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The majority of the treasure a PC receives reaches them in one of two ways: a) as loot from climactic
battles; or b) as rewards after or before an adventure from a PC’s patron/quest giver/icon connections.
The same can be true for coin rewards that enable a PC to buy consumables and runes they want for a
particular mission.

Loot per Heal-Up

D20 Loot
1-2 Useless stuff, fake potions, costume jewelry, petty cash, nothing important gained
3-4 One Elixir of Life, Antidote, or Antiplague, PC level or lower
5-8 One consumable Alchemical item or a Healing Potion, PC level +2 or lower
9-12 One consumable Alchemical or Magical item, PC level +2 or lower
13-16 Two consumable Alchemical or Magical item, PC level +2 or lower; or one uncommon of PC
17-18 Three consumable Alchemical or Magical item, PC level +2 or lower; or one common of PC
level +2 or lower and one uncommon of PC level or lower; or one rare of PC level or lower
19-20 As above; or 1 consumable Alchemical or Magical item and 1 property rune, PC level +2 or
lower; or one uncommon property rune of PC level or lower.

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