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Update on the Monkeypox Outbreak


Carlos del Rio, MD The current monkeypox outbreak was declared a Pub- In the current outbreak, common symptoms also in-
Division of Infectious lic Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) clude anorectal pain, proctitis with bleeding, and penile
Diseases, Department by the World Health Organization (WHO) director- edema with balanitis and phimosis. Sore throat, odyno-
of Internal Medicine,
general on July 23, 2022. As of August 9, 2022, nearly phagia, epiglottitis, and tonsillitis are also reported.
Grady Health System,
Emory University 32 000 confirmed cases of monkeypox had been re- The largest series published to date included 528 pa-
School of Medicine, ported across 82 nonendemic countries.1 Given the rapid tients across 16 countries; 98% of the cases were among
Atlanta, Georgia. pace with which cases are being diagnosed, a coordi- men who identified as gay or bisexual and 41% were liv-
nated international response is essential.2 ing with HIV. The most common locations of lesions were
Preeti N. Malani, MD,
The first US case of monkeypox was reported on the anogenital area (73%); trunk, arms, or legs (55%);
Division of Infectious May 7, 2022, and as of August 9, 2022, nearly 9500 con- face (25%); and palms and soles (10%). Most persons
Diseases, Department firmed cases have been reported. On August 4, 2022, had fewer than 10 lesions and almost 10% presented
of Internal Medicine, the Biden administration declared monkeypox a public with a single genital lesion.6
University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor; and health emergency, giving federal agencies the ability to For most individuals, monkeypox is not life-
Associate Editor, JAMA. quickly direct funds toward vaccines, therapeutics, and threatening but it is disruptive and painful and could
other immediate needs. generate social stigma. Known complications of
monkeypox may include pneumonia, encephalitis, and
How Is Monkeypox Spread? eye infections, which occur mostly in children younger
Multimedia Monkeypox is transmitted primarily through direct skin- than 8 years and individuals who are immunocompro-
to-skin contact with infectious lesions. In the current out- mised or pregnant. Hospitalization is uncommon and
break, most cases have occurred among men who ac- the major reason for admission has been pain control,
quired the infection through sexual or intimate contact typically from anorectal or oral pain. People with
with other men. Contact with materials used by a per- monkeypox should remain in isolation for the duration
son with monkeypox including clothing, bedding, or sex of illness, which typically lasts 2 to 4 weeks. Mortality is
toys may lead to transmission.3 rare, but so far at least 4 people in nonendemic coun-
Monkeypox can be transmitted during sexual activ- tries have died.7
ity, but it is not considered to be a sexually transmitted
infection because the virus can be acquired without Testing for Monkeypox
having sex. In addition, even though the monkeypox Any unusual skin lesion, particularly in the anogenital
virus has been detected in semen, it remains unclear if area, should be investigated. The rash may be limited to
monkeypox can be transmitted through semen, vaginal a few lesions or only a single lesion. The CDC’s nonva-
secretions, urine, or feces.4 Transmission may occur riola orthopoxvirus polymerase chain reaction test
across the placenta to the fetus in pregnant people. It is (cleared by the US Food and Drug Administration [FDA])
unknown if the virus can be transmitted by individuals can detect monkeypox and is the test currently being
without skin lesions or how often the virus is spread performed. With testing expanded to 5 commercial labo-
through respiratory secretions. The virus is not spread ratories, access to testing has increased; however, re-
by casual contact. sults are still taking 2 to 3 days in many places. There are
no data supporting the use of other sample types such
Clinical Characteristics as blood, saliva, or genital secretions for testing.
As of July 25, 2022, the US Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) reported that 99.1% of US cases are Treatment
among individuals assigned male sex at birth, with a me- For most patients, the management is symptomatic, in-
dian age of 35 years (range 18-76 years).5 Most of the cases cluding treatment of pain. Monkeypox is a member of the
have occurred among men who have sex with men but Orthopoxvirus genus in the family Poxviridae, another
at least 13 cases have been reported among persons as- member of that genus is the variola virus, which causes
signed female sex at birth, including one pregnant indi- smallpox. As a result, while there are no antivirals cur-
vidual, and at least 2 children have become infected. rently approved for monkeypox, tecovirimat, an antivi-
The mean incubation period from time of expo- ral drug approved for the treatment of smallpox based on
sure to first symptom onset has been estimated at 7.6 animal data, has been made available to treat monkey-
days (95% CI, 6.2-9.7),5 with 95% of individuals devel- pox via an expanded access Investigational New Drug
Author: Carlos
oping symptoms within 17.1 days. The initial symptoms (IND) protocol. Tecovirimat is available as an oral capsule
del Rio, MD, are those of a flu-like illness with fever, malaise, head- and as an injectable for intravenous administration.
Emory University ache, and fatigue often accompanied by lymphadenop- Treatment is currently recommended for people in-
School of Medicine,
athy. Shortly after the prodrome, a rash appears with le- fected with monkeypox with severe disease or who are
49 Jesse Hill Jr Dr SE,
Atlanta, GA 30303 sions starting as macules that progress to papules, at high risk for severe disease (individuals who are im-
( vesicles, and then pustules before scabbing. munocompromised, pregnant or lactating, or have atopic (Reprinted) JAMA Published online August 11, 2022 E1

