to split their resources.

Scene 2a: Like, Get Out of the Way. The senator’s daughters head out for a shopping trip to the upscale
Mazza Gallerie (5300 N Wisconsin Ave, 20015) from their home in Potomac, Maryland (Brent Rd/Brickyard Rd,
Potomac, MD). Heading southeast on a local highway, they’re paced by two Shahada terrorists in a delivery van,
as well as Poacher on his motorcycle

Scene 2b: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? Senator Sullivan spends the day at home, working on various
pieces of legislation and hoping Poacher comes through. However, his day is interrupted by the arrival of a full
semi and trailer, packed with homemade explosives and driven by a martyr for the cause. His goal is to ram into
the Sullivan house and detonate.

Scene 3: Scene(s) or the Crime(s). By this time, the characters might be aware of several players in the
game. Poacher’s presence might be confusing, given the simultaneous terrorist attack. The terrorists will all have
been driving clearly labeled vehicles belonging to Treasures of the East. Agents may also have several theories
on how the Senator’s schedule was initially leaked, such as through his daughter(s). This is meant as an
investigation phase.

Scene 4: Endgame’s a Switch. Agents may decide to go after Al-Liby, leading into a chase finale. If still
alive, the fates of Cassandra, Katherine, and William Sullivan are also explained here.

Read the following aloud to begin this mission.

Thursday, December 12th

Washington D.C.

A light dusting of snow was visible on the ground as your plane headed into Reagan International
Airport. UNITAS (United Nations International Tactical Advisory Service) had pulled your team into D.C. to
serve in an unusual capacity. Stepping off the Company Learjet, you were immediately met by your
handler, who introduced herself as Firefox. With the most perfunctory of greetings, she waved you all into
the rear of a black limousine.
Once the car is in motion, heading northwest into Maryland, she begins to brief you on the situation
while passing out manila envelopes.
“We’re playing catch-up on this one, people. Something got classified as low priority when it
shouldn’t have.
“As of right now, you have a new working alias. Consider yourselves members of the United States
Secret Service. You have ID and some appropriate background information in the envelopes. These aliases
are only good for cursory inspections, but they should pass you off for the next meeting we’re heading to.
“Your immediate assignment will be an escort mission. A discreet one. You’re being assigned as
covert security for William Sullivan, Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee. We’re en route to meet
him and his twin daughters — Katherine and Cassandra right now.
“Yes, normally UNITAS wouldn’t concern ourselves with something so mundane, but we’ve been
pulling Sullivan’s strings for some of our long term projects. We need him as an asset… at least until the
next election. Then he’s going to be involved with a terrible money laundering scandal.”
Firefox smiles thinly. “Of course it’s more complicated than that.”
“Approximately two weeks ago on December 1st, William Sullivan received a death threat from the
Shahada terrorist group on the windshield of his personal car. He was at an unscheduled stop, and it had
him rightfully spooked. But it was flagged as Cat-One in the system: Low priority. UNITAS didn’t find out
until two days ago, so that’s why your covers aren’t as solid as we’d like..
“Shahada’s the second reason we’re sending you in. We’ve had chatter recently, putting them as the
new player on the board, but we haven’t been able to get solid intel on their group. This could be our
chance. If they actually had a chance to hit Sullivan once — and didn’t take it — they’re overdue for a
second try.
“People, you’ve got a lot of objectives on this one. Collect intelligence on Shahada, keep the Senator
safe, and make sure he stays our man until next year.
“Be on your guard, though. Something about this doesn’t sit right. Groups like this don’t pass up
chances to make a hit and leave calling cards instead. Something else is going on.
“If you don’t have any questions, time to meet the Senator.”

Campaign Qualities: Blockbuster.

Caliber: III

Known Objectives: Senator Sullivan survives and stays a UNITAS asset (critical), collect intelligence on the
Shahada terrorist group

Reputation/Net Worth Reward: 10 Reputation/$500,000 Net Worth

Known Exposure Penalties: The following occurrences generate exposure:

• Breaking Secret Service cover to the Sullivans: –4 Reputation/–$200,000 Net Worth

• Using explosives or heavy weapons in a public setting without a credible explanation:
–2 Reputation/–$100,000 Net Worth
• Fighting in a public setting without a credible explanation: –1 Reputation/–$50,000 Net Worth

Recommended Gadgets: Holy ghost (Crucifix — EMP (range varies with Caliber), 1 half action required to
activate or deactivate), still life (digital camera — static hologram (20 ft. range, 30 min. battery, PR 7, 1 half
action required to activate or deactivate)

Mission Bundle: Secret Service Agent Bundle (–24 XP: Cover ID (Caliber I), earpiece tactical radio (Caliber I),
sunglasses, handcuffs, shoulder holster, U.S. Treasury Department badge w/ neck chain)

Gear Restrictions: None

UNITAS Intelligence: Sullivan Household
William Sullivan II (Democrat, Massachusetts)
Age: 52
Assets: Real estate mogul, owns various properties in Boston
Platform: “Family First.” The community should help the individual balance between a career and raising a family.
Notes: Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, with access to terrorist watch lists and oversight on classified intelligence-
gathering operations. He is well connected, influential, and has several political enemies, though none stand out.

Deborah Sullivan
Age: 47 (deceased, December 20th of last year, traffic accident)
Occupation: Homemaker

Katherine Sullivan (older twin daughter)

Age: 23
Education: B.A. Political Science, Boston University (May of this year)
Occupation: Lobbyist and CEO, Atlantic Consulting Inc.
Marital: Single, no known relationships

Cassandra Sullivan (younger twin daughter)

Age: 23
Education: B.A. Business Administration, Boston University (May of this year)
Occupation: Accountant, Atlantic Consulting Inc.
Marital: Single, no known relationships

Katrine Iseman (William Sullivan’s girlfriend)

Age: 30
Background: Swedish, naturalized US Citizen
Occupation: Entertainment News Editor, Global Network News
Notes: Met the Senator last year, May 23rd, Women’s Equality Now fundraiser

Estella Medina
Age: 52
Background: US Citizen
Occupation: Senator’s maid/housekeeper (past 15 years)
Marital: Widowed, no current relationships

Anas Al-Liby (Shahada sleeper cell leader)

Alias: Mansoor Anand
Age: 42
Nationality: Libyan (in U.S. under business visa)
Occupation: Importer/Exporter, Treasures of the East

Ahmidan, Hicham (Shahada, assigned to daughters)

Alias: Alfredo Ortiz
Age: 26
Nationality: Moroccan (in U.S. under work visa, Treasures of the East)
Occupation: Dockworker

Bajadi, Sayid (Shahada, suicide bomber assigned for Sullivan)

Alias: William Khan
Age: 30
Nationality: German (in U.S. under work visa, Treasures of the East)
Occupation: Dockworker

Braca, Leonard
Age: 29
Nationality: Albanian (former US citizen)
Occupation: Mercenary for hire
Background: Former CIA operative, disavowed
Codename: Poacher
Character Description
Read the following when the characters enter this scene.

Senator Sullivan’s secondary estate is in Potomac Maryland, for when the Senate is in session. As your
vehicle passes the two Secret Service agents at the decorative iron gates, then heads down the 150 ft.
driveway to the house, it’s readily apparent that if this is a secondary estate, his house in Massachusetts
must be just as big. You see some more agents walking the grounds, complete with unbuttoned coats and
Firefox gestures for you all to proceed. “The Senator is expecting you all. The Secret Service assigned
to the house know you’re calling the shots, so don’t worry about them.”

GC Description
There are four Secret Service agents stationed at the house — two at the gates and two on the grounds. The
characters have one black heavy SUV.
There is also one live-in maid (Estella Medina). The time is approximately 0800 hours.
The Senator and his daughters are waiting in their family room. Sullivan is going to play the concerned father
(Bluff IX), and try to push for extra security on his daughters, though letting himself be talked into less. He’s also
going to be adamant that at least half the team is assigned to security for either himself or his daughters. This
point is virtually non-negotiable, excepting an Impress/Persuade check (DC 30 + 2 x Threat Level).
Cassandra (Bluff VI) is going to let Katherine (Bluff VI) do the talking, though she’ll lend support to ideas of
less security, or leaving security stay well away from them.
Sullivan is going to stay at home today, and work on some legislation in his study on the first floor. The
Senate is planning to reconvene in early January.
The twins are going on an all day shopping trip to the Mazza Gallerie. They’re also going to be firm on the
following point: No characters will be allowed “around” them. Therefore, acting as their driver or following them
in an obvious manner is unacceptable. They requested new security for this express purpose. To change their
minds, make a Impress/Persuade check (DC 20 + 2 x Threat Level).
The twins, Katherine especially, love making a game out of seducing security. If the characters put
themselves in the situation, or if the GC thinks there’s time, this can be a complication to introduce. The twin’s
objective isn’t just gratification, however. They want dirt that they can use for blackmail purposes in the future…
along with gratification. Their father is completely unaware of this “hobby.”
Both twins can be played as obstinate and spoiled, following orders only because “they” allow it.
If characters decide to be proactive and want to track the terrorists, refer to the data presented in Scene 3.

Key Locations: Sullivan Estate (First Floor)

1. Entry: The foyer has two potted plants, some tasteful artwork on the walls, marble floor tiles, and the
home security keypad. Disabling the panel requires a Security/Disable check (DC 20 + 2 x Threat Level).
2. Formal Dining Room: The room has a polished oak table that can accommodate six, with a chandelier
hanging from the ceiling.
3. Utility: This small room houses various cleaning supplies, along with the washer and dryer.
4. Family Room: The room has a large television, a stereo system, comfortable couches and chairs. A small
coffee table has several books on Asian art. A fireplace dominates one wall, and it looks to have had recent use.
5. Breakfast Room: A small, round table of polished oak is in this room, with four chairs. The windows
look out to the expansive lawn.
6. Kitchen: A very modern looking kitchen is kept spotless by the maid. The pantry is well stocked with non
perishable goods, and various metal pots and pans hang around the island in the center.
7. Living Room: This room has a small couch, two recliners, bookcases lining the walls, and a stereo
8. Study/Library: A very large desk lines the wall against the windows, which is opposite bookshelves
filled with Federal government references and binders labeled with various Senate Bill numbers. Filing cabinets
and a heavy duty shredder take up any remaining space. A single office chair sits in front of the computer on the
desk. The lock on the filing cabinets requires a Security/Disable check (DC 15 + 2 x Threat Level) to defeat and
contains the financial ledgers of Katherine’s lobbying firm, Atlantic Consulting Inc. The computer system is
encrypted, and requires a Computers check (DC 25 + 2 x Threat Level).
9. Master Bedroom: William Sullivan’s room has a king sized bed along with some dressers and a
nightstand. The master bathroom possesses men’s hygiene products, and the walk in closet is half full of
Sullivan’s clothing.
10. Guest Bedroom: Estella Medina sleeps here. The room has a small bed, a television, a dresser, and
various symbols of Catholicism. Her closet and bathroom possess the usual sundries.

Key Locations: Sullivan Estate (Second Floor)

11. Recreation Room: This room possesses a pool table, a comfortable sofa, and a plasma screen television
along one wall. A small bar has been set up along the wall opposite the TV.
12. Bedroom Three: This bedroom has a single bed, nightstand, and dresser. It’s currently unoccupied,
though set up for guests.
13. Bedroom Four: Cassandra Sullivan’s room has a queen sized bed, a bookcase filled with books ranging
from her childhood to college textbooks, a dresser, a stereo system, and a television. Several framed pictures of
her sister and her mother are on the walls. Cassandra’s diary / Blackmail Book is on the top shelf in her well-
stuffed closet, pushed towards the back.
14. Bedroom Five: Katherine Sullivan’s room has a queen sized bed, a bookcase filled with books on political
science and political commentary, a dresser, a stereo system, and a television. Various posters of environmental
and liberal causes line the walls. Her diary / Blackmail Book is hidden in her stuffed closet, tucked into the pocket
of a coat she never wears anymore. A Colt 1908 holdout pistol in kept in her underwear drawer in the dresser.

Ending the Scene

Once the characters decide how they wish to split their resources to protect both the Senator and his
daughters (or not), they can proceed to Scene 2a and 2b as appropriate.