© 2022 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Downloaded From: by Theresa Ochoa on 08/11/2022

Opinion Viewpoint

dermatitis; children <8 years) and those with 1 or more complica- currently only administering a single dose of JYNNEOS vaccine.
tions. The CDC and FDA recently simplified the protocol by stream- On August 9, 2022, the FDA issued an Emergency Use Authoriza-
lining the postadministration monitoring and data requirements. tion (EUA) for the JYNNEOS vaccine to allow clinicians to use the vac-
In addition, several clinical trials (PALM-007, PLATINUM, WHO/ARNS, cine by intradermal injection for individuals aged 18 years or older
and ACTG5418) are underway or planned to provide necessary data who are determined to be at high risk for monkeypox infection.
on the safety and efficacy of tecovirimat for monkeypox. Optimal This is expected to increase the total number of doses available for
drug absorption of the oral formulation requires concurrent intake use by up to 5-fold. The lower dose is immunologically noninferior
of a high-fat meal (ideally about 600 calories and 25 g of fat). to the standard dose, but it is more reactogenic.10

Vaccines Preventing Spread of Infection

Currently, 2 vaccines can be used to prevent monkeypox: the With appropriate use of personal protective equipment, the risk of
Bavarian Nordic JYNNEOS vaccine, which is FDA approved for small- transmission of monkeypox in the health care setting is low. Health
pox and monkeypox, and ACAM2000, approved only for smallpox care workers should wear a gown, gloves, eye protection, and
but granted an expanded-access IND protocol allowing use against a NIOSH-approved particulate respirator equipped with N95 filters
monkeypox. The JYNNEOS vaccine uses a live, attenuated vaccinia or higher. A patient with suspected or confirmed monkeypox infec-
virus that is incapable of replicating, and it is administered as a 2-dose tion should be masked immediately, have lesions covered with
series. Peak antibody response occurs 2 weeks after receipt of the a gown or sheet, and be placed in isolation in a single-person room.
2-dose JYNNEOS vaccine. The ACAM2000 vaccine uses a live vac- A person with monkeypox infection should avoid close con-
cinia virus capable of replicating and is administered as a single dose tact with others until the skin lesions are completely healed, which
but requires multiple skin punctures. Both vaccines are thought can take several weeks. It is unknown whether recovery from
to be at least 85% effective at preventing monkeypox. 8 The monkeypox protects against subsequent infection but given the lim-
ACAM2000 vaccine has comparable immunogenicity to that of ited supply of vaccine, individuals already infected should not be
the Dryvax vaccine (the previously licensed smallpox vaccine) and, prioritized for vaccination.
like Dryvax, it has been associated with an unexpectedly high rate
of myocarditis and pericarditis.9 Public Health Lessons
A helpful feature of both vaccines is that they can be adminis- The current monkeypox outbreak illustrates why global health can-
tered as postexposure prophylaxis. When administered up to 4 days not be ignored. Despite monkeypox being endemic in Africa for
after exposure, vaccination can prevent disease onset altogether, decades, clinical trials on treatments and vaccines were not done.
but even receipt of vaccination up to 2 weeks following exposure Now more than 3 months into the global monkeypox outbreak,
can reduce symptom severity. there is much to learn. While test capacity has been increased,
The Biden administration is working to increase availability of more is needed. Contact tracing is not happening, and data sys-
the JYNNEOS vaccine, but vaccine supply is still severely limited with tems are not informing the response in rapid fashion. Many indi-
around 1 million doses available in the US. In contrast, more than viduals at risk for monkeypox may not be engaged with the health
100 million doses of ACAM2000 are available in the Strategic Na- care system, making diagnosis, containment, and prevention
tional Stockpile. Given the urgency of the situation, some have ad- challenging. The demand for vaccines far exceeds availability.
vocated for use of the ACAM2000 but the high risk of adverse Although the supply of tecovirimat has increased, this drug must
events, risk if administered to people who are immunocompro- still be used under an IND protocol, which limits access. In addition,
mised or with certain skin conditions like eczema, and operational a decentralized and wholly underresourced public health infra-
issues (administration requires a bifurcated needle) make JYNNEOS structure is even more strained as officials must now respond to
a better choice. Given limited supplies, most health departments are both COVID-19 and monkeypox.