GC Description
The twins are planning to take Highway 190 (aka River Road), heading southeast towards the Mazza
Gallerie. They’re driving their red BMW M3 sports coupe, and will leave around 1000 hours. Katherine will be in
the driver’s seat. During any Chase sequences, Katherine will only rely on the Eat My Dust or Go, Go, Go
strategies and choose the Lead advantage each time.
The highway has two-lanes in each direction (20 ft.-wide lanes), with a grassy divider (20 ft. wide). Traffic
density makes any chases start in close terrain.
If Katherine is killed or rendered unconscious at the wheel, and there is no one else except Cassandra in the
car, it will run off the road in a spectacular crash that kills all occupants.
Hicham Ahmidan is one of the Shahada terrorists assigned to assassinate the girls. He was given
instructions to make this hit as public as possible, and so he will be tailing the girls in a white van with
“Treasures of the East” stenciling. He’ll coordinate his attack to occur at the same time as the run on the Sullivan
estate. He should be staked out between the Sullivan estate and Highway 190, since he has the girls’ itinerary
and car description. The van has a sliding door on the right side, and double doors in the back.
Poacher is also pacing the girls on a dark red Kawasaki ZX-11 motorcycle, decked out in a black leather outfit
with a tinted helmet, biding his time. Tipped off by Senator Sullivan that there might be other players on the
board, he’s going to wait for the most advantageous time to strike. If characters ask, a motorcycle in winter
would be considered unusual.
Ideally, he’ll simply drive by the twins’ car, pull his Mac 10, empty the armor piercing rounds into the driver,
and disappear through traffic using his higher maneuverability. His escape plan involves heading to his motel
room, changing clothes, then hopping the next flight out of Reagan International to Paris. If captured and
interrogated via Dramatic Conflict, he’ll reveal who hired him and why. Otherwise, he will not crack under simple
questioning. Poacher also carries nothing on him or in his possessions that will tip off his current client.
If no players are escorting the twins, assume the terrorists are successful on their own. Seeing this, Poacher
will simply claim the job was done, and get the payoff from Senator Sullivan.
Once Senator Sullivan learns of his daughter Katherine’s death, he’ll initiate the immediate destruction of all
incriminating financial records (via shredder, backyard BBQ, etc), and close Katherine’s business accounts. He’ll
then place a call to his UNITAS blackmailer and demand some compensation for his vote(s), now that they no
longer have anything to hold over him. If this happens, Firefox will contact the characters to get them to
“ensure” the Senator’s cooperation, without the payoff. How discreet they are, and by what method, she leaves
up to them.

It’s ultimately up to the GC’s discretion as to how Hicham will accomplish his goal. Above all, keep the
players entertained, so if the mission is running long, have him engage the players and finish the scene instead of
playing out the entire Chase Dramatic Conflict.
Poacher’s own attempted hit may not be needed if the terrorists are doing a good enough job, so that can
remove one extra NPC. If that’s the case, at least notify the characters of his presence so they can follow up on
that lead if they so choose.

Ending the Scene

The scene ends once Hicham and Poacher have both been dealt with.


GC Description
For those characters remaining behind at the estate, they will have a relatively dull time, until a lone suicide
bomber, Sayid Bajadi, decides to make his run around 1000 hours.
An optional complication can be a “WorldEx” delivery van that will drop by prior to that. This is completely
legitimate, and will be cleared by the Secret Service agents at the gate. It allows Senator Sullivan to come out of
the safety of his study and head to the foyer to pick up his environmental study package.
Al-Liby realized that security would be tight at the estate, and they’d only have one real chance at striking.
Therefore, he packed up his company’s single semi truck with a large payload of home made explosives, having
acquired the ingredients in small amounts over a period of years. The explosive yield is equivalent to a 1,000-lb.
bomb (AP 35, 7d10 damage, blast increment 20 ft.).
The semi has horrible acceleration, and the estate is in an awkward position on the block, which are two
factors in the character’s favor. The tractor trailer, from a complete stop, can travel 5 ft. in the first half action,
then 10 ft. in the second half action, then 15 ft., and so forth. Barring player-induced circumstances, the
maximum speed the semi will achieve in traveling from the intersection to the estate’s gate, is 350 ft./round (~40
mph). Please refer to the GC map for details on the layout of the roads near the estate.
The gate is 20’ across, purely decorative, and has a Damage Save of +1. When the semi breaks through, the
collision and assorted gate debris will slow it down to 10 mph (80 ft./round) (or less, depending on
circumstances). Sayid is unwilling to risk breaching the wall around the compound with the semi, lest he detonate
There are several ways for the characters to be tipped off:

1. If the chase with the twins started first, they can see that the tractor-trailer has the same company logo as
the van in the chase.
2. Also, a tractor-trailer is traveling down a residential area, which is unusual in itself.
3. Finally, Sayid will phone the Sullivan residence prior to making the turn at the intersection. Unless the
characters say they’ll answer all phone calls, the Senator will answer and identify himself.

If an character picks up, Sayid will ask for Senator Sullivan and say he’d like to speak with him about
preserving the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), then cut the line if the characters give any indication
the Senator’s home. Sayid will then drive full-bore through the gates, through the front lawn, into the foyer of
the house, and detonate. If Sayid is unsure whether the Senator’s home, he’ll slowly drive up to the gates and
attempt to bluff more information out of any guards by saying he’s delivering an antique bedroom set.
Sayid will abort the mission if he can’t confirm the Senator’s presence, and head for the secondary target,
Reagan International Airport.
The explosives in the trailer will be detonated through a radio transmitter switch that Sayid has clipped to
the sun visor in the cab, disguised as a garage door opener.
If the total amount of blast damage the explosives suffer exceed 5 points, they will explode.

Ending the Scene

The scene ends when Sayid either detonates, is captured/killed, or moves off for his secondary target.


GC Description
There are three different plotlines that can be pursued. The following clues can be found, organized by
plotlines. However, GCs are encouraged to embellish as necessary given the NPC backgrounds:

Cassandra Sullivan
• Credit card history — Shows a large number of purchases of disposable cell phones. The last cell phone she
used is in a trashcan behind the house.
• Obtaining the disposable cell phone record will reveal that it was used to make contact with Al-Liby at
Treasures of the East.
• Personal diary — left in her closet at the Sullivan estate, it details her discovery of circumstantial accounting
evidence at Atlantic Consulting Inc, implicating her father in her mother’s death. The accounting entry she
questioned was “Research — Steel Import Tariff, Impact on Northeast Manufacturers.” Cassandra knew that
her father had nothing to do with the steel industry. In addition, there were two payments, in equal
amounts, before and after her mother’s death.
• There are diary entries with names and embarrassing descriptions of men she and Katherine have had
relations with. Blackmail quality descriptions. They consist of security personnel, low-level Bostonian
lawyers, and the occasional son of a congressman.
• The diary’s last entry reads, “I’m taking them all out. This one’s for you, mom.”
• Copies of Atlantic Consulting Inc. financial records — Located in her FleetBoston Bank safe deposit box, with
handwritten notes. i.e. “Large cash transfer — two weeks before mom died, then same amount one week
afterwards. Payee doesn’t exist. We were in Aruba at time. Dad had account access.”
• Access logs in Senator Sullivan’s home computer will indicate it was accessed several times when the Senator
wasn’t there, but the daughters could have been. These accesses took place during the afternoon. The
computer is normally password protected against any other users.
• If specifically asked, Estella Medina (the housekeeper), will say she saw Cassandra on the Senator’s
computer once. Otherwise, she doesn’t consider it unusual enough to mention.
• If asked, Senator Sullivan says that the only people who knew of his change in schedule to visit Katrine
Iseman were his daughters.
• If requested, Cassandra’s background dossier indicates she and Katherine both own Colt 1908 holdout
pistols. They aren’t licensed to conceal carry (Cassandra has it in her purse today). They were purchased
because of a stalker incident several years back.
• If Cassandra and her father both survive their encounters, she’ll use her pistol to shoot her father, given an
opportune time. If the characters discover/deduce Cassandra’s plans before hearing Al-Liby’s tapes, they’ll
have to chance to stop Cassandra. They can either get to her “just in time,” or call in to have local security
do the same. Otherwise, her plans to shoot her father will succeed.

William Sullivan
• Contacting the family’s law firm (Reynolds, Washburne, and Cobb) reveals that Deborah Sullivan had
incomplete divorce papers on file, dated a month before her death.
• Sullivan runs on the “family first” platform, and has championed many welfare-related bills in the past.
• An inquiry of Sullivan’s clearance will reveal that he has access to classified National Security Agency and
Central Intelligence Agency records, including personnel files such as the Disavowed Lists.
• There will be a record at the CIA, listing Sullivan as having checked out the personnel file for Leonard Braca
• Checking “the word on the street” will reveal that Poacher was operating in the DC area last year, putting
him in proximity to the Sullivan family.
• There is one cell phone record on Sullivan’s bill that may stand out to characters. It’s a 20 second call to a
voicemail service in Arizona, which Sullivan used to order the hit on Katherine. He thought the call was short
enough for him to play off as a “wrong number.” The voicemail box is registered to Leonard Braca.
• Sullivan’s clearance level gives him access to “suspected terrorist” lists. There are about 20 names of people
that are in range of DC, though none of these is Al-Liby (aka Mansoor Anand). Being a sleeper cell leader,
Al-Liby is listed only as a “sympathizer,” of which there are hundreds.
• Sullivan’s death threat came in the form of a blank business card under his windshield wiper, with a
handwritten message. The Secret Service had already conducted an analysis of it, and didn’t find any useful
leads. (The characters can request it, but it’s too common a design for anything useful to be gleaned.)
• Sullivan hasn’t received any other death threats (for simplicity).
• UNITAS will tell the characters that Sullivan has been taking illegal campaign contributions, and that’s how
they’ve been able to keep him on the hook. The funds are laundered through his daughter Katherine’s
lobbying firm. The daughter appears ignorant in these matters.
• Katrine Iseman, the Senator’s girlfriend, has her affairs in order. Besides having notes on the Senator on her
home computer, in case they broke up and she needed a story idea, she’s not involved in any nefarious plots.
She became a naturalized US citizen 15 years ago.
• If confronted with any allegations of plotting his wife’s or Katherine’s murder, Sullivan will simply deny it. He
feels he can always denounce the charges as baseless allegations made up by a partisan smear job. If shown
proof, it provides an excellent method to gain leverage over the Senator.
• If confronted with evidence of Cassandra’s plans, he’ll work it as such: It’s a jealous daughter’s cry for
attention, a father doting too much on the elder twin’s successes, to which he’ll have Cassandra committed,
and put it on the 6 o’ clock news to garner sympathy.
• If the characters threaten to prosecute Sullivan, or to “take him down” politically in exchange for his
cooperation, they’ll need to either break cover, or deliver the necessary information to UNITAS so they can
lean on the Senator. Otherwise, Sullivan will be unimpressed.
• If the characters reveal their identities and corner Sullivan with no other option but disgrace, he’ll go for a
Walther PPK (.32 ACP) in his study’s drawer to take the only way out.
Anas Al-Liby
• Al-Liby (going by his alias, Mansoor Anand) is listed as being one of a few hundred sympathizers on the
terrorist watch lists. There are also 20 “suspected terrorists” on those lists that are in the DC area, but none
of these is Al-Liby.
• The Secret Service had canvassed the area around Katrine Iseman’s apartment for clues already. They didn’t
find anything of real value.
• An elderly woman in her apartment across from Katrine Iseman’s saw the minion that tailed the Senator. Her
eyesight is failing, and so can only describe the minion in vague terms. However, if characters question her,
she now remembers that the man was talking on his cell phone while he was putting something on the
Senator’s car. The minion was driving a “dark sedan.”
• A request for a list of cell phone calls made during Sullivan’s visit, combined with NSA’s suspected
terrorist/sympathizer list, will give a cross reference hit on Treasures of the East, located in downtown
Washington DC.
• Al-Liby had recorded all his conversations with Cassandra Sullivan and left them on the computer at his
office for someone to find. When the recordings are played, it will obviously be of one of the twins.
• Al-Liby’s background info will reveal that he owns a private cabin cruiser, with a slip at Annapolis Harbor on
the Chesapeake Bay.
• Al-Liby also owns a black midsize sedan.
• Treasures of the East’s telephone records will have several calls to the Egyptian Embassy.
• At the GC’s discretion, Al-Liby can either be at his office preparing to depart, on the road to Annapolis
Harbor, or already on the water in his cabin cruiser. Al-Liby’s boat will be fairly easy to locate, since he’ll
have a transponder operating while in the heavily traveled Chesapeake Bay.
• A quick check with the US Coast Guard or Navy will reveal only one vessel of Egyptian registry in the Bay at
this time.