ARTICLE INFORMATION 3. Guarner J, Del Rio C, Malani PN. Monkeypox in 7. Soucheray S. Non-endemic countries record first
Published Online: August 11, 2022. 2022: what clinicians need to know. JAMA. 2022; monkeypox deaths. CIDRAP News. August 1, 2022.
doi:10.1001/jama.2022.14857 328(2):139-140. doi:10.1001/jama.2022.10802
4. Lapa D, Carletti F, Mazzotta V, et al. Monkeypox 2022/08/non-endemic-countries-record-first-
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr del Rio monkeypox-deaths
reported receipt of grants from the National virus isolation from a semen sample collected in the
Institutes of Health/National Institute of Allergy and early phase of infection in a patient with prolonged 8. CDC. Monkeypox and smallpox vaccine
Infectious Diseases to his institution. No other seminal viral shedding. Lancet Inf Dis. Published guidance. Accessed August 5, 2022. https://www.
disclosures were reported. online August 2, 2022. doi:10.1016/S1473-3099(22)
00513-8 vaccine.html
REFERENCES 5. CDC. Technical Report: Multi-National 9. Nalca A, Zumbrun EE. ACAM2000: the new
1. CDC. 2022 U.S. monkeypox outbreak. Accessed Monkeypox Outbreak, United States, 2022. smallpox vaccine for United States Strategic
August 9, 2022. Updated July 28, 2022. Accessed August 2, 2022. National Stockpile. Drug Des Devel Ther. 2010;4:71-
monkeypox/response/2022/index.html 79. doi:10.2147/DDDT.S3687
clinicians/technical-report.html 10. Frey SE, Wald A, Edupuganti S, et al.
2. Nuzzo JB, Borio LL, Gostin LO. The WHO
declaration of monkeypox as a global health 6. Thornhill JP, Barkati S, Walmsley S, et al. Comparison of lyophilized versus liquid modified
emergency. JAMA. Published online July 27, 2022. Monkeypox virus infection in humans across 16 vaccinia Ankara (MVA) formulations and
doi:10.1001/jama.2022.12513 countries: April-June 2022. N Engl J Med. Published subcutaneous versus intradermal routes of
online July 21, 2022. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa2207323 administration in healthy vaccinia-naïve subjects.
Vaccine. 2015;33(39):5225-5234. doi:10.1016/j.

E2 JAMA Published online August 11, 2022 (Reprinted)

© 2022 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Downloaded From: by Theresa Ochoa on 08/11/2022

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