Events are fluid after the scene(s) above. Providing that the following people survive the previous scenes,
their reactions are as follows:

William Sullivan will retreat to the US Capitol building if his house is rendered uninhabitable. Otherwise, he’ll
stay at his estate. He’ll also play it smooth whatever his plans result in, thinking that he’s covered all his bases,
especially since he has “people who need him around” (UNITAS). If Katherine is dead, he will be busy in his
study, closing Atlantic Consulting, Inc.’s back accounts and shredding the financial records. If asked, he’ll explain
he’s destroying copies of classified documents in order to consolidate them at his Capitol office.
Cassandra Sullivan will play off any failed attempt on her life, or the death(s) of her family, as the victim in
stony-faced shock. She’ll head for either the estate, or the Capitol building in order to find out what happened to
her father. If she heads to the Capitol, her purse, along with her Colt 1908 holdout pistol, will be overlooked by
Capitol security because of her near-assassination. If her father survived, she’ll take the first opportune time to
shoot him herself, while denouncing him as her mother’s killer. If the characters discover/deduce Cassandra’s
plans before hearing Al-Liby’s tapes, they’ll have to chance to stop Cassandra. They can either get to her “just in
time,” or call in to have local security do the same. Otherwise, her plans to shoot her father will succeed.
Katherine Sullivan will be hysterical after any attempts on her life, or if she loses any member of her family.
She’ll essentially become helpless, but willing to follow any orders that anyone in authority gives her.
Poacher will head for his room at a local motel, change clothes, then proceed to Reagan International. He’ll
leave the motorcycle and submachine gun in the parking structure and purchase a round trip ticket to Paris
before blending into the crowds.
Hicham Amidan, should he escape, will head for Annapolis to meet with Al-Liby in order to escape the
Sayid Bajadi, if he gives up on bombing the estate, heads to Reagan International Airport. He makes the
mistake of trying to drive the semi to the passenger car terminal instead of taking the cargo road, and is stopped
by security very early on. He will detonate the bomb, killing some airport security personnel and 25 civilians
Agents may start investigating red herrings, such as the Senator’s girlfriend, Katrine Iseman, or the maid,
Estella Medina. In such cases, it’s possible to have them spontaneously give clues as to the relationship between
the Senator and his daughters.
For example, Katrine can comment that Cassandra had suddenly changed her attitude a month back, for
what seems like no apparent reason.
Estella can volunteer that she saw Cassandra on the computer in the Senator’s study one time, and thought
it was strange.
Sense Motive checks on the character’s behalf can also automatically succeed, to suggest to them that
there’s something more beneath William and Cassandra Sullivan’s cool exteriors.
Also, many of the clues for each plotline can be difficult to obtain for characters who do not have social
backgrounds. For example, perusing CIA records to find out if William Sullivan checked out a Disavowed Agent’s
file isn’t an everyday activity. The GC is encouraged to have characters utilize the Request Check, with no Reserve
item requirement. Agents merely have to expend Action Dice and make the proper DC roll.
Finally, the GC may notice that there are few, if any DCs listed among the clues. This is intentional, due to
the almost infinite number of approaches players can come up with. The challenge here isn’t to meet a DC, but
for the characters to think out of the box. The GC is encouraged to let players be creative, and to reward them

Ending the Scene

The scene ends proceeds to one final chase sequence if the characters decide to go after Anas Al-Liby.


GC Description
Anas Al-Liby can be found at any of three locations, depending on GC discretion.
Treasures of the East (1301 K St NW, Washington, DC) is located in downtown Washington D.C. It’s a small
store, 30-ft. x 50-ft., with one exit to the street, some tasteful Persian artifacts on free standing shelves, and a
large storage area in the back with a roll-up door to an alley. There will be a single desk and computer at the
shop, with assorted filing cabinets.
If Al-Liby is here, he’ll be in the company of several minions.
Once Al-Liby feels his plans have been given enough time to resolve themselves, he’ll take to the highway in
his dark sedan, on the most direct path to Annapolis Harbor. The highway has two-lanes in each direction (20 ft.
wide lanes), with a grassy divider (20 ft. wide). There will be traffic present, and the terrain is considered close.
The road is once again
Once on the ocean, the terrain is considered open, but there are civilian vessels around to witness any
explosions that might happen. At the GC’s discretion, a US Coast Guard cutter will respond to any civilian distress
Al-Liby will prefer to be a passenger in both the sedan and the cabin cruiser, and always keep his weapons
within easy reach.
The AK47 will be Al-Liby’s primary weapon, but the semiautomatic shotgun in combination with This is My
Boomstick, should prove useful on the cabin cruiser to repel any boarders. If necessary, he’ll resort to using the
stun gun in combination with Battering Blows.
The Egyptian freighter Hazim that Al-Liby will be rendezvousing with is crewed with several minions. In
addition to assault rifles, they also have two RSA RPG-7 rocket launchers (4d12 explosive, 1–4/20, 5-ft. blast
increment, 1S5, 50’, INA(–18), SLD (3)) with 10 loads between the two. The freighter’s ready to receive Al-Liby
and any compatriots via a 40’ boarding ladder they’ll extend over the ship’s side.
If starting a Chase on the ocean, the freighter plays no part until Al-Liby wins as the Prey. Then it places his
boat at the freighter’s boarding ladder, with the characters 500 ft. (10 lead points) away.
Ending the Scene
The scene ends with the capture or death of Al-Liby. If he didn’t make it to the freighter, the Hazim proceeds
out to sea, and its crew will carefully hide the weapons in its massive hold.
If a fight erupts that involves the freighter’s crew, they will fight until Al-Liby is taken down. The men on the
freighter will then surrender, unless it looks like they can capture characters to use as hostages for their escape.

There are several possible outcomes for the NPCs in this mission, and the GC is expected to tailor the end
appropriately. The common endings are as follows:

William Sullivan
Dies at the hands of the suicide bomber
Dies at the hand of Cassandra Sullivan
Commits suicide due to unrecoverable, personal disgrace
Survives but is no longer at the control of UNITAS’ blackmailer
Survives and remains under UNITAS’ control (leverage via his arranging murders, or other tactic)

Cassandra Sullivan
Dies at the hands of the Shahada hit squad
Is committed to a mental institution by her father
Is arrested for the murder of Senator Sullivan / collaboration with a terrorist cell for murder

Katherine Sullivan
Dies at the hands of the Shahada hit squad or Poacher
Becomes despondent over her sister’s/father’s death and/or betrayal

Katrine Iseman
Continues her relationship with the Senator, blissfully unaware of his dealings
Gets the Scoop of the Decade when the Senator dies, or is implicated in scandals

Estella Medina
Dies at the estate in the suicide bombing
Remains employed with Senator Sullivan
Has to find another job once the Sullivan family is disgraced/killed, wins the Powerball lottery

Refer to page 439 of the Spycraft 2.0 Rulebook for detailed instructions. XP is always awarded by character
and not by team. At the end of each mission, each character’s base XP reward increases by 25 per action die he
was rewarded during the mission (maximum 25 XP × his current career level). Thereafter, each character’s total
XP reward is equal to the mission’s base XP reward × (the character’s current career level or the team’s Threat
Level, whichever is lower).
Each character’s Reputation and Net Worth reward is included in the Intel Phase section. XP rewards are
already distributed between the mission’s objectives and NPC antagonists, as follows, and the mission’s base XP
reward is the sum of all applicable XP rewards for which the characters qualify. None of these numbers —
Reputation, Net Worth, or XP — may be modified. The GC must reward precisely what is listed here, modified
according to the instructions in the Spycraft 2.0 Rulebook.
Exposure and XP Reward Chains
A letter precedes each exposure penalty or XP reward (“A”, “B”, “C”, etc.). Each subsequent letter indicates
a higher level of exposure, a more difficult objective, or a tougher NPC, the penalty or reward for which replaces
the penalty or reward for all previous letters in the same chain.

Example: An XP chain might look something like this…

A. Reach the first checkpoint unnoticed: 25 XP.

B. Reach the second checkpoint unnoticed: 50 XP.

C. Reach the third checkpoint unnoticed: 75 XP.

In this case, if the team completes the “C”-class objective (it reaches the third checkpoint unnoticed), the
mission’s base XP reward is increased by 75. The mission’s base XP reward is not also increased by the “A”- and
“B”-class objectives.

Exposure Penalties
A. Breaking Secret Service cover to the Sullivans: –4 Reputation/–$200,000 Net Worth
A. Agents’ use of explosives/heavy weapons in a public setting that isn’t given a credible explanation: –2
Reputation/–$100,000 Net Worth
A. Combat in a public setting that isn’t given a credible explanation: –1 Reputation/–$50,000 Net Worth

General XP Rewards
Team Accepts Secret Service Agent Bundle: –24 XP

Objectives and Security: Scene 1

A. Preemptively tracking Al-Liby successfully (before the attacks): 50 XP

Objectives and Security: Scene 2a

A. Protecting one daughter from harm: 50 XP
B. Protecting both daughters from harm: 75 XP

Objectives and Security: Scene 2b

A. Ensuring that Senator Sullivan survives the scene: 50 XP

Objectives and Security: Scene 3

A. Finding evidence of Cassandra’s collaboration w/ Al-Liby: 25 XP
A. Finding circumstantial evidence William Sullivan plotted his wife’s death: 25 XP
A. Finding evidence William Sullivan plotted Katherine’s death: 25 XP
A. Making sure William Sullivan stays a “UNITAS man”: 25 XP

Objectives and Security: Scene 4

A. Preventing Cassandra from shooting her father (if both survived): 50 XP
NPC Antagonists
Special Note: Each NPC antagonist’s XP reward is applied only once, no matter how many times the NPC is
encountered during the mission or how the encounter was resolved (e.g. whether the NPC, or members of an NPC
group, were captured, killed, or met other fates).

Encountering Van Minions: 53 XP

Encountering Terrorist Minions: 54 XP
Encountering Hicham Ahmidan: 200 XP (4 x 50 XP)
Encountering Poacher: 236 XP (4 x 59 XP)
Encountering Sayid Bajadi: 268 XP (4 x 67 XP)
Encountering Anas Al-Liby: 380 XP (4 x 95 XP)

Double Your Troubles (Accomplishment): You know have carnal knowledge of the Sullivan twins… as do
they of you. How they’ll use that information remains to be seen. This cert is only awarded if a character engages
in sexual relations with one or both of the twins, and one of them survives the mission.

Scene 1: Just Us Honest Folks Here
The following NPCs are encountered in Scene 1 and later as described throughout the mission text.

Senator William Sullivan

A politician and opportunist, he’s carefully crafted a self-image over years of careful planning. The image is
so ingrained in his psyche that he’s prepared to sacrifice his family in order to preserve it. If faced with no option
but disgrace, there is a Walter PPK in his study’s desk drawer. If he can’t have his self-image, then he has nothing
left at all.

William Sullivan (Standard NPC — 67 XP): Init IV, Atk II; Def III; Resilience III; Damage Save V; Competence
VII; Skills: Bluff IX, Bureaucracy IX, Impress VII, Networking V; Wealth VIII; Weapons: .32 ACP Walther PPK
backup pistol (dmg 1d6+1 lethal, error 1–2, threat 20, ammo 7M8, range 15 ft., SZ/Hand D/1h, qualities: DST);
Gear: None; Vehicle: None; Qualities: superior attribute (Cha 16).

Init: Atk: Def: Res: Damage Save: Comp:

Katherine / Cassandra Sullivan

Although experts in navigating the political and social scenes, they are almost useless when threatened, and
resort to simple flight-or-flight instincts. Only Cassandra carries the holdout pistol in her purse, mainly for use in
her Endgame. Katherine doesn’t carry hers, and left it at the estate.

Sullivan Twins (Standard NPC — 47 XP): Init III, Atk II; Def II; Resilience III; Damage Save V; Competence V;
Skills: Bluff VII, Impress VII; Wealth VII; Weapons: Colt Model 1908 holdout pistol (dmg 1d6 lethal, error 1, threat
20, ammo 6M8, range 10 ft., SZ/Hand F/1h, qualities: DEP, INA(–1)); Gear: None; Vehicle: Sports coupe with
luxury fittings (SZ: L (2x3), Occ: 1+3, A/T: 5/5, MPH: 70/125, Def/Save: 9/+7, Cargo: 100 lbs., range/fuel: 6/gas,
qualities: LUX, upgrades: luxury fittings); Qualities: superior attribute (Cha 16).

Init: Atk: Def: Res: Damage Save: Comp:

Scene 2a: Like, Get Out of the Way
The following NPCs are encountered in Scene 2a and later as described throughout the mission text.

Hicham Ahmidan
Hicham is a True Believer, and will go to any lengths to accomplish his mission. His goal is to kill the
daughters of William Sullivan, and he will sacrifice himself or anyone else necessary in order to carry out his
mission. His men share his devotion. Hicham will leave the driving to his minions, who have trained for this
moment. His skills lie in the use of his weapons.

Hicham Ahmidan (Special NPC — 200 XP): Init V; Atk V; Def V; Resilience V; v/wp: V; Competence: V; Skills:
None; Wealth: IV; Weapons: RSA AK-47 assault rifle (dmg 3d6 lethal, error 1–2, threat 20, ammo 30M5, range
125 ft., SZ/Hand S/2h, qualities: DEP); Gear: None; Vehicle: Delivery van (SZ: L (2x3), Occ: 1+6, A/T: 4/4, MPH:
65/105, Def/Save: 9/+7, Cargo: 800 lbs., range/fuel: 8/gas); Qualities: feat (Marksmanship Basics, Marksmanship
Mastery), minion, superior attribute (Dex 18).

Init: Atk: Def: Res: v/wp: Comp:

Van Minion
These Shahada terrorists are willing to sacrifice themselves for their mission, though they aren’t foolhardy.
They will follow Hicham’s orders unquestioningly, and take over for him should he fall.

Van Minion (Standard NPC — 53 XP): Init VII; Atk IV; Def VI; Resilience V; Damage Save: IV; Competence:
V; Skills: Drive VIII; Wealth: III; Weapons: RSA AK-47 assault rifle (dmg 3d6 lethal, error 1–2, threat 20, ammo
30M5, range 125 ft., SZ/Hand S/2h, qualities: DEP); Gear: None; Vehicle: None; Qualities: feat (Baby It, Daredevil,
Offensive Driving), minion, superior attribute (Dex 12).

Init: Atk: Def: Res: DS: Comp:

Leonard Braca, “Poacher”

An ex-CIA agent who was disavowed due to his instability, he’s made a name for himself as a problem-solver
for hire. His latest assignment for William Sullivan looks to be a plum assignment, and if he sees that the
terrorists are actually his job for him, all the better. He’ll simply ride off and claim the kill for his own. Otherwise,
he’ll get the job done, though not at the expense of saving his own skin.

Poacher (Special NPC — 284 XP): Init V; Atk V; Def V; Resilience V; v/wp: V; Competence: V; Skills: Drive VI,
Notice VIII; Wealth: V; Weapons: MAC M10 light SMG with armor-piercing ammunition (dmg 1d12 lethal (AP 3),
error 1–3, threat 19–20, ammo 32M3, range 25 ft., SZ/Hand D/1h, qualities: IMP, NFM (B/F), TKD); Gear: None;
Vehicle: Touring motorcycle (SZ: M (1x2), Occ: 1+1, A/T: 7/7, MPH: 63/108, Def/Save: 10/+6, Cargo: 75 lbs.,
range/fuel: 3/gas, qualities: OPN (no cover), upgrades: Acceleration increase); Qualities: feat (Baby It, Offensive
Driving, One Hand on the Wheel, Marksmanship Basics, Marksmanship Mastery), henchman, superior attribute
(Dex 18).

Init: Atk: Def: Res: v/wp: Comp:

Scene 2b: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?
The following NPCs are encountered in Scene 2b and later as described throughout the mission text.

Sayid Bajadi
Hicham is a True Believer, but does not lack imagination and initiative. His goal is to kill William Sullivan, and
he won’t sacrifice himself merely hoping for success. He wants confirmation that his target is actually in the
house. Once he’s committed to the house, however, he will either succeed or die trying.

Sayid Bajadi (Special NPC — 268 XP): Init VII; Atk V; Def V; Resilience V; v/wp: V; Competence: V; Skills:
Drive VIII; Wealth: IV; Weapons: RSA AK-47 assault rifle (dmg 3d6 lethal, error 1–2, threat 20, ammo 30M5,
range 125 ft., SZ/Hand S/2h, qualities: DEP); Gear: None; Vehicle: Tractor trailer with 1 semi-trailer (SZ: C (2x5 +
2x28), Occ: 1+1, A/T: 0/2, MPH: 55/90, Def/Save: 8/+15 and 8/+10, Cargo: 200 lbs. + 30 tons, range/fuel:
20/diesel, qualities: TRO); Qualities: damage reduction 2/—, feat (Baby It, Daredevil), minion, superior attribute
(Dex 18).

Init: Atk: Def: Res: v/wp: Comp:

Secret Service Agent

These dedicated men and women of the United States Secret Service will put themselves in harm’s way in
order to protect their charges, sacrificing their lives if necessary.

Secret Service Agent (Standard NPC — 63 XP): Init V; Atk V; Def V; Resilience V; Damage Save: V;
Competence: V; Skills: Notice VIII, Search VIII; Wealth: IV; Weapons: IMI Uzi heavy SMG (dmg 1d10+1 lethal,
error 1–3, threat 20, ammo 32M4, range 30 ft., SZ/Hand T/2h, qualities: CLS); Vehicle: Heavy SUV (SZ: L (2x3),
Occ: 1+6, A/T: 3/3, MPH: 65/100, Def/Save: 9/+8, Cargo: 1,400 lbs., range/fuel: 5/gas, qualities: ORD (no cover)),
Qualities: damage reduction 2/—, tough (2 saves).

Init: Atk: Def: Res: DS: Comp:

Scene 4: Endgame’s a Switch

The following NPCs are encountered in Scene 4 and later as described throughout the mission text.

Anas Al-Liby
Anas is a True Believer, though he feels that through the work of minions, he is most effective in the jihad
against the West. However, he is perfectly willing to sacrifice himself for his Divine work, should the only other
option be capture and disgrace. He prefers to let his minions do the driving, so that he can more efficiently
spread the Will of God.

Anas Al-Liby (Special NPC — 380 XP): Init VII; Atk VII; Def VII; Resilience VII; v/wp VII; Competence VII;
Wealth V; Weapons: RSA Melee stun gun (dmg 5d4 electrical, error 1, threat 18–20, qualities: FIN), AK-47 assault
rifle (dmg 3d6 lethal, error 1–2, threat 20, ammo 30M5, range 125 ft., SZ/Hand S/2h, qualities: DEP, upgrades:
standard laser sight), Reutech Striker semi-automatic shotgun (dmg 2d12 lethal, error 1–2, threat 19–20, ammo
12S40, range 30 ft., SZ/Hand S/2h, qualities: NFM (S/B/F), TKD); Gear: None; Vehicle: Midsize sedan (SZ: L (2x3),
Occ: 1+3, A/T: 5/3, MPH: 65/110, Def/Save: 9/+8, Cargo: 200 lbs., range/fuel: 7/gas), Cabin cruiser (SZ: L (2x6),
Occ: 1+5, A/T: 1/1, MPH: 25/45, Def/Save: 9/+8, Cargo: 400 lbs., range/fuel: 5/gas, qualities: OPN (1/2 cover));
Qualities: feat (Baby It, Battering Blows, CQB Basics, CQB Mastery, Daredevil, Darting Weapon, Defensive
Driving, Jackrabbit Start, One Hand on the Wheel, This is My Boomstick), henchman, superior attribute (Dex 18,
Str 18).

Init: Atk: Def: Res: v/wp: Comp:

Terrorist Minion
These Shahada terrorists are willing to sacrifice themselves for their mission, though they aren’t foolhardy.
They will follow Al-Liby’s orders unquestioningly.

Terrorist Minion (Standard NPC — 54 XP): Init VII; Atk V; Def V; Resilience V; Damage Save: IV;
Competence: V; Skills: Drive VIII; Wealth: III; Weapons: RSA AK-47 assault rifle (dmg 3d6 lethal, error 1–2, threat
20, ammo 30M5, range 125 ft., SZ/Hand S/2h, qualities: DEP); Gear: None; Vehicle: None; Qualities: feat (Baby It,
Daredevil, Offensive Driving), minion, superior attribute (Dex 12).

Init: Atk: Def: Res: DS: Comp:

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14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it
15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Open Game License v1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Rules Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast,
Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Spycraft 2.0 Rulebook, Copyright
2005, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Alexander Flagg, Scott Gearin, and Patrick Kapera. Spycraft Espionage Handbook Copyright 2002,
Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Patrick Kapera and Kevin Wilson. Spycraft 1960s Decade Book Copyright 2003, Alderac Entertainment Group,
Inc.; Authors Robert J. Defendi, B.D. Flory, Scott Gearin, Clayton A. Oliver. Spycraft Agency Copyright 2004, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors
Steve Crow, Alexander Flagg, B.D. Flory, Clayton A. Oliver, Steven Peterson. Spycraft Battlegrounds Copyright 2005, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.;
Authors Andy C. Davis, Alexander Flagg, Clayton A. Oliver, Jason Olsan, Patrick Parrish. Spycraft Mastermind Guide Copyright 2004, Alderac Entertainment
Group, Inc.; Authors Steve Crow, Alexander Flagg, B.D. Flory, Clayton A. Oliver. Spycraft U.S. Militaries Guide Copyright 2004, Alderac Entertainment
Group, Inc.; Authors Dave McAlister, Clayton A. Oliver, Patrick Kapera. Spycraft World Militaries Guide Copyright 2004, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.;
Authors Dave McAlister, Clayton A. Oliver, Patrick Kapera. Spycraft Modern Arms Guide Copyright 2002, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Chad
Brunner, Tim D’Allaird, Rob Dake, Michael Fish, Scott Gearin, Owen Hershey, Patrick Kapera, Michael Petrovich, Jim Wardrip, Stephen Wilcoxon. Spycraft
Faceman/Snoop Class Guide Copyright 2003, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Alexander Flagg, Clayton A. Oliver. Spycraft Fixer/Pointman Class
Guide Copyright 2003, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Scott Gearin. Spycraft Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide Copyright 2003, Alderac
Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Chad Brunner, Shawn Carman, B.D. Flory, Scott Gearin, Patrick Kapera.


This Living Spycraft™ mission is done under version 1.0a of the Open Game License and the draft version of the d20 System Trademark License, d20 System
Trademark Logo Guide and System Reference Document by permission of Wizards of the Coast. Subsequent printings of this book will incorporate final versions of
the license, guide and document.
Crafty Games’ intention is to open up as much of this Living Spycraft mission as possible to be used as Open Game Content (OGC), while maintaining
Product Identity (PI) to all aspects of the Spycraft intellectual property. Publishers who wish to use the OGC materials from this book are encouraged to contact if they have any questions or concerns about reproducing material from this Living Spycraft mission in other OGL works. Crafty Games would
appreciate anyone using OGC material from this Living Spycraft mission in other OGL works to kindly reference this Living Spycraft mission by name (“Triple
Play”) as the source of that material within the text of their work. Open Game Content may only be used under and in accordance with the terms of the OGL as
fully set forth in the opposite column.
DESIGNATION OF PRODUCT IDENTITY: The following items are hereby designated as Product Identity in accordance with section 1(e) of the Open Game
License, version 1.0a: Any and all Spycraft logos and identifying marks and trade dress, including all Spycraft product and product line names including but not
limited to The Spycraft 2.0 Rulebook, Flags, Ten Thousand Bullets, the Toolkit series, World on Fire, The Spycraft Espionage Handbook, Control Screen, Agency
Guide, Battlegrounds Sourcebook, Mastermind Guide, Modern Arms Guide, Faceman/Snoop Class Guide, Fixer/Pointman Class Guide, Soldier/Wheelman Class
Guide, Season Book #1: Gentleman’s Agreement and all subsequent Season Books, 1960s Decade Book and all subsequent Decade Books, The Shadowforce
Archer Worldbook, The African Alliance Chamber Book, The Archer Foundation Chamber Book, The Company Chamber Book, The European Commonwealth
Chamber Book, The Guardians of the Whispering Knife Chamber Book, The Pan-Asian Collective Chamber Book, The Room 39 Chamber Book, The Russian
Confederacy Chamber Book, and all subsequent Chamber Books, The Hand of Glory Threat Book, The P.E.R.I.L. Threat Book, The Shop Threat Book, and all
subsequent Threat Books, website support materials (including, but not limited to, all free game support items such as Living Spycraft. Shadowforce Archer, and
other setting missions and the Errata and Master Rules Documents), and all Spycraft logos; any elements of any Spycraft setting, including but not limited to
capitalized names, organization names, Faction names, project names, code names, characters, gadgets, historic events, and organizations; any and all stories,
storylines, plots, thematic elements, documents within the game world, quotes from characters or documents, and dialogue; and all artwork, logos, symbols,
designs, depictions, illustrations, maps and cartography, likenesses, and poses, except such elements that already appear in the d20 System Reference Document
and are already OGC by virtue of appearing there. The above Product Identity is not Open Game Content.
DESIGNATION OF OPEN CONTENT: Subject to the Product Identity designation above, all portions of this Living Spycraft mission are designated as Open
Gaming Content.
USE OF MATERIAL AS OPEN GAME CONTENT: It is the clear and expressed intent of Crafty Games to add all classes, skills, feats, gear, and NPC statistics
contained in this volume to the canon of Open Game Content for free use pursuant to the Open Game License by future Open Game publishers.
Some of the portions of this release which are delineated OGC originate from the System Reference Document and are © 1999, 2000 Wizards of the Coast,
Inc. The remainder of these OGC portions of this book are hereby added to Open Game Content and if so used, should bear the COPYRIGHT NOTICE: “Spycraft
Copyright 2006, Crafty Games.”
The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned.
‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20 System’ logo are Trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are used according to the terms of the d20 System License
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Dungeons & Dragons® and Wizards of the Coast® are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, and are used with permission.
All contents of this release, regardless of designation, are copyrighted year 2006 by Crafty Games. All rights reserved. Reproduction or use without the written
permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden, except for the purposes of review of use consistent with the limited license above.

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